Strategy (45 minutes) | ONAP takeaways |
| We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements. |
LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | | - China Mobile has a plan for Model as a Service (MaaS) utilizing large models
- China Mobile needs publicly accessible GPU-enabled virtual machines for development
- Can LFN provide or assist in acquiring a necessary public cloud infrastructure?
- LF and ONAP has lab resources to support the community via UNH-IOL.
- Keguang He , will check with his resources; Kevin Sandi , may help resources from LFN?
- Jack Lucas , Marek SzwaĆkiewicz , Andreas Geißler and others need a testing environment for potential ONAP enhancements
- Any update?
- 2025 Budget
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates |
Task Force Updates |
| | - Dong Wang (China Telecom) plans to present China Telecom's vision for ONAP (e.g., Gen AI, Data Service and others) on September 12th.
China Mobile Presentation | | - Keguang He (China Mobile) plans to present MAAS (Model as a Service) to TSC on September 26th.
Operations (40 minutes)
| TSC Activities and Deadlines | | - ONAP Streamlining Documentation Enhancements for Oslo:
- Defining ONAP Core components and extensions (e.g., lightweight ONAP, optional components)
- Core component functions
- Installation guide, including ArgoCD-based deployment options
- configuration guide
- User guide
- Use cases by operators and vendors
- reference architecture (component, interface, security, function...) for lightweight ONAP
- PTLs will be contacted for core component contents, as needed
- Thomas Kulik, shared the tool analysis, Thanks
- Start the documentation for ONAP Streamlining here, ONAP Streamlining Evolution
| | - CCSDK A1 controller committer permission for John Keeney
Release Status |
| |
RelEng/Infrastructure | | Lfx zoom meetings need backup owners for vacation and other occasions - WIPJessica Gonzalez , cleaning up ONAP confluence pages, attachments; so far 260GB, target: 220GB;TSC needs to set up a policy around the attachment length (6 months and can be 4 months)
Pending ticket opened by Marek: - Kevin Sandi - a workaround solution will be tried;
- Marek / Matthew - automatic building solution is needed; escalate this? Waiting for feedback from Marek
- Kevin/Matt/Kevin - create a ticket and try a solution (maybe Github action helps? PoC??)
- Some action plans and updates next week
- Kevin and Marek are working on it, testing and deployment. will report its status - 90% is working; WIP; scheduled for next week update
- wait for argo-cd deployment update. will revisit...
- wait for Marek's return
Kevin: Jenkins' sandbox; security patching is working fine; downtime would be 30 mins; will notify the downtime by email to ONAP community - WIP Thomas Kulik - issues with Portal-NG and other documentation - Kevin / marek: WIP; update in two weeks; wait for Merek IT-26899 Project is not created in RTD - Kevin; found a root cause; almost done, pushed the fixes; Marek: Verifying of fixing; will follow up when Thomas Kulik and Fiete Ostkamp back - next week report; related to RTD pipeline? need further testing Ticket opened by Tony: IT-26848 - Tony is checking on it, still has issues; Kevin will work on it; Let us know. - Kevin Sandi , working on it; removing gerrit plugins as a possible solution; update the ticket with findings and will check them with Tony; any update?
- SonarCloud report for Portal-NG UI; wait for nextus iq; any update? Matt has credential before; Jess will check with him; Jessica Gonzalez ,needs to confirm with Fieta if all is OK; share the lNexus IQ link with TSC.
PTL Updates |
| DMaaP DR deprecation is approved by TSC on July 25th - Done
ONAPARC-805 - Global Requirements for DMaaP DR Removal in Oslo - Done
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements | Byung-Woo Jun | - The Architecture diagram for Oslo, Oslo-R15 Architecture Diagram - WIP to deprecate DMaaP
- Oslo Architecture main wiki pages, Oslo-R15 Architecture/ArchCom Wiki Page ; see its sub directories for project architecture pages
- Updated Oslo project component architecture descriptions
- Wait for Oslo requirement and architecture review requests (e.g., UUI GenAI requirements from Dong Wang and Keguang He ). Most likely in September.
- Byung-Woo Jun , will write the ONAP Streamlining document for architecture...
| IaC Scanning for security Update | Byung-Woo Jun | - ONAP uses sonarCloud for static code analysis
- Since we are applying more CI/CD-based builds and deployment, we may need to consider IaC scanning mechanism to securely deploy ONAP functions
- This could be part of LFN governance support. TBD
- This topic will be discussed further at the ONAP SECCOM
- Jessica Gonzalez will check and return to us; talked with Andy about a possibility integrating with Github action.. find a pilot project; will discuss this at the TSC meeting
- Byung-Woo Jun , created a wiki page for IaC Scanning security topic, IaC Scanning Security
- Secure Supply Chain, FRSCA
- FRSCA + IaC Scanning (e.g., Checkov) possibility...
| Interesting Open Source | Byung-Woo Jun | |
Events & Meetings (5 minutes) | Upcoming Events & Housekeeping | Byung-Woo Jun | |