TSC 2022-09-22

TSC 2022-09-22

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Linux Foundation
China Telecom
Individual Contributor
Individual Contributor
China Mobile

Agenda Items

Presented By


Marketing Introductions

Jill Lovato

Pano Xinos

Release Status

Kohn Release
  • Schedule 
    • M3 / M4 are scheduled for Sept 22
    • #Does the TSC agree to approve M3 and defer M4 by a week
      and RC by a week
      Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
      N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
      Yuanhong Deng to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
      Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
      Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
      Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone (10:10 AM)
      #vote +1
    • #AGREED the TSC approves M3 and deferring M4 and RC by a week
  • Milestone Status

London Release

#VOTE:  does the TSC approve of the proposed schedule (v.3) for the London release?

Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
Yuanhong Deng to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1
Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone (10:15 AM)
#vote +1

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the proposed schedule (v.3) for the London release.


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
  • Jessica Gonzalez says thatKevin Sandi is working on upgrades to Jenkins.
  • Objective is to be on JDK 11 builders and the latest version of Jenkins to mitigate security issues
  • Expected to take at least a few weeks.  Should be done by the end of October.
  • Jessica and team will provide ongoing updates.

PTL Updates

Proposal:  ODL code migration to ONAP for London release

  • Contribution: Open Daylight RESTCONF API (see email for details)
  • License:  Eclipse Common License
  • Justification:  ODL is deprecating this code and will no longer maintain it.  However, ONAP is still dependent on this code.  The solution is to move the code into an ONAP repo, where it will be maintained by ONAP (CCSDK, Dan T).  The code will exist in its own dedicated repo in ONAP.  Dan expects that this code will be deprecated by ONAP in the next 1 - 2 years.
  • Discussed in the ODL / ONAP sync meeting over the past several months, including participation by LF legal
  • Reviewed by LF Legal via legal Jira process (LR-1090, Note: not shareable)
  • Dan completed the dependency questionnaire provided by LF legal:  ODL Dependency Questionnaire.pdf
  • Questionnaire responses were presented to PTLs in August with no feedback
  • Paragraph 7(c) of the charter provides for an exception for licensing requirements (requires 2/3 approval)

#VOTE:  Does the TSC approve a licensing exception for the ODL code in accordance with paragraph 7(c) of the charter?

TSC will defer voting for two weeks 10/06/2022.

cl664y@att.com bring topic to TAC  regarding when code is being deprecated how to socialize to other communities and a process to handle.

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


LFN Board meeting summary

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Next ONAP/SABRES working group is scheduled on Sept 28th

Next Enterprise Task Force meeting is scheduled on Oct 5th

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Jakarta Awards - TSC Vote by 

  • Before reveling the results Kenny noted there was a tie for the Citizenship vote.  Asked the TSC to make a decision on either honoring the tie or a "coin toss" to determine the winner.
  • #AGREED the TSC will honor the tie in the Jakarta Citizenship award. Andreas Geißler  & Fiachra Corcoran 
  • Automation Testing & Test Coverage Winners added based upon stats:
    Michał Jagiełło , Krzysztof Kuzmicki  & Morgan Richomme 

  • 2022 TSC Election
    • #AGREED Eligibility Waiver for Chuanyu Chen has been approved
      • Opavote results shared live on the call
    • Waiting for clarifications about "Eligibility Waiver" from Florian Bachmann
    • Thank you to all the ONAP Community Members who have submitted their nomination!
    • Kenny Paul expects to have the ballots distributed on  

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

10:00:07 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone:
#info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
10:00:21 From Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone:
#info Ranny Haiby, Linux Foundation
10:00:41 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone:
#info N. K. Shankar, STL
10:00:48 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#info Andreas Geissler, DT
10:01:11 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#info Dong Wang, China Telecom
10:02:52 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#info Timo Perala, Nokia
10:03:55 From Yuanhong Deng to Everyone:
#info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
10:04:31 From André Riehl (DT) to Everyone:
#info André Riehl (Deutsche Telekom)
10:09:39 From Sandra Jackson to Everyone:
Does the TSC agree to approve M3 and defer M4 by a week
10:09:52 From Sandra Jackson to Everyone:
and RC by a week
10:10:09 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:10:11 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:10:17 From Yuanhong Deng to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:10:21 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:10:28 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:10:34 From Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:11:58 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
10:12:41 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC approves M3 and deferring M4 and RC by a week
10:15:06 From Sandra Jackson to Everyone:
#Vote Does the TSC approve the schedule for the London release
10:15:20 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:27 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:30 From Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:34 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:34 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:44 From Yuanhong Deng to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:15:52 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#vote +1
10:21:11 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC approves the proposed schedule (v.3) for the London release.
10:36:33 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#info Catherine lefevre, att
10:59:11 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone:
I will have to drop. Liam Fallon will be my proxy for the rest of the meeting.
10:59:30 From Sandra Jackson to Everyone:
Thank you Liam, have a good day.
11:09:42 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC will honor the tie in the Jakarta Citizenship award.
11:10:13 From Sandra Jackson to Everyone:
11:10:42 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone:
Congratulations to both Andreas and Fiachra!
11:10:44 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
Great! Congratulations both!
11:10:52 From Martial Ngueko(AT&T) to Everyone:
congratulations both
11:11:11 From Liam Fallon (Ericsson Software Technology) to Everyone:
11:11:21 From David McBride to Everyone:
11:12:34 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Congratulations Andreas and Fiachra  !
11:18:54 From William Reehil (AT&T) to Everyone:
I have another item before we close

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:02:34 80 chats, messages, or anything sent will be a part of public record.
07:02:40 So if you want to message me and tell me how much I stink at hosting this meeting as long as you are okay with it being part of the public record, just a reminder of the anti trust policy here.
07:02:56 Linux Foundation meetings. we and participate in in with industry competitors, and it's our attention to conduct all activities and importance with the antitrusting competition laws.
07:03:06 If you have any questions you can reach out to your Company Legal Council, and for those who are members of the Linux Foundation you can reach out to Andrew up to grow of Gessler up the grove.
07:03:17 Okay, alright, let's go to the agenda So on the agenda today we have marketing Introductions will have someone here from marketing will cover.
07:03:39 Really updates talk about I guess any open tickets, revenge and infrastructure.
07:03:47 Ttl updates subcommittee updates. get a status from Katherine or Cross organizational updates and task force updates Tsc activities and any upcoming events are there any questions regarding the
07:04:03 agenda. i'm didn't get confirmation back from
07:04:15 Jill and Paul from the marketing piece so I think I'm must have screwed something up there.
07:04:20 So that's probably my act gonna happen today.
07:04:26 Okay, alright, that's fine. So then we can just hop right into it.
07:04:36 With that. The release updates is David on the call. All right.
07:04:41 Hi, David, Hi, Sandra! Okay, if you can stop Sharon, then and let me share all go ahead.
07:04:50 Sure sure Sure, thank you, alright. Hello, everyone so today.
07:05:01 We're going to talk about the status of Milestones 3 and 4 for the cone release, and we're also going to look at the schedule proposal for the the London release.
07:05:16 So let's start out with the schedule for the cone release.
07:05:24 Just to remind everyone where we're at so you can see down here.
07:05:29 We have m 3 and m 4 that a few weeks ago we put together on the same date today.
07:05:40 M 3 was a holdover from m 2 It was part of the condition for the approval of m 2 that we So never mind, i'm mixing up my stories here, too.
07:06:01 Many projects. i'm working on okay let's let's look at the status of m 3
07:06:07 So this is the good news. the final tasks for M.
07:06:15 3 were completed, and so we're in good shape there less.
07:06:20 Good news is the sets of m 4 we still have a number of open tickets both for the requirement owners, and for the the projects we're at roughly 75%, on the projects and and
07:06:41 maybe 70% on the requirement owners i've reached out to the requirement owners.
07:06:52 Just by chance we have fiatra or Keguan
07:06:59 Anyone from China, Mobile here
07:07:06 Okay, I did reach out to the requirement owners to find out status of these.
07:07:13 Requirement Owner requirement management tasks that are still up.
07:07:20 And jon hong's on the call Okay, young Hong.
07:07:29 Are you familiar with the status? I I forgot which one I think it's the intent model one let's say
07:07:44 John Hong. sorry I I think don't know the standards of this requirements, but I will reach out to one.
07:08:02 And the answer, Okay, that would be helpful. Thank you. Thank you very much.
07:08:06 Okay. So we still have some effort here required for M.
07:08:15 4, so I don't think that we're in position today that we can approve m 4.
07:08:24 If we look at the schedule again, I still have it open.
07:08:29 There it is, and for we can push out. we could push out, and for a week, which will probably I would say, will require us to push out
07:08:48 The release candidates one week at least, so we could try pushing out each of those one week and keeping sign off on the same date on the tenth.
07:09:02 So so that's my recommendation I I would recommend that the Tsc.
07:09:07 Go ahead and approve m 3 and then defer m 4 and release candidate one week and keep sign off the same.
07:09:19 Does that seem reasonable? Any feedback from the Tsc.
07:09:27 Any objections to that plan
07:09:34 Okay, so do we need to take a vote on this.
07:09:39 Does the Tsc. agree to approve M. 3 and defer, and 4 by week Import and Rc.
07:09:45 L. M. 4 and Rc. yeah that's this one down here
07:09:55 And do you guys use the same method plus one for agree, minus one for disagree?
07:10:03 Or So if you can go ahead and drop your votes in, did you put in the vote text, Sandra?
07:10:14 I did in the chat. Oh, okay, Gotcha
07:10:26 It's there
07:10:31 Boy: Okay, I have 4 votes so far
07:10:47 5 that's give it another 10 s and can wrap it up
07:11:07 Okay.
07:11:14 Okay. 6 votes to agree.
07:11:20 Okay, so alright. So we have past. We will. let me read my note again.
07:11:27 We will. The vote has passed to approve M. 3 and defer M.
07:11:33 4, and Rc. by a week. Now drop that into the notes
07:11:42 Thanks. Sandra. Okay. any other questions about the cone release
07:11:54 Alright. so let's talk about the the London release
07:12:01 I put together the a schedule and reviewed it with Kenny and Katherine also shared it with the
07:12:13 The ptls earlier this week so now i'd like to go ahead and put it up for a vote for with the Tsc.
07:12:26 So this schedule has us kicking off on October twentieth.
07:12:34 With a plan. sign off in May on the eleventh and
07:12:44 I tried to capture. you might recall this last spring.
07:12:47 We we ran into some trouble with some international holidays that were not accounted for, and that ended up colliding with at least one of our milestones.
07:13:02 And so thanks to Kenny for helping me that the and make sure that we had all the international calendars, international holidays on the on the schedule.
07:13:16 And So I believe that this schedule does not collide with any of those holidays.
07:13:26 I also added the our events coming up here in November.
07:13:32 We do have. I guess we do have a an event, a virtual event tentatively planned for February.
07:13:41 Is that right, Kenny? Yeah. The the first developer testing forum the the winter.
07:13:54 One will be January, February timeframe.
07:13:58 Basically working around working around the lunar New Year and that.
07:14:07 So official dates to be determined right so That's why I did haven't put it on the calendar, because we don't have a a firm date for that yet when that comes up we may have to do some
07:14:23 adjustments but otherwise I think this schedule.
07:14:32 You know, answers answers the mail in terms of avoiding holidays and the events that we know of.
07:14:41 So i'd like to ask the tsc to go ahead and vote I schedule unless there are any questions or comments.
07:14:56 Okay, So we're asking does the tsc approved the schedule for the London release.
07:15:02 Yeah, I I actually put some some vote text there in the agenda.
07:15:07 If you wanna use that, just copy and paste it, Sandra.
07:15:13 Oh, you did. Oh, okay, thank you, alright. So if you guys can go ahead and drop your votes in
07:15:20 If the Tsc. approves the new release schedule for the London release
07:15:42 Okay, give it about 10 more seconds
07:16:00 Alright. looks like we have 6 of boats. So the the decision to approve the new release schedule for London has been approved.
07:16:11 Thank you guys for your vote alright. terrific thank you and that's it for me.
07:16:23 Okay, Alright, give me a minute here. I gotta
07:16:32 So quickly. regarding the 4 dot one dot, one dot, one eligibility waiver vote for the Tsc.
07:16:43 Members. I sent out reminders to everyone again this morning.
07:16:49 And for one individual I was getting an email bounce in today's chat.
07:16:55 I have sent you a private message. and with a code you can use to vote
07:17:04 So if you have not yet voted on that using open vote.
07:17:11 Please do so at this time
07:17:18 K kenny so I have seen that my colleague affluent was also applying for the Tsc.
07:17:29 And I think he's at least also not let's say meeting the requirements, as I think, has 14 or Well, something.
07:17:43 Is there does. Does he need to record a request let's say this kind of waiver as well to send out?
07:17:52 Or this is, or is that what you do? that automatically?
07:17:57 It wasn't clear from florian's mail and then this one thing that I didn't want to discuss with wasn't from his mail whether he was asking for the waiver also he
07:18:12 didn't respond to the right email thread so so there were 2 things there.
07:18:20 If if and I don't see him on the call i'm actually not.
07:18:31 I was thinking that he would join today. as well, but I think he's obviously not.
07:18:35 I may look at the moment. if you can. Yeah, paying him.
07:18:42 And and yet, and if he does, if he is formally asking for the waiver.
07:18:47 Please respond to the correct thread, and I will put a similar vote out for that.
07:18:53 Okay, Okay, I will. I will announce it. Okay, Thank you.
07:18:58 Okay.
07:19:03 Okay, So we can move on to. I guess reliant revenue infrastructure is Jessica is gonna give an update on that. Thank you.
07:19:20 Yes, so I I guess you guys have been seeing kevin's updates in just in short, we finally updated Jenkins to the latest version this is the power for few security security issues and at
07:19:38 the same time. We also updated all the nodes all the current center, 7 and 1, 2, 1,804 nodes to be built, using Jdk.
07:19:51 11 They also contain the Dk 17 I remember Dan was mentioning in the video call that he, will need that support.
07:19:59 So so they they also have Jdg. 17
07:20:05 This was a requirement in in order to for the new Jenkins version to run.
07:20:12 So these updates were done. The only update that is missing is they jump that we're gonna plan to do from center 7 to centers, 8 and open to 1,804, 2, 1 2 24 and This is gonna happen a
07:20:29 little bit slower now that we found the Jenkins upgrade, which was the main thread.
07:20:35 But we will continue to let you know how that's going a work. We're gonna we're planning to do a few tests in the sandbox to make sure nothing breaks and migrate the teams to
07:20:47 use this new voice versions other than that the both production and sandbox are looking good for.
07:20:54 Now
07:21:00 Okay, any questions for Jessica or comments. Yeah, I think
07:21:06 We have we have in the last days, I mean, you have seen, I think, from Mika, the the the the ticket.
07:21:15 But I think it is. The one thing is solved now for the integration and all the end to end test.
07:21:22 The one was done by by the orange team because they have stopped some server that the results have not been published or could not be published to the to the test results of Opn Fv.
07:21:36 That's working, and was working. but now as the the own up dot eu and dns or was now moved to Linux Foundation.
07:21:53 Now it appears that we cannot let's say download any images from the azure docker, because it it is using this own up.
07:22:06 Eu. I don't know whether me how has raised also a ticket for that, so that I mean we had now fortunately, so.
07:22:13 What one or 2 results which were which were fine. But then, after the owner. But you move removal or whatever Dns Google to, Maybe it is just an update question, so that the Dns gets gets resolving of the Dns is then
07:22:38 working fine, but just as a reminder. So that we have at the moment issues to send the or to to set up the gating and the daily environments, because of that that's this is an issue which we are facing at the
07:22:57 moment in the integration of O. M. T. thank you mentioned there's a ticket I don't know whether I I hope that me how has send a ticket about that so he just posted it in the in the old M.
07:23:13 Channel that we have this kind of issues, but maybe i'll i'll i'll check with him.
07:23:21 So what? what is? What is the problem? and or if he has sent a ticket for that?
07:23:27 I'll let you know and we'll keep an eye for that. And yeah, we'll look into that Yeah, that was the other issue regarding the migration.
07:23:41 So this get let migration so. and I had on last Friday created in Ghetto.
07:23:50 The chain ci project under the integration.
07:23:57 Further, and it was a proof by or merged by me How?
07:24:02 But the the micro o the the the then set up to think that with the get lap.
07:24:14 This is still not working so in kitlap I don't see the changes which I have done in Ganet.
07:24:22 So something I think Mihil also tried to get in contact with paint.
07:24:29 But I think it is yeah at least I don't know whether you got a reply for that.
07:24:36 Okay, I I can I can check with bank that I don't think so.
07:24:39 He's on the call right now. but yeah, I will let me know that was the other thing.
07:24:44 So : Okay, thank you. Alright, Any other questions or comments.
07:24:56 Okay, moving on to the ptl updates. Well, David, I have you here, and it is Dan on a call
07:25:07 Yeah, I think Dan was planning to yeah.
07:25:15 So we have this issue come up In the spring we we started talking about it, and the the Odl.
07:25:29 Own app monthly sync meeting. And this this came out of our effort to create better coordination between own app and and Odl and
07:25:41 Dan raised this issue. and Dad, do you wanna provide some background about the issue?
07:25:46 Sure sure. the The format of the interface that we expect into the Controller is is something called rescomf, and there's 2 standards for rescue.
07:25:58 There's an older one based on an Internet draft, or the sometimes called the Beerman draft 2 version.
07:26:05 And then there's a Newer version defined by rfc* currently open to that supports both and our newer applications on on App for using Rfc*.
07:26:17 But we do have some older use cases that are still using beerman draft tip
07:26:25 With the next open daylight the the open daylight release that we're using now in cone sulfur is the last open daylight release that will support the beam and style interface that they're retiring that they're quite a
07:26:38 deprecated, and They're removing It in the next their next release, just called Chlorine.
07:26:44 So in London. if we did nothing, The the issue we would face in London is that anybody using Berman all of a sudden those interfaces could stop working.
07:26:51 So the solution. we've kind of come up with to give us a little bit more time to my great people.
07:26:58 It is community suggested Well, why don't you just take over maintaining that code it's just a correct plug plug-in for for like the better term.
07:27:13 So we we agree to that so what we're proposing to do is take a copy of that Code, put it into a separate Repository in your own App that we're gonna create for for this and for any future
07:27:26 case that we might have where something it's deprecated in open daylight, that we still need, and The issue that we ran into there is that open daylight is licensed under the eclipse license
07:27:38 whereas where we're licensed under Apache and eclipses little more copy left then Apache.
07:27:47 So what we're asking for is an exception to out just that one request to try to be licensed under eclipse.
07:27:54 I did definitely. I we did ask the open daily community, Will, can we do a license?
07:28:00 And they eat. problem there is in order to do a license, we would need permission from all of the original authors, many of whom have left the project, so that that turned out not to be available alternative.
07:28:11 So that that's why we're kind of stuck having got licenses under eclipse only thanks dan sure.
07:28:20 So. we We discussed this issue throughout the spring and I I linked the from the Odl own app sync meeting.
07:28:45 They're in the agenda eventually we settled on the plan that Dan just described.
07:28:45 So I asked Dan to send me an email summarizing the issue which I've also i've linked in the agenda.
07:28:48 And then I I took that email and I used it as a basis for a legal jira ticket.
07:28:57 Which is L. R. 1090 unfortunately i'm not allowed to share legal giras.
07:29:07 And so we we were able to We're fortunate to bring Scott Nicholas from the Lf.
07:29:13 Legal team into one of our Od. L own App sync meetings, and to discuss the issue.
07:29:22 The Lf. Legal voice. No objections to the the plan.
07:29:28 The The main key is that the code is not being merged with own app code?
07:29:35 It's being kept in a in a separate repository and and the behavior of that code is that it's it.
07:29:43 It's independent of other code and so those are kind of the keys that enable us to to do this.
07:29:56 So there's a provision in the own app charter it's, paragraph 7 c.
07:30:01 Which allows for an exception to the licensing requirements.
07:30:08 It. It requires a 2 thirds approval of the Tsc.
07:30:25 David just lost your audio. Yeah, I I was just talking while the I was just being quiet while the charter was being pulled up.
07:30:36 So as you could see there there there is a provision for an exception. and the requirements are that we describe the contribution.
07:30:50 The alternative V. Open source license and the justification dan just verbalized all of that.
07:30:58 But I also I. if you can go back to the agenda I summarize those 3 in the in the top 3 bullets there in the the agenda, the contribution license and the justification and
07:31:13 so. we are asking the Tsc. to based on no objections from Lf legal and based on the the the documentation of the exception there in the agenda.
07:31:30 We're asking the the Tsc. to approve this succession. I am I think I need more time to check this internally.
07:31:38 I'm not really comfortable with putting a vote today? Is it Is it?
07:31:49 Do we have. Is it in great hurry fortunately we were because this doesn't become an issue until the London release, and probably not, you know, and not until about miles from time 3 of the London, release which doesn't happen
07:32:06 until the first quarter of the New year. So we have some time to sort this out.
07:32:15 I I included all of the the the background information for the issue.
07:32:25 But if there, if you find anything that's missing or you have any questions Magnus, just no way no I don't no thanks for that.
07:32:36 I I'm not missing anything I just wanted the second opinion. What are legal people say?
07:32:45 I I might be sort of overthrown by 2 thirds majority in the Tc.
07:32:50 Today, but it's just my view yeah well as you mentioned I don't. I don't think we're in a in a big hurry, and so I don't think it's necessary to to do the
07:33:04 vote today. I I did forget to mention one thing. the Lf.
07:33:10 Legal, provided us with a dependency questionnaire, which is designed to, you know.
07:33:17 Help us evaluate. Whether this is a, you know, a reasonable thing to do or not based on the dependencies.
07:33:28 And Dan created, or Dan replied to the dependency questionnaire, and I included a copy of it.
07:33:35 There in the agenda, or a link to it.
07:33:41 And that also has been reviewed by Lf. Legal, with with no objections
07:33:49 So any other questions. Hey, David, This is shocker so I'm.
07:33:57 Not a Tsc. member. but I just just an opinion on this right.
07:34:03 Yeah, the the issue that Dan just raised this is an issue that we have discussed at the auto receptionist.
07:34:13 I wanna say, going back 6 months probably more right then.
07:34:20 Yeah, probably. Yeah. Yeah. So so to me I don't want to over complicate the I.
07:34:29 I don't want the the technical issue to get long and the procedural process.
07:34:39 Right. So this is this is a case where you have a hey?
07:34:49 An open source project that decided to implement the feature without realizing or taken into consideration the significant impact fact that it has on other projects.
07:35:07 So So the question in my mind is the fact that we they both and Lfn.
07:35:15 Project right there'd be a discussion moving forward it's not just from Odl.
07:35:22 It could be on the own app side. Should there be, should we at least give a heads up to the projects that are dependent on us, or the projects that we depend on?
07:35:37 Give us a heads up when they do implement the feature that has, or could potentially have, significant impact on own app or vice versa.
07:35:51 And that's the really that I think that's the issue the issue is they've implemented feature that has a significant impact on on that.
07:36:06 And again we've been discussing this for about 6 months, and then has been gracious enough to figure out a way around it.
07:36:16 But it is very difficult, and it's going to impact a lot of people in a lot of components within own app.
07:36:20 I think. Question that's on the table is short term How do we get ourselves out of this predicament that we're in and moving forward.
07:36:33 Should we as a community or larger community, right when there is a feature that we think is going to happen a wider impact on a lot of other projects?
07:36:43 Should we at least have a technical discussion amongst all of the other projects or the dependent projects, to make sure that everybody understands what the what the impacts are, and how to mitigate the risk if you will or how we
07:37:01 we would implement the changes without basically impacting significant amount of components to me it's not a legal issue to me.
07:37:11 It's like one company. One project decided to to go down a certain path that has a significant impact to the other communities that are using that prime.
07:37:25 The product.
07:37:34 Thank you for that So I think that we can defer to give folks time to look into this.
07:37:43 Get more information. How much time do you think the Tsd need to be able to make a decision on this that you want a week or 2 weeks, just to give everybody time to kind of chew on it?
07:37:58 And since we're not in a hurry I would say 2 weeks
07:38:14 Alright any other questions or comments. just when last thing I I forgot to mention also that we shared this issue with the the ptls including dance responses to the the dependency.
07:38:34 Questioner. Hmm! I have a comment. Can you hear me?
07:38:40 Yes, we can Yeah. So especially for them it it's it's not clear to me if if there is another option to doing this licensing exception is that am I reading it right i'm i'm i'm
07:38:59 sorry, Mr. beginning It's not clear so your your you know your ideas of moving into a different repo, and and working around it all all makes sense.
07:39:11 They are pragmatic. and this is offered as a vote it's not clear if there is an alternative.
07:39:20 Yeah, Well, not not a good one, we didn't look at is what what if we had a new component that translated from the old interface format to the new one?
07:39:31 And that that's a lot of work so that So we we backed off of that, especially since it's hopefully a temporary solution, because really what we need to do is get people to stop using the old And start using the
07:39:43 now. But yeah, it's that that's all we looked at the the other alternatives are like more, You know, a little bit more brutal, like the other alternative would be Okay, well solve for you know open. it was fun sulfur is the last release.
07:40:01 And we don't but that's that that seems extreme yeah So so it's as far as you know the the word pragmatism was brought up earlier, and I I think this is the the best compromise
07:40:20 that we've got out there. when when the basically the alternatives is, as Dan said, our we say, okay, Yep, we're done.
07:40:32 This is the last one, or we actually write code around it for something that is ultimately going to be deprecated.
07:40:42 Anyway. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. So we we chose. This is kind of the least, you know.
07:40:49 I call it the least battle alternative
07:40:55 Yup thank you I agree with what chucker said it's it.
07:41:00 If there's more done to to highlight dependencies between projects that at least good.
07:41:05 Yeah, well, well, one less comment. right? So And so. something like this is going to happen in the future.
07:41:14 Right. And then, when Dan gave us a heads up at the architecture subcommittee way back when and we talked like to socialize the changes with most of the ptls, or anybody that was that attended the the our call meetings on weekly
07:41:34 basis, and we tried to highlight that with notes as so on, so forth.
07:41:38 Right. Exc Excuse me, but when something like that happens after everybody has committed to their schedule in their timeline, and there is a significant impact of their components.
07:41:52 How do you then absorb all that work within the schedule that never took that work into account?
07:42:02 And to me that's the that's the key how do we flush out all the impacts on the project in on the schedule before we realize there are surprises and i'm not suggesting that it's anybody's
07:42:17 fault, but it is part of the process, but something like this: I would.
07:42:23 I would think the Oddl team should have given the entire community heads up, saying, Hey, we're deprecating something where it is something new.
07:42:31 So heads up and make sure that you address it within your future schedules.
07:42:40 I think, Checker, you already using a good point and i'm, wondering if it is not something we could discuss at the tech level, because at the tech.
07:42:51 Somehow we have an overview or we have an opportunity to meet all the project.
07:42:57 It is 2. We have a tight relationship with open daylight, but we might have other relationship with other later, .
07:43:05 So I think that maybe it's it's a time discussion, and and potentially we could invite yourself.
07:43:15 And then, because you have been really close to this to just share as a listener, it's not to do a ping bond parting.
07:43:25 Oh, you don't see people back the pointed fingers!
07:43:28 I think fingers pointed but it's it's just say, look we there!
07:43:34 There is a real eagerness and and I don't know if Junior or Kenny has already shared that with you today.
07:43:42 But when we had the the research of the so i'll be from even, there is really an eagerness from anybody to have more collaboration and to build solution, inter community right? Mco Ownup or unaware.
07:44:02 So I think what we experiment here might happen again right and cool.
07:44:09 So up and inside all that we have d map. the map is in in Telman. But Jack has started to talk internally to all the project team about the impact. Right?
07:44:20 What do we need negotiations when we work with another open source?
07:44:24 It might be different. So I want wonder if it is not something where we should be ready?
07:44:32 Because if it will not be the only case right I think I I think it's a good idea to bring it bring this topic up at the tech level, I think that's where it should be discussed.
07:44:44 Okay, So I don't know who is writing the notes so you you can assign an action item to me, and and I have a attack meeting after after this call to prepare the next one.
07:44:58 So we already bring the this topic as a listener again.
07:45:03 I I I think we are working well, usually so. but we need to be already from a process perspective for sure.
07:45:11 Yeah, I think you're right this is not the one time this will come, and and there might also be some hidden ones that we that we don't really know about.
07:45:23 Yes, so we need to find the channels right to. to have this type of notification.
07:45:34 I put a note to myself. but there, Then again, there is.
07:45:38 There is open source and open source and not all equal is different licensing different cases.
07:45:46 But yeah, at some kind of process. we would would be good
07:45:59 Okay, any other comments
07:46:05 Alright, moving on to subcommittee updates.
07:46:11 And thank you. Sondra, I realize that you are you are managing the screen today.
07:46:20 I'm trying. Thank you any subcommittee I i'm sorry.
07:46:29 Okay, go ahead. Sorry, caffeine no one's already moving on the next topic.
07:46:33 So we had a a bob meeting on, was it Wednesday?
07:46:37 Yeah. because yesterday on Wednesday. so some updates
07:46:45 I think we have additional team members companies. So what yesterday we have welcome terrorists.
07:46:52 This the terrorist Cto are behind Gdo. I hope I see his name accordingly.
07:46:56 So tennis is a It's a company in located in Canada, and the Abraham is the responsible of all the technology developments.
07:47:07 For but even more he was speaking about security network architecture, subsystem, liberal, operational super system, and even more.
07:47:16 And they have decided to join the board. so it's a new company that we were welcoming.
07:47:21 They have been a couple of change in terms of elephant, both for poison, that if you know, I'm taking the seat the long way, and I will try to be as good as all right from an at t side But there
07:47:36 was also a change within orange. So Van Song is is now replaced by William Gig. by William Diego.
07:47:46 We have also a new commit to representative, and I want to see the opportunity again to thanks.
07:47:56 Amy was the committee commuter representative over the last year.
07:48:02 No, it's gee Oliver who is also Tsc.
07:48:06 For the open daylight, and then hash from Intel was replaced by Google.
07:48:12 So couple of new team members joining the elephant board the next topic.
07:48:19 There have been some update about the elephant coyotes from a marketing or professional perspective.
07:48:26 There was also some good feedback about uns sounds like good topics.
07:48:34 And being part of the program committee, I can tell you.
07:48:35 It was hard to choose. There have been so many abstracts with great contain, especially about new new new stack new project, like Nephew Maggie camera, which is the new water called Gobaliance, So a Lot of great
07:48:56 topic that have been selected, and I think I hope I don't sit too many things.
07:49:04 I think the schedule has been announced. Kenny.
07:49:08 Oh, I okay, and I don't know if you want to add anything right?
07:49:13 I don't know if you want to add anything about the vines. I don't have anything to add.
07:49:23 I guess the the schedule has been I think it went out this week, or maybe the week before.
07:49:28 So nothing else to add, Yeah, the schedule went out last week.
07:49:36 Okay, and we hit. There were lot of topics everything was very interesting.
07:49:43 If you don't have been selected please see the opportunity of the Dvd event, and that so something that can you already remind you?
07:49:52 Because we want to hear about what you had in mind.
07:49:56 The yes, yes, yeah the only thing that I I I would chime in there is that heather Kirksey is extremely excited.
07:50:08 I i'm not sure the last time i've seen her. This excited about the content of the submissions that we did receive for the one summit.
07:50:17 She thinks that the program is is one of the strongest ever.
07:50:22 So she's she's extremely excited about it and if he's that excited about it.
07:50:31 I know everybody else is going to love it.
07:50:38 Thank you so much, Guinea, to share that the next items was, take a look at the 2022 elephant priorities.
07:50:47 I will just name the title. So it was the priority one in 95, and tackle consumption and the primary barrier and celebrating success also, like.
07:50:58 So they hate poc to production. That's the priority one set up by the Lfn enable Cloud Telco Telecom and Enterprise ecosystem collaboration that was the it is still the 2,020
07:51:13 2 priorities set by Lf. and finally maintain and go community.
07:51:18 It could be developers. We need more view project members.
07:51:25 And you know, So it was just a refresh about what are the elephant priorities?
07:51:31 Not really where we are. but just some key punchline expressing what has been done regarding the the 3 priorities that I've just mentioned to you.
07:51:46 They have been also some quite a whole quarterly feedback review share with the governance board.
07:51:56 What does it mean? So, for example, the D 11 was trying to position themselves to be a focal point for driving, marketing, adoption, and adjust adjusting projects such as camara, nephew, h and
07:52:14 oa Another one was really helped to improve the process for achieving code, maturity, security to ensure market adoption and project.
07:52:24 So everything is really about market adoption. somehow, when I was looking at the the findings, anything else that you want to call out, can you
07:52:38 Pond the oops. I think you covered it very, very well.
07:52:45 Okay. And then, of course, there was some kudos because Jill Gil Levato,
07:52:53 Was promoted to be the director of marketing, and Pr.
07:52:55 I think. Jill joined the beginning of this call as well as Panel Casinos actually no, I'm right.
07:53:09 I invited them to the wrong day. okay, Okay, so they can tell us more about themselves.
07:53:20 And of course we have any was being promoted to a director of technicalops.
07:53:26 So that was also some announcement. After that we give you a little bit, the timeline for the approval of the 25 excitement.
07:53:35 And, as you know, we have been reviewing of project submission.
07:53:40 On the 16 which was last week, so most to come in this domain.
07:53:45 But at least the google's board is a way about How the defense will be accomplished, and, thanks to Kenny, all the Open Source Committee have already submitted there.
07:53:58 Rigid plan. right? so more to come. what is.
07:54:04 Thank you I don't we have Honey I don't know if funny is with us today.
07:54:11 Hanni was giving a overview of what's going on with, and security.
07:54:18 I don't know, honey, if you want to add any yeah.
07:54:23 In this context, I think owner is kind of leading the way for the rest of the Lfn.
07:54:27 Project. so we are trying to of success of Oh, not being adopting best practices, help Other projects reach the same level this while.
07:54:41 Keep advancing. So own apps security development. we will add, shortly there will be a new seat on the attack, or for a security expert, and that person will lead
07:55:01 This adoption of tools across the front project, and so stay tuned for more news about this. and if you are curious, you can already look at the tag.
07:55:17 So so you know what i'm the expectation about the securely speak, but it's a secret i'm using.
07:55:24 I think we I just want to see the opportunity to give kudos to the second second committee, because they have been who drove completing the way of what's going on here.
07:55:38 So big, thanks to parallel and also amy But also anybody with participated to the security soup committee.
07:55:48 I'm So sorry that I don't know all the key players. so pavil and av please pass all mix thanks to your soup committee.
07:55:59 We had a quick update about Nspc and G.
07:56:03 U is the new ss share Soon i'm sorry if I do know columns correctly.
07:56:11 Gu is from Zeta Kenny anything you want to to add about Spc.
07:56:20 Yeah from the Spc. might miss
07:56:29 Sits on the Sbc as the own app percentage.
07:56:33 And we had G do you? from zik e as Katherine said who came on board as you chair?
07:56:45 And something to drive things as as we move forward
07:56:54 And skinny and just to give you a a little bit of inside. I did a real, really what's going on. but one of the 1 1.
07:57:06 What I was nicely surprised is that they are defined so operational.
07:57:10 Kpi, and they are money toing on the cost only basis.
07:57:16 How It's going on so what I call a personal Kpi. it's, for example, on boarding and Columbia Pricia.
07:57:23 It could be related to. the it infrastructure.
07:57:29 Ho, ho! ho! oh! it is perceived by the default community. So I I was very, but it was cobbly.
07:57:35 Maybe I miss something, but it was probably the first time that there are some Kpi who makes sense to me.
07:57:45 It could bring value to see where we are. so I I think what it is in place with the Spc.
07:57:50 It's now, extremely interesting, but it's only my personal feedback.
07:57:57 Then we have some Mac update so I will not.
07:58:01 This goes too much, not because it's secret but I would love to have jail to present this part, as you suggested Kenny.
07:58:09 During the next meeting, so so she would be able to share the marketing program summary for what's going on in October, November, and put that put on shooting next year.
07:58:22 And we had some great use of story about additional deployment a little bit everywhere.
07:58:30 And I think there is also a link where you can discover the different deployment or different collaborationship between open source community, but also with carriers, with vendors, with.
07:58:46 Everybody. so I found that also very useful and then there was also a call out for not a call.
07:58:58 Now there was also refresher to say the Linux foundation of Kikov.
07:59:05 I told story of open source and it was providing some put some information about that. right?
07:59:15 So so for some fun. facts. Sorry so that's also something we can share with the team here.
07:59:21 If they are interested to enter our stories of open source, we can maybe put some some link in the chat or in the agenda, and then we have the tech update with Jason, who is indeed was expressing 2 new seats
07:59:40 Rami was already sharing one of them, which is a security.
07:59:44 Smithson, and then there is also an intent to have a 5 Gcp.
07:59:49 Seat as well just to get more organized and Scripture about the the costs open source.
07:59:58 Use case. Yeah, we We are also reactivating the infrastructure Subcommittee.
08:00:07 Something we are discussing as well, and we will keep off, As I told you one week ago.
08:00:14 The ownup community will be requested to provide a kind of project, else there is not yet a date when the Ona continue to present.
08:00:27 So just it's an opportunity to share again what we are doing. we don't have, and 6 sharing success and challenge as well with the team feedback of louis about the 5 g super blueprints or it
08:00:43 goes even updates shared by editor.
08:00:50 But the key key message was really what the kenny share about the ons, and I think that's most of it right.
08:00:59 We. We had also some feedback about the the the some basis of the Dpf.
08:01:03 And sounds like most of the indicator, we are greener than never.
08:01:11 So. thank you again for all the people with participate to the solving, because it says the Linux.
08:01:15 On to understand, as well as the representative of each open source, community, and or even organizer like Timo in honey.
08:01:28 To understand what we had to do better for the next event.
08:01:30 I think that's it. I give you a a very good overview.
08:01:37 I guess any question before we move to the next topic. Thank you, Kathan.
08:01:41 That was a very thorough overview. Thank you so much for that
08:01:51 No questions. Okay, I think we can move on
08:01:59 Any updates for Tc. for the Tcc. or own apple is on updates.
08:02:06 Can everyone hear me? Yeah, it was so silent i'm like, Do I still have Alright.
08:02:18 So no updates. what about task force? updates
08:02:27 Okay. Moving on, then to Tsc. activity and deadlines.
08:02:33 Katherine is you against
08:02:44 Hello, Yeah, I can. I can actually cover the first Okay, yeah.
08:02:55 So there was there was direction from the Tsc. from last week to
08:03:01 Talk to the the ptls about let's just say super committers, and so we did that on Monday, and we we agreed to the the the current list.
08:03:15 Sandra could you click on that link there it's his current
08:03:25 And yeah, just scroll down a little bit to the table.
08:03:27 There you go, So we have. we have this this current list.
08:03:36 And we agreed to maintain this current list.
08:03:43 With the you know the exceptions that are that are noted there.
08:03:49 It with in red and but when one of the things that we noticed was that you know that leaves us in a situation where most of our super committers are staff.
08:04:06 And so that's not ideal go ahead and go back to the agenda sandra, please.
08:04:15 So we talked about you know, having additional super committers, particularly in integration, oam and documentation, and ideally, since Thomas Andreas and Mikal were not on the meeting we volunteered them as
08:04:37 as new super committers i'm kind of joking there.
08:04:45 I did send an email to Thomas andrea and me Cal, just to see if they have any objections about that.
08:04:55 And i'll i'll wait until monday if I don't hear back from them.
08:04:59 Then i'll assume that they're okay with with being super committers.
08:05:06 So we could take those names plus the names from the list
08:05:09 And then i'll create an it ticket and ask that those individuals be made super committers until the end of the the cone release, and then we'll withdraw that that privilege and one
08:05:27 one thing could could you check as well? by the Wukash?
08:05:35 Whether the the address of wukash has been changed that time, I think he's not at the moment able to super commit, because I think he's registered with his or orange address, and of course not change to the
08:05:49 Dt: address So email address, most likely. Maybe you can check that as well.
08:05:58 Okay, yeah, can Sandra, Can you note that
08:06:05 Just to check on the email for lucas but before we name the super committers. Okay, of course, we are all dt members now.
08:06:15 Yeah, I hope that doesn't make any problems to anyone so it's a cabal
08:06:25 Take a ball.
08:06:32 Okay, i'll get to that anything else on on this topic
08:06:48 Alright. anything from you, Catherine
08:06:58 Okay, this talk on this topic. I'm. good at just wanted to move to the jackets award, and Kenny did.
08:07:06 We have the but we we were already providing feedback about the Jacques last week, but there were still some position that we we still there are still some award that we didn't declare and I saw that I was updating
08:07:22 the website yesterday. So on a little bit confused but yeah I didn't I I I I didn't the updates. so on the awards.
08:07:35 Have something interesting that occurred. we actually have a tie for the citizenship.
08:07:48 Award
08:07:50 I close that out today. the the opa vote will, in the case of a tie where it is not step ranked.
08:08:06 Oprah vote will do a coin Toss to pick who the actual winner is in our community, and i'm going to throw this out to the Tsc.
08:08:26 In our community. I tend to think that we would error on the side of honoring the tie award rather than a coin toss in this situation
08:08:42 So want to get clarity from the the Tsc.
08:08:51 Whether we want to to honor the tie you move here.
08:08:59 Yes,
08:09:09 Okay, i'm going to take that as consensus i'm going to put it in this on a greed
08:09:32 In the Jacob
08:09:33 In the Jacobs
08:09:45 Oh, and with that said the tie for citizenship.
08:09:52 Go to Drum Roll, please. Andreas and Shi Hao
08:10:06 So congratulations be getting a very well deserved citizenship.
08:10:16 Award the other thing that was pending I do.
08:10:24 The quick reload from chathering The other piece that was pending was the automation and test coverage.
08:10:39 So we had twon, and and the Cpa s team that had been previously mentioned.
08:10:50 Also, in addition to that. we have Michael. Christoff.
08:11:01 Kozminsky and Morgan added to the test automation and testing coverage awards.
08:11:09 So congratulations to all you can look forward to having those badges don't.
08:11:22 When we do the 2022 roundup of badges in Q.
08:11:25 One. so congratulations everyone.
08:11:33 Thank you to all of you. So So we will update th. there's only one thing which is not that updated on the website which is a citizenship, because that was the decision we had to take all together.
08:11:47 So thank you for the Tsc. and there will otherwise the other.
08:11:53 We know that we were sharing last week are already on the website.
08:11:58 Of course. So what it is really important it's that you are hopes because, thanks to you, we are moving forward with our own app community.
08:12:10 And again big, thanks to the one, was nominated by their peers, and the H.
08:12:16 Recognized by their fees via! So thank you so much for everything
08:12:25 Yeah, Thank you. everyone. this is what keeps our community strong.
08:12:28 So really appreciate it. Yay, thank you. Congratulations to you. Okay. And moving on to some housekeeping event housekeeping and and upcoming events as mentioned. the one summit schedule is
08:12:51 posted. it is out there since last week. Please make sure you register.
08:12:55 If you have not registered already, look forward to meeting you guys there.
08:13:01 Hopefully, folks can attend in person. remembering the L.
08:13:08 The the Linux foundation members oversee 20% discount.
08:13:12 The code is there in the minutes and the we have a D. A. D.
08:13:19 And t in the ntf event following, gotta get you saying it the right way, following the one summit on the seventeenth and 8
08:13:33 Any questions, or any anyone have anything else any other business to us for the Tc. election, because I saw we had this We had these topics on the agenda, and I don't find it anymore.
08:13:49 I think it's important to provide an update here it.
08:13:55 It evidently got lost in an edit, because I was just saying about to say the same thing.
08:13:59 Katherine So with regards to the election we have one vote out currently for the for the eligible ability. waiver for Chinese chim i'm Sorry John, Tim that we have received
08:14:28 9 votes on that. There are 12 people on the Tsc.
08:14:33 So this would be considered an authoritative vote.
08:14:38 I am going to close it at this time. and I will announce the results of that vote live the other question that is open as we've had Florian blockman who originally put his hat
08:14:56 into the ring, but he responded to the wrong the the wrong email thread and responded to my reminder thread rather than your the initial one.
08:15:08 So I believe that we should provide some flexibility in honoring that and the
08:15:19 The main question is, is he still specifically asking for a an exception?
08:15:25 Waiver as well. and I have responded to that email in the Tsc.
08:15:32 In the in the election thread. So there we are.
08:15:36 I'm going to close the oprah vote now on the eligibility the first eligibility
08:15:46 Just just to pick up. We we have we have 2 candidates for highway and 2 congratulations for Dt.
08:15:56 Is it right? If Florian repressed the waiver, and if the waiver is granted then yes, we would have 2 from one way and 2 from Dt.
08:16:15 And let me share nice screen. Okay, i'll stop sharing
08:16:18 So here we are the eligibility. waiver.
08:16:24 The results are. Yes, what waiver criteria has been met.
08:16:28 So, Chen, you will be on the ballot. So congratulations for that.
08:16:36 Z. Where are we going through here? Okay, that's not what I want?
08:16:48 I want
08:16:58 This thread here. So our Kennedy are Andreas Kiwan from China. Mobile shankar Magnus session Marshall is running Teamo
08:17:27 dong way shaun you
08:17:34 Powell shocker Rob shoot them send you i'm Sorry And the question is out currently for Florian and you could see the email that I asked for clarification on whether an eligibility
08:18:01 waiver is being done there. if an eligibility waiver is just being requested.
08:18:10 I will put a similar vote out to the one we just conducted, and would request that all of the Tsc.
08:18:21 Members. please respond to that, and very as quickly as possible.
08:18:25 And my goal is to have the My goal is to have the ballots distributed on Monday
08:18:39 Any questions. Yes, so who it will work any. Is it the old Tse or the new See who will vote on it?
08:18:54 Is it is This is the community. Vote the tsc membership.
08:18:59 Not not the officer. No, no, no it's for for you Oh, for Fluorine!
08:19:02 Yes, it will be. It will be the similar thing. It would just be the Tsc.
08:19:05 Members, the current Tsc: members voting on it. Okay, Okay, okay.
08:19:15 And Mr. Rehill, I see that you got a note, and then in the chat window, Okay.
08:19:28 So. yeah. I had sent a mail to the own up. Tsc: bell.
08:19:32 Canada is requesting that some of the updates that they're providing in cone be put in jakarta
08:19:41 Normally, you know, we'd have like a a maintenance release, and you know i'd i'd work it by that.
08:19:47 I I was just wondering like you know since I don't think we have one.
08:19:50 What's the process
08:19:56 The first question will be, Is it something you can support?
08:20:03 In addition to the commitment we have for cool, because usually each project can handle a self self man on screen, right.
08:20:18 There is no official meaning the same meaning that we didn't receive any request from project to do an official one. but typically each project can provide a search for these a selfman and schedules beyond the all depend on the capacity and
08:20:40 the commitment of people to help you to do this release.
08:20:45 Okay, I mean, yeah, it it's okay for me I could do it.
08:20:50 And I I remember there being some concept of that but I but I've always done it through those maintenance release windows, so I didn't know if I could just release myself.
08:20:59 But if that's the case i'll i'll just do it that way.
08:21:05 We just need to be unsure that it's not breaking anything.
08:21:11 If there are dependency on on other on a project over use case
08:21:21 That's fine