TSC 2024-03-14

TSC 2024-03-14

BRIDGE: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/94501391330?password=c2f4cfa9-d9f5-4156-9ab2-c141fcdf671f

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

China Mobile
China Telecom

Agenda Items

Presented By


ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

Would like to see Tata providing feedback

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Cloud Native Telco Initiative (CNTI)

  • Discussed in SECCOM meeting
  • Muddasar Ahmed is participating in the initiative:
    • CNTI - discussion finished last week. CNTI assets (test and documentation for certifying) moved to LFN.

      Discussion on Super blueprint and documentation.

  • ETSI : Keguang He
     Provided a liaison report for NFV and ONAP at ETSI NFV 45# this week. NFV(24)000048r1_ONAP_LS_Report_to_ETSI_NFV_45.pdf
    • Attended the ETSI NFV meeting this week. The meeting outcome could be available next week.

SDNC Update on Biermann

Dan Timoney 

As backup Dan is working on Biermann but not progressed. ODL is not supporting it. Restconf stack is based on RFC draft. 

  • Preferred approach is to move to RFC8040 (Alternative 1).
    • Originally proposed back in the Kohn release 
    • Plan for the New Delhi release
    • Andreas Geißler DT has someone working on the SO piece to try and port ot RFC8040
  • Alternative 2: keep maintaining Biermann interface.
    • may support either London or Montreal as a long term release
  • Alternative 3: rollback to version before Argon.
  • Alternative 4 (the most drastic): stay where we are for now and begin to work with moving off from ODL.  
  • Dan Timoney  needs to be informed about DT findings inside SO.

As we have no solution, we can not move to ODL Potasium.

Release Status

Update project status: PTLs started updating project status, key updates and benefits. Thanks! Project Status in New Delhi Release. The PTL list is updated. 

Project Status in New Delhi Release - ongoing

PTLs - Please update New Delhi Release Key Updates - ongoing



  • Documentation builds are failing
  • did some changes to several things in the config files to the Montreal projects
  • Matt Watkins merged the patches and updated some globaljjb verifiy jobs - patch submitted upstream
  • If folks that were not part of Montreal get errors with errors it may be a url in the jobs may need updating.
  • Also osa repo failing - set to private - Security repo for CVEs so this is intentional

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

DMaaP MR deprecation Update: for the unmaintained component 

transition steps, Byung created a global requirement, https://jira.onap.org/browse/ONAPARC-803 .

This global requirement links to the DMaaP epic (DMaaP MR deprecation in New Delhi release), https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-1376

  • a couple of DCAE components are being done. some more microservices are needed to be changed
  • NBI; do we still need it? It is achieved; DT is using NBI
  • AAI, SO: updated by DT
  • SDNC, DMaaP listener: pending
  • Policy: updated by Ericsson (Policy - OOM PTLs are checking for its completion)
  • SDC: done; just some health check still use MR; work in progress to remove dependencies; DT made a patch to change the URL to remove dependencies

no real update today

  • One DCAE component mergeing today, SO is in the works
  • Ramesh Murugan Iyer policy Drools-pdp and xacml-pdp helm charts required to be updated
  • Byung-Woo Jun blocker for unmaintained repo effort
  • Byung-Woo Jun  once we make progress, we will report it again

Nephio SIG Security collaboration Study:

Identity and Access Management: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IwWVGASgdOuLHCHYg82WaZaHdOEXyOM1/edit#heading=h.30j0zll

Nephio Workload Identity: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L79WrZ64Uar3IrH-jL_IeQTlPoLtXGZKHIIfVCXLoco/edit#slide=id.g2bd96dea01c_0_1

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Need a staff member to be the backup for OpenSSF Badging - was previously David  - Waiting on both Sandra and David Wheeler to return

  • Kenny Paul follow up on who will be taking on this role in LFN
    •   open pending Sandra's return
    •   same

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Amy Zwarico 

Package upgrades for New Delhi - excel file with all recommendations available at the restricted Wiki: /wiki/spaces/SV/pages/16094458.

  • Jira tickets for project updates created for New Delhi release.

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

ONE Summit : the session agenda for ONE Summit 2024 has been published, https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/program/schedule/ . APRIL 29 - MAY 1, 2024 | IN-PERSON LFN D&TF  May 2-3 following ONE Summit

Looking for a new D&TF Program Committee member

  • Kenny Paul update wiki home page to point at Montreal  

Summer Session Mentorship submissions open: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/9527

Mentorship prosal :


AOB - Mentoring program

At the last TAC meeting, there was discussion on LFN Mentorship program.  Board have approved 3 slots.  Each LFN project is supposed to provide proposals that will be down selected for three and award mentorship to project team.  Once down selection is completed, LFN will advertise to accept candidates.

Meeting Recording

Zoom Chat Log 

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 


00:01:58.000 --> 00:01:59.110
Sandra Jackson: Hi, Diane!

00:03:16.990 --> 00:03:18.730
Byung-Woo Jun: Hi! Good morning, Sandra!

00:03:23.590 --> 00:03:25.090
Sandra Jackson: Good morning. How are you?

00:03:25.190 --> 00:03:26.749
Byung-Woo Jun: Good! How are you?

00:03:27.730 --> 00:03:28.770

00:03:38.050 --> 00:03:39.990
Byung-Woo Jun: Hi, Andreas and Pablo.

00:03:40.620 --> 00:03:41.640
Paweł Pawlak: Hello!

00:03:41.770 --> 00:03:42.790
Byung-Woo Jun: Hello!

00:04:20.620 --> 00:04:23.530
Sandra Jackson: Okay! Let's go ahead and

00:04:24.010 --> 00:04:26.360
Sandra Jackson: get started.

00:04:27.060 --> 00:04:35.230
Sandra Jackson: at least with the regular reminders up here on the screen that the Tsa meeting is being recorded.

00:04:36.110 --> 00:04:45.370
Sandra Jackson: and in all, and all participants upon entry are muted. If you're dialed in on a phone and need to unmute yourself, you would need to press Star 6,

00:04:46.450 --> 00:04:55.119
Sandra Jackson: and then our anti-trust policy. That we always operate our meetings.

00:04:55.360 --> 00:04:56.909
Sandra Jackson: under this policy

00:04:59.380 --> 00:05:02.779
Sandra Jackson: and getting to the agenda for today.

00:05:06.620 --> 00:05:13.960
Sandra Jackson: we'll have some cross-functional updates, and then we have the the

00:05:14.030 --> 00:05:19.500
Sandra Jackson: presentation by Kgon Kaguan. But he did. This past week.

00:05:20.550 --> 00:05:25.949
Sandra Jackson: and if we have any updates on the Sdn C. Release status

00:05:26.150 --> 00:05:30.119
Sandra Jackson: and relange. And then subcommittee updates.

00:05:30.770 --> 00:05:36.999
Sandra Jackson: And in our regular house house clean, is there anything that needs to be added to today's agenda?

00:05:39.940 --> 00:05:43.619
Sandra Jackson: Okay? Well, we'll go ahead and get started.

00:05:45.140 --> 00:05:46.380
Sandra Jackson: Let's see, is

00:05:46.450 --> 00:05:48.940
Sandra Jackson: Kay Guan on.

00:05:50.950 --> 00:05:52.580
Sandra Jackson: I don't see him yet.

00:05:52.830 --> 00:06:02.839
Byung-Woo Jun: He cannot join today. He's attending a Cnf. So that's why next week, we expect. He will report the meeting outcome next week.

00:06:02.850 --> 00:06:04.660
Sandra Jackson: Okay, all right, no worries.

00:06:07.070 --> 00:06:12.470
Sandra Jackson: Okay. So can we move on to the Sdn c update, if there, if there is one.

00:06:16.210 --> 00:06:21.089
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Yes, there is update, there is an update. So we have discussed with the

00:06:23.300 --> 00:06:33.700
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): we've discussed with the Sdn C team, the options, and what we have now decided on is, of course, to work on the

00:06:33.720 --> 00:06:43.520
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Alternative, one or the solution one. So we will move to the Rfc and currently

00:06:44.140 --> 00:06:53.100
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): once, someone from my team is changing Dso. Accordingly, so that it's compatible with the

00:06:53.110 --> 00:07:05.700
Andreas GEISSLER (DT):  with the with the Rfc interface so that we can and I don't expect that other components are at the moment affected.

00:07:06.060 --> 00:07:15.009
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): but this is like, I think, the most important one. So, as I said so, he's he's testing that. And then having we're trying to have.

00:07:15.100 --> 00:07:32.759
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): let's say, a release out for the service orchestrator, which would then support that Rfc, interface, and then also update accordingly the Sdn C in this release. So that's hopefully that we can do that. Yeah.

00:07:33.190 --> 00:07:35.760
Byung-Woo Jun: Andrea's good question

00:07:37.470 --> 00:07:52.300
Byung-Woo Jun: for new daily. So older, owner component, we're not moved to Rfc. Oh, still, yes, that's the plan. That's the plan. So for that. We did that. We changed this already for for for the new daily release.

00:07:52.510 --> 00:08:10.920
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): and then we can also then apply the patch for the St. Nc, which is pending since Montreal external component. But whenever we okay, great. So that's good. Okay.

00:08:18.110 --> 00:08:21.060
Sandra Jackson: okay, thank you for the update Andrews.

00:08:23.800 --> 00:08:27.930
Sandra Jackson: I'm moving on to any release

00:08:30.140 --> 00:08:38.170
Byung-Woo Jun: is ongoing and use continuously more, you know, updating the project status and Helen chart poisoning.

00:08:38.190 --> 00:08:51.729
Byung-Woo Jun: And also, I'm I'm updating the new daily key updates. The older Pta, most of pt accept some other, you know, they they going to add more feature, but also the

00:08:52.230 --> 00:09:08.869
Byung-Woo Jun: the updating, the subcommittee actions. And what's the activity for new daily, some feeling of the information. So I'm going to contact the modern subcommittee for any input. So it's getting there.

00:09:09.600 --> 00:09:11.720
Byung-Woo Jun: Just free information.

00:09:14.420 --> 00:09:19.629
Sandra Jackson: Okay, thank you for that. And okay, any updates for rolling

00:09:24.950 --> 00:09:27.349
Byung-Woo Jun: nexus engineer.

00:09:27.870 --> 00:09:29.079
Sandra Jackson: Sorry. Go ahead.

00:09:29.560 --> 00:09:35.560
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Yeah. I think we can skip this for now. So I think it's discuss the same.

00:09:35.640 --> 00:09:40.409
Sandra Jackson: Okay, no worries. Just a question on the lunch

00:09:40.430 --> 00:09:45.590
Paweł Pawlak: or left. IT, so do we have a confirmation from Fita

00:09:46.030 --> 00:09:53.630
Paweł Pawlak: that that he has a full scans completed for the Mg. Portal.

00:09:56.200 --> 00:10:03.739
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): I don't know exactly, because he's on vacation to at the moment. So I hope that he's back on next week, so that I can ask.

00:10:03.830 --> 00:10:05.890
Paweł Pawlak: okay, okay, thank you. Andres.

00:10:08.740 --> 00:10:09.630
Sandra Jackson: okay.

00:10:10.970 --> 00:10:13.069
Sandra Jackson: alright. Any subcommittee updates.

00:10:14.560 --> 00:10:27.219
Byung-Woo Jun: Can you go scroll up? Yeah, yeah, I'll come. And so first one section is any update for the Dmap, Emma Andreas, I think that's still working in progress.

00:10:27.950 --> 00:10:39.860
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): Yes, it's work on progress. There. yeah. So most of the stuff is is is, I think, in the pipeline

00:10:40.910 --> 00:10:43.110
Andreas GEISSLER (DT):  Yup

00:10:43.500 --> 00:10:45.429
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): business as usual. So

00:10:45.680 --> 00:10:51.920
Byung-Woo Jun: and the the update of policy is, yeah, at the moment

00:10:52.070 --> 00:10:58.500
Andreas GEISSLER (DT): ongoing most. So for policy. So it will be also available in the next weeks I would say.

00:10:58.600 --> 00:11:10.220
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, super once we, you know tackle the dependencies. We can go through the next steps. Tradition. The tradition steps

00:11:10.270 --> 00:11:24.870
Byung-Woo Jun: for and maintain project, I think, which can go very quickly. But this is kind of a last hurdle in my mind. After this I think everything will be go fast, or to, you know, to finish up the application of this component. So

00:11:24.870 --> 00:11:40.720
Byung-Woo Jun: okay, that's good. And second item is just a study item, nephew, see security just for information. So there are section for identity and access management, and also Nephew Walk road identity, which, using Sifa.

00:11:40.740 --> 00:11:52.519
Byung-Woo Jun: So, Andreas, I discuss briefly, but in the future only going to study on the speaker with the service match. But not yet. But this is just information sharing. Okay.

00:11:54.880 --> 00:11:56.079
Sandra Jackson: okay, thank you.

00:11:56.550 --> 00:12:04.870
Sandra Jackson: And then, scrolling down, II had the I did reach out to Kenny. Let me see if if Tony's on here.

00:12:06.150 --> 00:12:07.790
Sandra Jackson: Oh, he's not on here, that's fine.

00:12:08.190 --> 00:12:14.450
Sandra Jackson: I did reach out to Kenny, so we had a brief meeting yesterday, and he explained to me what

00:12:14.470 --> 00:12:19.679
Sandra Jackson: the backup is for the open ss, open sf.

00:12:19.840 --> 00:12:23.970
Byung-Woo Jun: SSF. Badging g

00:12:24.280 --> 00:12:30.740
Sandra Jackson: and so I got a better understanding of that. So I'm going to link that with Tony. So basically, what it is is that

00:12:31.010 --> 00:12:35.099
onap have a number of projects where? You

00:12:35.180 --> 00:12:36.290
Sandra Jackson: that are

00:12:37.400 --> 00:12:49.969
Sandra Jackson: security badged and we just need to go through and make sure that those projects are still valid. I saw one on there yesterday when I did a quick review with them where it said that the

00:12:50.050 --> 00:13:13.930
Sandra Jackson: I never heard of it in it, and that was because it was archived. So stuff like that doesn't need to. We we need to update it. And so I'll link up with Tony for that. And so it's just that they needed someone who, whenever they need updates, or anything verified, or whatever they needed a Poc for that. And so I'll be the Poc. But I will link up with with the Tsc.

00:13:14.350 --> 00:13:17.909
Sandra Jackson: to say, Hey, is this still valid? Do we need to do any updates or whatever?

00:13:18.140 --> 00:13:23.080
Sandra Jackson: So that was the the main thing for for the backup

00:13:23.520 --> 00:13:27.870
Byung-Woo Jun: Sandra. Good question. I think Tony made us some tool for

00:13:28.210 --> 00:13:37.809
Byung-Woo Jun: right? Yes, he did. Which is why Yup, I was going to link up with him because,

00:13:37.990 --> 00:13:44.559
Sandra Jackson: A while ago he did a he showed us something with the the badging and the security stuff. So yeah.

00:13:44.900 --> 00:13:46.340
Byung-Woo Jun: okay, okay.

00:13:47.000 --> 00:13:50.210
Sandra Jackson: trust me, I will not be an error on my own. They don't.

00:13:50.310 --> 00:14:02.670
Byung-Woo Jun: thank you.

00:14:03.120 --> 00:14:08.019
Sandra Jackson: And if I could, if I could add something

00:14:08.030 --> 00:14:11.710
Paweł Pawlak: there is also important role

00:14:12.090 --> 00:14:19.749
Paweł Pawlak: for you as a breach, because if you have a situation that some Ptl. Resigns right, and until you find the new Ptl.

00:14:19.860 --> 00:14:24.819
Paweł Pawlak: There is somebody who could then reassign the the rights to.

00:14:25.360 --> 00:14:33.450
Paweł Pawlak: to, to give the rights to the the new Ptl. To modify the responses in the open. Ssf, right? So

00:14:33.580 --> 00:14:39.069
Paweł Pawlak: in this case we have always you who could help to bridge between the

00:14:39.220 --> 00:14:42.340
Paweł Pawlak: you know the the ptls and and so on.

00:14:42.500 --> 00:14:45.170
Sandra Jackson: Yep, yep, okay.

00:14:46.860 --> 00:14:58.250
Sandra Jackson: alright. I don't think we have any updates on package upgrade, but for the new Daily. I think some projects already working on it. So thank you for all the efforts, and I hope that

00:14:58.410 --> 00:15:10.130
Paweł Pawlak: all the remaining projects they they planned some some time, and and and the resources to to do the upgrades to ensure that the On up security would be preserved in the new Delhi. So

00:15:10.240 --> 00:15:11.700
Paweł Pawlak: please keep on doing

00:15:12.340 --> 00:15:13.160
Sandra Jackson: okay.

00:15:15.590 --> 00:15:20.749
Sandra Jackson: Oh, this was a quick meeting today. So we are down to you. Have something else. Pavel.

00:15:23.120 --> 00:15:24.000
Oh, okay.

00:15:24.310 --> 00:15:29.930
Sandra Jackson: we're already down to one summit. So if you have not registered, please, register

00:15:30.340 --> 00:15:45.730
Sandra Jackson: someone asked me about discount Yup. So I wanna point out that email did go out yesterday. And if you are an an employee of a member company. There is a discount code out there for you.

00:15:46.170 --> 00:15:54.909
Byung-Woo Jun: so you should have received the email yesterday. If you have not reach out to me. Let me know.

00:15:55.210 --> 00:15:56.750
Byung-Woo Jun: A discount code.

00:15:57.020 --> 00:15:59.450
Sandra Jackson: They don't bless you! You say you didn't get it.

00:15:59.600 --> 00:16:14.490
Byung-Woo Jun: I didn't. I don't need it. But my co-worker need that. You know the discount code. But I'm not sure they they received it. They asked question again, so I'm not sure if if you can resend it could be nice.

00:16:14.620 --> 00:16:18.949
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: The email was from Sandra. The email was from home, from

00:16:19.460 --> 00:16:30.249
Sandra Jackson: shocks. Who was the email from? I don't know but I did see it. I wanna say marketing, let me see. Hold on for a second.

00:16:30.850 --> 00:16:36.520
Let me see, it just went out yesterday. But I guess so many emails. Hopefully, I can get to it quickly. Let's see.

00:16:37.250 --> 00:16:40.940
Byung-Woo Jun:  here.

00:16:42.970 --> 00:16:50.510
Sandra Jackson: this is all a day. Okay, this is ridiculous. Let's see I don't I? Oh, here, wait! Here we go. Lf, networking.

00:16:51.910 --> 00:17:01.160
Byung-Woo Jun: Oh, okay. Umhm, and actually, since I'm in here, let me just go ahead and shoot it to you. Now, bayon, yeah, can you? Yeah, cause I can forward it to

00:17:10.640 --> 00:17:13.960
Sandra Jackson: alrighty. So now back to the meeting.

00:17:14.800 --> 00:17:21.560
Sandra Jackson: Alright, so yep. So if you haven't registered, please go ahead and register. We still need.

00:17:21.640 --> 00:17:40.730
Sandra Jackson: Please, please, please, please. We still need someone to represent onap again. It's not a heavy lift. They they have not come up with the meeting time, I don't think yet, but typically it tends to be a Friday that usually works for everybody. But don't quote me on that. That's not a guarantee

00:17:40.750 --> 00:17:56.870
Sandra Jackson: but it's just to bring the information back to the Tsc. And then, when it comes back to when it comes down to the scheduling, we will help you with that. But just making sure that the Tsc. I'm at the the community get their their

00:17:57.020 --> 00:18:03.840
Sandra Jackson: topics and on the schedule. So it's really not a heavy lift. It's once a week meeting

00:18:03.970 --> 00:18:15.020
Sandra Jackson: and the meetings usually take place closer to to the event, and then, helping out with the scheduling. So if you are interested, please reach out to me.

00:18:15.730 --> 00:18:23.270
Sandra Jackson: We'll do all that we can to help you, so that we so that it's not a heavy lift for you. But we do need a representative for the Onac community

00:18:24.260 --> 00:18:42.200
Sandra Jackson: and then, lastly, we had shankar submitted the the proposal for the mentorship. So thank you. And I'm so proud of you guys just just taking advantage of this opportunity, because stuff that needs to be done. This I felt like we missed this opportunity last year. So I'm

00:18:42.200 --> 00:18:59.780
Sandra Jackson: really thankful that you all are taking advantage of it this time, and thank you, Shankar, for getting the the proposal in. I did see a response from Casey that said it looked good. And so I believe next week in the tag meeting is when they're gonna discuss it.

00:19:00.090 --> 00:19:02.789
Sandra Jackson: can choose the 3 projects.

00:19:03.940 --> 00:19:04.960
Sandra Jackson: Okay.

00:19:05.030 --> 00:19:08.740
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: looking forward for some good news. Thank you, Shankar.

00:19:09.160 --> 00:19:11.120
N.K. Shankaranarayanan: Oh, you're welcome. Thanks.

00:19:11.450 --> 00:19:26.619
Byung-Woo Jun: I am, too. Okay. Any other last minute comments, or Sandra quick question. So about the email, about the 40 discount for any, just the alumni. So that means if somebody didn't attend or any summit before.

00:19:27.050 --> 00:19:41.469
Byung-Woo Jun: I don't know they can get this 40% off, anyway. So the section there, there is still a refin member, this 20% discount for that they have to contact. So anyway, I'm not sure this is the same thing with different things. But anyway, this is only for

00:19:41.820 --> 00:19:48.039
Byung-Woo Jun: alumni or any alumni. So, anyway, so I'll ask them to try that. Okay, thank you.

00:19:48.180 --> 00:19:51.870
Sandra Jackson: Okay, and that. And just

00:19:51.890 --> 00:19:58.450
Sandra Jackson: reach out. If if you have an issue and I can, I can go back for clarification.

00:19:59.110 --> 00:20:01.000
Sandra Jackson: all right. Anything else?

00:20:03.090 --> 00:20:09.249
Sandra Jackson: Well, with that. You get a lot of time back and have a good week.

00:20:11.320 --> 00:20:16.940
Sandra Jackson: Thank you.