zoom bridge: https://zoom.us/j/283628617
Duration 60 minutes
Duration Agenda Item
Requested by Notes / Links START RECORDING AntiTrust Message 10min CSIT review Currently few failing jobs - please direct attention to getting these tests functioning correctly.
Useless CSIT test elimination
20 mins El-Alto Release Project Status in El-Alto Release
OJSI CVE patches due 10 Oct 2019 - this will trigger the longevity build/test run OOM branch for El Alto - Mike Elliott branching today Close/move all open/in-process jiras to a future release Check the certification expiry of your application. It should be valid for the next 9 months after RC0. 1: El Alto Release Integration Test Blocking Issues Morgan Richomme & Brian Freeman - review the integration/test status of El Alto0: Integration Weather Board for El Alto Release Review El-Alto Risks Security (Pawel)/Amy): Review CII-badging status Paweł Pawlak OJSI status Vulnerability wiki updates needed - CCSDK, DCAE, DmaaP, Holmes, UUI, VNFSDK El Alto Remaining MilestonesCompletion of Integration Testing: Oct 3rd, 2019 → Oct 17th, 2019 El-Alto Sign-Off on Oct 10th, 2918 → Oct 24th, 2019
Request from the marketing team for El Alto highlights (Coming Soon) Documentation branch has been created Update the release name in RTD Frankfurt to update the deliverables by milestone and doc types (dev guides, theory of ops, user guides...) tracking Tracker similar to Integration Weather Board/pair-wise testing with use cases Proposal for a per release docs champion - volunteers? https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/oom/+/96405/
OOM to review (and merge) gerrit
- blocking OOFPTLs: Help close out open OOM issues 10min Frankfurt Planning - Focus on the subcommittees Frankfurt schedule review Frankfurt Release Requirements Requirements freeze - Sept 27 27/35 requirements with corresponding JIRA issues in REQ oparent/AAF/CCSDK/Portal/SDC SDK released jar artifacts - need a deliverable milestone (M3? before M4) David McBride Python2 to python3 upgrade is a requirement for Frankfurt 5min LF Infrastructure/Rel process 10 mins Remaining Action Items PTL Weekly ONAP12, Mon UTC 13:00 5 min Docker tagging Question to teams/LF if x.y.z-KEYWORD-yyyymmddThhmmssZ tagging necessary and to be continued as python job templates do not support it.
Independent Versioning and Release Process#StandardizedDockerTagging
IT-17739/RELENG-2422 opened to address the template changes for timestamp based image tagging
15min ONAP release cadence Chaker Al-Hakim Explore release process cadence
Zoom Chat Log
Action Items David McBride add check on certificate status (update if < 9 mos) to RC0 requirements for FrankfurtDavid McBride add Frankfurt requirement for Python2 ==> Python3 change