TSC 2022-08-25

TSC 2022-08-25

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

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Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Staff Announcement

Release Status

Weekly update

Follow up to question from Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed)  about missing requirements from last week:

  • REQ-1106 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - missing Fix Version (release name)
  • REQ-1206 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - missing requirement type
  • I have sent emails to the authors of these issues to determine status


  • Any update about UNH Lab
  • GitLab - status of seed code?
    • Still pending holidays (smile)
    • The Orange license statement in the code is still a question
    • DNS update needed in ~5 weeks. Still need clarity
  • Jenkins jobs - common link and RTD verify master - 
      • python version have changed between yesterday and today- don't know why

PTL Updates

Congratulations to Guangrong Fu , our re-elected Holmes PTL

Congratulations to Toine Siebelink , our re-elected CPS PTL !

Congratulations to Sourabh Sourabh , our new CPS Committer !

No Integration PTL

  • No response from current committers
  • Suggestion that job responsibilities be distributed to the other PTLs
  • Recommendation to take the discussion to the PTL meeting on  to see which specific tasks could be distributed
    • Should look at the tasks we have to see if there are things we can drop
    • Concerns about current overloading of existing PTLs
    • Concerns about maintaining a centralized oversight of integration
    • Can some aspects be upstreamed?


  • Can qualify for a "Moribund project" intervention under Section
  • Dan Xu is proposing to take over the PTL role
    • CLI is upstream from VNFSDK
    • Can the CLI project be merges into VNFSDK project?
      • Primary concern is that available resources
  • Kenny Paul send an email vote out to the TSC  


  • Kenny Paul sent email to all registered VNFSDK Committers on
  • Dan Xu is proposing to take over the PTL role 

 Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements, Unmaintained projects

Have pulled together info on how to manage orphaned code

  • outdate repo
  • Who de-risks it

2022-08-23 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes

Process - Project State: Unmaintained

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Next Enterprise Task Force meeting is scheduled on Sept 7th

Next ONAP/SABRES working group is scheduled on August 31st

  • Need to get SO representation on the next call
  • 5G-SBP - recommend assigning a community coordinator from ONAP to be on the team officially
    • This is a true working group - more geared toward to the folks that are actually building the demos
  • Kenny Paul start an internal conversation w/ Staff on the best approach.

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • Sept 5 PTL meeting cancelled due to Labor Day holiday in the U.S.
  • ONE Summit NA  Registration Open
    • Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • In Person
    • LF members receive a 10% discount with code ONE22LFNMEM
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA Registration Open  
      • Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
      • In Person

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:55 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
06:59:57 From  SaiSeshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, IC
06:59:59 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:00:03 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:25 From  Dan Xu  to  Everyone:
    #info Dan Xu, Huawei
07:00:58 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Linux Foundation
07:01:09 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:02:43 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:03:32 From  Dilip Krishnaswamy (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Dilip Krishnaswamy, STL
07:06:39 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:07:01 From  Martial Ngueko(AT&T)  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy AT&T, Gervais-Martial Ngueko
07:07:26 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    Congrats, Kenny!
07:07:59 From  Muddasar Ahmed(MITRE)  to  Everyone:
    Congrats Kenny.
07:11:29 From  Martial Ngueko(AT&T)  to  Everyone:
    congrats Kenny
08:24:00 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    Reply to this email: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/8845
08:25:28 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    Hyperledger Telco SIG presentation on Blockchain based slice broker starts in 5 minutes  https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community?pwd=STZQd0xMZU9xRVVOVnpQM3JNQ2dqZz09
08:27:44 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    Actually, 35 minutes…9AM PDT
08:28:46 From  Muddasar Ahmed(MITRE)  to  Everyone:
08:29:12 From  Muddasar Ahmed(MITRE)  to  Everyone:

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:03:50 that's done
07:04:06 So if come in, please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking. If you're on a cell phone, or a dial in, or a a a hard landline.
07:04:16 If folks still have those I mean we are in the telecom industry, and we know that there's a lot of legacy usage out there of equipment.
07:04:25 All joking aside. If you need to. use your phone, you can use Star 6 to unmute yourself.
07:04:31 Send me a private chat message. I will happily cut and paste that into the meeting minutes, and as always we'll start off by talking about our anti trust policy.
07:04:42 You can find this link from the Lf. on all of the project websites.
07:04:45 As policy is important where we have multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:04:51 Please review it. If you have any questions please contact your company's Legal Council members of the Linux Foundation may also contact Andrew up to growth from Gesmer upgrade Lp.
07:05:01 Which provides legal council to the Lf. and it's important to note that this policy is in place, whether there is a member of Lf.
07:05:08 Staff present on the meeting or not.
07:05:17 My window. is there? Okay, quick, Scan down I think i've got everybody that checked in Marshall.
07:05:29 Thank you for the note about Catherine. Appreciate it.
07:05:34 So I got a quick announcement for everybody, and then we will get into the agenda.
07:05:42 David will be talking a little bit about release.
07:05:49 See where we are on some infrastructure issues we've got some discussions about ptls and the elections.
07:06:03 Kick off. i'll talk about that not a lot on the agenda today, but I still think it's gonna be probably a little bit of a busy meeting.
07:06:12 Okay, So staffing announcement I have been promoted to director here at Dl. for Lfn. i'll be heading up operations.
07:06:25 So over the next several months I will be
07:06:32 Turning my attention to other other things, and be moving off of own app in particular, although I will.
07:06:42 You're not gonna get rid of me I will still be hanging around in one way, shape or form
07:06:48 But this is going to be a slow transition and we haven't quite figured out what that model is going to look like.
07:06:56 Yet. we've got staff that are out on pto and so.
07:07:01 And once we get that, all figured. out then it'll be a little bit more clear but I wanted to let ever make everybody aware of that. that.
07:07:11 My attention is now going to be split Monks own app, and a number of other things.
07:07:16 So that is that Okay, Who came in Marshall for you, Eric.
07:07:31 Thank you.
07:07:39 1 s.
07:07:53 And thank you. team out. Okay. So that's that David Mcbride.
07:08:03 Do you want to take it away? Thank you. Thanks, Kenny.
07:08:08 So you can see the the weekly update I put the the link in there.
07:08:14 The The main takeaway is that milestone 3 for the cone.
07:08:20 Release is coming up one week from day today on September first.
07:08:25 Also just a reminder that that m 2.
07:08:31 That was proved by the Tsc. back in July was conditioned on projects.
07:08:39 Completing the the color coding of
07:08:44 The global requirements. and best practice requirements and I I reopened several of the tasks from P. 2 related to color coding, just as a reminder to ptl So if you're a
07:09:03 Pt. i'll please share check the requirements for M.
07:09:08 2 and take a look at the the yeah re component view page and make sure that you've color coded all of the global requirements and best practice requirements.
07:09:22 Last week Magnus raise the issue that he
07:09:27 I had been talking to a colleague who thought that there might be some missing requirements.
07:09:32 I went back, and did some searches within the Raq.
07:09:39 Requirements Project and I came up with 2 possibilities.
07:09:46 One is Raq. 11 o 6, which beyond, created back in February.
07:09:58 But it was never assigned to a a release.
07:10:02 You can see the fixed version field there toward the top. of the page is not completed, so that's why it would not show up on the the cone requirements page.
07:10:16 So I sent an email to beyond to trying to understand what the status is of that requirement.
07:10:25 It is it's also indicated as a as a poc.
07:10:32 So it isn't super urgent but the youngs out on vacation right now, and won't return till the sixth.
07:10:42 So. anyway, I will keep following up with him about that. And then there was another one that Fiatra created
07:10:51 Oh, 12 o 6, and this one was never
07:10:59 You can see that there's no requirement type field. And so that explains why it did not show up.
07:11:06 Also it's marked as done so so this one's a little confusing.
07:11:11 This may have just been an error but there's no comments to indicate that. so i'm not sure exactly what happened.
07:11:19 It was like, was created and resolved on the same day.
07:11:24 So it may just be an error, anyway, I have an email out to Fiatra.
07:11:29 But he's also on vacation I think he returns next week, and so, anyway.
07:11:38 But those are the only 2 that I could find.
07:11:42 As far as I can tell, the cone requirements is is up to date.
07:11:47 So. thanks, thanks, David. I actually my My question was for very late requirements, and the the colleague I was referring to was was one.
07:12:01 I see that one is on the call here. Can you explain your the problem as you saw it?
07:12:14 Yeah, sorry. Now it's been a couple of weeks since I ran into this.
07:12:19 But you know, whenever the task were assigned, I I did update the the page for any requirements that were there.
07:12:29 But yeah, basically quite simply. I thought it was finished. but then, one or 2 weeks later, it was rejected, and I looked at the pace again.
07:12:38 There were new requirements I can't exactly Remember under which section but there are definitely still being updated.
07:12:45 So that was kind of the quirks of the problem
07:12:51 Well, I I did queries. looking at any issues that were created over the last well, basically, since the start of the year, to see if there was anything that was not accounted for on the requirements page and So
07:13:11 that included from the present almost to the start of the year.
07:13:19 And I. these are the only 2 that I could find.
07:13:24 So if if you have some specific requirement ids that you can point me to, i'll i'll take a look at those.
07:13:32 But I I couldn't find anything that was not already counted for. Yeah, I don't.
07:13:38 I don't think it was missing requirements this was requirements coming late into the process maybe just not on that page.
07:13:48 So you may be making too much of a deal design I think it's just a matter of that. updates to them, because that's a manual process.
07:13:55 Appreciate that the requirements on that page so maybe it's just a matter of Maybe we should have a another step over sure that we have all the the requirement I know it's a bit tricky. there's probably a bit of an iterative process where
07:14:10 we just go to a few loops. of making sure we have all the requirements, and making sure that the ptls have acknowledged all the requirements. I'm.
07:14:19 Not sure if it can be improved. To be honest, the process something yeah.
07:14:26 Well, we we try to do that you know We Have kind of a handshake using the component view page and Kenny, maybe you can pull that up for a minute.
07:14:36 There's a link there just above yeah yeah that one
07:14:48 So the idea here is that the the requirements get listed in these tables, and then the requirement owners indicate we you know, put X's in the cells whether there's an impact on a on a project
07:15:06 and then the projects ptls come back. and and they color code those to indicate you know whether they're able to support that requirement, so that's the handshake that we try to do through this through
07:15:27 this process. Probably not. not ideal But anyway. that that's the So the acknowledgement that you are referring to this is where that's supposed to happen.
07:15:42 Yeah, I know this is this is what i'm talking about I think, like I said, I think I updated this page with whatever requirements or there at the time, and I think it's especially the the global requirements.
07:15:52 If I remember, it was either the global requirements or the best practices would then wanted to negotiate it over a few more global requirements or best practices on this page.
07:16:03 Okay, so that that is kind of but like I said i'm not quite sure.
07:16:07 It can really be improved. But maybe this should be yeah, especially for the global and the best practices to probably should be at a certain time where we know. we Have captured them all on this page before we ask the Pts to complete the
07:16:19 space. Yeah, we We did have a little bit of a problem this year.
07:16:25 Because we there was something that came out in the retrospective from the Jakarta release to break out the best practices and global requirements in separate tables and that was done But it
07:16:50 was done I i'm not sure if I if I made them mistake, or if people added requirements to the wrong table.
07:16:56 But it went point we had. I I think, that all the best practice and global requirements were in the global requirements table, and there were none in the best practice table.
07:17:09 So I took an action, and and it's been I don't know at least my 2 months ago I went in, and I sorted that out, and I made sure that you know the global requirements were in the global requirements table and the best
07:17:22 practices were in the best practices table so that that might account for the changes that you saw, and it wasn't adding new requirements.
07:17:32 It was just making sure that the existing requirements were in the right place.
07:17:37 So I i'm not sure if that explains that or not.
07:17:41 But anyway, if you if you have particular requirements that you're concerned about that you'd like me to take a look at you know.
07:17:52 Let me know and i'm happy to happy to research it and figure out what's going on. So no no I don't.
07:18:00 It's just just a prose cause I think we have some doubt that that's all Okay, Alright.
07:18:05 Well process can always be improved for sure. Okay, thanks. alright.
07:18:14 Any other questions about release kenny you're gonna say something
07:18:26 True that we have to have all of the global requirements and best practices for the upcoming release set.
07:18:34 But once a global requirement is set it's set permanently, so that one doesn't go away my best practice, once it's set it's set permanently and doesn't go away So I maybe the the issue is just
07:18:47 from release release, making sure that they they get brought forward I don't I don't know.
07:18:52 Yeah, Well, though, the course, the one change that we have our best practices is that they they get approved as a global requirement by the Tsc.
07:19:01 And then they get moved to the global requirements table But anyway, you can't see since we are on this page.
07:19:13 You can see there that for best practices we're still waiting for input from O.
07:19:21 M. and Os i've i've sent email Chris pro part of the problem is that we don't currently have a ptl for Oam, and then I think if you go down to the global requirements
07:19:35 Kenny. yeah, I think those yeah we're we're also missing.
07:19:40 Oam in the global requirements. And
07:19:50 Yeah, I think we have not. We really gone through that in the that's right in the latest in the latest release, or in the latest meetings, at least.
07:20:07 So. unfortunately, I will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks.
07:20:12 So i'm wondering if someone else from the e o one team can have a look at them.
07:20:19 I don't think that we have anything here which should not be green
07:20:25 So because we are not let's say a multi of the of the part.
07:20:30 We are not really affected on so therefore I don't see a problem at the moment hearing all images.
07:20:39 But you are right. so we have not come through that in a formal way, because we were too busy with implementing
07:20:51 David, I I did notice something. that any. So the best practices, and approved by the Tsc.
07:21:01 Best practices are always approved by the tsc and and they're perpetual right.
07:21:07 So the difference being that the best practices apply to any new code, whereas i'm sorry.
07:21:15 Yeah, best practices are any new code we're global requirements are all code?
07:21:20 So I think the fact that those are all marked as no could be and could also lead to some confused.
07:21:30 Yeah, yeah, I I think that was probably that's probably an artifact of changing up the tables and and creating new tables, and so on, copying pasting, and so on.
07:21:39 But I can. I could fix that at the so.
07:21:44 Are you thinking that that's not applicable or for best practices, or or those should all be.
07:21:57 Yes, right it It It remains in that State ongoing release release.
07:22:01 So yeah, yeah, i'll go it through and fix that coolness
07:22:13 Okay. Anything else. Release related.
07:22:28 Okay moving on, then to range. I think at this point the Unh lab is back up.
07:22:41 I know that there's been there's been a little back and forth in in terms of folks getting getting their environments established.
07:22:54 But as far as I know everything there should be should be all backup, i'm doing a quick check of my email to see if anything came in recently that I haven't seen I haven't recreated the the
07:23:12 environment. I set up earlier. i'm still waiting for feedback on the questions I have
07:23:21 Okay, and those the the the questions went to to Lincoln and or or went to the I put the most on the Jira ticket.
07:23:37 It was mainly, which sizes and the bit on the bastion.
07:23:42 That's where less they still haven't lost our check they still haven't updated the gary triple with the license part, which was the box show Stop this is for the for the lab
07:24:04 The lab is easy to set up but I can't stop the runners to work until we have the proper licenses in place on Garrett
07:24:37 Okay, So i'll sync up with you offline on that because I guess I was not understanding something something there.
07:24:50 I thought that we had what we needed set up, and I guess I was wrong.
07:24:59 They set it up in Gitla. but they never moved it across to Garrett, where it has to be
07:25:16 Okay, anyone else. that's using the lab that's still having an issue
07:25:31 I know that Vj. is pretty heavy lab user, and I was looking to see if he was on the call.
07:25:38 Vj. is away today on vacation regarding the
07:25:45 The code from the on the orange part. I was not able to this week to do anything.
07:25:50 So you, unfortunately, you might need to wait and to make always back.
07:25:55 I was not waiting to do anything this week. besides the all run tasks.
07:26:01 Sorry for that.
07:26:07 That's Okay, we wait until they're back okay .
07:26:14 I remember that that on the rest mentioned something license that at good. and is this is the one or something else.
07:26:29 I think that is the one which which was in in in question.
07:26:34 So I think we got let's say no I don't know I I was on devoted that in these discussions. so, but we received, of course, somehow, the confirmation that everything is it's it's open basically
07:26:49 out of the code. but I don't know if There is a need, or was a need of an official license statement from Orange, or something like that.
07:26:56 I was not really involved in that one
07:27:07 Eric, Do you know
07:27:16 Okay, and then from last week I recall that there is something Dns related, which is, I guess, 5 weeks out now.
07:27:36 Yes, I grew up
07:27:45 Yep, and we need to get some clarity on that.
07:27:50 Recounting let's say the Jenkins jobs I have into 2 days, or something we have issues with to jobs which is the common link job, and the read the docs version 3 verify master there are some
07:28:13 2 with version, so python versions and library version.
07:28:22 So they are not ex. no, and not executing properly I don't know what has been changed by someone.
07:28:30 But I don't even know if there's a ticket for that out.
07:28:33 But i've just seen that in all the latest or oh!
07:28:38 And patches that they are failing in these 2 jobs, and these were related to, as I said, python version issues.
07:28:53 I don't know whether it is someone looking at that but it has nothing to do with the yeah Okay, Tas, what's it have to do with the not with the gatelap.
07:29:01 But it's in our garret part. yeah so maybe it's not under kit like bounce bounce that one out to a top level
07:29:18 So do we. No, Do we have any line of site?
07:29:28 If something changed with the with Python version related to Jenkins
07:29:40 So it's the master commit to link I just look if I can see any changes here.
07:29:47 But I don't know whether I can see them here history awesome changes between the 2425.
07:30:00 The 50 see conferences kind of really see. So maybe if someone could have a look at that would be nice, because otherwise the old M.
07:30:17 Patches are all failing, so that the job so
07:30:33 Okay, yeah, sounds like we need to get if there's not a ticket.
07:30:44 Real-ch folks. Do you see anything in the a ticket on that?
07:30:48 In the queue
07:30:58 I'm not aware of a ticket guys
07:31:03 No, I don't. Maybe I was thinking someone else had had a maybe of something experience as well.
07:31:13 Obviously no Okay, and Andreas I know that you're probably swamp getting ready to go on vacation.
07:31:22 I wanted to mention this here. so yeah.
07:31:29 So if somebody could someone from the community could take a look and give Andreas a hand on that and get a ticket open would be much appreciated indeed.
07:31:41 Yeah, the usual rule applies if there's an action item on relative. We'll just need to to track it under a case.
07:31:47 So yeah, that would be appreciated
07:31:53 Okay, anything Anything else in related to rel and your infrastructure
07:32:05 Any thing the team has for us
07:32:16 Okay, let's go ahead. and move on Then elections. get elections going on going wrong spin reelected twon, and we've got a new committer on cps who's
07:32:37 surebra suba. I hope I am saying that correct, but I probably am not in my apologies.
07:32:46 Our office. I think how you've been out to Then actually, there's a problem with this, and he'll Then his surname is not so raft I was just admin mistake that has been carried forward I
07:32:59 the case. people have ordinary. But Sarah will do.
07:33:02 Yeah, he's on my team obviously
07:33:11 Thank you for that, sir. So this is probably something that can be fixed in individual profile.
07:33:27 With the Lf. I think at this point it should propagate to the all of the Wikis.
07:33:35 I don't know for sure that that's the case whether it does propagate if not it can should be able to be changed locally on the on the wiki here.
07:33:48 Okay. So we are still in situation with no integration.
07:33:53 Ptl didn't have a response from the current committers Last week we had a suggestion that the job responsibilities actually be distributed among the the project.
07:34:15 Ptls rather than a centralized function for some of these things.
07:34:20 I don't know what aspects of that would lend themselves.
07:34:25 Well to such a distributed responsibility. Base but certainly it would.
07:34:35 It would make sense to you know at least on paper that distributing the load would no help out
07:34:45 But I don't know specifically what aspects of this would be done
07:34:52 Anyone have any ideas in this regard? Do you think we need to have a separate meeting on this?
07:34:59 Is it something that we need to do drill down at the Ptl meeting on?
07:35:06 What are the thoughts of the Tsc. Hmm. Maybe we should take that onto the Ptr meeting, and maybe you check this specific task that can be distributed.
07:35:27 I think not all the task and it's really good maybe some specific one that are really that makes sense
07:35:46 Yeah, and you should wait of course for me how It's clear one week on vacation.
07:35:56 Yeah, I guess I I think the Ptls are appreciate.
07:36:02 All of us as it is my person. Oh, yeah, anyway, I think in in that.
07:36:13 In that discussion we should also include a screw scrutiny of of the tasks, and if there is a possibility to lower the ambition level when it comes to integration.
07:36:46 Why is he showing up? Okay, we'll just leave that
07:36:55 Kenny one suggestion it's a very important aspect of bringing integration.
07:37:03 The activities under one responsible entity. So, even though we are thinking of giving up tests, but we still need at least
07:37:15 One person to be responsible, or whatever that might be.
07:37:26 It it It It can't be a fully district you to your phone modus or I agree it can't be a completely distributed function.
07:37:33 There needs to be someone that's looking at it from a coordination perspective.
07:37:41 Hi! I think the challenge that we've had with the ptl for a few years now is that everything is is kind of left to them to do and that specific workload when you you know.
07:38:06 Look at. we've got 2025 to 30 different projects, all going to the you know. a single ptl for stuff to be done is is is tricky.
07:38:22 So There, there's there's they happy medium somewhere.
07:38:27 I I do believe that we need someone that's doing the central coordination.
07:38:31 But I think that the some of the work can be distributed.
07:38:36 But it, you know, to 1 point the the ptls are already loaded, so we need to
07:38:47 Nothing might be a a good discussion item for ptls.
07:38:52 Yeah, what do we expect at the integration stage? Right?
07:38:57 And then look at the existing activities and and the outcomes and integration team produces to see if it's still valid assumption that the integration team needs to perform that some of this stuff can be sent
07:39:12 upstream.
07:40:05 Sorry for my typing here
07:40:18 Okay, I think I kinda captured the gist of what we were just talking about.
07:40:28 Okay.
07:40:37 And so we're michelle will be back Andreas.
07:40:48 I think he's next week off again and then after this week or he will be back.
07:40:55 So in 2 weeks. Okay. So the meeting in 2 weeks is canceled because we've got a holiday here in the Us.
07:41:01 So we're we're practically looking at the discussion on the wealth
07:41:28 Okay, Nope. So we can put that on the back burner till then.
07:41:35 So moving on to cli So we have a situation where we have no ptl and no committers.
07:41:48 On the project. it was recommended by cock garage. that dance!
07:41:59 You take over the ptl but congratulations!
07:42:10 The only committer on the project, so with his departure we've got no pt, no committer, no nothing
07:42:15 So under this the Tsc. can can select someone to be in that role.
07:42:29 And and point them to to that role it's accounted for in the in the community document, and I stupidly did not pull up what the specific provision.
07:42:51 Is, I can do that if folks care If not, we can just continue the conversation.
07:43:00 So it's about the tsc voting to allow branches to.
07:43:02 We go with your Yes, so so 2 things here Marshall, it would be voting to promote Dan shoot to a committer, and simultaneously saying, and also the ptl for the cli project don't
07:43:31 you. I know that you are on the call, or at least you joined earlier.
07:43:36 Do you want to introduce yourself? and and so a few words?
07:43:43 Yeah, Yeah, Thank you, Kenny. And this is Dan. she from queue.
07:43:49 Actually, I want to give some very brief introduction about these 2 projects.
07:43:56 Because first is the Cli project. It provides the command lines for via Fsdk.
07:44:04 So actually they need to work together to get up to support the Cbc.
07:44:11 Vnf compliance testing. so for the own app community.
07:44:18 I Idd like to say that we should keep this to Brojax active because they are, should keep this to project active because they are the important components of Cbc compliance verification.
07:44:36 And there may be some users of Cbc. that will feedback the new features.
07:44:46 All bags they found back to the onap to these 2 projects. So we need some.
07:44:53 We need to maintain this 2 projects, and the invite to invite them to be headless projects.
07:45:04 But it's it's it's okay that if the to Actually, it will be very great if there are someone else in the commuter list that got to take over this position of the ptl of these 2
07:45:21 projects I I think that's all that's all news opinion, opinions from my side.
07:45:33 So let's let's focus on the on the first on the cli piece of it here.
07:45:42 Folks from the Tsc. do you have questions for Dante?
07:45:51 Just queue if we don't have vfn sdk moving forward with good support, could you reframe that mud as far? So i'm wondering It's Dan?
07:46:13 She was explaining that the Cli is important aspects of
07:46:17 Vfn sdk and if we don't find me if an Sdk: and do we really need to focus on Gl.
07:46:30 Still I is. The command line provides the command line of Vnf.
07:46:35 Sdk: So actually it's the command will use Cli to do the compliance testing in the Cbc.
07:46:51 Compliance progress. So actually, there are very important for Cvc via nef testing.
07:47:03 No, I I I understand that part. I think the Friday should be that you need to find leadership for Vfn.
07:47:13 Sdk: If that's all Yes, Yes, if if someone can take the vnfsdk ptl pro I think it's very easy for him to take us also take the position of Ci.
07:47:32 Project agree. I think that what I was trying to say is that Vfn Sdk.
07:47:35 Has the priority, because that's the function part and the Cli is really the human interface to use Vfn Sdk: Both are important, but it's the Vfn Sdk: that actually performs the task
07:48:04 So what? What was he actually, if she want to?
07:48:12 Them what's the support of also so the the cli isn't is an easier thing to address at the moment, because the Cli does not have any committers on it, and has no ptl so in that context
07:48:42 the Tsc. can intervene and i'm trying to pull up the specific provision.
07:48:48 Right now, so give me a second once I find it.
07:48:53 Here we go. So in the event that it is section 3, 2 to 2.
07:49:02 In the event a project has no active committers due to resignations, etc. The Tse.
07:49:08 May appoint and interim committer from the project's active contributors.
07:49:15 This term shall last until the next release date, at which time the committer must stand for election.
07:49:22 Among the other committers. so we We don't have this so we have provisions to elected person.
07:49:35 This requires a majority of vote of the committers.
07:49:38 But we have no committers to vote on that.
07:49:41 The only person there was kind of garage, and he said, he wants to promote he wants to promote by shoe.
07:49:57 So I But nothing has happened.
07:50:06 So we have a. There are provision to take care of the the Cli situation.
07:50:16 That we have for Vnfsdk is a different story, because Vnf Sdk.
07:50:23 Has like 2 dozen committers. Now, out of that yeah, out of that number.
07:50:35 Most of it It hasn't changed since the project was basically launched back in 2,017.
07:50:43 So, you know, and I know that the the majority of the folks on that list probably Aren't, even on the project anymore.
07:50:51 There probably aren't even on own app anymore.
07:50:55 I did send a mail out on the nineteenth to the list on that one.
07:51:05 I got a number of bounce backs from addresses that were no longer valid.
07:51:13 There are an number of those that are valid that I have not received any response from.
07:51:20 So that was on the nineteenth. We need to let that go another week.
07:51:25 Before we can take action on that, I will send out a reminder to the list.
07:51:30 Minus the people that I got bounced notices phone
07:51:38 So it so it means that could already vote for the Cli, and wait till next week for the
07:51:54 And actually there is no response from the Committee on we should remove them from the actually to Cleveland, to align with the strategy.
07:52:14 And and this is one where the the importance of maintaining this information of the Ptl.
07:52:26 Maintaining this information it's so critical to us as a community. it's not a fun thing to do It is not a fun administrative task for for the ptls by any stretch of the imagination to maintain
07:52:39 this information, but it's so critically important otherwise we find ourselves scrambling in situations like we are here
07:52:51 So we can Let me take another look at
07:53:02 Did I close that? Oh, I did I did close it didn't I I don't know.
07:53:09 There it is. Okay. So let me read through this resignations special case.
07:53:20 Majority of the committers respond within 2 weeks.
07:53:35 Mess by which you see points an intern committer is first, Tsc.
07:53:42 Mailing list and Kate the request to a point. Okay, So that went out.
07:53:52 I would consider kind of garages email is depart your email as qualifying for that.
07:54:00 Because that did go out to the tsc list i'm pretty darn sure.
07:54:12 Let me double check that
07:54:14 Just make sure we're doing everything the right way
07:54:33 Yep, so
07:54:34 Yep so Here's here's the I Guess I I I guess I exaggerated in terms of saying there's a couple dozen There's about a dozen on the on the Vnf.
07:54:49 Sdk list but I would consider this male that was sent out on the twelfth as the notification to this Tsc.
07:55:01 Which makes that 1, 2 weeks is officially tomorrow. So I guess we can put that out for an email vote on starting tomorrow
07:55:24 Anyone see a different course of action there? yeah I hope I won't derail this conversation.
07:55:34 But it sounds like maybe the Cli has could benefit from being merged into the Vnf.
07:55:43 Sdk project, and that way we can make be more efficient and have just one ptl.
07:55:51 I was wondering if based on what I heard on today's call so wondering if i'm the only one seeing it this way?
07:55:58 Or is there some appetite to kind of merge?
07:56:02 These 2 projects, and reduce our overhead with ptls and committers
07:56:10 That is an interesting question. So Randy that's why I asked earlier questions. Right?
07:56:19 If Cli is a human interface to make use of Thef and Sdk: it's the Vfn Sdk: Wars basically want to maintain, and and necessity is that you gotta have some way to put right so
07:56:35 I think won't be a far stretch if you large it in traditional products.
07:56:41 The human interface, and the product itself is a single project
07:56:53 No pressure down. Shoot one actually that that's what you want.
07:57:01 If you want to to be careful for both so it's about if if you decide if she's ptl of C 9 next 3, we actually need just to good merge venf and venice sdk and
07:57:16 cri and that's it at the same time
07:57:24 Yeah, because that would come down to a Basically, the Ptl decision.
07:57:33 Does anyone see a potential snag? If we were to take that approach
07:57:47 I think the only snag is. Do you have enough resources for both of these projects?
07:57:55 Jay, if you're already talking about resource constraint combining to doesn't help.
07:58:02 Yeah, I think strategically, it's important step that it should be combined.
07:58:08 So we still have a resource issue to solve. Yeah, but at least it reduces the resource overhead of it.
07:58:16 Having a dedicated ptl for each of the projects, and having dedicated commuters.
07:58:23 So I think ptls and commuters that will reduce the overhead, maybe freeing these people up for more development.
07:58:33 Tasks. Henry. not a magic solution, but it can maybe help a little bit.
07:58:45 So, if we look at
07:58:52 Let me pop out to insights. Briefly.
07:59:14 Okay, So projects
07:59:29 Okay, So let's take a look at that over the past year
07:59:50 So we've got a few different people that have been doing commits there, Cedric.
07:59:59 We know that that's related to some of the documentation stuff.
08:00:06 So we do have have some other folks that are commits for Cli.
08:00:16 Let's take a look at vnfs to k
08:00:26 You think all this time I I would have figured out and remember that it's case sensitive
08:00:38 Do I have the same timeline setup last year?
08:00:41 Yep: Okay. So in vnfsdk It looks like we've got some of the same players there.
08:00:59 So I I guess the the the main thing here is if we've got people that are familiar with the code in both areas.
08:01:09 Then it certainly makes a lot of sense to me. but I think that there is a a significant need for whatever happens to make sure that we get
08:01:23 The administration cleaned up in these projects, once whatever event related to the Ptl takes place, takes place
08:01:38 Any other thoughts on that
08:01:49 No, everything that indeed, if you March, will be less about it.
08:01:53 So activities to be done
08:02:01 Set back down one and make it an action item for me
08:02:34 Okay, so I will do that tomorrow. And I think for Vnf.
08:02:41 Sdk: We are still in a little bit of a holding pattern.
08:02:45 Officially. until we get either a response or a no response back from the the the existing Vmfsdk committers.
08:03:00 Okay, Dan, Shu Any questions? No, no, no, from my side.
08:03:08 Okay, dooke Tsc: Any questions?
08:03:16 Okay, Doke. Thanks, folks. we'll cruise along here next enterprise meetings on the seventh next Sabers work group is scheduled for next Wednesday.
08:03:38 Okay, yes, by the way, David don't forget to follow up with sissue and Vj.
08:03:54 For the portfolio. Yeah, we'll do I know session.
08:03:59 Well, he he mentioned in his email when he stepped down from the Tsc.
08:04:05 That he was leaving Huawei, and I I notice it is email is bouncing now.
08:04:10 So, but I did find a gmail address for him on confluence, so i'll i'll reach out and we want them to attend The next meeting.
08:04:21 Is that it? Yes, that's for me great okay alright yeah i'll work on it.
08:04:28 Yeah. so she was on the call. he looks like he had to drop so.
08:04:33 Oh, he was on the call. Okay, all right and I guess, Vj didn't join, though.
08:04:41 No. So : yeah, Vj: is on holiday today.
08:04:45 Oh, yeah, yeah, you mentioned that. Okay, yeah, Marshall, I will follow up on that.
08:04:50 Thanks for the reminder. Marshall can I i'll give you another.
08:04:59 Follow up on this. So a ben attending Andy server on app and bring calls blueprint.
08:05:07 There was a discussion. What is the right orchestration tool to use?
08:05:13 2 names were brought up obviously on that. and Mco.
08:05:18 I think it's important to own app community influences the decision to use own app.
08:05:26 It would be a very good additional validation of utility on app provides super blue print is aspiring to configure all fiveg system, including Ran Core and Mac and a bunch of use cases I think
08:05:47 if whoever is interfacing with savers or super blueprint, they voice their opinion about user phone app?
08:05:59 Yeah, Well, a couple of things about that one is that sabers is a requirement for the cone release.
08:06:12 It's a poc requirement at least in initially, Also I've talked to lewis about this a little bit, and the the integration of sabers or or making it part of the fiveg super
08:06:30 blueprint at least for the time being is is by way of own app.
08:06:37 Yeah. So what they were looking at is there was a gentleman from Amco Group, I guess.
08:06:44 No, he was suggesting them could be the main orchestrator, and then you can use some modules like Dcae to augment.
08:06:52 That is a a strategy where you won't be able to fully demonstrate your own app capability, or rather have other way around where own app is your multi domain orchestrator, and you use Maybe i'm
08:07:09 going to orchestrate the edge work with the Lf. Edge.
08:07:14 Yeah, that that was my understanding of what the the architecture is.
08:07:18 The latter. Okay, Japan. And it it just needs to be Oh, promoted that way.
08:07:25 So when they make the decision. it it does use all an app for majority of the capability for orchestration and deployments.
08:07:36 Do we have a an official own app representative to fiveg super blueprint?
08:07:44 I. I know we have for other external projects, and so on.
08:07:52 Do we have that for fiveg super blueprint i'm not aware.
08:07:56 But every now and then I see shocker and and i've been attending some, because I think the security aspects need to be part of the blueprint.
08:08:08 As well Well, that questions more toward kenny there's representation on the on the call Well, I mean I know your question of is anyone assigned to it?
08:08:25 The answer, That is no Okay. So my suggestion to the Tsc.
08:08:29 V. then is that we do that because we I I forgot the term that we have.
08:08:35 What do we call them ambassadors or liaison?
08:08:39 Yeah, we we have. We have folks identified who are official own app representatives to, you know, external entities.
08:08:50 And my suggestion is that we do something like that 4, 5 g super blueprint, so that you know 2 mudosars point.
08:09:00 We make sure that you know own app interests are being well represented.
08:09:05 Within fiveg super blueprint
08:09:15 So we need a community coordinator there that's the term.
08:09:22 I was looking for. Thank you.
08:09:41 So, while I agree with David's suggestion that we need better representation, I I think the way things work in the fiveg super blueprint, it's more of a dual accuracy where it's not just the committee
08:09:55 that sits down and develops architectures but it's a group of people who actually set up the blueprint and the demo.
08:10:07 So i'm afraid that having just one rep from the Tc.
08:10:11 Or the community will not be enough to influence the direction of the super blueprint and more serious commitment from individuals and groups that can actually roll up their sleeves and kind of create those pocs or
08:10:35 Demos. Well, that's what's happening I mean like I mentioned earlier.
08:10:43 We. There is an approved requirement for savers. and that work is ongoing, you know, being driven by
08:10:53 Marshall and Eric Klein and we have meetings every 2 weeks to discuss progress, so that that work is ongoing
08:11:21 Did I capture that? Well, Ranny, yeah, I mean David.
08:11:29 I I mean what said he, is is correct but i'm just trying to understand what would be the added value of an additional coordinator on top of the community.
08:11:47 Members were already like Marshall and others who are already working on the 5 d super Lupin.
08:11:53 So maybe maybe we need to discuss a little bit the scope of this coordinator role, because i'm not sure I understand what we're expecting this person to do.
08:12:09 Well at the the work is half is happening under a poc under own app.
08:12:15 I'm just not sure how much that is being represented and you know externally in the fiveg super blueprint meetings.
08:12:26 And I I mean if if marshall is attending those meetings and and speaking up and saying, you know Oh, you know we're doing this work, and here's where we're at that's great But if
08:12:40 not, Then I would see that the community coordinator would would be doing that.
08:12:49 No, I I tend to agree with with the running. I mean there are several, you know, being as involved in that.
08:12:59 I I think we may want We we're trying to fix a problem that this is the problem
08:13:17 Yeah. So if this is, if if this is a if this is a working group, I I guess what would the representative?
08:13:26 What What would the community coordinator from phone app do?
08:13:32 Is the big question. Well, so I heard 2 different things. I heard.
08:13:38 I heard that the fiveg super blueprint that the work that is being done in own app with regard to sabers is not being represented in the fiveg super blueprint.
08:13:54 But then I heard, Well, we don't need anyone we don't need a coordinator, because the work is being represented in the fiveg super blueprint meetings.
08:14:07 So it seems like there is a there's a misunderstanding, or a lack of information, or something about you. you know, if if we have folks from own app that are familiar with the savers work that are attending the fiveg
08:14:23 super blueprint meeting, and speaking up about sabers work.
08:14:29 That's. great Then I would agree with you that we don't need a community coordinator.
08:14:34 But if that's not happening and you know the sabers work is happening in own app, and no one outside of our own app knows anything about it.
08:14:45 Include any in within the fiveg super blueprint.
08:14:49 Then I would say, we do need a community coordinator.
08:14:51 So I I guess just just a matter of how much representation we're getting with regard to the savers work in the fiveg super blueprint currently Marshall.
08:15:03 Do you attend those meetings
08:15:14 Did we lose Marshall? So I was speaking on mute.
08:15:20 So do. What in the regarding server and this service per groupings at this point?
08:15:32 Do you given the state of the integration to an up
08:15:41 Because I think the all start with the fact that that's I was seeing regarding them.
08:15:47 Okay, but you wanted to I think that's the old point.
08:16:01 So marshall clarify my opinion on that is that there are a couple of different options to orchestrate the blueprint and wanted to make sure that the folks who are putting that demonstration or
08:16:17 blueprints charge they use own app for all you design orchestration and deployment. right now.
08:16:26 There was a thought that they could use. Am. Co. and oh, we miss necessary activities done on owner, for example, Dcae for severe
08:16:42 So having some representation, it doesn't have to be community coordinator.
08:16:46 If we're running, and yourself for joining it maybe you could do the same, I think, a continuous shepherdness is required.
08:16:59 Number 2 I i'm sorry I missed the the last couple of 5 years superluprint meetings to do conflicts.
08:17:08 But are are you saying that? Somebody is pushing for use of Mco for sabers? or I?
08:17:17 Yeah, for Super blue orchestra boils down to this.
08:17:26 Doocracy approach where people from certain companies or company.
08:17:35 Toes, mco and you know that's their choice and they're doing a poc and proving their concept, so we cannot force them to do one thing over another.
08:17:43 If we have on the other side groups of people maybe the one led by Marshall that are doing other the things that are own upcentric, then that's our way to show that things can do can be done.
08:17:58 The only way. but again, there is no way to dictate to the 5. you superprint to use one orchestrator over the other and So what I understand is that former architecture design,
08:18:24 Yeah. and and the the fiveg super blueprint anticipates having multiple recipes.
08:18:31 So it isn't there isn't one configuration where they're saying, Well, we have to choose this or that.
08:18:39 There are are potentially multiple configurations. so there could be a configuration that uses M. Co.
08:18:49 Is orchestration and other configurations that use own app and and other configurations that use a combination of the 2.
08:18:58 So it's not either or yeah I think the the the key, one of the phones flexibility.
08:19:03 So you are free to meet so much. do we you understood I think, when we don't have active participation from a key on that people.
08:19:20 Then you don't discuss the marriage and demand itself the option being discussed, having a maybe presentation who can actually speak up to it.
08:19:36 And i'm not suggesting all that must be used just saying we don't have a active participation where some very knowledgeable enough can discuss the marathon t matters of an option.
08:19:51 I I I share your concern with this but i'm going back to my original point of the way to influence the 5 G super blueprint is less by presenting and convincing it's more by doing and
08:20:06 demonstrating. So I think maybe we need more initiatives like one shows led Sabers work.
08:20:16 But that's the way to influence the direction of the fiveg super blueprint.
08:20:24 I agree, I think we're talking about 2 different angles of the same outcome.
08:20:28 We want. i'm just dressing that when these ideas come up.
08:20:33 They're not enough people from on website who chime in to support, and a permanent presentation can help them guide that
08:20:57 Okay. So
08:21:06 I don't have a
08:21:16 Lear
08:21:22 A half here other than doing some direct outreach like to Dj.
08:21:36 Which maybe that's all we need if if the Dca.
08:21:43 Is being discussed, then, you know, asking the Ptl to attend the meeting would probably makes sense, but that could be just one meeting, or it could be an ongoing discussion.
08:21:56 I hard to say
08:22:04 So i'll i'll i'll talk to Lj.
08:22:08 Who from our staff, who runs the Fiveg super blueprint and get his thoughts on it.
08:22:20 Okay.
08:22:24 Yeah, Kelly, please feel free to include myself, and probably David, in that conversation.
08:22:31 I think we all have our points of view, and at this side will love to help to find the optimal solution for this.
08:22:40 Okay, Look, we'll do
08:23:20 Okay, so I will do that. elections say
08:23:26 The nominations are open through September 20.
08:23:30 First there was an agreement that we would open it early and keep it open for a long period of time.
08:23:36 So that's what I have done the email is here.
08:23:43 This is the email that folks need to respond to in the in the groups.
08:23:58 I I I will drop that link into the chat window.
08:24:04 The folks that are qualified to run and vote have all been pulled out.
08:24:16 I would encourage every member of the community to go through and take a peek at that.
08:24:22 And if you see something that's wrong please let me know you need to let me know by September fifteenth.
08:24:33 So that I can get things corrected in time.
08:24:40 These lists, although they are pulled out of the leader board.
08:24:44 In insights. still require a great deal of manual d-uping and massaging depending on what the situation is there, anyway?
08:25:01 So that's going on. if you are going, to put in a nomination, besides responding to the male, please also fill out this page with your image, because this makes it then real easy for me when I go through and put together
08:25:20 the put together the ballot and the links to that.
08:25:25 So there's where we are anyone have any questions on that
08:25:42 And Randy. i'm Sorry I had removed that from the from the agenda.
08:25:48 I I got my dates wrong. so my apologies for for removing that from the agenda Jacquard awards and on the ninth Anything else folks that we need to to discuss let me
08:26:10 ask vote. what was that, Marshall? The project that cycle holds?
08:26:20 I I don't think We've got the time to pull that forward right now.
08:26:27 In this call, Kenny Emmy asked me to provide some update on unmontained code on maintenance projects.
08:26:37 I think we have time, or should we put it on the next?
08:26:45 I can make it quick if you guys are interested.
08:26:49 So basically set common. David, we've been working together to figure out the procedure.
08:26:57 How do we assure that there's no orphan code or un maintain project that will be outdated?
08:27:04 And hence, Cos vulnerabilities. So, procedures being set up I will send you the link where we dating and validating the procedure.
08:27:15 There are a couple of projects. They had a very good candidate Dcae mob under Vj.
08:27:22 Is that programic or managed requirement of K capabilities.
08:27:27 And then we see a f as unmanaged code retirement path that we're trying out.
08:27:37 We also see the om doesn't have a ptr at the moment, but does have some outdated code or orphan code that doesn't have any dependency at usefulness.
08:27:52 So these are the 3 projects we are piloting to validate the procedure.
08:27:58 How do we trigger identifying a coder repo that's updated, and then responsible to cleanly retire.
08:28:07 Take that risk out or reassign the risk to a new video
08:28:23 Okay, and you're gonna send that out to the Tsc.
08:28:29 List. I will put it in the chat there are 2 links, and i'll shoot the email to you as Well, here's the correct. check Your meeting.
08:28:48 Knows with the update
08:29:05 This would be the process that we are developing with racy matrix and that will help us automate currently we're using Gir as an epic for a gold retirement.
08:29:23 And they'll be able to task for different type of reviews and authorization, including sunsetting the soft fid and updating the documentation
08:29:36 Okay, cool. And if anybody has question, of course they can reach out to how Amy myself for anybody in a second, or David Mccoy.
08:29:52 Okay. Thank you, Modestar liam. I think that I saw you unmute at 1 point.
08:29:58 Yeah, I was just wondering about that proposals thing that came up with the Ptl meeting and one day.
08:30:06 No, and I haven't looked into it yet
08:30:11 So for folks that weren't on the ptl meeting discussion on how to best handle opa vote because it is not the information, even if you're paying for it isn't perpetual and
08:30:25 how to best handle that, so that that was an action item that came out of the Ptl meeting.
08:30:31 I have not had an opportunity to dig into it yet.
08:30:37 Okay, we are at time. i'm gonna go ahead and close the meeting out.
08:30:44 Thank you, everybody. I think we had pretty good discussions today.
08:30:48 Oh, and I will be on Pto next week. I will be here Monday, and then out the rest of the time, because I am moving. so I will be back after the holiday on the what is that on the 6 on the 6.
08:31:07 I is is when I will return. Hope you're moving towards somebody in a pasture. you know I am I am moving actually out in the middle of nowhere, are you coming to Australia, not not not that far to the middle of
08:31:25 nowhere. no, there's a a little farming community called Rio Vista out on the on the San Francisco Delta.
08:31:38 And that's Why, i'm moving out to a happy moving Kenny.
08:31:46 It's i'll i'll let you know on the other side.
08:31:50 How it went. Yeah, I I like that area. I spend a lot of time there.
08:31:56 I was with Cisco systems for 18 years out of San Jose Bay Area.