TSC 2022-01-20

TSC 2022-01-20

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Log4j status

  • PTLs need to create an Istanbul maintenance branch for scans
  • TSC agreed that this was the top priority for ONAP
  • Target for update 2.17.1 version
  • CLM jobs are already configured to check branches - PTLs just need to add the different branches in the jjb file
  • Jakarta would be on the master branch - ok there.
  • All projects need to have an Istanbul maintenance branch
  • Jira tickets have been created for any project that has direct dependencies
  • Creation of the CVE is still an open item
  • Review the status at the PTL meeting

LFN DDF Feedback

Timo Perala , Ranny Haiby 

Brandon Wick

Thank you to all our speakers and to our ONAP Program Committee (Ranny Haiby , Timo Perala , Kenny Paul and Brandon) !!!

Release Status

Reminder that TSC agreed to Log4j fix to Istanbul is the priority


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
    • Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      Nexus3 instability
    • Over 1TB growth over the past week or 2
      • reason unknown - theory clean up script my not be cleaning up old images. 
    • last night's upgrade stalled in snapshots during re-indexing - reverted
    • unknown if amount of data or corruption - may need to remove snapshots >90 days old
    • Will try to do the upgrade in a couple of steps
  • Assistance Needed with the LF-IT RelEng Hiring in the EU

PTL Updates

  • (Catherine): Contact the Modeling Subcommittee (who also defines specifications/code) to take it over as an option

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

TM Forum Presentation was postponed. Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) will represent ONAP on February 22nd, 2022.

ONAP Community has an opportunity to host a session on March 7th or April 11th

Latest update: ONAP: Autonomous Networks Multi-SDO Initiative

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise


CNF Task Force - CNF/Cloud Native - Call for Volunteers to work POC

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • Open Networking & Edge Executive Forum (ONEEF)
    • Q1/Q2 Virtual
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum, Week of June 13th 2022
    • Physical Event
    • Porto, Portugal

Action Items


Zoom Chat Log 

05:56:41 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
05:57:33 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Self
06:00:21 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:00:22 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:00:41 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:00:46 From  Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile)  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
06:00:54 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
    #info N.K.Shankar, STL
06:01:13 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:01:20 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:01:24 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:01:42 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
06:02:12 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
06:09:34 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info, Catherine lefevre, AT&T
06:34:33 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    DTF Survey. Please and thank you! https://linuxfoundation.surveymonkey.com/r/LFNDevForumJan22
06:40:26 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    All Fingers crossed 
07:01:47 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:01:58 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    job posting ^^

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:02:38 Okay, both the recording and the audio transcript has been started.
06:02:51 What happened there.
06:02:59 Please keep yourself muted if you're coming in on phone you can use star six, and if you send me a private zoom message. I will happily cut and paste that into the public record.
06:03:10 I will.
06:03:12 With regards to the little exchange between Fred and I that we just had that I will extract
06:03:21 based upon the nature of the discussion.
06:03:26 As always, we will start with our anti trust policy.
06:03:31 This policy is important, where we have multiple companies including potential industry competitors, participating in meetings, such as this.
06:03:41 Please review if you have any questions contact companies legal counsel members of the lF may also contact Andrew up the grove firm up Grove LLP which provides legal counsel to the elf.
06:03:52 You can find this policy linked from the. lf, and all of the project websites.
06:04:09 lf, and all of the project websites.
06:04:11 Okay.
06:04:15 And the agenda today.
06:04:17 Hang on here I need to pop that back open on the agenda today.
06:04:27 We'll run through a quick review of the event last week.
06:04:30 I'm not sure if David's going to be available today has been feeling under the weather
06:04:38 will talk a little bit about what's going on in range land, some ppl updates.
06:04:50 Magnus was a bit puzzled by that but was it is it possibly that you meant tm forum.
06:05:01 I'm not aware of any I Tripoli presentation.
06:05:08 Catherine and I were like, on, on, on that and I guess it would be scheduled for today.
06:05:18 No no no it was scheduled for December, but I'll try to review. Yeah. Okay, got it.
06:05:37 little update on the CNS Task Force.
06:05:41 Talk about the priorities, and then normal housekeeping issues. Anything else that anyone would like to add to today.
06:05:49 Yes, it's public public speaking, I think it would be good to review this that was for look for a J.
06:05:56 Okay.
06:06:00 And if possible.
06:06:02 In the first hour.
06:06:08 But maybe me you can refer me.
06:06:13 Yes, I can. I believe I can be here.
06:06:18 Credit. I think the first hour would be better for me as well.
06:06:21 Okay. Um, I, to be honest I don't know how both Catherine mine neglected to include that on the list, when we were doing the agenda yesterday, so my apologies for that.
06:06:37 Because that should be the lead off item.
06:06:41 Yeah.
06:06:46 Let's try.
06:06:51 Yeah, So Kenny if we could do it the first the first half hour I just checked my calendar and I realized I have a meeting in the middle of this that I can skip.
06:07:00 Okay. Um, so
06:07:07 just another quick asked if there's anything else that needs to be added and then if not we'll just immediately jump to the log for Jay.
06:07:21 Okay.
06:07:24 Set calm, the floor is yours.
06:07:27 Okay, thank you. Kenny. So, we've been investigating the way how to move forward with creation of the.
06:07:40 Let's say the Istanbul maintenance release.
06:07:43 Following the ticket open and exchanges with with Jess.
06:07:48 It seems that there must be must be an action on the pitiless sites to create the branch for the Istanbul maintenance, and then to configure this GLM and jobs in jDb file to make scams, with Nexus IQ,
06:08:10 my understanding was in the from the December GST meeting that this is like the priority to move on with with making maintenance release, and also ensuring the maintenance, in terms of maintenance release isn't is, is that a free of lock for the issue.
06:08:34 But I'm afraid we have not progressed with the, let's say, with the process of building the, the maintenance release.
06:08:48 So if we could.
06:08:50 Please agree on that this is a top priority to build those branches and configure GLM jobs so second could do the analysis.
06:09:00 And, and, you know, provide you feedback on.
06:09:06 If there are any vulnerabilities or not.
06:09:15 Update also from the information we share it in December and also in between January, is that the the targets reduce for the average student 17 dot one.
06:09:20 And this version for look for dry core fixes all the vulnerabilities, if you will be using some other version like to the 17, there are still some vulnerabilities that are there.
06:09:31 That's why we have targets. Yeah, to the 17th at one.
06:09:36 There was a wiki created with all the information about the recommended version, about the details about the vulnerabilities and so on. So, so it is existing, it is on the on a wiki.
06:09:50 I can give you the link afterwards.
06:09:54 But yeah, I think that the key goal here right right here right now is to move on with the building the branches bridge project.
06:10:04 And, and, you know, configuring the Ceylon jobs in JGBJJB five.
06:10:09 So, just to add more clarification, so the jobs in the actual Salem job, it's configure already to support the different branches.
06:10:20 The only thing that needs to be done, is for the teams to go into their JV files and right now there, there's the LM jobs where they have to find their senior level jobs.
06:10:32 They have to find the branches master so the only thing they need to do is put the, the different streams, with the different branches that they want to, to scan that does the only thing that needs to be done, and as soon as the change to the changes
06:10:49 The changes are bush I can be tracking those and reviewing them and approving them.
06:10:56 As an example, they can look at how CCS zk apps, I really wish to see as the gaps.
06:11:03 The break that is currently running, running, Colm for several branches at the same time so they can look at how this is here's the gaps has their streams, define for the CRM portion of their JV files and do the same thing.
06:11:22 If may suggest, can we define some deadline date by which each product should complete this task.
06:11:34 I was just thinking by well, that should we keep it for him for us a checklist item for info past criteria. Would it be okay.
06:11:43 But this is a maintenance release right. No, it's not just, we have to also take it after we do it maintenance we should also transfer it to master branch to right because we cannot have Jakarta shortly with this issue, isn't it.
06:11:58 Yes. Okay. Yes, I'm sorry.
06:12:02 We are, we are pretty good, in a sense that the project, they made their, the migrations we are just waiting for feedback from a an eye for something, filling jobs.
06:12:14 So, we are pretty good for the Jakarta.
06:12:18 And we are not yet therefore the sample maintenance.
06:12:22 Okay, if it's only someone maintenance and maybe we can select the target based on people's comments because I don't know if all the products are actually entering into maintenance also right.
06:12:32 Usually we see on mostly the core projects and Hansel projects I would say within the quarter say only hands the price will be entering the maintenance release.
06:12:41 So, the one risk which I see with only taking assemble maintenance would be that we miss certain other projects which are not participating in some maintenance release but might have issues right.
06:12:54 So all we have to manage it as a part of this thing that all the projects have to have some may I think you already mentioned it somewhere but yeah all dimension about all the projects, been fine yeah.
06:13:09 So what would be the deadline dates guys because with me with them we need to run the style, what's
06:13:18 required. Yeah, based on experience what is the effort required for this the entire job to be done, what is the effort, or do we have any rough estimation on that.
06:13:25 Based on my past experience,
06:13:40 essentially you're asking for the, the, the effort to build the branch or effort to build the branches, basically, I'm saying about the kind of scanning we have to do and the Salem job to be initiated right.
06:13:48 So I'm just gonna I'm job already does a scan every Saturday so the only thing that appeals need to do is going to where they have to find the CLS job where they have their job definition, and instead of having branch equals Master, they have to boot.
06:14:04 The list of streams for the different branches that they want to scan which it is a.
06:14:09 You can have.
06:14:11 So that's the only things change and then if you do it before, before before Saturday.
06:14:19 Those scans will trigger immediately on Saturday, automatically, yeah yeah then then we have to just go through the computing and fix them all. So maybe Is it okay to actually keep the target as Monday for all the details because I know we come from different
06:14:33 time zones and also Monday Would it be okay for having the CME job which is to be triggered again.
06:14:41 Again I
06:14:50 like review final review on the picture of Scotland right right everyone did it or not, right but then but then I see it's not all the details will be on this call. So, that's one thing, maybe we can circulate a male kidney, one small request is it possible to actually have a
06:14:58 beetle loan, a mailing list, so that.
06:15:02 Okay, fine sob sorry I need to list exists. Then, on the weekend list, maybe we can we can broadcast this message on Peter lyst, targeting for Monday retail calls will review this part as as a critical point.
06:15:18 And I think it is okay to have Monday as a review point. What do you people say, think.
06:15:26 So Monday would be the review of whether they got the jobs configured Correct, yes, yes, they don't get it, if they don't get it done before Saturday, they won't get Nexus IQ scans until the following Saturday.
06:15:38 Right, so they could be destroyed me. Yeah, the two points of this, for those who have done this who got the message and have done it. We can review what is this can report and for those who are not done it we can actually say it is the target point of
06:15:49 it and we can take it off.
06:15:51 So we can actually scan with the parts, right, sounds good.
06:15:55 Okay, so let's move on with that option then I mean, there are two options 1232, the two points to do one is that we will broadcast a message to all the details.
06:16:05 As we got. I mean, Jessica was actually giving a solution that we can refer to cc SDK apps project as reference point in the mail and we can actually check check that out.
06:16:13 And then second point of it is Mondays are checkpoint one where we will see both, what is can to get this has no sense of what is happening around. And then the second point is that for those who have not caught this broadcast or who missed the broadcast
06:16:26 maybe they can take action on that.
06:16:28 Right.
06:16:30 Sasha, we did, we actually looked at the, at when the log for Jay first came out, we, we checked all it we went through all of these scams that were run on the assembled branch and identified the projects that had long project as a direct dependency.
06:16:47 Right. our JIRA tickets that have been submitted for those projects.
06:16:51 So, but we do need to have the scanning for that so we we've been somewhat proactive in this and identify this and but we do need the system will branch so that we can make checking it, whatever gets put in the assemble maintenance release needs to be
06:17:05 included in the Jakarta release in terms of upgrades so there to brand.
06:17:12 I'm going to leave it up to the projects to figure that one out. Yeah, Kenny, Kenny. We also, we don't have an assembled maintenance release in JIRA that's not an option to select.
06:17:25 So yeah, can we get that setup.
06:17:27 Can that get added to JIRA.
06:17:39 The, the JIRA tickets have been created per project that have direct dependencies to upgrade. But right now they're tagged to the assemble release, because obviously Jakarta wouldn't be the right one to Good point.
06:17:43 Yeah, I think we can also duplicate the same to Jakarta to to have them reviewed in case anyone has missed it on on the Sunday. We can also have a concerto because surely this is not something we should be want to leave.
06:17:55 So we we automatically run Jakarta Jakarta scan so that would be right now on the master branch. Okay,
06:18:04 maybe I missed it, but how we continue with those project which are unmaintained but still part of the release.
06:18:21 right.
06:18:26 We are taking an action on it.
06:18:29 Okay, great.
06:18:29 And so perhaps we can, we can raise issues for those products which are made into and then depending on the feasibility maybe people can take it and fix it right, that we're adding me to be good to have a transparency to the whole community.
06:18:44 And whoever can actually put, put a little effort to fix me too much converter TV surely I don't think so. I'm looking at the portal scans right now and they are not running correctly.
06:18:58 So the scans have to be fixed.
06:19:03 Yeah, otherwise we are not able to say if, if there was an effort or if there is improvement or not if Jenkins jobs are failing. We have no visibility into their into what, whether they do or do not have a lot for a running and those projects because
06:19:17 their scans are broken.
06:19:21 I don't mean that they're not running correctly, or the jobs failing or yes I believe me look at, let me tell you what so I'm in the portal portal Maven CRM master I'm looking at that, there is no link to a to an access IQ scan.
06:19:43 Right. It's red and blue thunder storm clouds.
06:19:49 Would you mind if I can look into it today.
06:19:54 lf ticket. Yes, please. I'm on call this week so I can. Okay, I can take a look. Can you look at all of them because portal is failing yes DC has one job failing, this is, this was the.
06:20:06 This was one of the points that people raised earlier that we have failing jobs, and we've been
06:20:12 in just one ticket for, for all should be fine I can look through, maybe, maybe they're the same cause I don't know but I can look into them.
06:20:21 Thank you, Jess, that's being question, question to you, because, following the recommendation for from sec com that we presented in December.
06:20:33 Was there any communication to on the consumers to inform about look for Ji issue and our plan to solve it or, or maybe not, but I think we discussed that the sitcom will open something somewhere.
06:20:51 I cannot remember. Yeah, so we have a wiki. Yes, but we don't know who should be informed you know we don't know who is the consumer right. So the point is that we should.
06:21:03 So, there was a What was it called, there is a place somewhere.
06:21:10 You know, it's the discussion we had with Christopher project and somebody else said yes so CV supposed to do.
06:21:18 Yeah. Yeah.
06:21:29 We don't know how to do it, somebody knows how to do the elf in the CV.
06:21:40 I will consist of and check with him. We have no, I have no experience with I don't know me if you have
06:21:48 very minor but let's get with Christopher and find out what he can do.
06:21:52 Okay.
06:21:54 And we I think that the decision was made that we weren't where we go.
06:21:58 Just find out from from Christopher, what we did exactly what we had agreed and when we were going to submit the CV.
06:22:20 And I'm already taped it to number three.
06:22:24 I'm already creating an entry for the call on the 24.
06:22:30 We can discuss with the ppl about the status and other activities.
06:22:36 Thanks for getting to see where they are.
06:22:56 But it will be covered on Monday 24 with a PDF.
06:23:01 That's a team.
06:23:05 You know, I think it was this great on the last year sick meeting just before the holiday season. Right.
06:23:14 And just raised the point, he will he will take care of the CV.
06:23:20 This is, If I'm not wrong.
06:23:25 2021.
06:23:26 I want to say that on the 16th of December, right.
06:23:33 Yeah, I don't want to say for I don't want to 16.
06:23:57 This is not done via the OSOGSI channel channels, believe some OGSI tickets have been created as well,
06:24:05 is when we make it public as well as the JIRA tickets were created.
06:24:14 Already we talked about that right.
06:24:16 Yes, yes. But I'm thinking in the past we use the oz si type of, you have to get to give intellect, publicly.
06:24:34 No we gave those to give alerts to the project teams that had to fix something because oj size is a lot is locked down it's a private. It's a private.
06:24:39 Okay, I saw that there was a Lubbers when we don't need to public but I can be wrong noise you know I think you're right. It is the part of the process when we solve the issue then we make it public public.
06:24:56 And this is a documented process.
06:25:09 That's just have developed right and we have a wiki on this.
06:25:03 Right, if, if one of you ever contact with him maybe.
06:25:09 Yeah.
06:25:10 Later today to see if we could make this
06:25:17 happen. Thank you so much power.
06:25:21 Welcome.
06:25:24 And I believe there was also something to be done on the wiki about the process but I try, I don't find
06:25:34 It is related to enough security and distribution list, and the vulnerabilities that are no race to the security team.
06:25:47 Yeah.
06:25:49 Okay, so for, for sending the email to the details.
06:25:57 The exact text of that email.
06:26:02 If somebody can just drop me a link or, or the text of it.
06:26:13 Or I can. Yeah, just, if somebody could do that either in the chat or or drop me an email or slack or something for me to send that out, I would appreciate it.
06:26:25 Just do you know exactly the steps that the PTS have to take.
06:26:31 Yes.
06:26:33 I can text you that Kenny.
06:26:35 Okay. Beautiful. Thanks.
06:26:38 So in the title I think we should raise the on the on the Istanbul maintenance release and fixing lock for drill vulnerability. Right.
06:26:53 All about power and Amy, you can on the air for a second, there is no constraint that you send the mail to the PTA there is no stranger than emailing there was no,
06:27:09 Sorry. Well you know what, let me.
06:27:14 Main thing about the ptl list is that it's, we don't want that to be a place for discussion we want that to be a place for announcement.
06:27:28 How I what I will do because it is an announced list for critical issues.
06:27:36 I'm going to add you and Amy as moderators to that so you can send.
06:27:41 Okay, thank you.
06:27:46 Would that address the issue.
06:27:47 Yeah. Yeah. Um, but we do need the exact text from from Jes on exactly what the PTS need to do.
06:27:54 Yeah, I will I will go ahead and send it send the one today when i when i get the information from Jess, but I'm going to go ahead and add you guys, dirt, while we're on the call here today as moderators to that list for future needs.
06:28:11 Okay. It will be great. Thank you.
06:28:16 Look for Jake any, if you could please replace log Ogg log for G.
06:28:29 Okay, I think we have a plan to send an email, and then to check on Monday.
06:28:36 The progress. If we have, what is the progress. Right.
06:28:40 Yeah.
06:28:42 Okay. Thank you.
06:28:47 Okay, go back in and edit after hitting save.
06:28:58 But I'm
06:28:58 just for grins I'm going to color this, Because that's what I want to do.
06:29:10 Okay then, shifting back DDS.
06:29:17 Granny team own.
06:29:23 Well, first of all, I just wanted to seize the opportunity to thanks again Timo and honey and yourself. Gimme I don't know if all the new there for being our program committee and to make it happen and to organize all decision I think it happened.
06:29:40 Well, we had 33 and obsession.
06:29:44 I think it's also big thanks to the speakers because we though you, we could make it as well.
06:29:51 And we don't have a lot of data for the moment so I believe Kenny, the elephant is the elephant is currently consolidating all the information so we will share what we do next week, but it's very important that you participate the to the survey because
06:30:10 based on that. Also, The data are extracted, as well.
06:30:26 From a takeaway perspective. I just wanted to highlight some close collaboration session and the above, I look at it, and there were many, but I wanted to highlight the one with advocate.
06:30:31 I don't know if there is any representative from the narrative in project, I think I will also put these items on Monday.
06:30:41 Although Bianca. I think Be honest. Maybe they.
06:30:43 I don't see be Bianca. You are normally there, I guess.
06:30:48 So I don't know if you had that opportunity to watch these do a session.
06:30:54 But definitively, there have been discussion about requirement.
06:31:09 About, I believe multi cloud infrastructure from a requirement perspective.
06:31:05 And I was suggesting because honey was also there we were both suggesting that maybe instead of starting from scratch. For the requirement. They could be inspired by what has been done since the beginning with the moody vein project, right, the musical
06:31:26 project Pomona.
06:31:27 So I just wanted to give you an edge been that additional discussion will occur between the anarchy team.
06:31:36 And we also need to understand how m co will be position as well, Because I'm CO is also a multi orchestrator for multiple cloud as well.
06:31:50 So that's something I wanted to do, to your attention, any anything else you wanted to add to gathering the meeting with the team is no get.
06:32:03 And the single box or he was also about the crude massif like.
06:32:08 We have the same request and I know get which is learn a little bit more from the vendors, about the CNS requirement.
06:32:17 The new kit.
06:32:20 Team within chapter of the requirement will also take your the DNS requirements.
06:32:25 And they were eager to understand for a number from your website.
06:32:29 What will be the best practice the requirements in this space. And then we share the the concern that is very hard to have some information about the CNS because somehow, nothing is really existing yet in the space, except what has been developed by the
06:32:50 CNCMCF organization so Ronnie I hope I've covered correctly are the words be a free to complement of to rectify what I've just said, I think you covered most of the point and just to emphasize I think we need to make sure everybody's aware of the good
06:33:11 work that's been done, you know not specially around ASD.
06:33:17 And
06:33:19 that that will be I think the kind of touch point between what we're doing in our community and things like I look at the shirt and we need to figure out how to create like testing and verification environment for once these these these mature enough.
06:33:42 Thank you, honey.
06:33:52 And just to add to.
06:33:55 Yeah.
06:34:10 just from the windows, maybe we have some experience with some windows on the DIC see we could provide feedback or sooner.
06:34:14 I'm so disappointed that we shouldn't be careful when deploying the solution we Sonata.
06:34:22 But, yes, to, as you said that and get is, as defined also requirement as a thing as a time will do no def not yet defined the requirement for call one, what is
06:34:45 right, and secondly we discuss about the challenge of fantasy grammar is not yet there but that's, that's the objective for this goal for this year. That's the whole funny.
06:34:53 Look at Wake up properly.
06:34:55 So they, they were, they were asking to the community what we can do.
06:35:02 Okay, okay.
06:35:17 We can provide feedback I know what to integration with like Morpheus. Well, I know that we meet, we met some programs in Zm shot definition so yes I think we're going to provide some feedback on on the topic
06:35:29 to thank you really can we don't know when the next session will be organized.
06:35:35 But definitively.
06:35:36 We will add you, we will ask them to have you as well.
06:35:49 Do you wanted also to add something.
06:35:53 It's just a benefit from the program committee member point of view, I think, I don't know how it looks.
06:36:00 For Randy but at least for me, was fairly, fairly smooth writing. I think we as a community are learning the ropes how to, how to build a program so that a little last minute changes requests coming in and relatively easy to easy to address those one
06:36:22 topic that I don't know, at least, kind of
06:36:28 my attention was drawn to the very last session I think that was a cross community thing, at least with audio, there was a test environment, or is, I think, in Berlin which kind of interestingly brings together, things from owner from Orion from real
06:36:50 life network equipment, even some five G's will put appropriate flavors in it so if you miss maybe that's a five second advertisement for something fairly interesting that the very end of the, of the event.
06:37:08 Can you just I'm just looking at the event itself can use it so it was something on the 13.
06:37:14 Can you just remind me the name of the session, because I was not able to really to attend.
06:37:20 So I can also track it.
06:37:23 It was really been those, I can't, I don't try to find it was the there was some.
06:37:33 There was the simulation for all up NYC use case I don't know if it is the one you were in my
06:37:41 own.
06:37:46 Correct. Thanks so
06:37:53 This one.
06:37:54 Yes.
06:38:01 So at least to my ears, it had many of them kind of relevant things that float around here also. So,
06:38:19 I think this is really good we're looking for people that are actually using own up and and can provide feedback on what they like and what they don't like.
06:38:32 So, getting into the networks, it's, it's really encouraging.
06:38:46 Yeah, this was, this was a great session
06:38:56 was Martin presented a nice update here.
06:39:09 Any other take away.
06:39:11 Yeah, I just want to make two comments one, I agree, team on that from our perspective, it was a smooth experience slider. It was released one of the kids, or you're suffering quietly and not letting us know what issues you have so if you didn't encounter
06:39:27 any problems or issues or have ideas for improvement, please either use the survey that can you just link or feel free to just drop us an email to Tim and myself and we will take it into consideration we're always looking for ways to improve the next
06:39:44 events, and speaking about next events. As you all know, the next event event on the calendar is the wonderful event. Probably around June, in which will be a physical one.
06:39:59 Or at least have a physical component to it. But there is a question floating around if we shouldn't can squeeze in another virtual event. Before that, we don't have a lot of time, definitely to prepare for that and organize it so there's going to be
06:40:18 a discussion in the tech. Next week, but I kind of wanted to get a feel of what the owner community think so, about whether we should and could have another virtual event.
06:40:34 Probably practically around late March, early April.
06:40:50 I run that by my colleagues and Eric some what they thought and they think it's, it's too early. I think it takes some time to prepare the presentations to be good.
06:41:02 Think this DTF that we had was probably one of the best for for some time, but it's it requires people to put in an effort. And I think it will be too too soon to have one at this is this is point is better to try to do really good one in June.
06:41:33 The question was specially run in March. So we have, Miss capture what you say so. You're gonna comment interested to set up a space yellow nap even before, before that, that's, that's what you say it's a.
06:41:57 Yeah, it will be
06:41:51 an elephant wide event.
06:41:53 But, yeah, since we don't have a lot of times we're already
06:42:01 at the end of January.
06:42:03 So it's questionable whether we can pull off the concern was that, maybe not having an event will slow down progress and people need to make decisions and they can't wait for June so we can definitely consider other format of decision making forums that
06:42:22 don't require a full blown DDS event.
06:42:29 Everyone, it is a shocker so I agree with Magnus right, having the event just for the sake of having it is probably not too useful.
06:42:39 I think the question is Would we have enough new information between now, in whatever the target date is to make the conference meaningful.
06:42:51 Right. Having said that, I think one.
06:42:55 One proposal, at least from my perspective would be, you know, something like two main events per year.
06:43:04 And then one mini event in between, or too many events in between so that it's not full blown def bad thing, it would be enough for everybody to get together, share ideas.
06:43:17 And to your point, if there is a decision to be made. At least they have a forum to discuss options and to continue to move forward.
06:43:26 instead of waiting six months.
06:43:28 So what we used to do it, you know in in the olden days.
06:43:36 Yeah, pre coven.
06:44:03 You know, we would have the DTS which would be you know the big week long and then we would have a one or two day session that was
06:43:53 aligned, either before or after the one summits.
06:44:01 And I think that the non that seemed as a cadence seem to work out really well once all change now.
06:44:13 So, what, what, certainly sounds like the feedback we're getting is, is that
06:44:22 probably trying to squeeze in as another virtual event between now and
06:44:30 now on the event the week of June 13 in Porto portugal is probably
06:44:41 not something folks would be looking forward to.
06:44:47 Yeah, but it might make sense to have like a shorter and narrower scope event that may be focused on.
06:44:58 So live demos and long term things to the journey van but if there are decisions that need to be taken, or some urgent information that needs to be shared maybe we can use that smaller event.
06:45:17 Yeah, I'll definitely take that recommendation to the TechCrunch or let you know how it goes.
06:45:24 Okay, so I i'm gonna i'm going to call this a smaller Working Group event.
06:45:33 Because it sounds like that's what we're describing.
06:46:09 Okay cool I
06:46:14 certainly hope that come June time.
06:46:21 That you'll all be able to see me because I know that you're, you know, my rugged good looks and stunning sense of humor is been something that the community has been in desperate need of and I'm looking forward to you all seeing me again.
06:46:38 Yet, and wish to.
06:46:45 I miss you guys, I really do.
06:46:47 I can't wait to see everyone when finally get back together.
06:46:55 Okay so moving on.
06:47:06 empties coming up next week.
06:47:12 Yes. And you can click on the link, and to issue, so we can ever have you will fail. We are skinny.
06:47:26 So,
06:47:29 we have only one week left, I think the BTS dusted two other guys.
06:47:36 A lot of issue already.
06:47:39 A little bit less than one.
06:47:41 At least a third of them have been closed so far.
06:47:45 So we will give you definitely different activities on Monday on the 24 during the PTO call.
06:47:53 But I would like to ask the requirements subcommittee some support because none of them have been addressed yet. If we go. hold on a little bit, Kenny.
06:48:09 So please use give owner. You have only one task. Don't forget to finalize it by next week. So, we are on track for the milestone to.
06:48:17 That's really a request and if the requirements of committee can also make a call out during the next meeting.
06:48:28 It will be appreciated as well.
06:48:33 Any feedback comes from so far.
06:48:48 Just to note that there is no requirements of committee, call between today and the, the mail style. So we need to rely on on emails.
06:48:53 What would you may be just send an email to your colleagues.
06:48:59 Yep.
06:49:01 Thank you Timo.
06:49:06 That will help as well.
06:49:09 Let's lets you go and we will discuss definitely anything with the PDL on Monday there any question, and then can you come back if you come back.
06:49:20 The other was about
06:49:24 the team to work together to.
06:49:29 Did the mind if we can make it or not so the impact view component if you can also click on it.
06:49:42 And what we don't forget so green it means that the project team is committing to deliver what is expected for this requirement.
06:49:53 So, it's clear that the the network slicing is in a good shape so far only few commitment left.
06:50:02 There is only organization issue I think some some requirement we are missing on this page.
06:50:08 So, the use case owner have been contacted to ensure that the requirement appear otherwise. The BTL will not be able to make the commitment and provide feedback on this, on the view.
06:50:24 So, but we are progressing well but again it's a reminder to be sure that use case owner, and project team are working together, because that will also present the content,
06:50:38 potentially the campaign that we will have for the Jacka Healy so have a look.
06:50:43 You can scroll down a little bit more. Kenny.
06:50:47 I don't have particular common I just wanted to draw your attention that some product team
06:50:55 Emery started to realize the yellow means they have maybe not the resource on, maybe not. It will be a stretch goal for them on it is still blank.
06:51:04 Or maybe not. It will be a stretch goal for them on it is still blank. It means the even not yet. That was so please, if it is a resource issue work with a project team to help them because they're scoop.
06:51:18 We're not sure if you are not helping them.
06:51:21 Anybody else have any further comments regarding the release.
06:51:28 Catherine quick update from the, from the architecture subcommittee.
06:51:33 So we're.
06:51:36 Yes, sure.
06:51:38 Can you hear me okay.
06:51:40 Yep.
06:51:42 We can hear you. So, so we thank you.
06:51:49 Yeah, thank you.
06:51:49 So we have one more session, which is scheduled for next week the 25th.
06:51:55 And we're hoping that we could finish all the reviews by then.
06:52:01 We may have to we have five reviews scheduled for next week just because we had to reschedule some reviews to some time constraints.
06:52:09 So I expect that will all the reviews will be done by next week and hopefully we'll be able to meet the milestone. To date, which is the 27th. So, we.
06:52:27 I don't expect I don't foresee any issues from finishing a reputable reviews by them.
06:52:34 Great news
06:52:37 checker.
06:52:40 A couple of things to give you. So, if we can finish on time that's really great.
06:52:48 That was also one of the items, discuss I believe during the lesson learned, if I remember well.
06:52:57 That's really great you know do you want to have the, you want to share anything.
06:53:04 Do you need to sharing Hi, I'm sure, just give me a minute that log on to my other account from my laptop and, yeah, if there's something that you feel you need to share just let us know if not we'll move on.
06:53:21 Yeah, let's move on.
06:53:23 Okay.
06:53:26 Anything else release related
06:53:32 know except release cuz I guess also just discuss a few minutes ago. Look for remain the priority. So that will be also the question, how these additional official release will fit to the Jocasta Heelys.
06:53:49 Can we keep the date so have we are concerned.
06:53:52 So I believe that's something we will try to understand from the PDL on Monday.
06:54:07 Okay,
06:54:11 moving on, I'm real Angela let's talk a little bit about Nexus three.
06:54:22 Kevin just like
06:54:27 I was working yesterday with Eric well Eric was doing most of the work but I was just helping him out.
06:54:51 The problem that we saw here is that when he tried to update to do the latest version.
06:54:45 There's a process that basically scans, every single repository, and those some re indexing and whatnot, with every, every single repo so he went through the release fine he went through the staging artifacts fine, but when it came to the snapshots, it,
06:55:02 it continues to get stalled so we don't know if this is due to the amount of data that we have in snapshots, or if this is related to corruption in in the snapshot itself by some data that is not properly indexed.
06:55:24 So while we are gonna what we decided to do we, we decided to revert to the previous version, which is the one that we were already. And what we're going to do next is try to do this upgrade in increments.
06:55:38 So we're going to do it rather than moving to the latest version.
06:55:41 We're going to move to a higher version but not the latest at the first step and see how that goes. And then eventually move to the actual latest version so we're going to try to do this in several steps and see whether that helps with the load.
06:55:56 The other thing that we're doing.
06:55:58 It's trying to investigate what could be whether there's any corruption in in the snapshot report that is causing the problem or is just the amount of data.
06:56:10 It could be that is just the amount of data so we're going to double check if they clean up screen cleanup script is actually doing what it's supposed to do.
06:56:20 And maybe we have to do another manual cleanup of very old images I'm talking about, Berlin, 90 days placeholder snapshot images that are not needed anymore.
06:56:36 But I'm sure we will be sending whether whether it's going through the cleanup manually or going through the.
06:56:50 update in portions. We will be sending a notification to the videos and today, to the DSA before we do so,
06:57:03 so, so that's one thing, but the that we're working on you know just trying to make sure we've got the latest and greatest and that we're not running into something else.
06:57:17 And but the chatter, there's, there is also chatter that I've seen that there's been over a terabyte of growth in the from own app in the past week or two.
06:57:31 So is that. Am I understanding that correctly, or
06:57:38 that.
06:57:51 That's it. That seems to be also a concern Yes, um, that could be the cause of why recently we're seeing a lot of breakups in Nexus.
06:57:50 And if I would start looking into where this is coming from. I would assume that maybe we have an issue with the cleanup crew script that is not properly, helping us out.
06:58:02 So, that is part of what we're trying to look into.
06:58:09 But on regards to the why the images.
06:58:13 I personally haven't seen.
06:58:17 Like, I'm not, I'm still not sure where this is coming from because the amount of jobs that are that are there creating those images are still the same.
06:58:28 It's not like we saw.
06:58:31 So then, increased on the number of jobs that are producing images to, I would have say that this is also related to the cleanup crew, that is not doing the proper thing.
06:58:48 So,
06:58:52 the, so the cleanup script is going through and creating some sort that the hypothesis is the cleanup script is going through and creating some kind of temporary files that are not getting
06:59:07 know the cleaned up or no the cleanup to script is not addressing properly.
06:59:14 The older images that that are present. So, a that needs to be tackle.
06:59:23 That is one of the hypotheses. I mean, we're still checking the root causes, or unless Kevin, unless you have any other findings.
06:59:33 Do you know anything related to this.
06:59:38 Hi guys, not, not really. I just been showing what Eric has been doing okay yeah that's that's exactly what I'm doing here so I can sync up with him, too and see what what else is he been finding, but as of yesterday that was what our discussion included.
07:00:15 Okay, So
07:00:23 I guess the the best thing we can do here is keep it posted on it keep the community kind of updated on the, on the general list in the, in the own app slack.
07:00:38 Seems to be kind of the preferred method here. Okay.
07:00:44 Other issues questions, thoughts.
07:00:47 No, I sent you the text that we required earlier for the CSM jobs, you know not relevant. So if you can let me know if that's
07:00:58 understandable luminary. What do you think,
07:01:05 Okay,
07:01:23 then.
07:01:15 Moving on.
07:01:21 Hi folks, if you're in the EU and you'd like support during EU hours.
07:01:29 Strongly ask that you help get the word out on this.
07:01:33 I will drop it into the chat window.
07:01:35 We've been trying to hire since August, and
07:01:41 not getting a lot of luck.
07:01:46 The situation is that we are getting
07:01:54 either individuals that are fresh out of school.
07:01:59 They are not in the right geography, for us to hire.
07:02:08 There are specific limitations in where we can actually hire in the EU.
07:02:17 But the biggest issue is that is the resumes that we're getting are just completely unqualified.
07:02:23 So we definitely need help from folks in the EU, to help fill this wreck please get the word out.
07:02:35 Thank you very much.
07:02:38 It sounds skinny and I don't know, we discussed yesterday, the company that I've contacted.
07:02:45 We're helping usually to record that not just will maybe give them a call back that I don't think they have sent any response to the different emails that I've sent.
07:02:58 And I think the other things. Did you also put on the link in
07:03:04 the joke on was, it was originally posted on LinkedIn and got pulled because it was stale for so long.
07:03:14 And we are also, when I asked about that before there was an issue of.
07:03:25 There was an issue where it, the HR department tried to post it on something and it wouldn't do it because it wasn't the right, geography, right so somebody, somebody from from the wrong geography was trying to post the job.
07:03:45 All reshare it in, in, in, in my LinkedIn.
07:03:52 Unfortunately that that most of my
07:03:56 most of my working contacts in the EU are
07:04:02 quite out of date at this point, and folks at the generally at the exact level. So, but I will reshare it in my personal LinkedIn as well.
07:04:16 Yeah. So I would like, including myself, would like to invite all the members, while located India you, if they can also have to post in there are linking to it will help as well.
07:04:31 So, I will look at what you have on your LinkedIn and probably if you use it to invite people.
07:04:49 make a difference. And I believe if you add the link of the job people will not come back to us directly but they will subscribe to the the link so any TCM CFC members.
07:05:03 Look located in du It would be nice if they can promote this job in their LinkedIn, or just as someone who finished the lengthy recruiting process just now posting jobs in LinkedIn just invites unqualified people who just kind of carpet bomb job openings
07:05:24 and you get a lot of noise but very little qualified candidates what works better is when people when a recruiter account in LinkedIn can scan for people who are open for a new job, and proactively reach out that works much better so I don't know if the
07:05:45 elf has provide these services but that would be the recommended way to go.
07:05:52 Yeah, we don't have the resources to do that.
07:05:56 I mean there there are literally like
07:06:01 to HR people here.
07:06:04 And, and trying to serve the entire lF and that and that includes all of the employee benefits and in just general wrangling so other than just doing the recruiting post or the, you know, open jobs post in LinkedIn, which is I guess where we ran into
07:06:26 the issue with the wrong geography, can't do much beyond that.
07:06:35 We are HR department is not equipped to do active recruiting
07:06:44 and and headhunting I get head headhunting that's the word I'm looking for.
07:06:49 Yeah, so again I'm not going to tell the left how to her and it's, it's, know you you will be given the overall. Understood.
07:07:00 Yeah, I'm just saying maybe using kind of a contractor. To do this, headhunting might yield more suitable candidate than just posting their LinkedIn.
07:07:16 And that's what I did funny I hope to several of them.
07:07:21 I don't know if they were on the region because they were mostly in Belgium but I hope to a couple of them, but I don't think we ever received any feedback yet.
07:07:33 So, and probably linking I agree that there are a lot of no's, but I must recognize the last two people that I've heard.
07:07:43 I was conducted, they they were replying via LinkedIn is still a segue to find people as well.
07:07:52 It's still a segue to find people as well. But what I realized you're getting a token of thing.
07:07:57 Hopefully I was able to filter based on the location that says a lot with. Okay, that was just a proposition if the THC could promote at least a joke link.
07:08:11 But okay, that was just a proposition if the THC could promote at least a joke link. But if you believe it was a good ID.
07:08:15 Don't do it.
07:08:22 Yeah.
07:08:39 Yeah, just trying to find a way to accelerate, because all of us we know how important it is to have an idea of the present that is in the
07:08:34 EMEA region.
07:08:43 Okay. So, moving on.
07:08:50 ppl updates.
07:09:06 Catherine
07:09:15 oe, I'm muted I don't know. In one.
07:09:17 So just to recap what I was saying before moving to the section.
07:09:24 We have been indeed writing to
07:09:29 accompany you are helping to hire people in Do you, but we have not yet received any feedback yet.
07:09:36 I will try to follow up next week with them personally to see if it makes any difference.
07:09:42 And then, the fact that I was suggesting that maybe to see members in a you could promote the job.
07:10:05 It's a proposition. You are not obliged to do so but it's just to help, because we overnight there is a real need to have an engineer to support in the EMEA region. And we are really trying every channels to find the right people for the job.
07:10:12 Right, so back to the detail of the.
07:10:15 I want to thank for glue run for his leadership for the use case UI project.
07:10:26 He has been with us. I think more than a year.
07:10:28 And there's been a new election, and he ki young 35, don't say probably the name, have been elected as our new UI pts.
07:10:40 Moving to the next topics which is the vvp and the DNS requirements.
07:10:47 I don't think I've seen any company or anybody stepping up, sharing any interest, and the interest of for these two projects.
07:11:00 Unfortunately, these two project will follow the path of the mundane process.
07:11:06 We had a discussion previously about the vest directory for the vest specification which remain important, because the vest specification and my Magnus will confirm have been also approve and consider by the TZPP, the vest precipitation it's also a Segway
07:11:30 that we used to work with magma community in the context of procedure blueprint, and do not fall onto process for to collect the fact to define the KPIs that will be consumed by owner.
07:11:45 So this path remain extremely important.
07:11:49 early January, we have been done define to project to project who could potentially.
07:12:16 We divide the modeling project, because they have been made some changes.
07:12:16 Recently, in this context, and also the DC project.
07:12:14 That was the to comedy. If we had to move to the amended project for PvP and DNS requirements. And indeed, that's what happened to I
07:12:26 don't know if we have any representative from the modeling Subcommittee on the call.
07:12:39 Okay, so I will probably need to follow up offline.
07:12:44 Because it is true that the modeling is also more of a specification subcommittee, so that that's probably a good fit.
07:12:54 But if there is nobody from the sequel Subcommittee on the call it would be difficult and I understand because of new chair and vice chair, are located in the APAC time zone so we might not be joining us today, or any additional sold, but I will definitely
07:13:13 follow up with them as well.
07:13:16 See, if there is any eagerness to old additional specification including the vest.
07:13:26 Any other duration ID.
07:13:29 I think this is, is you're totally right it's very important that we keep that reference.
07:13:37 And when it comes to 3g pp.
07:13:40 They are interesting in the stable reference.
07:13:45 They're using that in the standard standards but then they have moved on. So it's not that they're coming, they're going to come back and say can you change this and that they, they have that sort of reference, and they expect that to be reachable.
07:14:04 But not changing anyway.
07:14:15 So,
07:14:16 so, so that doesn't matter if it's sort of in own up itself. In, or it's within any of the projects.
07:14:42 Okay, any other Should I go to always stuck with the modeling because also, in addition to the rope code, they also
07:14:51 defined specification is it would be a good fit.
07:14:55 And I will take it over to you next week based on their feedback.
07:15:12 I understand that they work, and I saw your feedback so I just, we might not be able to provide anything but understand there was a meeting.
07:15:22 You were coming in from the 20th of on the 16th of January that there was a meeting with the TM forum.
07:15:31 And I was wondering if if you have attended and also share anything yet. So it turned out that that meeting was postponed.
07:15:41 I did, I did talk about this in the DTF and I can bring up the slides from DTF if, if you allow me.
07:15:51 Sure. And granted,
07:15:58 they'll see if I can find.
07:16:00 Yeah, it should be here. No, It's not that one that one.
07:16:07 Can you see this.
07:16:10 Yes or no.
07:16:13 Okay.
07:16:21 Well, I believe.
07:16:23 Okay.
07:16:26 So, so I also have also sort of took. Yeah. I've also had before here.
07:16:32 So, actually the, the TM forum, announcing in industry wide multi sto initiative on autonomous networks, and then they sent out to a number of stos and also to own up to to own up as an open source community.
07:16:56 And, and they were sort of, They were asking people to work on the line vision on autonomous network, and to better.
07:17:08 Collaborate between industry stakeholders.
07:17:12 And they initially hear the idea.
07:17:16 See if I can get the pointer, as well. So initially the proposal was to create joint documents.
07:17:26 And then there was a response to the liaison sent out in October, and 3d pp said it I won't bore you with all the details here but 3d pp said it's believe it's in conflict with their IP I IPR rules to write joint documents.
07:17:47 There was some. There was also input from others and we.
07:17:54 I sort of talked to Kennedy about this and we said, we we think that we should run the bilateral agreement.
07:18:02 Now, Rhonda work through the current bilateral agreement between Linux Foundation and Dean forum and Etsy had some also that it might be difficult but not impossible.
07:18:14 So, based on that feedback,
07:18:20 though, said in the in the summary here we agree that creating jointly authored multi sto document seem seem feasible based on the feedback received so far.
07:18:33 So it's proposal was to move to single series of open meetings.
07:18:40 And then I see that they might want to go to a later revision of this I think I got the wrong.
07:18:50 Sorry about that. I got the wrong.
07:18:54 Page Up here.
07:18:58 But instead let's let me try this
07:19:06 share the screen and then I go directly towards
07:19:11 this works. No, sorry.
07:19:15 I'm trying to get into a pitch here
07:19:24 says this works.
07:19:37 Oh, sorry.
07:19:42 Yeah,
07:19:45 give you the latest update.
07:19:49 Here it is. Can you see still see my screen.
07:19:56 Yeah. Okay, so
07:20:00 moved to single third was decided to move to single series of open meetings.
07:20:06 And the last formal meeting this was scheduled to January.
07:20:14 31. And then there was the first open meeting scheduled for January 14 and that took place, that was a presentation by tm forum presentation on intense management interfaces APIs.
07:20:27 And then there is supposed to be a continued series here meetings with them, one occasion in March and one in in April.
07:20:43 And actually this formal meeting was not, it's not going to take place.
07:20:48 31st of January, because it's Chinese New Year, so it will is postponed until somewhere in February I believe the 21st February, but the the outcome of this is that there will be this kind of joint meetings and, and the meeting on the intent was further
07:21:08 interactive I think, and that was a good presentation good discussions around that. So I think it would be beneficial if own up could host one of these meetings, and and bring out stuff that we want to talk about in the DTF when I, When I had this session,
07:21:32 I didn't get any volunteers I didn't get the sort of overwhelming sort of desire to go out and talk here but I I think we should consider this as a possibility to to reach out with the messages we have and show people what we have with assets we are.
07:21:53 So that's basically the last thing here is just a.
07:22:00 Do what was in this first intense based intense management presentation.
07:22:11 That's what I want to tell you.
07:22:15 Thank you so much to us again. And although you just wanted to follow up on what you
07:22:26 just to be sure because I want this to reflect on that. So there is a request to do not community to attend a meeting with the TMFMGMF or is it on the 31st of January, or is it another date and I missed it, though, what I've been saying you said I think
07:22:49 I will represent 32 31st of January will not take place because this was Chinese Chinese New Year and that's how. So it's going to be the 21st of February, and I will be there, representing own up, at that point, what I was asking for is that Eric own
07:23:12 up should take the opportunity to host one of this
07:23:21 presentation sessions in the series of autonomous network.
07:23:26 So it's, it's not a any, any agreement there is just sharing information between each other. So team forum started with one session, and they are asking stos and own up to share information on on autonomous network.
07:23:48 So my, ask in the, in the DTF and they asked here is, Do we have someone who would like to participate contributes to to that, that meeting series and hold the seminar for could be in an hour, hour and a half, and that it would go out to all these stos
07:24:12 and all people that have shown interest in this too, and they would be invited them to this.
07:24:22 So that is so I wanted to get somebody from Europe community or more than one person. Yes, I will make a presentation. Yes, mission is to share what we are doing.
07:24:39 Right. We do not community. Yes, in the, in the, sort of, area of autonomous networks, which is exactly where we are.
07:25:09 And you have to end the presentation is on the 22nd right.
07:25:02 No, the presentation could be in March or April. There were two dates here that we're
07:25:08 bringing that up again.
07:25:12 So if you see in the on the sort of on the bottom here it's said there was a presentation on January 14, there is an opportunity in March 7 or April 11 scheduled meetings in this meeting series.
07:25:36 And the reason why we should utilize this vehicle would be that they have a large list of people that have shown interest in this, that will get the invitation.
07:25:50 And it would be maybe people who are not used to sort of taking open source into account, but are mostly standards based, that would be able to listen to this.
07:26:08 And I mean we could. I think we can reuse what's been presented in detail. It could also be other presentations.
07:26:22 And it's just an opportunity to reach out to the standards community in this area, I agree. And I think that we should.
07:26:34 So, and we have materials that we, as you said for media for model, even.
07:26:43 I don't know if we can make the match seven or do we still have two good months of it, but I would be more secure to target for the IPL 11.
07:26:55 Now, and what I would like to suggest is that, my goodness, I would like to work with you under TLC to prepare. And then one of those, I mean one of the TLC members.
07:27:05 Is it in the EMEA region. So, what is the time zone, zone is.
07:27:14 It's in the last meeting was I think key 2pm UTC says in the European mid European Time midday, Europe.
07:27:31 Okay, so what I would say maybe let's give us a little bit more time and shoot for a pill 11.
07:27:41 Right.
07:27:41 we have more time to prepare.
07:27:43 And then, Just wanted to see.
07:27:47 We would like, I would like to invite all the TSC to participate to the presentation.
07:27:52 And then we decide, whoo from the TC located in me I will indeed make the presentation but I think as the TLC its own mission to promote what we are doing outside the boundaries of the typical elephant, when we have an opportunity so we can attract allowed
07:28:10 your audience.
07:28:12 So visit to see agree to help us to as Magnus and myself to build the presentation.
07:28:22 And I will see what we have already and make a decision.
07:28:38 willing to help out of course,
07:28:43 any other feedback descend from the TLC what I'm looking for. Anyway, for your comments and feedback on the presentation.
07:28:52 So let's do that.
07:28:54 Makdisi there is no feedback from from. No, no needed negative feedback from the GMC.
07:29:04 Nobody's choking no no at least so that's good.
07:29:11 I think we should give sort of low hanging fruit will be to go into the detail, material and
07:29:20 put on our autonomous network glasses and see what we think is most interesting and then we can reach out to that presenter, those presenters and and ask if they're willing to participate in this.
07:29:37 Yeah. So, I'm already earning this time, and I don't know, can we take the Share, share right back home you just to finish the call and want to apologize to the CNS gospel.
07:29:50 We wanted to make a call for volunteers. We have a very exciting group up in place with that we will continue but if they wanted to join us.
07:30:02 We wanted to make a couple of presentation about the work which is ongoing. So my apologize to the CNN Task Force.
07:30:10 I will not say we will try to fit to next week because I don't know exactly. All the ladies will go.
07:30:17 But we will definitely, if we cannot put on the calendar of the 27 states you to present the hope map. On the February signal. I hope it's okay with you.
07:30:33 And we've already put a comment that we will postpone this presentation to be saved to fed with the one, because next week will be.
07:30:47 We will have the presentation.
07:30:51 the review of the milestone to any feedback comments.
07:31:01 Okay and then quickly
07:31:06 in there we want to finalize the priorities for 2022, we are running out of time so it will remain important. Maybe I will kick off something or offline I don't know yet.
07:31:17 So Kenny any update about these to kick off with coming soon I guess
07:31:24 election coming soon.
07:31:32 Yeah.
07:31:32 Thank you. I was given the project lifecycle.
07:31:35 And I'm still working on these items.