TSC 2024-05-30

TSC 2024-05-30

BRIDGE: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/94501391330?password=c2f4cfa9-d9f5-4156-9ab2-c141fcdf671f

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
China Telecom

Agenda Items

Presented By


Strategy (45 minutes)

ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Keguang He 

ONAP Liasion Report to ETSI NFV 46#

Task Force Updates

Olso Focus Areas - from China Mobile

Keguang He 

China Mobile will present their plans for intent-driven orchestration for autonomous

Intent Driven Orchestration for Autonomous Networks Leveraging GenAI, Nephio & ONAP.pdf

Oslo Focus Areas - from China Telecom

Dong Wang 

China Telecom will present their plans for research on OAM of next generation networks

"Exploration on Orchestration and Management of 6G mobile networks based on ONAP architecture"

Operations (40 minutes)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Release Status

Byung-Woo Jun 
  • New Delhi RC dates May 23) and Sign Off June 13
  • Project Milestone Status, New Delhi Milestone Status (work in progress)
  • New Delhi project branch ("newdelhi") creation for components with the following rules:
    • Code branch still goes with the marketing (e.g., newdelhi) 
    • If a project does not have any change (e.g., not active, no PTL), there is no branch change; if necessary, create dummy branches
    • Likewise, helm chart versioning is needed for active projects only. If there is no project change, they can stay at the old helm chart versions
      • The new OOM scripts (thanks to Andreas) support this

Oslo  Release Planning: Oslo. (Kick off : May 30)


PTL Updates

  • DMaaP MR is deprecated.
  • SDNC: SDNC new version without Biermann API is needed. SO is waiting for the new RFC API.
  • Need to update AAI to get rid of DMaaP dependency - Work in Progress - ETA by RC date.
  • Recommended packages upgrades are available on the restricted Wiki. Jiras are created per project. 

    Need to check NG Portal status CLM jobs. Any update? Jessica Gonzalez , ongoing.

Ticket opened by Fiete: https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-26527

    • ongoing; Jessica and Fiete are discussing this.

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

  • ARCCOM plan for Oslo (lightweight ONAP with AI/ML) - Work in progress
  • Requirements/Architecture reviews for Olso will be begun from next week; for the reviews, PTLs and feature owners contact ARCCOM (Byung-Woo Jun)
  • O-parent removal is proposed for Oslo (Ericsson might present their experience in near future)

OOM Update
  • OOM Update for New Delhi

Events & Meetings

(5 minutes)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

00:04:05    Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation):    brb
00:28:06    Kevin Sandi (LF):    https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ci-management/+/138096

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 


00:00:29.110 --> 00:00:30.000
Good morning!

00:00:33.860 --> 00:00:34.830
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Hi, Sandra!

00:00:36.800 --> 00:00:37.830
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Good.

00:00:41.410 --> 00:00:42.200
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Alright.

00:01:10.590 --> 00:01:13.129
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): and you're seeing my screen right? The roll call.

00:01:13.450 --> 00:01:14.490
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yes, yes.

00:01:42.270 --> 00:01:43.510
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, go on.

00:01:45.460 --> 00:01:46.779
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Hi syndrome. I've been.

00:01:46.780 --> 00:01:48.030
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): How are you? Alright.

00:01:49.540 --> 00:01:50.700
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Good. Thank you.

00:02:41.230 --> 00:02:43.099
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Alrighty are people on vacation.

00:02:46.635 --> 00:02:48.960
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Published on the holiday. So.

00:02:49.810 --> 00:02:51.200
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): How about a holiday?

00:02:52.020 --> 00:02:52.710
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yep.

00:03:15.660 --> 00:03:16.320
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): hmm!

00:03:17.030 --> 00:03:19.849
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Not sure how many people are joined today.

00:03:22.210 --> 00:03:26.100
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, I was. Gonna say, Pablo is one. Where are the others?

00:03:26.870 --> 00:03:30.420
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, and there is a holiday in the some country in Europe. So.

00:03:34.270 --> 00:03:36.559
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Orlandis and holidays, but

00:03:36.640 --> 00:03:39.159
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I don't know what the country in Europe.

00:03:43.230 --> 00:03:44.260
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And Jessica.

00:03:46.670 --> 00:03:47.180
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): are you.

00:03:47.526 --> 00:03:48.220
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Good morning!

00:03:48.500 --> 00:03:50.579
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Alright, alright.

00:03:52.830 --> 00:04:00.259
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Matt, helping the keg ones. Team for the multi-factor authentication. So it's great.

00:04:01.750 --> 00:04:03.349
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yes, thank you very much.

00:04:28.710 --> 00:04:33.510
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay, not sure if I don't, while I'm gonna join Zen, you do.

00:04:34.720 --> 00:04:38.400
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Is there anything happening during this week? Is there an event going on.

00:04:39.870 --> 00:04:41.482
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Wh which event?

00:04:42.230 --> 00:04:53.422
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Oh, no, I'm just wondering. I just came back from Video. So I'm not sure if anything is going on. So that that's why not many people are joining today. I I wasn't sure why.

00:04:53.710 --> 00:05:00.592
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, last you know. So some some European country on holiday today. So

00:05:01.510 --> 00:05:01.840
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah.

00:05:01.840 --> 00:05:04.149
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Why, that's why Power couldn't join.

00:05:04.340 --> 00:05:07.370
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and I'm sure I'm not sure but Germany

00:05:08.049 --> 00:05:11.000
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): so Andreas Kislo and Matt

00:05:11.070 --> 00:05:15.970
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Eric probably not. So. Yeah, maybe this one the week. Just wait.

00:05:16.130 --> 00:05:18.250
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I can. Yeah. So we'll see.

00:05:23.220 --> 00:05:24.520
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. No. Sorry.

00:05:24.520 --> 00:05:26.813
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Looks like he's gonna have a short meeting.

00:05:29.360 --> 00:05:30.520
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay?

00:05:31.636 --> 00:05:35.800
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Let's start, and then just quickly go over. And then, you know.

00:05:36.880 --> 00:05:38.000
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. No worries.

00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:39.220
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.

00:05:40.290 --> 00:05:43.059
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So just a regular reminders.

00:05:43.809 --> 00:05:47.859
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): That you're being that the meeting is being recorded, and that includes the chat

00:05:48.210 --> 00:05:55.330
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): and our anti-trust policy. If there are any questions reach out to your company's legal counsel, or

00:05:55.410 --> 00:06:01.839
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): if you're a mini member of Linux Foundation, reach out to Andrew up to grove of guess. Not up to grove that. Okay.

00:06:02.190 --> 00:06:04.810
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): and we'll jump into it.

00:06:07.530 --> 00:06:12.499
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): we don't have quorum, so I don't think we had any votes set for today. I don't remember.

00:06:12.500 --> 00:06:21.270
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): No, no, last week. That's why Pablo wants to bought everything last week, because so he's not gonna be here today. So we are good. We are good today. So.

00:06:21.270 --> 00:06:28.976
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. And then I don't know how much of this you want to cover, cause you're gonna have to repeat it next week. So but we'll we'll jump into it.

00:06:30.140 --> 00:06:31.370
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So

00:06:31.720 --> 00:06:34.439
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): do we want to go into the liaison updates?

00:06:34.640 --> 00:06:36.670
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, go on, or do we? Wanna.

00:06:37.550 --> 00:06:41.470
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yeah, maybe maybe I can give you a quick introduction

00:06:41.740 --> 00:06:43.230
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): audio materials.

00:06:43.420 --> 00:06:46.469
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Can can I show my desktop.

00:06:47.030 --> 00:06:49.159
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Sure. Hold on! Let me stop sharing.

00:06:50.100 --> 00:06:50.760
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay.

00:06:51.040 --> 00:06:52.290
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): It's all yours now.

00:06:59.640 --> 00:07:00.480
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay

00:07:00.680 --> 00:07:02.740
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): as the the.

00:07:02.870 --> 00:07:05.150
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): It has that and I free a

00:07:05.490 --> 00:07:10.269
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): 46 meeting will be heard next week.

00:07:10.490 --> 00:07:13.599
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and as euro for on app.

00:07:13.820 --> 00:07:17.939
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and we need to provide a reason report.

00:07:18.690 --> 00:07:19.960
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): So this is a

00:07:20.020 --> 00:07:21.770
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): shortly in the report.

00:07:22.110 --> 00:07:27.789
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and in this slides first.st I 1st give an introduction about the

00:07:27.810 --> 00:07:29.639
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and your 30 ear leaves

00:07:30.180 --> 00:07:31.164
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and

00:07:32.280 --> 00:07:33.279
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and is it

00:07:33.620 --> 00:07:40.350
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Chc, approved? Release candidate. And this is this is

00:07:41.352 --> 00:07:43.250
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and really a

00:07:43.350 --> 00:07:45.789
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): release. The plain year for a

00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:50.190
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): a new deliveries. And this is the link for the new deliveries.

00:07:50.850 --> 00:07:52.460
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Second.

00:07:53.299 --> 00:07:56.499
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): we archive introduction about the links from the

00:07:57.490 --> 00:08:00.259
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): I haven't developed under testing Forum

00:08:00.940 --> 00:08:02.550
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and Qa.

00:08:02.760 --> 00:08:11.219
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Very simple introduction about this meeting, and also list all the

00:08:11.598 --> 00:08:13.189
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Sessions related to own app

00:08:13.210 --> 00:08:14.809
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): here, and it gives a

00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:16.430
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): give all the links.

00:08:16.590 --> 00:08:21.649
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): If they are interested in those sessions they can present in

00:08:22.362 --> 00:08:23.359
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): from these links

00:08:23.490 --> 00:08:31.769
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): right and the massive feature, and this material and this content is copied from brilliant slides.

00:08:32.020 --> 00:08:34.720
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): And this is about auto loop.

00:08:35.610 --> 00:08:37.729
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Release schedule and fox.

00:08:38.990 --> 00:08:40.030
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): and

00:08:40.299 --> 00:08:41.280
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): that

00:08:41.559 --> 00:08:44.150
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): yeah, that's all for these.

00:08:44.159 --> 00:08:52.698
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. I'm just to comment new daily. And then new dairy sign of day is changed. Maybe you can use a different.

00:08:53.529 --> 00:08:54.569
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): paragraph.

00:08:55.799 --> 00:08:56.669
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Gandhi chat.

00:08:58.070 --> 00:09:00.660
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): yeah. Yeah. Previous one.

00:09:00.660 --> 00:09:04.770
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Previous. You can probably copy, you know. You can take copy and paste into here.

00:09:04.770 --> 00:09:05.390
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): -

00:09:05.390 --> 00:09:06.180
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, Nope, you're okay.

00:09:06.470 --> 00:09:06.760
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay.

00:09:06.760 --> 00:09:10.149
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): But this is the old, old one, because and during.

00:09:10.476 --> 00:09:11.130
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yeah. Yeah.

00:09:11.130 --> 00:09:17.219
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I'm not sure you're gonna change with Dtf, but you can comment. Dt, at that time it was the date.

00:09:17.850 --> 00:09:26.000
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): But maybe yeah, yeah, now is current date is the 23.rd And yeah, 6, 13. So yeah, probably that's better. I could.

00:09:26.970 --> 00:09:28.619
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay. Okay, thank you very much.

00:09:28.620 --> 00:09:30.679
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.

00:09:30.680 --> 00:09:33.240
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yeah, yeah, that's all for this.

00:09:33.260 --> 00:09:35.759
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): A contribution. Thank you. Thank you.

00:09:36.540 --> 00:09:38.909
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Oh, no. Let me stop sharing. Okay.

00:09:41.720 --> 00:09:45.989
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay. If you can share your slide deck, then it would be nice

00:09:46.300 --> 00:09:47.240
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): with this.

00:09:47.720 --> 00:09:50.209
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): You gonna do it next week. Right? You said.

00:09:50.210 --> 00:09:50.600
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I was in.

00:09:50.600 --> 00:09:52.660
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yeah, yeah, mainly. Okay.

00:09:53.060 --> 00:09:56.175
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): I will upload the next week after.

00:09:56.620 --> 00:09:59.109
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yes, sure, that's that's better. Yeah. Okay.

00:09:59.590 --> 00:10:00.450
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay.

00:10:02.830 --> 00:10:05.629
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Sorry. Let me go back

00:10:06.580 --> 00:10:07.859
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): to here we go.

00:10:08.030 --> 00:10:09.699
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. Thank you. Ca, go on.

00:10:09.920 --> 00:10:12.900
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): and sorry you have to repeat yourself for next week.

00:10:15.543 --> 00:10:19.159
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): did you wanna cover the also

00:10:20.041 --> 00:10:22.249
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): focus areas as well? Or

00:10:24.140 --> 00:10:25.140
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): think they did.

00:10:25.620 --> 00:10:26.070
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): The.

00:10:26.070 --> 00:10:26.820
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): They did. Yeah.

00:10:27.960 --> 00:10:28.460
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Give you.

00:10:28.460 --> 00:10:36.630
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And then he just to add, this new link. Okay? So I think he presented to Tsc before, and Don also did presentation

00:10:36.800 --> 00:10:40.512
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and don't need to put the his document link. That's all.

00:10:40.850 --> 00:10:42.170
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Right. We just added that. So.

00:10:42.170 --> 00:10:43.399
Dong Wang (China Telecom): That they get online. Yeah.

00:10:43.400 --> 00:10:45.282
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, it. They. They only did.

00:10:45.910 --> 00:10:55.530
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. So then we can move down to release status. And it looks like we had a a couple of more people join. So Hello.

00:10:57.625 --> 00:10:58.250
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay.

00:10:58.780 --> 00:11:00.290
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): They on leave to the.

00:11:00.290 --> 00:11:03.239
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Can I? Can I share? Can I share? Okay.

00:11:03.920 --> 00:11:07.289
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): share, screen? It's easier for navigation. So

00:11:10.317 --> 00:11:13.619
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): let me know if I see my screen. So.

00:11:14.590 --> 00:11:15.770
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I can see your screen.

00:11:16.160 --> 00:11:17.460
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay, so

00:11:17.660 --> 00:11:21.650
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): milestone the status. We added more to

00:11:21.660 --> 00:11:33.660
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): projects, cps, document and policy framework and portal Ng service orchestrator. I talked to Sesu and kept going. Thank you. And then, yeah, that's the current one and

00:11:33.850 --> 00:11:34.715
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): ticket

00:11:36.140 --> 00:11:44.580
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I just got confirmation from Dan Timoni, and there's not much Ccs SDK, initially, we saw the

00:11:45.185 --> 00:11:50.980
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Let me go to key update key update. Here. The reason was

00:11:51.070 --> 00:11:53.229
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): initially, we saw the

00:11:53.540 --> 00:12:02.269
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Howe they do incident management framework applied to Ccsk. According to Dan.

00:12:02.873 --> 00:12:06.410
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): The code was not reviewed with the team, and then.

00:12:07.090 --> 00:12:14.569
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and so he think is no longer targeted for New Delhi. So unless Kuan, you

00:12:14.931 --> 00:12:18.350
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): come to us. This is going to do call.

00:12:18.380 --> 00:12:30.056
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): But otherwise you're not gonna probably be the new daily. That's the current the recording. So this try to give you information. So I think that most of the Pto

00:12:30.530 --> 00:12:34.480
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): so tcs, K, not nothing. This, we're gonna I'm gonna remove this one.

00:12:35.700 --> 00:12:38.169
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And then everything else is here

00:12:38.240 --> 00:12:43.039
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): except the Sdn. C. So that's the only the

00:12:43.180 --> 00:12:45.949
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): waiting for this. So

00:12:46.200 --> 00:13:05.940
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I'm not sure. So anyway, I'm gonna make sure. I'm gonna contact Dan. It's going to put in New Delhi or his Nick. Take it out from New Delhi. So that's only remaining things from here other than that kind of one already. Put that and don't wanna put that so we are all here. So

00:13:05.940 --> 00:13:17.989
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): okay, that's the my update this week. So and next week I'm gonna get confirmation with Dan about the Ccs as the C. Then we update

00:13:18.500 --> 00:13:25.249
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): okay? And we talked to Pto, and they need to create the branch

00:13:25.390 --> 00:13:37.879
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): for New Delhi. If there's a code changes, so they should create the branch and then put the the code book to master to New Delhi branch for finalization.

00:13:38.030 --> 00:13:48.320
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And so, if you have any problem let Sandra and myself know. And Jessica know. I think the keg one's team has some issue.

00:13:48.740 --> 00:13:53.300
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): We don't get it. I think the Matt is helping them. So

00:13:53.390 --> 00:14:05.530
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): since we're using the multi-factor authentication, so they need a 1 time token one time token, one time, password, right token. So they have 2 way to do this, so hope to. Matthew

00:14:05.650 --> 00:14:12.059
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): can help to keg one's team. So in time. So anyway, desk update, I'm going to stop share.

00:14:13.080 --> 00:14:17.289
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay? One. It's okay. The mad is helping you right, for now.

00:14:18.163 --> 00:14:29.739
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Yeah, yeah. I, I, I found them. Magic is helping us via email. And I send as a account under a a email address

00:14:29.970 --> 00:14:32.389
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): to him, hoping

00:14:32.410 --> 00:14:35.539
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): this is the problem I reserved

00:14:36.030 --> 00:14:40.390
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): in time. And we want to submit. Some code.

00:14:41.311 --> 00:14:59.849
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And and CC. Jessica and myself, and also, if you needed the create, the new Daily Branch once the code is, you know, success to build and check in to the master. You can create the new daily branch, and then pretty much put the chatty pick to the new daily. So okay.

00:15:01.020 --> 00:15:01.869
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Okay. Thank you.

00:15:02.090 --> 00:15:02.860
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Thank you.

00:15:03.960 --> 00:15:05.699
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay, that's about it.

00:15:05.700 --> 00:15:07.125
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Thank you, Dan.

00:15:08.870 --> 00:15:11.999
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): okay, so we'll move down to the

00:15:12.380 --> 00:15:13.650
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): A relige

00:15:14.840 --> 00:15:26.200
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): updates, or whatever. So I did not get a chance to join any of the own app sub meetings. But I am like our com and sitcom

00:15:26.570 --> 00:15:28.778
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): policy, etc. But

00:15:29.850 --> 00:15:35.869
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I'm going to assume that everything worked well with with the new. Okay, as you asked me to move forward with it.

00:15:35.870 --> 00:15:52.251
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yes, yes, second already. Test the new one, and then I'll come. Test new one, I think, though. Yesterday Ramesh he tried new the new policy at effects, and I'm not sure about the 5G. As son, and test the Ashanka every other week.

00:15:52.600 --> 00:15:54.469
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And I don't think it's till like next week, or something.

00:15:54.470 --> 00:16:03.539
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's 1. And then you say, you're gonna create additional cps. And Om, zoom cps is bi-weekly, and Om is weekly. So if you can create.

00:16:03.540 --> 00:16:06.770
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So I created them. I think it was yesterday.

00:16:06.800 --> 00:16:13.533
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And I've updated them on the groups that I/O on the community calendar. So.

00:16:13.930 --> 00:16:14.600
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Umhm.

00:16:14.600 --> 00:16:21.359
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Up to date. I'm curious, though. So when when the meeting, when it's time for the meeting, is that when you get the host code.

00:16:22.080 --> 00:16:33.929
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): No, no, no, the this one like this Tsc and Pta, I. Actually, we don't need to use the host key because everyone can share. They'll ask the You know, this screen, like like current Tsc.

00:16:34.456 --> 00:16:35.509
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Gotcha gotcha.

00:16:35.670 --> 00:16:40.639
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So. What? The Ramesh asked. Though you know he hasn't received the hostke, I said.

00:16:40.760 --> 00:16:45.999
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): you may not need the host key, because everyone can share. Our recording is automatic. So

00:16:46.070 --> 00:16:48.810
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): before we need Host Key to record the meeting.

00:16:49.010 --> 00:16:49.350
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah.

00:16:49.350 --> 00:16:56.260
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Recording is automatic. So I I send the email to him about where where he can collect the recording.

00:16:56.490 --> 00:16:58.809
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So okay, that's that's important.

00:16:58.810 --> 00:17:03.880
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I know you usually don't need it, but just in case it's ever needed. I was wondering, how did how did it?

00:17:04.089 --> 00:17:09.798
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): How did it happen? Do they send you an email or whatever? So I'm still curious about it. But you're right

00:17:10.711 --> 00:17:17.779
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): for whatever reason, if somebody needed to stop the recording or whatever. Then that's when the host key will be needed. But.

00:17:17.780 --> 00:17:30.170
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah. Yeah. One thing, the 1. One thing twine. Ask about if his Pto cps, if he wants to change the meeting time under some management, you know, some.

00:17:30.620 --> 00:17:37.659
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): He doesn't have a host key. He doesn't have access to edit edit permission to that. You know the page.

00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:39.070
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Correct, so correct.

00:17:39.070 --> 00:17:56.869
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): That's why, you know, he used to. When he needs to change a time and stay he he! He did before, but now he doesn't have their flexibility. So that's why, when you think about if Pta wants to change their meeting time, you know some reason temporarily was something. But

00:17:57.020 --> 00:18:02.079
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): now he cannot, because he has to know his host. Key, no access to the that, the

00:18:02.110 --> 00:18:07.400
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): dashboard. So no, I mean no edit permission, so I think we have to.

00:18:07.700 --> 00:18:09.089
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I'm not sure he's any way.

00:18:09.090 --> 00:18:09.430
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Is to.

00:18:09.430 --> 00:18:09.970
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And so.

00:18:09.970 --> 00:18:19.289
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): For a meeting like that. And that was my reservation about putting all the meetings in in the tool. Because you're correct. The community does not have that

00:18:19.400 --> 00:18:36.730
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): that those permissions yet. So if if it's where he needs to change meetings, or whatever if more comfortable with me, just taking it out of Pcc. And just getting him a zoom link, cause I think we did keep some of our zoom links. Maybe that's the better way for him.

00:18:37.299 --> 00:18:42.679
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Just because if he needs to change it, and I don't see the email or whatever in time, you know.

00:18:42.680 --> 00:18:51.329
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Not convenient. Yeah, the problem is current zoom link. They host they're keeping is, though their host key will be expired soon.

00:18:51.610 --> 00:19:01.779
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): That's why the policy team. They, their host Key, was expired 3 weeks ago. That's why they couldn't use it. That's why they want to use this new zoom link, and then

00:19:02.466 --> 00:19:12.900
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): cps current zoom host, I think it will be expire soon, and also second, we expire. That's why second, already moved to new one. How come we move to new one? So

00:19:13.080 --> 00:19:22.099
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): that's why. So there should be some way only Pta, or who has a host key. They should have added permission. I think that's my name, my view, but maybe.

00:19:22.400 --> 00:19:34.039
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And I think they are kind of working on that angle and been working on it for a while. I don't just I just don't know what the what the progress is of it. I I think it's more of a security.

00:19:34.310 --> 00:19:37.930
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, ma, maybe we should ask. You know, somebody who's doing it.

00:19:37.930 --> 00:19:45.181
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I was gonna ask. I I see Jessica and and Kevin. I know you guys don't really work with Lfx. But do you have any insight into

00:19:45.980 --> 00:19:47.339
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): where they are with that.

00:19:50.500 --> 00:19:59.229
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): I spoke to them recently, and they were saying that they were still in progress, because, I brought up the issue that it's not very clear

00:20:00.035 --> 00:20:11.414
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): from looking at at the site whether? What was the status of a particular project? So they I got some traction in that conversation, and they say that

00:20:11.780 --> 00:20:16.600
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): that we're gonna work through it. And but I have no idea if they're gonna by the time

00:20:16.720 --> 00:20:20.390
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): I I don't know if it is easier. Just finish on boarding or and

00:20:20.880 --> 00:20:29.450
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): and then actually figure out how to put live updates there. But what I know is that they are still in the process of onboarding owner.

00:20:29.450 --> 00:20:30.980
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay. Okay.

00:20:31.850 --> 00:20:32.429
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): That's not.

00:20:32.680 --> 00:20:45.039
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, cause the you know, the when Sandra create the meeting meeting zoom link for projects. And they said, There's a checkmark to share the host key to Ptr. But

00:20:45.260 --> 00:20:49.110
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): we haven't received any host key. So that's why maybe

00:20:49.140 --> 00:20:53.950
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I don't know what's the what's going on. So I expect you receive the host key.

00:20:54.030 --> 00:21:06.929
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and but I haven't received anything. And then I checked the Ramesh and the other people, but they haven't received anything. So that's why maybe the check mark for Host Key still doesn't work. I don't know. So anyway, just.

00:21:07.430 --> 00:21:12.939
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): In particular. I I'm honestly haven't heard anything from my side.

00:21:13.810 --> 00:21:24.660
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So, Jessica, if you, if you talk to them, let them know like, what's the what's the point of the the checkbox? Because it is there? And if you talk to them before I do

00:21:25.300 --> 00:21:25.740
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): yeah.

00:21:25.900 --> 00:21:28.999
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Hey, guys, don't worry. Just sign in for my conversation.

00:21:29.520 --> 00:21:29.920
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah.

00:21:29.920 --> 00:21:40.769
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay, okay, host key. And also the Po, person who has a host key should be able to edit the time. And the you know. Date. Yeah, okay, thank you. Thank you.

00:21:40.770 --> 00:21:45.904
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay, I'll I'll bring it up, I'll I think there's some meeting later today. So I'm just

00:21:46.210 --> 00:21:47.951
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): I'm gonna see if that

00:21:48.520 --> 00:21:50.620
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): if the right team is there for asking them.

00:21:51.380 --> 00:21:55.520
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, thank you. Thank you. I'm gonna show you what I mean. Cause I don't know how.

00:21:55.750 --> 00:21:58.659
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, if if you can show me pretty quick, that will be fine.

00:21:58.880 --> 00:22:00.919
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Do I have a own app up? Yeah, this is.

00:22:01.275 --> 00:22:01.630
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah.

00:22:02.810 --> 00:22:03.270
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): But.

00:22:03.850 --> 00:22:05.710
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Click, the the Tony.

00:22:05.710 --> 00:22:06.190
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): You, with the.

00:22:06.190 --> 00:22:08.029
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): 2920 is nice, fine.

00:22:10.180 --> 00:22:13.249
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay. So let's see if we do. Okay, if I do.

00:22:13.250 --> 00:22:15.479
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): With the policy policy.

00:22:17.110 --> 00:22:17.860
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Thank you.

00:22:18.220 --> 00:22:19.550
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Policy waiting.

00:22:20.518 --> 00:22:23.919
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Let's do. Well, that's old. So it's not gonna.

00:22:24.150 --> 00:22:28.170
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): No, just open the policies. I think you can show the who has a host key.

00:22:28.900 --> 00:22:30.642
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I don't know. You can click there now.

00:22:30.860 --> 00:22:33.410
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): It within the participants. I think you can do that.

00:22:33.680 --> 00:22:34.950
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Oh, the future.

00:22:34.950 --> 00:22:44.390
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, let me go to a future meeting. Okay, here we go. Okay. So we could do this one and let me do manage meeting right?

00:22:44.760 --> 00:22:47.010
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I'm not gonna save anything. So.

00:22:49.970 --> 00:22:51.999
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, she was key there. Yeah, yeah.

00:22:52.000 --> 00:23:00.579
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): The share. Host, host key you you can check it. And but I was wondering, like, what happens when you check that. I was expecting them to get like an email or something.

00:23:01.310 --> 00:23:01.630
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Hum!

00:23:02.248 --> 00:23:05.919
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): And you don't notice additional permissions or something to

00:23:06.330 --> 00:23:08.070
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): to be unable to host that meeting.

00:23:08.700 --> 00:23:12.949
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Right? So like, typically, if I needed to go in and stop this recording.

00:23:13.700 --> 00:23:17.780
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I can go. I have access to Pcc where I can go in and I can.

00:23:18.129 --> 00:23:20.420
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Let me go out of here. Let me go back.

00:23:21.950 --> 00:23:27.360
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Typically, I can go in. And what's today's date, the 30.th

00:23:28.190 --> 00:23:29.337
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yes. Events. Okay.

00:23:30.190 --> 00:23:40.539
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Right? Okay, I can go in and I can say Host Key, and I can say, copy host key right? And then I can go in to this Zoom Meeting

00:23:40.690 --> 00:23:41.820
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): and

00:23:42.800 --> 00:23:51.949
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): claim the host is by using that hope. So that's what I thought like. And then I get. And then I have control over the meeting. I can stop the recording. I can do the recording.

00:23:52.110 --> 00:23:52.850
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Grub.

00:23:53.260 --> 00:23:54.540
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Whatever. But

00:23:55.610 --> 00:23:59.340
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): they can't. They don't have access to Pcc. They meaning the community.

00:24:00.000 --> 00:24:04.059
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Oh, okay, somebody still from our team has to give them the host key.

00:24:04.810 --> 00:24:13.189
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Well, that's what that's what I thought. The button was for the button. You check it to say share Host Key. So I thought, oh, it sends them something, so that if they need.

00:24:13.190 --> 00:24:14.280
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): So colleen

00:24:14.460 --> 00:24:15.730
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): claim. I don't.

00:24:15.730 --> 00:24:19.029
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And you know what I mean. But nothing happens. No one received anything.

00:24:19.637 --> 00:24:28.449
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay, but they still. I mean, the permission is still functional. The the permission is working still, notific, notifying the outside collaborators. Right?

00:24:29.910 --> 00:24:31.080
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Meeting, yet

00:24:31.840 --> 00:24:33.080
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): which one but.

00:24:33.080 --> 00:24:50.340
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Sorry I didn't i i didn't know that. So so the the feature, for example, if somebody else claims the I I mean if you if you give the host key to somebody that doesn't have access to Pcc. They're not receiving a notification, or there's nothing, no way of telling them the host key right?

00:24:50.520 --> 00:24:57.030
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): But if you give them the host key yourself the number. Are they able to use it.

00:24:57.320 --> 00:24:58.803
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yes, I think so. Yes.

00:24:59.100 --> 00:25:00.500
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, we can we can claim, yeah.

00:25:00.500 --> 00:25:05.140
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Functionality. The functionality is, there is just the way of notifying people.

00:25:06.390 --> 00:25:09.017
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay, okay, okay, I can. I can talk to them

00:25:09.530 --> 00:25:18.080
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Yeah. So the question is, what was the intent for the host key? Was it supposed to send a notification for them and send that. Yes, so you got it. Yep.

00:25:18.330 --> 00:25:22.370
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay, okay, I'll talk to them and let and ask them, what's going on

00:25:22.640 --> 00:25:39.680
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yeah, currently, even without Host key the meeting can be recording automatically. And also, we can share screen. So functioning, okay, but if Etl wants to change the you know the zoom link with time and day, and then we have issue because we cannot do anything so.

00:25:40.020 --> 00:25:43.020
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay, sounds good. I'll I'll ask them. And see what's going on

00:25:43.660 --> 00:25:44.330
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Thank you.

00:25:46.050 --> 00:25:47.340
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Thank you so much. Jessica.

00:25:47.520 --> 00:25:51.804
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, so that's it for the the Zoom Meeting piece of it. Let me see.

00:25:53.980 --> 00:25:56.380
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So on. That insights update

00:25:56.390 --> 00:26:06.719
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): what I had probably a few weeks ago now is probably outdated. I was out last week, and I just came back on Tuesday. So I don't have

00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:12.499
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): an update to this. The last I check it. They were getting

00:26:12.750 --> 00:26:15.499
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): the data in there, but

00:26:15.600 --> 00:26:17.369
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): it maybe wasn't

00:26:17.380 --> 00:26:22.986
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): correct yet. So, Jessica, do you have any insights to insights, to insights.

00:26:24.419 --> 00:26:34.640
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, I was also out I for a week. So I just came back yesterday. But as as I mentioned earlier, I think they were still on boarding owner.

00:26:39.670 --> 00:26:41.395
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): -Oh! Did she stop talking.

00:26:42.002 --> 00:26:44.359
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): No, I'm I'm here. Can you hear me?

00:26:44.930 --> 00:26:45.850
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yes, we can hear.

00:26:45.850 --> 00:26:53.340
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Okay. No. I was saying that I was also in Pto. And I. I came back yesterday. But as far as I knew, that we're still working on it.

00:26:53.880 --> 00:26:55.130
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, alright.

00:26:55.150 --> 00:27:00.769
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): so hopefully. By next week I'll have more information for you all.

00:27:01.200 --> 00:27:01.680
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah. Man.

00:27:01.680 --> 00:27:02.790
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): The insights.

00:27:03.280 --> 00:27:04.975
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay? And then

00:27:07.340 --> 00:27:10.189
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Oh, do you have anything with the Jenkins issue?

00:27:11.790 --> 00:27:13.090
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I see that here.

00:27:13.200 --> 00:27:13.750
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): if not.

00:27:13.750 --> 00:27:14.710
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Like a move on.

00:27:14.710 --> 00:27:15.330
Kevin Sandi (LF): Yeah,

00:27:16.080 --> 00:27:23.549
Kevin Sandi (LF): We have the Gary change ready to remove the the old branches that are not being supported anymore.

00:27:23.740 --> 00:27:25.610
Kevin Sandi (LF): So I wanted to know if

00:27:25.720 --> 00:27:32.030
Kevin Sandi (LF): and this, Tsc, meaning, can approve that change so we can merge it. Or if we have to

00:27:32.450 --> 00:27:35.610
Kevin Sandi (LF): to wait for further discussion, or what's the.

00:27:35.860 --> 00:27:40.060
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Well, I know in this meeting they can't approve anything, because we don't have quorum to do that.

00:27:40.820 --> 00:27:49.629
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So we can do next week. But the last time we discussed that the Pavel explained about we have a when N minus one release the, you know policy.

00:27:49.640 --> 00:28:00.919
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So we are okay with that. So anything older than N minus one it is, and then they can ignore, and we'll do something just close. That's my understanding from our.

00:28:00.920 --> 00:28:01.410
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah.

00:28:01.410 --> 00:28:02.529
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Conversation, last time.

00:28:02.730 --> 00:28:13.000
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): That was my understanding, too. So I think. Just if you send a notification Kevin to the to the Dsc. List mailing list.

00:28:13.299 --> 00:28:20.850
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Just let them know that this is happening today, and I can help you review it later. But yeah, I mean, it was kinda in agreement

00:28:21.140 --> 00:28:24.020
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): that. Those releases.

00:28:24.020 --> 00:28:36.219
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay? And also I send the Jessica what the least Andress Andrew Skyler made. So that's the old deprecate the product you don't have to. We don't have to worry about any longer.

00:28:36.430 --> 00:28:55.470
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): for from New Delhi, you know, and also, anyway. So we have a 2, you know, N, minus one release policy, and also, you know, deprecate the project we don't have to maintain. So, anyway. So if you send the email to a Tsc, then, as Jessica suggested, then we're gonna take a look. And then we're gonna review.

00:28:55.540 --> 00:28:58.040
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and maybe Sandra next week, we can.

00:28:58.220 --> 00:29:01.979
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): If we need the official vote. Maybe we can do next week.

00:29:02.370 --> 00:29:03.110
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay.

00:29:04.610 --> 00:29:05.950
Kevin Sandi (LF): Okay. Thank you.

00:29:06.240 --> 00:29:06.810
Kevin Sandi (LF): Here.

00:29:06.810 --> 00:29:07.520
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Yep, let's go.

00:29:07.520 --> 00:29:12.069
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Let me check on. What is that you put in? Let me let me copy this. Okay.

00:29:13.650 --> 00:29:17.080
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I gotta move it side of my way. Excuse me so I can drop it in.

00:29:21.290 --> 00:29:22.460
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Look at it again.

00:29:29.920 --> 00:29:32.650
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Where were we relent? Okay?

00:29:35.490 --> 00:29:36.799
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): I'll put it here.

00:30:01.137 --> 00:30:04.409
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): And anything on sbound. It just says, work in progress.

00:30:04.410 --> 00:30:32.889
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So that's just Jessica already provide to helpful insight. So one thing I tried. I contact the nephew, and they are using darkly images same as their own name. But as you said, Jessica, they are using go language. But since go you said I don't see any issue. But yeah. But anyway, the confirmation they're using darker, same as you know, here. So

00:30:33.170 --> 00:30:46.839
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and they're using wow ci mechanism. So, anyway. So if you for now if you have any suggestion and question you can contact me, I can forward your question to nephew dev team.

00:30:47.190 --> 00:31:06.220
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Actually ask them to try it. So I send them the the instructions on how to try as bomb, I mean, I as far as I tried it. I tried it with docker images, and I tried it with Maven code, but I'm not sure if the support is there for language we tried it with python, and it wasn't that great

00:31:06.562 --> 00:31:11.700
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): but I don't remember other languages, so I suggested to try it and see how it goes.

00:31:12.130 --> 00:31:21.029
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): and if they wanna scan if they wanna scan the docker images, there's also a way described there, so that I know that is working well.

00:31:21.800 --> 00:31:23.619
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): You send the email to? Who.

00:31:24.160 --> 00:31:31.802
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): I believe I replied to your email with, the the location of

00:31:32.400 --> 00:31:38.280
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): I need to recall that email. But I believe it was a reply to yours.

00:31:38.280 --> 00:31:42.490
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Raoul. i i i can't! I, CC. Raoul Rao is.

00:31:42.490 --> 00:31:51.547
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Yeah, I think it was that that the email thread. So let me le, let me go back and catch up on those emails. And then.

00:31:51.860 --> 00:31:52.350
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): No problem.

00:31:52.350 --> 00:31:54.750
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): No, no, I'll go back to that. Yeah, yeah.

00:31:54.750 --> 00:32:15.917
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I'm just the Sandra and the Ts team. We tried to using the we we try support S palm in at at the Elefn level, which Jessica handling. So anything under 11 we try to generate S form. So only doing it, thanks to Jessica and Orin, Sc. I'm not sure you are doing it. And

00:32:16.610 --> 00:32:21.200
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and nephew is one of the candidates. So that's that's I'm trying to say, Yeah, okay.

00:32:21.601 --> 00:32:38.869
Jessica Wagantall (The Linux Foundation): Implemented for their few maven jobs they have several python projects. But it doesn't work well with python. So and the problem is that the team, the development team behind it, they it's very limited. So.

00:32:39.180 --> 00:32:42.740
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Okay, still, still, work in progress. Okay, okay, thank you.

00:32:45.610 --> 00:32:46.690
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, thank you.

00:32:47.290 --> 00:32:48.280
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Alright.

00:32:49.630 --> 00:32:51.999
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): move down to Pto update.

00:32:52.000 --> 00:33:18.333
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Pto update since power is not here. So Dmr is officially deprecated because, Dan confirm he can remove the Stnc. We can remove the stnc, the dissin listener and actually andress disable that one from Om script. So that's good. He's gone. And then Sdnc. Still needs some input from Dan.

00:33:18.780 --> 00:33:36.709
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): I think the Sdnc new version with a Vlan Api is needed Andreas guys sent email to Dan. And and also, as so is waiting for the new Rfc. Api from Sdnc, that's the current update, and the

00:33:36.830 --> 00:33:48.519
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Andress is not here. He's still working on the A. And A, and I update to get rid of a DM. Dependency. I think the Dutch telecom is working on it, so I don't. I don't see any problem here.

00:33:48.810 --> 00:33:51.030
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So okay, that's it.

00:33:52.290 --> 00:33:58.920
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, thank you. And then that brings us to the end. Oh, no, no, not not quite. Subcommittee updates.

00:33:59.652 --> 00:34:11.880
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): The just thing is dorm and tag Wong. They provide what they plan to do. Oslo. So accordingly, we are working on the outcome. Architecture changes for Oslo.

00:34:11.969 --> 00:34:15.190
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): And also since we approved the Oslo

00:34:15.613 --> 00:34:32.970
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): schedule which starting from today. So any requirement architecture review. You need to do for Oslo, and please contact me, and I can the the, you know, make arrangements for the review. So that's the one.

00:34:33.219 --> 00:34:39.590
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): and still we have no the formal date when we can share or parent removal

00:34:40.056 --> 00:34:46.110
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): for also. But Edxton is working on it. I think Paulo's team, Ramesh, I think they successfully did.

00:34:46.179 --> 00:34:58.440
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): So I think they gonna share the knowledge with the Tsc. And some Pto meeting. So once you're done, we're gonna discuss about. Can we remove the old parent

00:34:58.530 --> 00:35:07.770
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): from Oslo? That's the discussion. We tried that in New Delhi, but we found this little complicated says where we cap it. But also, maybe

00:35:07.890 --> 00:35:10.369
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): we have some breakthrough. We don't know yet. So

00:35:10.480 --> 00:35:12.330
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): that's the plan. Okay.

00:35:12.640 --> 00:35:13.760
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Oh, okay, good.

00:35:14.744 --> 00:35:21.105
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Okay, and then Oom update for new Delta. Well, Andres isn't here. So.

00:35:21.920 --> 00:35:22.359
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): This? Is it.

00:35:22.360 --> 00:35:29.679
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): So we'll save that one for next weekend. Apologies again, a lot of this will repeat next week since we don't have

00:35:32.050 --> 00:35:39.290
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): quorum and a lot of folks couldn't make it today. But before we close out, do we have any? Does anyone have anything additional?

00:35:44.130 --> 00:35:47.640
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Alright, I'm gonna take the silence as a no so

00:35:47.830 --> 00:35:55.890
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): great. Then I will give you your time back. Everyone have a nice day, and we'll see you same time. Same place next week.

00:35:56.880 --> 00:35:57.700
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Thank you.

00:35:58.080 --> 00:35:59.829
Sandra Jackson (The Linux Foundation): Thank you. Thank you.

00:36:01.040 --> 00:36:02.240
Keguang He (China Mobile Communication Company Ltd): Thank you. Bye, bye.

00:36:02.930 --> 00:36:03.630
Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson Software Technology): Bye, bye.

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