TSC 2024-10-24

TSC 2024-10-24

BRIDGE: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/94501391330?password=c2f4cfa9-d9f5-4156-9ab2-c141fcdf671f

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
China Telecom

Agenda Items

Presented By


Strategy (45 minutes)

ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Byung-Woo Jun

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates

Operations (40 minutes)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Oslo Release Status

Byung-Woo Jun

Support for Oslo Release

Andreas Geißler

Paweł Pawlak

Byung-Woo Jun

Long-Term Support

Paweł Pawlak
  • Long term support of New Delhi for Biermann APIs
  • send email survey for the LTS Biermann API support to ONAP consumers - TBD

Paris Release Status

Byung-Woo Jun


Jessica Gonzalez

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)

  • Jessica Gonzalez, Sandra Jackson (Deactivated), do we have any analysis/update on the disc space use for ONAP? Why do we use so much space? 
    • Can we check the top storage consumers? 
    • LF IT should report the resolution/plan to TSC and PTLs for continuous ONAP community work.
    • Jessica Gonzalez, is investigating, tries to find another space; need to inform to onap community a list of large-size files; will send email to the community
    • there are few abandoned drafts- candidates for removal; OK to remove...
    • Github action ticket (Kevin Sandi) - bypassing -1 for option jobs : kevin will send it

PTL Updates

Ramesh Murugan Iyer

PTL Updates

Ramesh Murugan Iyer

Jessica Gonzalez

Byung-Woo Jun

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Byung-Woo Jun

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Paweł Pawlak

Fiete Ostkamp

Byung-Woo Jun

@Fiete Ostkamp : Chef dependency in SDC related to Ruby conflict (2.0 is pretty old)  SDC-4691: catalog-be docker build is failing due to ruby dependency conflictOpen- pipeline is broken due to this.

SECCOM recommends to: in short term fix Chef (v13 from 2013?) dependency so that Ruby can be upgraded to 3.0, in long term: need to convert all of the Chef recipes into chart forms.

Need to discuss at the TSC the need of having end2end testing.

long-term: convert Chet recipes to chart

can we have resource? Jessica Gonzalez will check its upgrade possibility. ; will let us know.

OOM Updates

Andreas Geißler
  • OOM Update
    • Andreas Geißler, some of the old wiki links are broken due to the migration. As a result, read docs need to be updated manually in OOM for RTD.
    • Argo CD deployment progress, Andreas GeißlerMarek Szwałkiewicz
      • Testing environment disrupted by connection problem between DT and Cognento
      • DT's nexus3 connection issues
      • testing SDNC and SO connections, python SDK, 
    • New SDNC patch (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/139164 ); SDNC cannot be started up for heap size; Andreas fixed it by increasing memory space (6GB); Dan needs to update it
      • Need a fix for the java memory (sdnc pod)
      • Need to update of PythonSDK/Xtesting images for RFC8040 interface usage (ToDo Michal); for SDNC - SO connection, too
      • Update Robot testcases for Biermann interface removal
    • MultiCloud : Kyverno fix
    • Java upgrade
TSC electionsPaweł PawlakThank you all TSC members for the last year contributions!

Events & Meetings

(5 minutes)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)

Byung-Woo Jun

Zoom Chat Log 

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

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