TSC 2022-05-19

TSC 2022-05-19

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

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Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Proposal to move projects and repos from maintained to archived.


Presentation updated with TSC feedback


1st on agenda for  

Release Status

Weekly summary

Review of action items from last week's TSC meeting

  • Kohn Release 
    • Proposed schedule to be adjusted as follows: 
      • M1  
      • M2  


Follow up about MS azure subscription vs new intel lab = question raised last week to integration team


SBOM tools

  • current challenges is around transitive dependencies in Jenkins run It works ok locally.
  • trying to decide if a separate job is needed.
  • Some bugs still being worked through - want those to  be addressed before sharing further

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Feedback from LF Board

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) 

ONAP in TM Forum’s Multi-SDO Autonomous Networks seminar series 

Presently no ONAP candidate - will bring up the subject in the fall again

move to  

TSC Activities and Deadlines

TSC Project Life Cycle: 

TSC priorities 

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • Canceling May 26 TSC due to Ascension Day holiday in the EU
  • Canceling May 30 PTL meeting due to Memorial Day holiday
  • Canceling June 13 PTL meeting and June 16 TSC meeting due to DTF EU
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum EU

  • ONE Summit NA  Save the Date!
    • Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • In Person
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA  Save the Date!
    • Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • In Person

Zoom Chat Log 

06:55:56 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Self
06:59:46 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, The Linux Foundation
07:00:01 From  Byung-Woo Jun  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Byung-Woo Jun, Ericsson
07:00:35 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:44 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:01:11 From  Andreas Geissler (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:01:19 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canad
07:01:39 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:01:55 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China mobile
07:02:36 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #info N. K. Shankar STL
07:03:08 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info, catherine lefevre ATt
07:03:10 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    Joining without adudio for a moment.
07:03:44 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:18:46 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
07:26:32 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Not sure if this tool can help - need to check deeper - https://www.sonatype.com/products/open-source-security-dependency-management?smtNoRedir=1
07:28:03 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    I believe that this is the NexusIQ scanner we are already using. It identifies open source dependencies within a single repo/container
07:29:40 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    these are tools to check dependencies from security perspectives -  but maybe these can help for this prpose - https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/
07:36:51 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    LFN IP Legal scan + (Sonar, FOSSology, NexusIQ) scans on the unmaintained repos are hidden behind 'Jenkins' i f yes then let's add a note?
07:41:26 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Thank you Amy, Chaker and all of you who summarizes the actions - great job !
07:41:37 From  Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson)  to  Everyone:
    Good work Amy!
07:43:19 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    +1 David greatly led this task force- kudos
07:49:26 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:49:35 From  David McBride  to  Everyone:
07:53:00 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    Why is next week TSC meeting cancelled?
07:53:05 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:55:00 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    @Ranny: Ascension Holiday observed in many European countries
07:57:41 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:59:30 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    Thanks @Timo
08:07:51 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    let's create tasks for req owners based on reqs in this list - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Kohn+Release+Requirements
08:10:02 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Kohn M1 - Kohn  on 6/9
08:10:03 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    WhiteSource also analysis open source dependencies within a repo. It is not analyzing the external APIs called from the repo.
08:10:31 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    NexusIQ and WhiteSource are equivalent tools
08:12:35 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    @amy - What about Docker image dependency scanning? Something like Scancode?
08:14:45 From  Amy Zwarico  to  Everyone:
    Kenny & David: the updated "unmaintained" deck has been uploaded to the meeting minutes.
08:15:49 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @Amy - thanks.
08:23:19 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
08:25:34 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    I am sorry I need to drop for walking to my next meeting. Thank you ONAP Community - let's wrap up Jakarta as soon as we can so we can completely focus on Kohn
08:27:10 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:

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They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:02:05 Thank you. Yan Hong: Okay.
07:02:23 So meetings being recorded. please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking.
07:02:30 If you can use star 6 to unmute yourself you're on a phone line, and if you send a private chat message, it will be cut and paste it into the meeting, minutes start off by mentioning or any trust
07:02:46 policy, or this policy is important, or we've got potential industry competitors participating in these meetings?
07:02:53 Does your view? Do you have any questions? please? contact companies, Legal Council members of the yell off may also contact Andrew Grove.
07:02:59 The firm gives more upgrade Llp. which provides legal counter to the Lf.
07:03:11 And Shenkar and Katherine. Thank you,
07:03:19 Good morning, everybody. afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening to you,
07:03:35 There we go. i've got some control over my mouse. had a topic. request from sitcom to put this first on the agenda for this meeting from last week.
07:03:52 So we've got that release status Talk about rolling stuff
07:04:04 Feedback from this week's board meeting magnus Oh, the Magnus isn't here, but this was brought forward from last week.
07:04:12 So maybe that gets bounced to next week.
07:04:18 Yes, and I think I just have a note. I remember that there was deck, or something like this that he was working on it.
07:04:27 I guess it was for this meeting right? Yeah. So from last week
07:04:43 No links there from last week, so let's postpone as you said next week.
07:04:50 But I think it was connected to some feedback. He asked us to provide 4 deck, so would be nice to have a follow up next week, as you suggest.
07:05:01 Thank you.
07:05:09 Okay. priorities probably want to touch on the lifecycle a bit, which we haven't meant really talked about in a while and then upcoming things.
07:05:21 Anything else anyone needs to add. Thank you, Eric.
07:05:31 Okay, amy i've got the i've got this pulled up. Do you want to go straight to the presentation?
07:05:40 Yes, I think that's yes, kenny I think that's best thanks.
07:05:45 Great let me make this
07:05:54 Full screen yep. Okay, that's as big as I can make it.
07:05:59 Can you scroll in some direction so we see the whole because we're seeing the or at least i'm seeing the bottom of the first slide, and you know 7 eighths of the second, so if you could I don't know
07:06:10 how to get it. so that it's the full thing
07:06:21 Or maybe if you close I don't know if you see the attendee.
07:06:24 So. there it is. Is that better okay? so I think you're all aware that we've been having a small work group that has been meeting about on me about how how to handle unmaintained projects and unmaintained
07:06:42 repos that are in the own in the own App code base.
07:06:47 And one of the things that I think we were tasked to do was really put together.
07:06:51 How how can we handle these in a way that really leads to the increased maturity of own app as a code base?
07:07:00 And and also contributes to the reliability. So basically, how do we get things that are unmaintained out of the code base?
07:07:09 We actually come and spoken with this to the Tsc.
07:07:13 Quite a bit, but we've put together something in conjunction with the the smaller group of us, which includes architecture people from integration.
07:07:22 A a number of documentation. we've put this together, and reviewed it with the architecture subcommittee.
07:07:31 Also the Ptls gotten their feedback before we could bring it to the Tsc.
07:07:36 And so I wanna really go through this and and where what we have discovered in terms of triggers, for what projects are no longer maintained.
07:07:45 So they really should be moved to archived and be gotten out of the coat out of the out of the actual release.
07:07:53 I mean anybody can go and pull something old but it's that's kind of a do it at your own risk.
07:08:00 Where we from own app are very clear that older things are not necessarily maintained.
07:08:04 The current release is what mean is maintained. So what we did was we really, identified?
07:08:12 What is the trigger to indicating that something is no longer maintained?
07:08:15 And really needs to have some kind of a path to get to archiving.
07:08:20 And there really 2 things. The first one is that you've got a project with an active ptl, and through some type of either refactoring discovery about about about a feature that seemed like a good idea.
07:08:33 At the time, but, it turns out, is really not needed in in own app.
07:08:37 This is gonna trigger some a repo to no, to really need to move into archived.
07:08:43 So i'm going to talk about first the ptl and those those projects that legitimately are still have ptls.
07:08:53 They're active, and they're just trying to keep their their code base current.
07:08:58 So in the first case we have the features. Not only is just the feature not needed by that project anymore, but it turns out nobody in own app is using it
07:09:10 Good examples of this are in E. Sr. and Bnfsdk. so we were able to confirm that through our throat.
07:09:20 So Now, how do you plan to get it into our cup you can't just you can't just say okay.
07:09:25 It's archived So in the planning there is going to be a cycle between architecture and the ptls to say, Okay, this is what we've we've confirmed that we're we're meeting.
07:09:40 Together. and we confirm that none of the . the active projects actually have dependencies on that release.
07:09:48 At that point. It's ready for for deprecation or archiving the Tsc.
07:09:55 Would be informed of this, and then, in the execution phase, what happens is the repos would get marked as read-only the oem josh It Those that repo would be removed from the oem jobs at once that happens all
07:10:09 the Jenkins jobs for it will be removed and at the documentation for that the upcoming release will say that the repos archive, So that's really a happy path.
07:10:22 The other 3 use cases under active projects that want to archive something.
07:10:28 Have to do with Has the feature been moved into another supported Repo Is it a feature that's not used in the project?
07:10:37 But it happens to be used in other own app releases or or sorry not to the wrong app releases.
07:10:45 But other on that project. and is the repo no longer supported.
07:10:51 So this was a feature that was contributed by somebody who is no longer active in the project.
07:10:56 There's really nobody who understands that feature and the code.
07:11:00 So they no longer are able, the the active projects no longer able to support.
07:11:06 So in this case, what we're looking at is it's probably going to take at least one if not 2 more releases to get the to really move.
07:11:16 Things to be our archived in the And again, this is where there is a planning step, and it works between architecture and the ptls to figure out in the case of if the features already supported in another repo Okay, let the
07:11:32 ptls know, hey? You may need to change some of your interfaces, and you need to scope that into your work.
07:11:40 In the case where a feature is no longer used in the project that originally owned it, or the feature or the project that owns that feature really can't support it anymore.
07:11:49 Probably need to find a new, a new home for it, or new resources.
07:11:53 Who can support that. and that's the b that's these 2 use cases. with the yellow boxes around them.
07:12:01 This is where we think it's probably it may take up to 2 releases to figure all that out in these 3 yellow colored boxes or gold boxes.
07:12:10 What will happen is once a plan is in place for how to migrate functionality to a new owner, or to make the changes in the the actual other projects with dependencies.
07:12:25 Once. that's all worked out it will be brought to the Tsc.
07:12:28 So the Tsc. basically can approve and track and track the replacement. There's a little difference of what happens in the execution phase, and this is
07:12:40 We'll be changing the repo to be read-only or or in the bottom.
07:12:43 2 cases read-only top case where it's still where it's.
07:12:48 In another repo, We may need to leave that as read.
07:12:52 Write temporarily. the olm jobs will be retained because the functionality is still used.
07:12:57 The Jenkins jobs are still in place in the first 2 cases where you have something that can be maintained.
07:13:04 But we're in a process of moving it elsewhere it will will indicate in the documentation that in an upcoming release, either release R plus one or r plus 2, that this is going to be archived so that it's
07:13:22 giving the external community an idea of what's happening the third.
07:13:26 The fourth case is where you say, is where we are in the in the documentation.
07:13:32 It's going to be very clear that the re that although the repo is still in the release.
07:13:36 It is un maintained, and there will be documentation that says, Where?
07:13:41 When that repo, when that functionality will be moved elsewhere. So
07:13:49 This is so. This is the this is the case where you know I've got a a btl who knows what's going on, and can be actively working with architecture.
07:14:01 Subcommittee The second case, the second major use case in how things get triggered is when a project loses ptl support.
07:14:13 And in this case we have there's really 2 use cases here the first one is, hey?
07:14:16 Nobody ever really used that project anywhere. It was included in the code base.
07:14:20 We thought we might need it, but turned out it wasn't used palm is a really good example of this.
07:14:27 When we, when we went back and looked at poma and said, Look it doesn't have a ptl anymore.
07:14:31 Went back to all the ptls it turned out Nobody used poma, so it wasn't a big deal to to move it to read, only to remove it from the oom jobs.
07:14:40 The Jenkins jobs, and then to do report through the documentation that Pala was no longer a part of on a moving forward.
07:14:48 The second case is really a pitomized by aaf and portal.
07:14:56 Those projects no longer have ptl support, but they feature is still used within own app.
07:15:03 So what has to happen here is between the architecture committed subcommittee and the Ptls.
07:15:08 We need to find a way of keeping feet of essentially migrating.
07:15:20 These features, probably by a complete retirement of those 2 projects.
07:15:25 But the say, the portal and the authentication finding a new way of providing those features within phone app.
07:15:34 And again. This is probably, although it doesn't say or plus 2 because I ran out of space on the diagram.
07:15:39 This is probably a multi. This is probably going to take multiple releases to figure out how to do this, which is fine.
07:15:47 We can come up with a plan between architecture and the Pts.
07:15:53 Inform the Pt. the Cfc. of that so they know what they're tracking.
07:15:56 Move those projects to being read-only because no one's contributing the oem jobs and the Jenkins jobs are still retained because we needed in the build.
07:16:08 But what's happening now is the repos in the documentation. will be indicated as with those projects we indicated as unmaintained, so it makes it very clear to the external community.
07:16:20 I want one thing, and then i'll pause for and then i'll stop and let any dialogue that we need happen.
07:16:27 It turns out that the thanks to Fiatra and me call from the integration, the integration team has actually produced a list of all of the repos that are in a release basically off of the Olm jobs and various integration jobs So that we can
07:16:45 see how recently have those repos been updated and Kenny. I may ask. I might put the link in the chat. I'll put the link in the chat so that we can move to that in a few minutes what we propose to
07:17:01 do is take that list of of project repos that have not been touched in, say, 2 releases, as part of the Architectural Review. for every project that's part of a release.
07:17:14 We will the architecture subcommittee? can ask the question about those untouched repos of Why, haven't they been touched, you know.
07:17:24 Why are you not doing kind of the ongoing maintenance of package upgrades and the like?
07:17:28 Because that's pretty much consistent with every release is you know any any other open source you include is probably going to need to be upgraded with each release.
07:17:39 Then take this back to the ptls to say, you know.
07:17:41 Are you still using these what's going on with them so that we have really a starting point, and it's it's not so so that we know actually what we're looking at for the unmaintained projects again we will
07:17:55 know what the repos? are but again it's It's a question of Okay, So which of these repos? Say, ptls? Are you still using?
07:18:03 What do we have to look at, migrating so having now spoken for about 15 min?
07:18:11 I'm going to open it for questions amy you're gonna send a link to the lipo or status which it could be.
07:18:24 Let me put that in that chat right now. hey?
07:18:28 Meetings is shocking. I just just wanna hit what you just said just for more comments.
07:18:34 Like Amy mentioned. We We had a lengthy discussion of the architecture subcommittee meeting a couple of weeks ago.
07:18:41 I wanna say, 2 weeks ago. this issue has been around for a while, and I don't think there is one right to answer.
07:18:48 I think there is a good answer that we could use at this point in time, at least as a starting point, and then improve it as we move forward.
07:19:00 What we When we reviewed this plan with Amy and the rest of the setcom, we provided some feedback which was incorporated into the the previous presentation.
07:19:16 That or powerpoint stage that maybe just showed and it's a starting point for us as an architecture subcommittee to get the conversation all the discussion going with the ptls.
07:19:38 So they understand that this is an issue that we need to address.
07:19:42 Moving forward. we may not come up with and answer a good answer for this release.
07:19:49 The cone release but perhaps for couple more releases we'll have a better idea, and the handle on how big of an issue this is
07:20:02 The limitations for this are the fact that some of the components within the ownf platform may not go through an architecture review for a specific release, and therefore we may not be able to clearly ask the question and get some good answers from
07:20:22 the details. So we need to keep that in mind. The hope over here is that over a few releases hopefully, most of the components would have included some features and capabilities, and therefore they would have gone through an architecture review and
07:20:44 hopefully, they would have answered the question as to whether the repose that are listed on this diagram are being used, or whether they can be replaced on that.
07:20:57 So the bottom line and summary. This is a good starting point.
07:21:00 This is that, and answer the final answer by any means it's just a starting point, and we need help from all the ptls to make sure that we scrub the list that amy put together which is a very good list and come up
07:21:19 with a plan, I still how we move forward
07:21:27 And I do want to echo what chalkers said.
07:21:31 That architecture has been heavily involved in this beyond. Thank you so much for all of your for all of your participation.
07:21:39 And also Thomas from from the documentation team. but chalkers right.
07:21:43 It's it this is a starting point it's not necessarily the the perfect answer.
07:21:49 But at least it'll get us started on a more it it's less reactive.
07:21:59 We can we really are considering what's going on what's realistic to get done for a release as A, and we make small improvements with each release
07:22:13 No i'm done just one question that i'm in Amy, and the Ptr.
07:22:18 For defined determine dependency each other.
07:22:24 Do we have any open sourcesource tool, And for our quotes static, study, code, dependency.
07:22:30 And then one time dependency. So when Ptl and so they you know they depends on some other function.
07:22:36 Some of the component today really no accurately because reason I'm asking is, we may need some kind of tool, and then Pta confident confidentially, comp comfortably.
07:22:48 Say it's not and now we don't need this any longer.
07:22:50 So during the Esl retirement. we know this is not active.
07:22:55 But no Ptr. But when we the circulate the question through ptl, and this Ess use it.
07:23:02 But someone not sure someone. So it took little time. finally, we they all confirm is no one is using it.
07:23:11 And then replaced by A and I at the Api.
07:23:14 So i'm wondering if any add tool for the determined dependencies.
07:23:21 I don't know if we have such a tool I know that, I had one.
07:23:29 Some one of the people who used to be on my team and you know he still supports the product internally.
07:23:35 Had put together something to do, static analysis for one of the for the code base that he works on.
07:23:42 When he was new to the project, we presented that not sure it.
07:23:46 How well that would work for a project the size of own app So it's really. this is a static analysis type of tool.
07:23:54 It's, you know you're going through and you're really looking at what interfaces am I calling from other projects?
07:23:59 And so I I think we need to find a I think you're absolutely right that we need a static analysis tool on top of that.
07:24:10 You know what what Kenny is. scrolling through right now, I think, is really really important, because it's a way to start the dialogue.
07:24:18 But I do think the static analysis tool is something we need to investigate.
07:24:21 So we we actually, when we first started meeting the the unmaintained Projects working group.
07:24:31 That was one of the top subjects that we discussed, and it it came up, I I think, in the first 2 or 3 meetings that we had.
07:24:43 We. We discussed it quite a bit, and we talked about a range of commercial tools as well as some you know.
07:24:50 Possible approaches, things that we could develop on our own, and so on.
07:24:54 And and I think ultimately it was just in conclusive.
07:25:00 We, we were never able to put our finger on a specific tool that would reliably do the job.
07:25:10 , Sorry. Sorry. sorry. Go go. No, no, go on, please.
07:25:14 Well, what I was thinking is, I think, we probably have to put some effort into investigating a tool.
07:25:21 Not well worrying about what we're looking for the best the greatest tool of all time, but just something that can help us work.
07:25:26 Hi! We're always going to have the case that it may miss something I knew nothing.
07:25:33 Nothing really you can do about that. It just happens but I I do think we need to have something in place because that's gonna make the the job a lot faster and a lot more, a lot less.
07:25:44 Tedious for the Ptls well I think it's a 2 step process, right the listed that you're showing over here, and that Kenny is scrolling through is a list of all the
07:26:01 docker containers that are associated with a specific component.
07:26:09 So plus all of the plus all of the infrastructure containers. Okay, which is fine.
07:26:15 So yeah, I think it's perfect right at least as a starting point. So again the first order of business is let's take a look at Let's make sure that every ptl looks at all.
07:26:36 The Docker containers associated with their respective components, and indicate whether all the docker containers are still needed or not.
07:26:45 So to me that's the first order of scrubbing the list. so we may come up with an answer.
07:26:55 That says well, you know, 99% of the docker containers are still needed, but there's a 1% that we keep basically archive or deprecate.
07:27:05 And then we could make them read, only we could remove them from the bill pipeline, and so on so forth.
07:27:11 That's the first order of business the second order of business is We believe that there are some containers or some docker docker containers that could be potentially labeled deprecated.
07:27:27 But we really don't know whether other or another other components use them.
07:27:33 So this is the brute force Approach right? We just remove it, and then from the develop process and run the test case to see if any component fails to build just because that component best specific components are no longer. there right So the First, order of
07:27:56 business is to Sd. details, to scrap their own repos, to make sure that everything is still being used, and the second is the identified potential containers that could be removed.
07:28:12 And then agree to the brute force approach that I just described.
07:28:25 The static analysis tool is is interesting but I don't know if I I looked around.
07:28:32 You know, because this is something that we discussed with the architecture of the meeting on Tuesday.
07:28:36 I tried to look around I couldn't find anything that is that is useful doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
07:28:44 It means that I didn't find it but i'd Keep on looking, and I would hope you know we all do the same thing to see if we could come up with something available that we can use otherwise.
07:28:55 We may have to do something on our own, or use the boot force
07:29:11 Like to you, Amy, thank you I don't really think I have anything else.
07:29:18 You know we can all answer questions, but we just wanted to let the Tsc.
07:29:23 Know what the what our recommendation out of the Un. maintain projects.
07:29:29 Ad hoc group has is, and see if these. If the Tsc.
07:29:32 Thought this was a good path forward there is what I was looking for.
07:29:45 I'm sorry so I have some question I I think you in the slide.
07:29:56 You wanted to do to make, maybe say Vvp instead of Bnf: Sdk: because the Ptl is still active.
07:30:03 But he decided to not participate. the release it's time same thing for Cli.
07:30:09 So I think the case where we have still a ptl and the project did not participate to a release, and potentially, as dependency, it's something that we who also want to track well, I don't think already happen But I was wondering if
07:30:27 we want you. We also have this type of categorization.
07:30:33 Possibly. but if you have an active ptl and they're not participating in release, I think that the question is so none of your code requires any maintenance in this release, you have no dependencies with
07:30:49 vulnerabilities in them. You have nothing that you have no work to do, not totally too, I think.
07:30:59 F. July. I think there were still some more to be done.
07:31:04 But I believe They They didn't have enough resource really, and and and they didn't receive any feature really.
07:31:14 Say, let's do it. katherine sorry are we talking about Cli and vnf sdk or vdp, or whatever we want to call it, is that what you're talking about feature not
07:31:27 used in own up in in this, you see, I think you wanted to say yes, sir, and Vvp.
07:31:32 Because Vnf. is Dq. and Cli. we are still an active Ptl.
07:31:38 This is an active but Catherine Vnh Sdk. is under the Ptl.
07:31:47 Is, the pto is active . it's just that this is an apple ptl, but the reason it the reason the repo goes to archive is because in is the Ptl is saying, look I don't use this
07:32:00 anymore there that that's the triggers on that is that the Ptl and access pto wants to remove something, whether or not they're in whether or not they're participating in the release or not I think that
07:32:12 we have to be. We have to be very mindful of the fact that sometimes you don't have the resources.
07:32:19 You're going to skip a release it is what it is and that's fine.
07:32:21 But it's it's still an act it's not it's not a case of an active release.
07:32:26 This is the trigger in those in that top case is the Ptl saying, Look, we don't use this anymore.
07:32:33 . yeah, but that's something exactly exactly but I believe they have.
07:32:41 Okay, so we can change that. Let me take that as an action item to change.
07:32:45 So what do you want to change to that? I? Someone said that we should use Vnfsdk?
07:32:50 No. we should put Vp. instead of bnfsdk on the slide.
07:32:57 And then I had another question for you it's a question right Do we also need to track the fact?
07:33:04 And I don't think we already met this type of issue. but you can have an active ptl wants to remove Ptl, but he does not want to participate to the to the hees, because he has not really a demand
07:33:17 but he has a dependency, so I will take an example, which is probably not for which might not be happened.
07:33:25 But let's take fiaka map is used on a couple of items, and you say i'm not participating to the Jacquesia release, because i'm not doing some factoring but I will be
07:33:39 participate to the cool. We need the map for the the Jacques Tahiti.
07:33:45 Right. So what do we do? we keep the with whatever release He's doing?
07:33:50 Kenny, would you flip back real quick to the slide?
07:33:56 But so remember the what happens here is that the trigger is the trigger.
07:34:03 Is that the Ptl says I have code in my code base that is no longer so.
07:34:09 That is no longer that I no longer need I would like to archive it.
07:34:12 I don't want to maintain it anymore. and so That's that's what triggers. It This has nothing to do with whether you're participating in a particular release We left that out really and to be to accommodate
07:34:25 those projects that for one reason or another are not gonna have a new are not gonna have nuke new containers for a given for, for, say, the cone release.
07:34:37 This is just this is truly the 2 cases of how does it get triggered?
07:34:41 Either. The ptl says I don't use this anymore.
07:34:44 I don't have anybody supports it refactor but there will.
07:34:54 There's a list of containers docker containers associated with each and every component.
07:35:01 The the architecture subcommittee is going to ask the ptls.
07:35:06 Those that go through. Okay, in Architecture review, are you? Do you still need all the containers associated with your component?
07:35:17 If the answer is, no, there is one that I don't need and I know no longer need.
07:35:23 Then we'll flag that and then the following question they follow up question is, does any other, or do any other ptls need it, or use it, or depend on it, right?
07:35:38 So that's the first order of business because this is a this is a an easier case.
07:35:46 The the hardest case is that if you don't have a ptl.
07:35:52 The project is in. I wanna say, Nicole. Yes, mode.
07:36:00 And then you have docker containers are being used by other components.
07:36:03 But we don't have to cross that bridge now we'll just address it later. The first order of business is let's scrub the each component to make sure that the docker containers that are being used or are listed as part
07:36:17 of that component, or, in fact, being used. and I wanna go back to you see, Li and the Vfsdk.
07:36:27 I did hear back from or Kannag reached out to me, and he indicated that there are no changes needed or required for the R.
07:36:40 11 release for either Cli or the Nfsdk.
07:36:45 So this is still active, but they're not participating in the release, because there are no features that are being added or capabilities or fixes are mainly
07:36:59 Okay? Oh, i've still 2 questions so I just post one of them.
07:37:06 So you know that normally we are also performing an Ip legal scan, and we are also so all the scan is it something you put behind the Jenkins when we say he moved just Jenkins?
07:37:25 We also remove all this discounts we only remember we do not remove any.
07:37:30 We don't remove any jenkins jobs until we have until a a container or a container repo, whatever we want to call it, has been completely removed from the release.
07:37:41 There's no we don't need it they will we will retain the Jenkins jobs until something has been fully removed, which is these .
07:37:51 The top line here and the top line there. Otherwise, otherwise the jobs stay in Oam and the Jenkins jobs Stay: Yeah.
07:37:59 But My point was for the 2 category where you have removed in the column.
07:38:05 Jenkins, Does it include those 2 ls and ip like Scan It includes anything that's in Jenkins.
07:38:13 I don't know where the legal I don't are those scans done, and nexus Iq.
07:38:18 I know is done in legal in jenkins as his sonar. I don't know where the facology scan is done is done, Kenny or David.
07:38:25 Do you know, I believe the fossilology scan is launched manually?
07:38:33 , So that's why we need also to include I need to validate.
07:38:39 That. Okay, so i'll i'll add a i'll add a note there to include, i'll add a note that what these are.
07:38:45 So I think that it's so is the ip legal scan is that separate from facility?
07:38:53 I think they are using these tools to to do it.
07:39:05 And then do documentation you mentioned the wiki previously. But I guess we also need to put a note in the really exactly okay.
07:39:15 And I think it's really more it goes in the release notes.
07:39:20 I think the Wiki has proven to be difficult to keep up to date. and and so the the source of truth really is the release notes, because that goes through an entire change management process, and when we mentioned Oh, M.
07:39:34 It's also impacting integration because it's the component that we will not consider in the build.
07:39:44 But somehow we might want to see slash integration because the integration D might not test anymore.
07:39:52 As well. that's a very good point
07:40:00 And that's been raised before it didn't fit beautifully into into the picture.
07:40:06 It was too long, so i'll look at it I think it's good to make it clear.
07:40:14 If we meet the some nodes. so at the bottom or other page at least, there is no confusion.
07:40:22 Exactly so as as we put here, that you know the features not used in the project.
07:40:26 But it's used in own app same thing it's that there was a footnote there that stated, you know we're you assume the feature is going to have to move somewhere else.
07:40:39 Because people still do need it. but that ptl is just raising their hand and saying, Look, I can't do it anymore.
07:40:55 I'm gonna hear from some of the other Tsc.
07:40:56 Members on this
07:41:17 Seems like a well thought proposal, so I guess silence means support
07:41:31 Okay, so there's some notes that need to be put on here.
07:41:37 The name is gonna be working on once that's done then I guess we can put this forward as a vote for workflow either at next week's meeting or just in the in the vote list i'll
07:41:52 try and get an update of this done today. canny and I'll just post it to today's meeting notes.
07:41:59 Okay. Hello, Thank you. Thank you so much. Everybody and I.
07:42:09 I really wanna call out all the people who are working who have been participating in on maintained cobbles been there.
07:42:16 You know chat beyond we couldn't have done it without beyond Thomas, from from documentation really driven at Fiatra i'm leaving people out. but we've had great participation.
07:42:29 And really oh, modes are for mitre really insightful, insightful, and put from everyone on the team.
07:42:37 And David's been working on Oh, david awesome
07:42:47 Okay, Well, then, transitioning speaking of David, you want Do you want to share anything you want to meet?
07:42:56 Just keep this up yeah, that's that's a good point. I think you could probably just keep it up Kenny So I there's a link there to the the weekly summary.
07:43:11 That covers all aspects of current release activity.
07:43:18 But they wanted to focus on the actions that we discussed after last week's Tsc.
07:43:28 Meeting. So just refresh everyone's memory we do approve the
07:43:32 Rc. milestone last week, and but there!
07:43:40 There were some follow up items that we we agreed on
07:43:48 So the first was this issue about security related to your issues.
07:43:55 For projects. and Amy, you were going to go back and and discuss that with Pablo and make sure that those Jira issues have been filed.
07:44:09 I I see that the this has been checked off so I assume that means that's been done. They've all been Yes, they've all been checked off.
07:44:15 We had all but one no, maybe 3, and the other 3 have been created so. and those were.
07:44:22 Let me look back in my notes. those were for the node ports we needed 3.
07:44:32 We need. So we have created the node port Jeremy's with Sdc.
07:44:42 Sdn. C. and So. everything that had already been created alright, and those are all assigned to Chicago.
07:44:47 Release. Yes, fingers crossed perfect alright. thank you.
07:44:56 And then Fiatro is going to submit.
07:44:59 A waiver for strimsy, and those have been done, and I believe I know that I approve them.
07:45:09 I we can ask Yaakra if they've been merged yet.
07:45:15 I I think I checked earlier. I didn't see for on the call, but they they've certainly been the files have been updated and approved.
07:45:26 Okay, and the change is approved. The next couple of items will probably have to defer to the Ptl meeting.
07:45:35 I had a I chatted with mikhail briefly, and he's he's on business travel this week.
07:45:44 But he will be back next week. so we can follow up with him on a couple of these items.
07:45:52 Let's see sushi was going to pull a update.
07:45:58 So 37, 45. Can you pull that up, Kenny?
07:46:01 Just check to see if session updated Then I don't think s issues on the call
07:46:45 Updated yesterday. Any new comments
07:46:56 Moving it to the Was it The fixed version Field updated the top updated to the cone.
07:47:10 Release. if there was an exception for this filed
07:47:52 Is this one. I guess it was raised last year I don't think the I can see put the version of Cone.
07:48:04 But you are right. We should have received similarly to other projects. We have similar issue.
07:48:09 We should have received an exception. Is is it not in the option?
07:48:18 Area of the hideous
07:48:25 With this via security exception, or would this be Yes, it should be somehow.
07:48:32 So we put all the exception I believe in the same area I'm, just going to the is.
07:48:39 It a security section, or is it a license exception?
07:48:44 No, we have the when you go to read these release project status. I think we have a section where we gather just trying to go, but the Pcs.
07:49:05 Yeah,
07:49:06 Yeah, I i'm looking at the exception requests Jacqueline soon, and he call him an exceptional.
07:49:15 He, course , I don't see anything there can somebody just drop the link in, for I will fall off of line with this issue to help you, David.
07:49:30 Alright, Thank you. So So 3 7 , yeah it's in the Yeah.
07:49:40 Okay. in the agenda
07:49:47 Okay, So moving on that The next item was for me to follow up on upfront 8 5, 3 and multi-clad, 1, 4, 5, 9, And I I did that.
07:50:04 We discussed that at the detail meeting on Monday Andreas had an action to fill in the health check column on the weather board.
07:50:15 He's done that, and then the last item here is for meal he'd left me some links before he took off.
07:50:28 But the I checked it. the link is broken on one of those.
07:50:33 So. Anyway, we're we have a couple of other things that we need to follow up with him about.
07:50:37 So i'll defer that to the the ptl meeting on Monday.
07:50:45 And that is it for the status I will say that we do have our m one m one milestone for cone is coming up next week.
07:51:01 A week from today on May 20, sixth, and I publish the release management issues for that.
07:51:13 I i'd been holding off on the release management issues for
07:51:19 The requirement owners, just because I think some of the requirements are still getting documented. But I will go ahead and publish those today.
07:51:29 So next week we will be evaluating status of M.
07:51:33 1, 4 cone , I I think. next week we decided to conceal the Tsc.
07:51:41 It's may 26, and the the the sign of of the Jakarta was so to June the second, because this week is consulted.
07:51:55 Well, the the the sign-off was pushed out because we pushed out Rc.
07:52:03 By by 2 weeks, because we weren't ready and that also pushed out June second.
07:52:08 I don't this is the first that i've heard that we're canceling next week's Tsc.
07:52:13 Meeting so release planning. I mean it. There was a note stating that if you look at Jakarta we! we were doing this. We were discussing when we were setting the schedule well, so.
07:52:34 So next week what I'm. talking about is for cone it's the m one milestone But if if if you concern the Tsc.
07:52:43 For because of of the European early day, and you postpone the the date of the release planning to the second.
07:52:58 Because of that. I think you need to do that also for coon so evident.
07:53:03 Evidently I katherine evidently I miss something because I don't.
07:53:07 I don't see where we cancelled we discussed that on the link.
07:53:13 I just share
07:53:24 The first line a little bit below below, below, below, in the activity log
07:53:43 Okay, Well, I'm i'm sorry somehow that didn't get transferred into a holiday, or in into a cancellation for That's okay.
07:53:56 I I I also notice it that we didn't formalize it as we discuss on the call when we see he plan with the Tsc.
07:54:04 The new date, and we, I forget also to add it as an event
07:54:18 Okay, So So we want to push out m one for cone.
07:54:27 Is that what we're saying? But if there is no Tc.
07:54:28 I. You need to what you did for Jacqueline.
07:54:32 You also need to apply to Con. the reason that we pushed out.
07:54:38 Carda is unrelated to cone or unrelated it's also unrelated to the holiday.
07:54:46 It was because when we did the rescue dilemma
07:54:52 We were discussing may 26, and I say no I don't think we will have the column because of the only day of in Europe.
07:55:03 Well, what I remember was that we we talked about pushing it out one week and then, but but the amount of work that was left to be done.
07:55:12 Oh, made it such that we needed Push out our C 2 weeks, and because sign off follows closely behind our C, we decided that we needed to also push out sign off by the same amount.
07:55:28 They might have multiple discussion right. but the new date for the sign of what June is good, it could be for many a reason.
07:55:39 But since there is no Psc. you need also to postpone Well, yeah, I I I get that if we're not having a Tsc.
07:55:51 Meeting. Then we we can't evaluate the milestone. but but
07:55:55 If you look at the list below, we have some cancellations and it doesn't include the 26, so somehow that that escaped us, that we were gonna cancel that.
07:56:10 Day. Anyway, we are where we are right. If you wear some plan for the May 26 we need to to ship them to June.
07:56:18 Second. Okay, so we're going to have a milestone for cone and a milestone for Jakarta on the same date.
07:56:32 Well, the mystone of coon is the m one which is the approval of the global requirement.
07:56:36 I didn't see any proposition so it might be a fast milestone.
07:56:43 Well, yeah, but it does have a number of release management tasks associated with it.
07:56:52 Okay, So the yeah, we we we can do that.
07:57:00 I just wanna make sure that everyone understands that that would be.
07:57:03 We would be evaluating milestones for 2 different releases on the same date.
07:57:10 So if people are prepared to do that, then then we can do that by way to talk about it in the Ptl. Video: Yeah, I think we might have an issue, because if you look at the cool, cities, I don't see anything on the
07:57:29 June second, June, 20, third you speak about the 26, so the 26. So we need to also to adjust to this this school and Hades.
07:57:40 Yeah, I I understand that It's A matter of what are We going to adjust it to let me just refresh my mind about what it is requested to the Ptmf. to M.
07:57:54 One I saw it was, and one was just the approval of the group.
07:58:06 Do you want to go to the milestone status? page kenny's looking at signal?
07:58:06 Yeah, or con,
07:58:12 And we don't have the requirement owner and one published neither.
07:58:23 Click con oops. how are we on? Yeah, you had it.
07:58:28 Okay, yeah, click on, There you go. And then milestone status link.
07:58:37 Oh, yeah, there you go!
07:58:45 Okay, So there are. there are 3 tasks for projects there's there's also tasks for the requirement owners.
07:58:55 So I I haven't published those yet no we will not be able to do it, because they need to give you the code courage to force.
07:59:04 So it might be challenging. yeah, right?
07:59:14 And there is not yet the the release requirement for the requirement owner.
07:59:21 Yes, that's what I said at this stage people need times to create this requirement.
07:59:30 So I would say we could benefit from the even in po 2 to have discretion between team members. and then maybe the date after the even because I don't sing the team.
07:59:46 We have everything done during the event. Oh, we have the noon Giant. Oh, no!
07:59:51 We have the June 9 can try but I think we have no we don't give a lot of time to people to between the 2 release.
08:00:00 So I know in zoom 9, or either with june 23 pull the m one i'm just looking at the June 23.
08:00:12 Today is the end of end, too? Right? Yeah. But do we need to his schedule?
08:00:19 Yeah, you have to move the window you have to slide the window to young by some.
08:00:26 I don't know if team was on but team when I would do that, You know we the architecture subcommittee meeting.
08:00:32 We've been discussing, You know the amount the number of requirements that have been reviewed, and team will send out some reminders in terms of you know, asking the ptls to to present the requirements just because we need from the
08:00:51 architecture, subcommittee perspective. We need to start scheduling.
08:00:58 The reviews. Otherwise we run against the M. 2 deadline as well. Yeah.
08:01:03 So maybe you know, when there is one release which is ongoing it's always challenging to , so go on in parallel , would be the reason why you don't have yet to the fucking of the
08:01:16 Ptm. So what about Maybe , there is a meeting.
08:01:23 There is a is there, the 20 third ptr cool it's not concerned.
08:01:27 Right. Well, maybe on the 20 third we need to add the ptl or the field 9 might be tight.
08:01:37 Pull the M. one. Now, I'm. not feel comfortable to put it during the the Ddf.
08:01:44 Even So maybe we need to rescue your code and consider the 23, the 20 third of June.
08:01:55 Does the Tsef any thought about that? Any advice guidelines not say any preference, because we all not want to know.
08:02:03 We all want to ensure that we finish the previews we need before we tackle the other one.
08:02:08 But any feedback from from Ptl who are attending the call.
08:02:13 Oh, Dfc. or anybody from this school, whatever you are own up to members.
08:02:29 You can hear your voice
08:02:29 So let's take an action items David to a late plan. coon based on where we are always checkouts up is on the fact that the Tsc.
08:02:40 Call is not happening. I don't feel we need to set up an emergency call to call include on the sign of, because there are still a lot of that.
08:02:51 The wise. I would that suggest who have a call earlier or just after the 26, but still a lot of work, I guess.
08:03:03 What we're revising the dates for M.
08:03:09 One and M. 2. Is that right? yes, because you need to have sometimes between them one and M.
08:03:15 2 and we should give you the plan with the team.
08:03:21 You need to review the plan with the team
08:03:30 Okay, so I do review the schedule with ptl team before it's put before the Tsc.
08:03:36 For a vote, So so that schedule was reviewed with the ptls. Yeah.
08:03:46 But in the meanwhile you shift in the the one, and then the 2.
08:03:53 We change the project, it has a side effect on the coral helies.
08:03:59 So on the tree. You need to revisit it, because at the time they they agree, you are planned for cone.
08:04:14 The shift of Jakarta was not yet articulated.
08:04:19 But I I have published the release management tasks along with the with the dates.
08:04:26 So the dates are well known and I haven't gotten any push back from the ptls saying, you know, Hey, this is a problem, but there is not yet any task for the require owner.
08:04:43 That's true. so I think you need to have a discussion with the people who are making the release because they are the doors.
08:04:53 We are not
08:04:58 Because if you keep the date as it is we will fail anyway, because we don't have the list of the requirement final lines, because most of the Polycom and owner I guess finalizing, the Jacob.
08:05:18 But we can try. So what what is our? What is our proposal for?
08:05:24 Because I I can discuss it with the ptls.
08:05:26 But I need to have a proposal for them of what the change would be.
08:05:33 So where do we want to move? M. One and M. 2?
08:05:40 You also need to engage the requirement owner, since they have task for M.
08:05:42 One,
08:05:47 With the I don't think we can try june second, because maybe they want to wrap up Jakarta before we share.
08:05:59 But you can propose, but it will be a stretch it's either wishes m one to use a gun, but I I think there will be a stretchy.
08:06:10 I do. June 9 could be potentially doable. But then we need to have the release management task for the requirement owner as soon as possible.
08:06:22 So there is no conflict with the Ddf.
08:06:30 There is no conflict. they give more time to the requirement owner to set their minds.
08:06:37 Okay, So here's what i'd suggest so I I'll, I I think again a good proposal might be to move m one to June ninth.
08:06:48 And then move m. 2 to June thirtieth,
08:06:55 I think the the first question that we need to probably address is, should we ever overlap, releases or release my songs?
08:07:09 So that was something that I mean was put forward quite a while ago.
08:07:18 In order to ensure that that we had a a tighter release schedule.
08:07:26 And yeah, I guess they if if want to revisit that decision.
08:07:36 That's fine but it's it's not like it was done in any in a without forethought.
08:07:44 No, I understand. I I do recall having the discussion.
08:07:48 But this is i'm just following the the discussion the current discussion the second place, right?
08:07:54 Should we should we revisit that decision because if we don't, then you end up with different milestones overlapping for 2 different releases into catherine's point.
08:08:12 Do we want to give the ptls enough time to actually work on one lifestyle at a time, or should we overlap the milestones once we answer that question?
08:08:25 Then i'll take the answer. Yes, it would be would be easier.
08:08:30 Maybe give a week a week's time between releases and then schedule milestones after that sure what the right answer is.
08:08:39 But that could be one option
08:08:48 The good news is that we have already quiet. Seen if we, if we frequency get, we have 7 7.
08:09:01 We have 9 requirements for the release, so we can create the requirement owner task.
08:09:07 Now, I guess, based on that. So again, if the team feel confident as a stretch from June 7, we can try it.
08:09:16 Well, the wise it will be the 9 well, the then, you know.
08:09:27 Do we really wanna schedule milestones for 2 different releases on the same date?
08:09:37 So then you you have the answer It's It to be June 9.
08:09:40 That's what I propose 5 min ago so what i'm proposing is that i'm proposing M.
08:09:53 One on the ninth and then it 2 on the thirtieth, and I can share that with ptls on Monday.
08:10:00 And i'll get feedback sounds great let's do this alright.
08:10:08 Okay, any other comments or suggestions or proposals regarding the schedule.
08:10:20 The the one thing that could happen to us, though is that if we end up slipping the jakarta sign off.
08:10:28 Then we'll wind up in the the same you know position that we're just talking about where we we you know like if we slip at a week. then you know both milestones will be scheduled at the same time.
08:10:41 So just be aware that that's possibility
08:10:48 Do we prevent people, whoever we do, finished their task to to keep going on the second one?
08:10:53 Right, and we know that the some project might be switched.
08:10:59 So I think we we need to move forward in this direction.
08:11:03 So when do you think you can release the task for the requirement owner based on?
08:11:07 The list of requirements is completed for cool.
08:11:14 Yeah, I can. I can do it whenever I can do it today.
08:11:19 But I was I was holding off because you know as we've discussed in the our postmortem discussions.
08:11:34 We wind up in the if if we publish those tasks too soon, then we end up having a bunch of requirements that get published.
08:11:45 After that, and then then sometimes those don't end up getting the release management tasks.
08:11:55 So I was trying to avoid that by by delaying it a bit.
08:12:01 So so how many times do you offer the requirement owners to do their work before the milestone?
08:12:07 Sorry. How many, how many times do you afford based on what you just set?
08:12:18 Is it something you can? 3 days before the milestone, 5 days before the Mystones?
08:12:25 What is the plan there's no fixed timing there you know.
08:12:32 Obviously we don't want to crunch people too much you know. but the like.
08:12:38 I said the the the other side of that is that if I do it too soon, then we end up having several requirements, with no release management tasks associated with them. So I was trying to understand a taste when the
08:12:57 like one owner can start to touch But I would. I let you manage based on your experience.
08:13:08 Okay, So we are our adjusting m one to be June ninth.
08:13:16 Currently what's being proposed yeah m 1 2 9 and M.
08:13:24 2 June Thirtieth that's the proposal and then I can take that get feedback from details on Monday, and then the Tsc.
08:13:39 Can vote on the change. I guess, in 2 weeks. Oh, offline or offline
08:13:56 I I would say I would say that the proposal yeah that's what I was doing.
08:14:18 Schedule. Proposal
08:14:19 Come on!
08:14:23 Okay,
08:14:30 And Yeah, that's so I think that's it Oh, I I don't know if i've notified the Tsc.
08:14:38 It it will. It was included in the in the release status update.
08:14:45 The weekly update. But I I did. I was informed by kind of garage that Cli Ambfsdk will be engaging in the cone release, which is good news.
08:15:02 They they set out to Chicago release but they're coming back for Cone.
08:15:06 So be aware of that yep and that's it for me, unless there are any questions
08:15:22 I've just one question regarding the mi and one milestone as you know.
08:15:28 We We have started telecom, want to contribute our our portal based. let's say basically as a new project the So for for it would like to let's say work on that.
08:15:45 Already in the con release. but we do not Do We need then to raise an requirement for
08:16:01 Or is it just that we let's say create a new project request And then within, let's say the cone timeframe?
08:16:10 We would like just to have let's say the first let's say proof of concepts for that doing. How?
08:16:17 How is the process? exactly? Well, I think you're You're conflating to things your conflating requirements with with projects So that's something different. Right?
08:16:32 So we we would be then could be done in the in between isn't it?
08:16:32 Yeah, Yeah, project A project? can be submitted anytime anytime. Yeah.
08:16:38 Project proposals can be submitted anytime.
08:16:42 , and then in terms of a release cycle probably, if it's going into the if if there is work that is desired to be done with the current release, that would go in as a Poc and then
08:16:57 the next release would be. would be then the okay, Okay, that's fine . just for me to understand because our colleagues at the moment planning.
08:17:07 And that's good. Then they can prepare for a for a project request. Okay.
08:17:13 Great, thank you, but just a reminder that poc process while it doesn't mandate you to do anything other than not breaking the build.
08:17:26 It does recommend that you present your Poc. ideas to the requirements and committee architecture, subcommittee, So people know what you're working on.
08:17:35 Then, yeah, you shape it. Good: Yeah. And again from poc perspective, the assumption is that you would use there won't be any additional requirements.
08:17:51 Yeah, Okay, we've got 12 min left I think.
08:18:16 Probably want to discuss the test palm tools
08:18:24 Would be my recommendation here. Yeah, So I got an update from Montessor that he's waiting to have some issues.
08:18:39 Were resolved or looked at, that Jessica was working on before introducing it more broadly to all the projects
08:18:49 When I spoke with muddessar earlier in the week I think they're still working that out. Yeah, Ronnie, this is Virginia.
08:18:58 Yes, i've been working with Jess, on that so we're making some progress.
08:19:01 But yeah, I think the issue is We're still seeing the chance to, whereas on the Jenkins run, But it's not happening when we were running it locally.
08:19:10 So there's something in the environment which is causing that issue. but I think we I identified the root cause it's more of fine figuring out how to work around the S.
08:19:17 Bomb executable limitation to get that result.
08:19:20 So I have given few pointers for just to try out so hopefully once that stride will have some update on the next step.
08:19:31 Yeah, this is mostly related to how we build the Covid Jenkins.
08:19:36 So since we isolate, each component that has bomb is not able to figure out what's happening, and where are the dependencies?
08:19:44 So yeah, Vj: is helping me trying to get it going.
08:19:50 And this is this is probably gonna be seen in all the projects that have.
08:19:55 Cross component dependencies on in some others we don't see this problem.
08:20:04 So it's just a matter of people trying it and let us know if you're seeing the problem.
08:20:08 But hopefully, if we're able to figure it out for Dc.
08:20:11 With it is probably going to be the same fix across everybody
08:20:21 Thanks for working on that. and hopefully, it will be resolved soon. But
08:20:27 As much as I indicated. he prefers to have the issues result for us before, make 2 more projects
08:20:36 So let's add an discussion item to the next 2 weeks, and hopefully by then, Jess, and the team will have good news.
08:20:49 Sounds, good
08:21:00 Okay,
08:21:07 Let's see here, so 2 weeks is this one
08:21:25 Why didn't that copy
08:21:43 Rows,
08:21:49 There we go!
08:21:57 Okay,
08:22:09 Catherine with your permission i'd like to
08:22:12 Catherine, with your permission i'd like to pop forward and talk about the event A little bit
08:22:20 Please do, Kenny. Okay. The developer testing form is coming up.
08:22:30 Please register. It is very important especially for folks on site.
08:22:39 We need to know what to plan as far as from leverage we need to, for the for the breaks.
08:22:47 Just just a lot depends on that. So really need you to register highly important.
08:22:57 We have had numerous Let me just just drop that link
08:23:07 The chat,
08:23:17 Copy, link, address,
08:23:23 We've had numerous requests for a remote presentations, remote access.
08:23:38 And things along those natures specifically. folks Have been requesting that we make this a hybrid of making it A hybrid event is not really possible.
08:23:50 There's no funding for that it was never planned as such.
08:23:55 The question was raised again to the governing board.
08:24:00 Based upon the feedback that we've received and the governing board.
08:24:07 Basically said, stay the course with what you're doing So what are we going to do? as always we will have zoom bridges allocated to all of the meeting rooms.
08:24:20 This This should allow people to connected up provided that somebody in the room has actually joined the Zoom bridge.
08:24:30 And view and listen out on what's going on It's important to note that for this event the our ability to integrate the systems into the Av.
08:24:45 Is extremely limited, and was not part of the plan and as a key component of making something a hybrid event, so any activity will take place, is going to take place on the presenter's, laptop including the use of their
08:25:00 mic and speakers as far as remote presentations go.
08:25:08 This is something that we are just saying is unsupported.
08:25:13 There is, another aspect of this is the network infrastructure that's required.
08:25:19 We don't have so remote presentations are going to be unsupported as we don't have that integration.
08:25:31 Also it's important to note that this is the one of the biggest areas of feedback that we've received over the years doing.
08:25:41 These. is that folks that are actually on site in the room?
08:25:45 Are are are not appreciative of something being presented remotely.
08:25:54 Because it's the equivalent of them all traveling thousands of miles to zoom.
08:26:00 Sit in a room on a common zoom. call So beyond any infrastructure for our ability to support it.
08:26:09 Remote presentations are generally poorly received by the attendees at the event. so i'll just say that
08:26:18 Now the important bit is that we are adding a virtual track.
08:26:22 This virtual track is a single track. All topics from all projects will be in that single track.
08:26:31 And basically it is a zoom bridge that is being set up and made available.
08:26:38 There will not be any room assignment at the event associated with it.
08:26:43 It is just essentially an open bridge. the scheduling for that is first come for for serve, and will be handled in the wiki.
08:26:56 It will not be a part of the activities that the program committees working on
08:27:02 But if you go to the topics proposal page, which I will drop that link in now
08:27:13 If you go there you will see that there is a button now created for the creation.
08:27:20 There's a button available for the creation of a virtual track item.
08:27:26 So more information will be forthcoming. there'll be an email going out to all of our communities.
08:27:34 On that hopefully today. but I wanted to make everyone aware of those bullets.
08:27:45 So can you? The system physical or it's still face to face is physical.
08:27:53 The virtual track is literally just a Zoom bridge.
08:27:59 Okay, it's follow people cannot join like people in asia or something like that.
08:28:03 It's for people that can't join and if they want to share and record something.
08:28:09 It is an open bridge for them to do so. but it is not going to be associated with the event schedule.
08:28:16 Okay, give you a side trick. Okay.
08:28:31 Okay, We talked about meeting on the 26.
08:28:36 This cancelled ptl on the thirtieth is cancelled, and of course the Ptl and Tsc. The week of the thirteenth of June are canceled because we are all going to be together in
08:28:49 Portugal,
08:28:55 Anything kenny. I have one request before everybody drops
08:28:59 I'm working with the Mac on the jacquarta marketing material, and there was gonna be a press release and blog post, and in terms of content I'm looking at the stuff that's in the
08:29:14 Jacquarta Key update Wiki page and a lot of stuff there.
08:29:19 But a lot of the things are improved this improve that enhance this enhance that so my request is I.
08:29:27 I'll try to do my best to kind of shine a on a nice bright light on it.
08:29:32 But if folks have stuff that, they wanna have highlighted in the marketing of Jakarta, and you want the world to know about what you did.
08:29:43 Please please reach out to me as soon as possible and let me know what you want to highlight and I promise do my best to include it in the marketing. but also make sure that it's on that key highlights page because that's what
08:29:59 that's for yeah, as I said a lot of good stuff there, but it's hard to see like if there are hidden gems there.
08:30:13 I I I admit I may have missed some of them.
08:30:16 So if there's something you really want highlighted please reach out to me and make sure I notice that and it's included in that highlights
08:30:36 Updates,
08:30:55 No! what wrong one! Chicago
08:32:05 Does that capture it?