TSC 2022-03-03

TSC 2022-03-03

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly update



  • EU hire starts April 1st!!!!! (big grin) - YOOHOO - Thanks Andrew Grimberg  !
  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
    • Ms Azure Lab + Gitlab - what are the next steps?
    • New UNH Lab with donated Intel HW
      • Availability goal was March 7th, 2022
      • Ready for workload testing - necessarry before "opening the flood gates"
      • call for volunteers to install ONAP, etc.: Jorge Hernandez , ... we need more people

PTL Updates

Congratulations to our new Integration Committers: marcin krasowski , Maciej Lisowski 

Congratulations to new SO Committers: JC , Lukasz Rajewski  shashikanth.vh Waqas Ikram (Unlicensed) Former user (Deleted) 

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Modeling - ASD Model - Follow-Up - THANK YOU ALL - YOU MAKE MY DAY !!!

  • Working on "IM Definition" to reduce Modeling misunderstanding - iterative approach since we do not know everything yet
  • ASD Model is an alternative "pluggable" implementation to current ETSI Standard proposal , helping us to move forward with "Cloud Native Architecture"
  • Current assessment of "pluggable" impacts as part of the POC
  • Continue to share any ASD implementation to ETSI NFV Organization for awareness purpose
  • The Modeling Subcommittee will support the "ASD Model" pluggable approach and will facilitate discussions with ETSI NFV
  • Seshu Kumar Mudiganti notes that he has supported ASD PoC work all along and that Huawei is not in opposition which is a perspective some folks have asserted
  • Xu Yang never against POC - work should continue on model

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


SPC - ONAP Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Representative - Call for Nomination

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Task Force Updates:

Thank you Chaker Al-Hakim , Ranny Haiby , Timo Perala to be part of it as participant

Need a lead for this task force

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

05:59:26 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:00:00 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    still on a call
06:00:41 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:00:48 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:01:02 From  Ranny HAIBY (Samsung)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:01:16 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
06:01:24 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:01:28 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan  to  Everyone:
    #info N.K.Shankar, STL
06:02:20 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
06:02:32 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
06:03:09 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:04:49 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:06:52 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info catherine lefevre, ATT
06:07:21 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:09:00 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Self
06:09:01 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    Thanks Catherine. Dong Wang I got you earlier. Sorry if I didn't say your name.
06:09:08 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @fred thanks
06:11:15 From  Dan TIMONEY (AT&T)  to  Everyone:
    Sorry … running another call, so can’t join audio. I’ll send status offline … summary is that we’re a little behind on upgrade to OpenDaylight Phosphorus release changes but other than that we’re in reasonable shape for M3
06:14:11 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    Hi Kenny, I was offline due to the connection. So sign up again to make sure. Thanks!
06:14:20 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
06:17:26 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED Jakarta release milestones will be shifted by one week with signoff on May 12, 2022
06:19:50 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    @David MCbride, Dan T is on here but he has audio issue
06:26:16 From  Fiachra CORCORAN (EST)  to  Everyone:
06:26:23 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED the TSC approves the exception request submitted by the Holmes project for Jakarta (https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/8469).
06:28:44 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED DMaaP is granted a waiver for Jakarta based upon included packages noted on https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LpH1
06:43:51 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
06:44:03 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    <thumbs up>
06:44:22 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
07:01:49 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    Xu your audio is dropping out
07:14:15 From  Thinh NGUYENPHU  to  Everyone:
    would you some explain what is IM Defintion?
07:15:34 From  Thinh NGUYENPHU  to  Everyone:
07:24:03 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
07:27:34 From  Thinh NGUYENPHU  to  Everyone:
    thanks for the clarifcation
07:29:17 From  DENG Hui   to  Everyone:
07:29:17 From  Xu Yang  to  Everyone:
07:30:09 From  Thinh NGUYENPHU  to  Everyone:
    thanks for clarification. I have to drop off.
07:31:11 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
07:32:18 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    Hello. I have to leave.
07:33:53 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    bye eric
07:35:27 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    DTF Workshop: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/z4wZB

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

06:04:28 Okay, let's get let's get rolling
06:04:37 recordings on coming in on phone line you can use star six to keep yourself to unmute yourself.
06:04:44 If you send me a private chat, I will just cut and paste it and drop it into the meeting minutes.
06:04:51 I'll start off by mentioning our anti trust policies policies important we've got multiple industry competitors, participating in these meetings.
06:05:00 Please review if you have any question please contact companies legal council members of the elf may also contact Andrew up to growth at the firm customer approval LLP which provides legal counsel to the lF.
06:05:12 And I just went all through that without sharing it. didn't I.
06:05:19 Okay. They're shared.
06:05:29 Eric Thank you.
06:05:38 So I'm basically time for Mardi Gras.
06:05:45 Look.
06:05:46 will do some talk about Jakarta touch on rail inch
06:05:55 ptl updates.
06:06:00 We'll talk more about ASD SPC.
06:06:16 Some taskforce stuff.
06:06:07 And then our normal business other items need to be added.
06:06:19 Ok I will turn it over to you, David.
06:06:23 All right, thanks Kenny.
06:06:36 Alright, I published the weekly update
06:06:42 to the mailing list yesterday.
06:06:46 And if you didn't see it there's a link here in the agenda.
06:06:51 So I think everyone is aware that today was the scheduled date for
06:07:00 for Jakarta am three.
06:07:05 And just remind everyone about the schedule.
06:07:09 So, here you can see him three.
06:07:16 On March, 3, and then followed by him for in two weeks.
06:07:23 So,
06:07:26 One thing
06:07:29 we discussed this a little bit.
06:07:47 In the ptl meeting on Monday. But we have this issue with Jenkins Jenkins was shut down for some time. And we got the issue escalated on Monday, and fairly quickly resolved.
06:07:51 But I know at least Dan and possibly others indicated that that was, you know, potentially
06:08:04 an issue for meeting him three today. And so I set a reminder email about the milestone yesterday and I, I asked for feedback on that, whether any of the PTS have been delayed, you know, due to.
06:08:26 Due to this, it issue, but I didn't receive any feedback so you know I'll throw that out there again now is Dan on the call.
06:08:39 No it doesn't. The money wasn't able to go and I'm still follow up with him offline.
06:08:45 Okay.
06:08:46 All right.
06:08:49 So, since I didn't receive any feedback then my assumption is that the PT else. Oh, you were not impeded by by this issue.
06:09:02 So let's go ahead and take a look at where we're at with regard to the miles. This.
06:09:20 So you can see that we're roughly 75% complete.
06:09:29 Sorry.
06:09:31 No mobile James and David, I just didn't join us 34.
06:09:36 Okay.
06:09:38 Dan did join.
06:09:42 Dan Are you available.
06:09:52 Okay.
06:09:56 So, we still have what 16 1819 issues that are are in progress.
06:10:07 I went through a review the closed issues last night and reopen one or two.
06:10:16 And so that's kind of where we stand.
06:10:22 So, it, it looks to me like we're not we're not quite there. So, the decision and then as how to proceed.
06:10:35 Going back to the schedule.
06:10:39 So potentially we could slip the milestone to Monday.
06:10:46 Since we don't have that many more issues.
06:10:49 Or we could slip the whole thing one week.
06:10:52 The one thing I'd point out though because m four is so close to em three I think we'll have no choice but to slip em for also.
06:11:06 So, thoughts from the TLC
06:11:16 is their preference over slipping the milestone to Monday versus slipping at a full week.
06:11:27 When you go back on the merciless status.
06:11:30 Sure.
06:11:45 We have 75 right by them.
06:11:54 I'm trying to understand what era where we still need to play yeah let's, let's look at the.
06:12:05 The in progress.
06:12:12 I tried to look before the call, but I don't know why, when I launched the query, my general feeling so you can make films like in the same issue.
06:12:23 Although I didn't get an arrow.
06:12:26 Yeah, I, I wasn't logged in, I think that was a problem.
06:12:33 Okay.
06:12:35 So okay, so it's really.
06:12:40 So it looks like it's split between the global requirements.
06:12:46 Resolving high and highest priority JIRA issues and merging merchant class.
06:12:55 Okay.
06:12:56 Sounds like gola related to additional code so I would tend to suggest to the THC based on the watch for you read a year that potentially we need to one week.
06:13:10 And I tend to agree.
06:13:12 I don't want to squeeze the rest of the plan.
06:13:16 But pulled up the shifts, a week.
06:13:20 At this stage, would be better.
06:13:26 Right, considering the a creamy might be challenging.
06:13:32 Yeah, any other.
06:13:34 Yes.
06:13:35 I was just going to point out that, and I'm not sure maybe Kenny has some insight into this, how much this team is going this likely be by the DTF workshop, because they noticed that M four falls in that same week not on the same day but after the mat
06:13:56 later that week so it might be helpful moving this out of that week,
06:14:05 that's also another so that I had because you should one week.
06:14:10 So everything seems one week we have all the DBS workshop, although of own up community of not participate actively in the sense that they are preparing a presentation I think it's more workshop.
06:14:29 So I would like also to just with you we ship everything one week so that means we will finish the around the plan for me.
06:14:45 This look at the calendar.
06:14:55 Just looking at this anybody know when we serve though the odd thing we are late this year with the Easter Monday and with Monday you know the Monday of this is June.
06:15:10 I think let's, let's try for know to shoot one week.
06:15:19 Anybody has concerned if we ship the husk of the plan, meaning that we will sign off on the 12th of May, at this stage.
06:15:48 We have any people against the ID, and let's get some bandwidth to walk pts. We look at the ppl, can you also go back foot from a requirements perspective, I think we are.
06:15:59 There was nothing special right, if I remember well, but that's right yeah, no, no requirements for requirement owners for him three.
06:16:06 Okay.
06:16:09 So, what is being said here is that we are shifting from a sign off of may 5 to a sign off of may 12, is that correct.
06:16:21 Yeah.
06:16:23 But, but, you know, we are we're shifting.
06:16:27 All milestones from him three to the end of the release by one week,
06:16:34 including sign off.
06:16:39 So, 3am for RC and sign off. Yep.
06:16:47 Thank you for bullet skinny and we keep all the bullets together on the right.
06:16:55 Okay, so all milestones will be shifted by one week with sign off on
06:17:09 be on my style to be shifted by one week.
06:17:18 Okay, I'm going to mark that as a pound agree.
06:17:28 Done.
06:17:31 Hey, where did you put it in the notes, can you send the chat in the chat. Ok, I will drop it in the notes now.
06:17:40 Right.
06:17:44 Okay. Um.
06:17:48 And then, finally, we have this request coming in from homes.
06:17:56 An exception.
06:18:00 And Amy looked into this, Amy, are you on the call.
06:18:07 Okay, could you just kind of summarize the issue for us. Sure.
06:18:13 let me go pull it up real quick.
06:18:19 So, homes had an issue has an issue with the glass fish.
06:18:25 The glass fish package jersey common, and that it was it's taking a lot more work than expected to upgrade from two dot 3123 dot co dot three.
06:18:36 There's, they've got compilation errors and Jenkins they can't figure out what it is and they're working on it so sec calm is recommending that the TSS that sorry the TC except the continued use of the version two dot three dot one because of the tech
06:18:53 technical difficulties and let the project team continue to try and resolve the issues.
06:19:00 We looked into this. It's so we we just recommend the TASC accept this for now.
06:19:08 And the team will continue working.
06:19:11 Okay. Thanks, Amy.
06:19:13 Any comments from the PSC on this issue.
06:19:24 gM gM is fine with that I think what is good is that we have commitment from the project team, represented by good ground that they will keep going with better than not having time to time.
06:19:42 They are progressing. I think we need to to help them because they are progressing in the right direction.
06:19:47 And you can take my music.
06:19:49 Yeah, I agree with you, Catherine. I'd also like to raise the de map has a problem as well. They have a dependency on a package that comes from at amp t that they do not have the ability to change.
06:20:01 So once again, we're rec SATCOM is recommending that the TASC except the continued use of this package, because they don't have a newer version.
06:20:11 So we and we also recommend that the map just investigate removing the artifact completely nk release.
06:20:21 recognizing, that's probably a lot of work, but I think it's the right direction we're not going to be able to maintain that package that comes from at amp T, it's, it's basically a.
06:20:32 It's a jar that contains a whole lot of other dependencies.
06:20:41 Is this the agency.
06:20:44 This is the. Which one is this, This is the com dot att dot NSA.
06:20:51 It's the D map client that comes from a TNT. Yeah. There's also that AGSHASC package.
06:21:14 Yes. The other problem they have is the HJSC, you know, available on the meetup. So, it's the easiest seat open source
06:21:14 developer community to change the open source version of Asia see well as anyone maintaining that because I think the latest version is three out of 11.
06:21:23 Correct.
06:21:25 Standing here. Yeah, that was my problem. Our problem and team up to see.
06:21:32 So I communicate without notice. In terms of potentially at&t seating the latest version to get up, but I don't think that was an option.
06:21:43 And we did we spent a lot of time as well trying to remove those dependencies, but to resources and historical knowledge of the project. We didn't really make much progress.
06:21:56 Right, I would agree if your quest So, Catherine, I don't know the last time that at amp t actually updated that I don't know if anyone's maintaining it out or not, as open source.
06:22:07 So if they are not, we're going to have to take a different path forward.
06:22:12 If we can't get commitment for them to leave.
06:22:19 Africa, but we still need discovering the future because I know
06:22:25 you have your car you were presenting a nice Domus these. Yes, yes.
06:22:35 So maybe we can we can chat offline. I would take a note and I was triple blind with you but my phone was do we see me that in the future.
06:22:45 The plan is, and I probably should should have communicated this clear, but the plan is going forward to potentially over a number of releases to deprecate messenger altogether.
06:22:56 And but there will be significant impacts on existing clients that are using messenger. And so we're working toward towards a general generic solution for for for clients to be able to use use Kafka natively.
06:23:16 Instead of using the HTTP protocol. And so yeah but but distributed Kafka project is is proposed to be introduced into into Om.
06:23:36 And we can be deployed as the default Kafka Kafka bus for like, we find, understand, well, what both you say some home we are under position.
06:23:59 Position yes period where they may be a year is required, but in the future we will be.
06:23:53 We have an exception for now.
06:23:56 In order to have all the
06:24:01 fourth we know that the future. The map will not have this issue. Did I get it right.
06:24:08 Yes, yes. So, but, like, as I mentioned that it may take a number of releases before all existing clients can can transition or move over to strengthen.
06:24:20 Yep.
06:24:22 Sofia glitches have to read back to you. The plan is, is to deprecate the map entirely.
06:24:33 Just a massive message other components that message router Okay, yeah, so So plus controller and they will remain, but the the message or Kafka, if you like, and and the MR interface will be dedicated and moved here.
06:24:53 Thank you.
06:24:51 I was just mentioned it I think I mentioned is probably not the forum for it as well but the seal teams can seem to be triggering or flagging transitive dependencies, for me, as direct dependencies, I think they.
06:25:04 Yeah, we had, we ran into that problem with a couple of other with another project as well and we have an open ticket with fit.
06:25:13 Ok. We have also on our open ticket with Sonata.
06:25:18 Right.
06:25:20 Thanks just.
06:25:26 So are we
06:25:29 are we adding the demand exception.
06:25:36 As as being included.
06:25:42 Yes, we've, we've noted on those in the protected wiki site that those to have that we have recommended that the TASC except the waiver.
06:25:58 Okay, so I'm going to do this as a two parter arm.
06:26:03 We have agreement that
06:26:08 I'm going to mark it as agreed that the homes, exception is accepted.
06:26:25 Okay, so there's that
06:26:29 chakra.
06:26:34 Yep. Okay so vulnerabilities are there.
06:26:38 I am also going to market agreed that
06:26:42 the map impacted by the same issue also granted an exception.
06:26:48 It's actually a different issue homes as an issue with, with the glass with the glass fish package, whereas the map is the demand problem is due to the ATP to at amp t packages.
06:27:25 Okay.
06:27:29 Okay. If y'all want to continue while I'm typing this up.
06:27:35 Rather than
06:27:39 listening to me type, that's okay.
06:28:00 Where was that link.
06:28:13 Okay, so
06:28:18 what I'm saying. Agree D map is granted a waiver for Jakarta, based upon included packages noted on the security web page that Viagra had pointed to
06:28:38 marking out as agreed as well.
06:28:46 Okay.
06:28:56 Thank you folks.
06:29:07 Yes, I can share my screen that might be polite.
06:29:16 Okay, so I've got those marked anything else release related.
06:29:25 The moment So, can we declare complete or within some challenge for the incumbent.
06:29:41 We have the, we've got the latest scans from Nexus IQ we've run through them, and we've provided the feedback to Thomas. Thomas about what is where we still have transitive dependencies on log for J.
06:29:55 So I think we're from a security standpoint, we all of the projects that had direct dependencies have upgraded. And we, we can be transparent about where we have transitive dependencies.
06:30:13 But that doesn't mean that we can finally finalized everything by this week all you need more time or.
06:30:24 Do you need any additional support.
06:30:27 I will use Amy's provide list to check again, all the mentioned packages and if they've updated the release notes and then I think I can give an answer, middle of next week.
06:30:45 Okay. Thank you so much.
06:30:47 Welcome, get all the ladies more formal the product team.
06:30:52 We are only on the final highest law.
06:30:58 I expect them to have updated, some results I have a I have raised tickets and a lot of them were closed and no was a nice list.
06:31:09 Let's see.
06:31:11 Okay, so no money. there is no expectation from the audit team.
06:31:17 You have all what you need this it's just a question of time, did I understood need I understand oil.
06:31:29 Yeah, right. But let me propose again something, if, if it comes to the next maintenance release.
06:31:37 We definitely need some, some reliable information, what is included and what's that what has changed. And we have discussed it several times now to to introduce or not to introduce the release process for the maintenance release.
06:31:55 If this is not possible or not, not, not, not wanted. And then I like to ask you, at least, to have this, this page for the, for the main changes in the wiki, which we have for the main release, also to have it for the maintenance release that that we
06:32:19 have a reliable source of information, what, what projects, and what repositories have changed. And what what what the changes are, and that I really like to ask people to enter in this in this page if we have it, and also to have this as a milestone
06:32:43 or whatever control point for at least this for for maintenance police. Otherwise, is it is a. It's always hard to get the information.
06:32:59 I agree with what you said, I think that there was a JIRA to talk.
06:33:06 The project, but if there are additional information that you need a little ensure that the next month then we'll have a framework or template to track the gap that you have in don't define it would be great and then we have it as we have it forces the
06:33:24 release. And then I can copy the information from this page that says okay system that had have changed. And then I also can pre compiled a good composite release note.
06:33:41 And then, as the projects, then will prepare and also they are release notes for the maintenance release and then we are done.
06:34:02 We talked covertly what you were asking. And maybe, David.
06:34:06 And in the less you can maybe work together, we had, we had this discussion, several times.
06:34:15 And, but we need also acceptance from the TLC and especially from the projects here.
06:34:32 Okay, so maybe that's the discussion we might start with the ppl to feel the feel of all that but
06:34:31 it's not going to have a wiki page to define the changes it will help a lot.
06:34:38 We can also have the discussion and decision, hopefully, on Monday. Sure.
06:34:46 Yep.
06:34:55 Do you have a little documented for the PTS to review for Monday.
06:35:01 Thomas. No, let's let's use what we have in the main release, so we have this page that says, Okay, this is the main the main not sure what is the right name was but main changes in a release.
06:35:15 So let's have it for the maintenance release as well.
06:35:19 So, that's essentially what I proposed a couple of years ago, which was rejected by the DTS so you thinking that will make the same proposal, but we'll get a different reaction.
06:35:35 This time,
06:35:35 or maybe a different one whatever helps not sure, but I think it's not a good way to,
06:35:44 to have to have no single source of truth for this kind of information if it comes to release notes.
06:35:53 Well, so, I you know I guess we can talk about it on Monday, but unless we have a, you know, fleshed out proposal for people to look at it and agree to it.
06:36:06 You know, I guess we can discuss it.
06:36:15 So, so let's see. So let's already discussed the concern.
06:36:22 Here we are trying to find a way to improve the efficiency, to be sure that all the good work made by the team is no fluff.
06:36:32 So I would recommend, let's have a discussion because people change right over the past year.
06:36:41 So, maybe two months if you have time to create a wiki template or to share the template that you used today.
06:36:50 And that was a project team if it is a big overload overload. And why not maybe the project team have a different way to figure out how to fix your concern.
06:37:02 so it can go both, both directions. Right.
06:37:07 So, by Monday, you can we use either the, the wiki page you have in mind or either suggest the wiki page so at least you're going to discuss with the PDF.
06:37:20 And let's see, they came back with the same concern than before.
06:37:24 Let's see what else can we do to meet your concern and at the same time, to reduce the impact on the project team.
06:37:32 Would it be fair.
06:37:35 And let's let's use what we already have it says release key updates page, David provides for each and every release.
06:37:44 Okay.
06:38:04 So maybe we can add this wiki page, as part of the agenda for Monday.
06:37:54 You're talking about using the key updates page to drive the release management,
06:38:01 that the intent of that page is to provide information to the marketing team to promote the release,
06:38:12 then that usually gets filled out at toward the end of the release cycle, you're proposing an alternative use for that page,
06:38:24 would be a start. Yeah, and maybe let's start the discussion here and let's see what would people think.
06:38:44 just my opinion but having having another, another JIRA ticket to fulfill play updating wiki page doesn't really seem logical to me, I think, surely this could be automated in some way to gain information from to the docks Reaper of each project.
06:39:07 Just an opinion.
06:39:15 How would you automation is, is
06:39:21 always helpful and prayerful, preferably bowl.
06:39:30 How would you see that working just kind of a 20,000 foot as well.
06:39:40 Well, essentially, each project has its own docs report right with the release notes section, and potentially could that be, you know, could, could that be queried from outside of Paris to get the information and collated somewhere.
06:40:00 I don't know that that's
06:40:11 maybe that's maybe not, but just having an additional table to update every release manually by each project, and you know it's difficult to do it, you know, Or, you know.
06:40:28 Yeah. Another thing to be pinged on.
06:40:31 For every every release cycle, right. So, yeah, yeah.
06:40:43 So, Good job.
06:40:47 Discuss on Monday, and if people can think about how we can meet the course, which is both Tomas it's important for him to understand the changes from the previous clearly.
06:41:00 I don't know if we have a job and consolidate all the title info on all the JIRA ticket, which is assigned to look at it to make sense but let's try to break down to dedicate some time on Monday.
06:41:15 Maybe there are people will come back to some ideas that we have looked at so don't let it dry.
06:41:21 But I think that these topics to be discussed with the product team and they might be able to advise something as one.
06:41:32 All right.
06:41:42 Okay. Anything else on the release.
06:41:56 Okay, moving on, REL inch you hire starts on April 1 yay and that is not that is not an April Fool's joke.
06:42:06 So
06:42:11 I'm glad
06:42:18 is one of the people I, I, you know, we discussed together was ever to fill up your reply or if a miracle appear but that's great because since this month we were trying to find out, at least.
06:42:33 So, receive. Yeah, this one actually yeah this this this candidate actually from what Andy was saying, Andy Greenberg,
06:42:44 who's our
06:42:47 leads the REL inch team.
06:42:53 This individual came through a personal referral. So,
06:42:59 pretty good and and I know everybody.
06:43:03 Everybody in the time zones that that will benefit from this is happy but I promise you, no one is happier than Andy.
06:43:12 I know you are excellent and it's not only covering European only the afternoon from India, Asia, might be also cover a little bit so now we have 20 nearly a 24 hour support something with bangs.
06:43:43 Jessica I forget the name given and I am sorry I forget the name of the other person so that's excellent.
06:43:46 Was elation.
06:43:47 Yep, we're pretty happy about that news.
06:43:53 Congratulation, Kenny, with all new computers.
06:44:01 Okay.
06:44:04 So, yeah, we had a new folks that came into the integration team.
06:44:14 I'm probably not doing well with the name.
06:44:18 My apologies for that.
06:44:23 And then in, so we've got, Joseph look as
06:44:29 Sasha comp, and we guess.
06:44:34 Oh, and for some reason.
06:44:38 Shots name didn't highlight here I'm not sure why, but welcome welcome welcome, and thank you.
06:44:52 One of the things here in the PDL updates, we know that we heard that.
06:44:59 Silvana was will be stepping down.
06:45:02 Haven't heard directly from Sylvan in a note to the TSP that that's going to happen so if somebody could let him know that.
06:45:13 Just as a formality we need we need that notice would appreciate it.
06:45:22 What do you mean it would you.
06:45:27 If Morgan noted that Silvana would be stepping down but we haven't heard directly from job on.
06:45:40 So do you want into sentimental just here to verify Oh, yeah. Okay.
06:45:51 So, I want to loop back here.
06:45:57 Very briefly, to discussion of infrastructure.
06:46:11 One of the things that is happening is that the staff from Orange had been maintaining the,
06:46:13 the Azure resources.
06:46:17 So we will need to think about how that's going to transition.
06:46:22 In terms of responsibility. So if, if a change is also needed there, that just occurred to me in real time.
06:46:39 Anything else with regards to REL Inge. one of the tickets was noted earlier when we were having the discussion about the CMS scans
06:46:55 hanging up
06:46:59 other other issues.
06:47:05 Can you make me sing about the good luck.
06:47:10 So,
06:47:11 first thing we need to do six as one so Erica will probably follow up offline with you, maybe you have some guidelines, but it's not only about the Israel, not because we the people are associated to that.
06:47:28 We are seen as some discussion of service.
06:47:33 And that's what we heard was was interested to use it to you okay we can discuss.
06:47:38 Yeah, I think we need to discuss what.
06:47:46 Okay.
06:47:45 Alright. Alright so now let's move on.
06:47:59 Another thing there that I just thought of is the new lab coming up in Umh.
06:48:00 It's up.
06:48:03 We Jorge had sent signed up for helping out to test the workloads.
06:48:13 I saw mail that there's evidently haven't.
06:48:22 There hasn't been the communications back and forth.
06:48:34 Stephen Gucci's at Mobile World Congress this week.
06:48:31 We are hoping that we will be able to turn this over.
06:48:42 The, the hope was that
06:48:46 the week of the seventh we would be able to
06:48:51 turn it over, I don't know that we are quite there yet.
06:48:58 What I think is wrong.
06:49:11 That, so I'm trying to find something.
06:49:17 So I'm trying to find something. Well, that was the goal but we haven't, it hasn't been tested with a workload yet.
06:49:26 So
06:49:31 I think what you've got there is
06:49:36 was the goal but.
06:49:47 So.
06:49:59 Okay, so there's that sorry sorry about these things popping into my head as I'm talking.
06:50:08 It's okay for me to sing that forgets, and then when trouble.
06:50:15 But once once that comes up.
06:50:17 We will be looking to
06:50:22 the though. Once the floodgates are open, we will be looking for folks to migrate their migrate their workloads over there, as quickly as possible,
06:50:37 basically what's what's being reported to us is that every single piece of hardware that we have in use.
06:50:45 In the current Intel lab is
06:50:50 has a warning light on it so we need to get moved as quickly as possible.
06:51:08 Alright, so
06:51:08 let's move to be all the topics. I didn't ever tend to listen to the recording from last week because I think it's not just posted.
06:51:18 But I, as you know I've been away from the tipsy cold for the summer reasonable the last two weeks.
06:51:33 I could see that the school that I've missed was somehow, encouraging in the sense that people wanted to collaborate and work together to better understand the model, or do a lot of discussion okay well since last year, we have discussed again in the
06:51:49 context of the CNN stuff for how we can move forward, because if you really want to move to cloud to cloud native architecture.
06:52:00 We might not want to wait for Etsy, but we can work with it see and share our findings.
06:52:09 The other thing that I was asking to the team so I just want to be open about what has been discussed but the recording will be posted or I've been posted.
06:52:29 I think David basically call it.
06:52:23 The other thing that I was asking was okay. There may be some people who are dependent on Etsy requirement that system that my projects and older, they don't really care.
06:52:35 Right. But we need to meet both. At one point, because some people have developed their platform, following the FCC condensing many years, while others.
06:53:01 So all we could meet this requirement, without having additional diversion will be pinion. So, the plugin Blake came on the table, meaning by that that for people who have been adopting the XC.
06:53:13 They could potentially select the option right and meaning they can continue to build on the FC upon that and we won the club Matthew architecture from that will be available.
06:53:24 And I believe that the people who are very interested by it see will put the resource at that time to make it happen.
06:53:31 And if the people do not care, and I don't say that badly right when I say I don't care, it means there's no impact on this system they don't need it see wants to move forward, then they can activate the SEC as the closing of.
06:53:51 So that's how we move forward to address the concern by the modeling team that. Be careful, a week. And again, I've tried to symbolize based on what I've understood from the recording from the new.
06:54:05 that we are holding away from the system that's broken study or solution. So we can continue the history of the innovation abode solution in the cloud narrative, as in this plug and play in place.
06:54:33 We can also share our findings, because of attending the ethical with Kenosha, we didn't have a chance to have a lot of q amp a session but I think they're there are some interest as well, so they can learn from what they do, they can decide, or not to
06:54:45 adopt what the ESP team is doing.
06:54:49 So I think it's supposed to be a valid identity to over what has been discussed, so we can potentially meet the needs from people who are very strong about Etsy.
06:55:02 And for people, wants to explore.
06:55:05 Because, don't forget good nothing architecture should be adopted soon, bye.
06:55:11 A lot of people from the industry. We don't want to be behind the industry. We want to always be in advance. If we get an influencer.
06:55:22 So the pluggable option for me seems to be a good app code, and we can learn because the other thing that I was asking to the team was. Okay guys, we cannot do a model.
06:55:34 So, we cannot do another sec. We cannot do. We cannot duplicate the coop.
06:55:42 So if indeed the plugin will access is manageable.
06:56:15 That seems to be reasonable. The feedback from the team was, they don't believe that it will be a complete fork, it will be some adaptation to the, to the code, and therefore the PLC again will perform the standing back of the CNS so fast, we need to
06:56:15 understand the impact, potentially on the SEC for the onboarding. We were also discussing potentially about AI called the inventory, but I hope it will be limited to API, different API, or a different community for the selfie pocket creator particular
06:56:38 web collector. That's what we need to focus to understand what will be the impact. If we move with a pluggable solution. So I wanted to bring that to this TLC so at least you know that people are trying to continue the concern from the modeling team,
06:56:57 you are not following it see so still respect the system back, meaning, having this option for FCP bird to not break what the air, without the same time to be ported and being addressed because clearly a lot of discussion and could not believe is possible
06:57:19 evolution, anyway.
06:57:22 So, no I stopped speaking, maybe there are some question about what the team is currently exploring. And the purpose of the UFC is very important because we cannot learn about what we do.
06:57:35 If we don't have this in place. So we can establish better what we mean by ASP model.
06:57:44 Any questions so far humble the proposition here, to not be made.
06:57:49 What is in implemented and see book for Etsy, but at the same time, try to move forward in the cloud native world.
06:58:08 And I also want to confirm that I plan to attend the modeling team. I think it's on Monday, because I want to also hear if there are other concern that whatever the stood and share with you today.
06:58:32 I think this is a good initiative.
06:58:36 And we have to recognize that there is a widespread of potential own up users, all the way from more conservative traditional operators to sort of people who care very much about cloud native behavior.
06:58:59 And, and, I mean, if there was a possibility to to merge it all, we would do that but I think this pluggable solution is is a good. It's a good proposal.
06:59:13 Because then, then we can make sure that we don't do sort of different things in unnecessary but but also cognizant of the changes and, and the differences that are there.
06:59:32 Just a comment, Catherine, I think it's useful.
06:59:36 That you are articulating the situation and, and the different aspects of this problem, just just just a common. Thanks, it thank you so get in level a giant team, I could not really meet you over the last two weeks we took me time to understand the concern
06:59:57 based on the material and I still an action I really want to meet the modeling team to see if there is anything else I've missed.
07:00:05 But obviously this option, gave me warm feeling, because we don't compromise, I will not say legacy system but we don't compromise papers for, we've invested quite a rosy let's see, we have I'd see Google, and at the same time, we move forward.
07:00:32 So, any, any feedback concern was my plan is really to me the modeling team among the tours to see if there is any additional concerned that was not totally understood.
07:00:37 I know, speaking to the CNS team they might have an issue with the definition. And we have a couple of people walking on the definition which could be also another concern, but I can tell you really going details to understand.
07:00:57 Furthermore, the definition concern myself and I believe the team, we represented here have already some input to share to the TSP today. Oh, don't worry.
07:01:08 Let's give them some times and they will come back with some foldable this concern as well.
07:01:20 I can,
07:01:29 Zoo, we start with this.
07:01:44 some discussion around how this information model should behave and
07:01:47 getting
07:01:50 on Can you hear me now.
07:01:53 You know, we can just see you too.
07:01:58 Okay, so.
07:02:03 Oh, let me continue. So I think there's some discussions around actually maybe the demo we have, maybe some different understandings of how we want to include in the information model, and what it should be defined, actually.
07:02:27 And I think, here we can just say we will continue our work in the modeling subcommittee. To further clarify that to help people resolve the conflicts or the discussions on this area, and hopefully we can reach
07:02:44 Hopefully we can reach some profit consensus on this definitions. And by the way, I would you know I didn't want to put you I'm sorry please do it, I, there is a delay on file.
07:02:51 So please continue to express what I'm doing so far is great because we need to work together on this definition, a concern about the information model, so please continue and you don't want to cut you.
07:03:09 Okay. So, another point out of making sense to support your suggestion here that we is also from modeling something he subcommittee We are not trying to stop this implementation of the SD way here.
07:03:27 So, we do encourage this To be continued, and to provide feedback to FC, and we will actually what I heard is at seaside is also willing to have another workshop with us.
07:03:41 Like, more like a q amp a session to further address the comments we received last time. So, we will also working on that as well, to encourage more discussions and feedbacks from both sides, and to try to have a more better solution for the models.
07:04:05 That's what I want to express. Thanks.
07:04:29 No, I'm extremely.
07:04:21 I'm extremely happy.
07:04:28 I'm really proud that we we succeed.
07:04:29 And that an agreement and hearing you telling me the modeling and assignment I'm writing and want to be sure that I'm a bird what you see. Hearing watering subcommittee, because you are, you are the co chair of it.
07:04:45 They think that you will support all the end similar approach.
07:04:50 You will also tell us what we need to do to ensure that you are driving in the right direction and facilitate the discussion we just see, It's a massive step forward.
07:05:05 And I'm extremely pleased to hear that, because the research and development innovation.
07:05:11 As an engineer.
07:05:13 This is what we have been designed for. So thank you so much. And as I said I will attend the mobile industry.
07:05:23 Call on Monday. My intent is not to disturb the current activity. I just want to learn, because I'm, I'm not an expert.
07:05:32 But I want to learn tools to help all of you to move to innovation and research and development, why we've
07:05:44 been so far.
07:05:46 What's been so far has been just to the point where it actually do has been some talk before I sorry I cannot talk because of some personal medical attention before, but hearing to the recording and all there was some talk about why we opposing this yesterday.
07:05:58 And it was not. I was actually one of the technical supporters of PST as you know, I also represents enough class goes offline because of medical emergency my cell phone number.
07:06:09 But I was surprised to hear the comment that who always took the opposing disease, as you know, I was actually helping the team right from day one, in whatever technical this weekend.
07:06:19 And I was taken back with you.
07:06:21 So I want to emphasize on this point again that we are not against AHDPOZ right from day one, we will never this polar discussion which was raised was actually a concern on on unifying the models, which was again on technical business there was no political
07:06:37 drama and so there was no political hue and cry.
07:06:41 I'm sorry if I'm actually Sonic didn't harsh because the statements was made not once multiple times that were always opposing this is it, which was surprising to me because I was a part of the team from day one I was actually working with being an occasion
07:06:53 we were actually supporting him and all technicalities to.
07:06:56 So I want to emphasize again and again that was never tried to opposes, we have some on top on terms of technical grounds and having a unification. And based on the previous experience which we had in an app that non standard models are actually being
07:07:10 proposed a lot by operators.
07:07:11 We had this operation coming from demoting subcommittee.
07:07:16 And we will still support that activity we will be. We are here to support as a team we will go forward with ASD.
07:07:22 And I'm still able to render whatever I can for the technical support of HTTPS equals
07:07:31 one one comment I have thank thank you Sasha, sorry. Can I speak
07:07:38 up carry on beyond.
07:07:42 I was so, so I always assess you and then profusely side and from the beginning, as these alternative model and alternative fuel see.
07:07:51 So we not hinder any existing se and orchestration se model onboarding, and so castration. I talked to assess your is probable option.
07:08:05 Even SC component mental component in so is a pluggable component. So we continue to make it a profitable component. So ASD orchestration or probable, so we don't destroy any existing to our model orchestration support, that's for clear that we are on
07:08:19 the same page this issue and the marketing team we initially proposed this ASP model is an alternative model.
07:08:29 Because we value the cloud native technologies getting much much better than before. The SEC studied from the you know the VM oriented specification this file create a lot of descriptor header.
07:08:43 So, in the once we get the cloud native technologies much for getting good they can do more, much more jobs, so we can delegate that's why we you know we create us as the as an option, or the alternative model to simplify the script part we delegate the
07:08:57 most of to our castration to cloud native technologies. So, and then so during the approval purity sides fine and clear, and we understand page as a to my understanding is.
07:09:13 So, aligned with the SEC that's the requirement. Okay, so that that's the required for marketing team but there's some discussion sci fi. Why did this alignment doesn't make sense, because this is a totally different concept that's why the discussion
07:09:29 continuing to se so Ericsson and Nokia presented an iPhone.
07:09:34 And then they have some presence in slide this you know data white president walk and there was a difference or cleaner marketing perspective and orchestration perspective.
07:09:44 Anyway, that's the ongoing I think the zoo mentioning the discussion but let's have some discussion. So bottom line is, from the beginning, we, we presented we propose as it as an alternative model, not replacing se.
07:10:00 And because we see the orchestration old architectures, totally different. But now the, the modern modern com said, you know, merge it, you know, align with our se.
07:10:11 That's why we have some trouble with it. And, Zoo, and, in the madness. If you have any additional concern about I am priests.
07:10:21 I'm really happy to hear situ, sort of, stating the approval for you see, I think we were not really sort of certain of that for the reasons that being is bringing up sort of that de novo in the, in the modeling subcommittee, then sort of with the explanation
07:10:43 that it should be more sort of aligned with with the Etsy, that that seemed to us like a very strange concern. So that's why we, we didn't know really actually what what the what the, yeah.
07:11:04 Oh, yeah, please.
07:11:05 I want to repeat see we will never against the to see the crown which was taken was pure technical I mean there was a reason behind it.
07:11:11 And the morning subcommittee was only trying to have a unification with the SD model.
07:11:16 The one thing which was surprising me again. Sorry for bringing it up again and again because this thing has come multiple times in the discussion that will always opposing which which was not right.
07:11:25 So I want to make sure that I want to take it on recording that who always never opposed it.
07:11:30 And it was never a political reason for which we were doing it also.
07:11:34 So, I wanted to clarify because you can see, we were talking about this right from the last year, where we were supporting the STP OC By the way, I'm seeing again we were supporting the STP will see with political realities.
07:11:47 And inside being in me and we're working on it from day before it also I mean before before when we came to the architecture subcommittee not we had a lot of discussions on this.
07:11:54 So, it was never opposing the ACP OC on the ground, there was a discussion on unification of the standards and that is where we are with respect to the technical this which which true and doing thing we're talking about.
07:12:07 So thanks for the clarification.
07:12:10 Yeah, I'd like to maybe echoes sessions words and I think I always, I also find it inappropriate to say this company or that company I think, let's not confuse on up with standard bodies we're all individuals working for companies, but it's an open source
07:12:28 project so I find it a bit weird that people say this company thinks that way or the other way because at the end of the day we're individuals working on open source projects being paid by companies but again the fact that some individual or person in
07:12:45 a certain role in our community says something does not mean that it represents the company and even if it does, I don't think we should get to that and discuss those things based on the merit of of the technical stuff and not based on some company affiliation.
07:13:05 Maybe.
07:13:06 Let me just say more one more thing.
07:13:09 The issue here is about model.
07:13:11 Maybe we can separate models with the park thing.
07:13:17 What we are trying to say here is which never stopping, or what never against the PLC here, so please continue to do that. As for the models.
07:13:31 There is the first bullet. I think we can further working on the definitions and to reduce the misunderstanding of different group of people, and welcome, Catherine into also trying to
07:13:53 learn more about why we can see how to address that.
07:13:59 That would be great. Linda, I want to seize the opportunity to sang soo Soo.
07:14:07 Also to confirm today that I know you have been passed on the CNS test for so I was a little bit surprised when I heard this demo, let's call it as a remote because I didn't check everything.
07:14:20 So it sounds like today, we are on the same page, you really make my day because honestly think this community we have been working over the last five years.
07:14:31 We are coming from so many different companies culture of countries, we overcome the covert, we hope, right, there are other stuff happening in the world currently having our own war would not have been fine so honestly thank you to all of you for your
07:14:50 openness, for the fact that you use the back you think about this discussion.
07:14:57 We all need to learn together. And I would suggest, let's clean up the whiteboard, meaning by that let's forget what's happened in the past over the last two weeks to three weeks.
07:15:08 And let's continue to act as a great community like you have always been. And if I can facilitate, let me know.
07:15:17 Because I want to be sure that we continue to move forward in a constructive way and feedback is always welcome to Ask me thank you to all of you to make it just really embarrassing.
07:15:29 The one thing is not clear. I think there is some concern here. So, you know, this is the PRC okay we you know Okay fine, but the issue of the pOcT is we want to have a stable model.
07:15:43 We need to have a snapshot of the current ASD. That's why, you know, Zoo, and, indeed, we need to some blessing from there so we need we are not in a standard under organization in on it.
07:15:57 Initially, as it was to kind of reference implementation.
07:16:02 And then to this as the specification, the target for all in.
07:16:07 So, like only align with the SEC back on it right and we do morning.
07:16:13 So, this one to appeal see you know you can say we continue, but we need to step remodel, we can open to the open know the chapter for ASD that's why we're not asking you about standard, here we are talking about all the standard walking with the SEC
07:16:29 committee, you know, there's, there's more regular approaching the standard organization approach. We open source, but this, we, we, we all asked her about is for peels QC and others, we won't have a stable model to start because we cannot open the model
07:16:47 as is because we need to create the other. The swagger and we need to create the older depends on model. Okay, so that's why we asked her, stable. I am, but this without Steve I am PLC is kind of something missing here.
07:17:05 So, so that's why we close this one chapter, I am.
07:17:09 And then we continue to work with RSC, we don't block the you know the walking with so that's the way Erickson activity, walking with sci fi with there's another problem we want to have a stable, if that's all we need it.
07:17:22 So, the outcome. They don't handle standard.
07:17:27 They just hand the owner.
07:17:29 So we asked that we need to some state. This is what is the model. We just want stable model that we can continue after that align with SD discussion continue, even though is you know some people think it's not possible, but we're going to continue.
07:17:45 There's a secondary one for PRC to make a real you want we want the stable model best we all want it okay now it's like, okay, I am no conclusion I am Jessica PRC okay fine then.
07:18:16 Okay, I take my current ASD information what as a snapshot, we develop to develop their data model. Okay, we continue model you know there's the pure See, that's, that's what the IM is not stable, is open this I'm concerned about, okay, POCM Tori in from
07:18:17 in from the beginning session I just talked about this the probably we on the same page. For I am still, we believe is not close, okay. It's not close.
07:18:31 So we want to, you know, some kind of blessing, and they move on. And then we're going to continue to work with SEO Lyman that's fine, but if we don't do that.
07:18:36 Okay.
07:18:38 We today, I take a snapshot as the model, right, without you know I you know mod Come on approval. Okay, tomorrow. As you know alignment comes in okay they going to change the actually the name this way, this way then PRC, we have to recreate the you
07:19:07 from the beginning and the model and creating data model again, we create this kind of old, you know the spinning wheel here springs where. That's why we we wanted it I thought I tried to explain but I'm not sure that clear. Anyway, the scene. right and I can raise my hand. But anyway, that's my
07:19:11 input.
07:19:13 So beyond. We know we don't know everything today. Right. And I went, when I was asked, I don't know if that's ending all the CNN false last week, but I have asked a lot of different questions to the team and and it was clear to me, we don't know everything
07:19:30 today, and the fact that we have this to see we will learn a lot. So maybe, and again I recognize I'm not an expert in the domain, but my understanding was today, potentially, you have one definition of the information more than four years.
07:19:47 Right. And I did that was this other cnet's Task Force, I think you're faster, the people need to address some question.
07:19:56 Working with builders. So, let's do a phasing approach, because we don't know all the answers to the. They are concerned about. I am definition. Let's try to document all of understanding about what it should be.
07:20:11 Right. And start from there, but it's an iterative approach based on what I've understood, we don't have all the answers today.
07:20:23 Understand this iterative approach but we need to have a version in here, version one, we today, we take a snapshot this one iterative, you know, we keep going you know one or this we invented version in here right, we can stay in until everything sorted
07:20:34 out we can start anything so that's now is the voting concentrated you said is iterative right. But we have to some kind of milestone. From today, we agree here, and then we're going to continue to do walking for version two, but you know the PRC and
07:20:48 other you know we walk, walk, based on version one, this I'm trying to ask him here.
07:20:54 But I guess the money, I don't know.
07:20:59 I don't know what is. We need to define a starting point. Okay, yes yes and then level two. Today, just between you and me.
07:21:09 I don't know what you mean by starting point. So that's why we have an action item from the CNS task force to define some whole a starting point to clarify the IM definition.
07:21:24 And I'm sure that the other team member I think we have thread with zoo, we have a couple of them assigned to the task, and you were included. We need to define a starting point.
07:21:35 Then we share, and if it wasn't ready to share with the modeling, let's start from scratch guys right we share again with the modeling team we say okay, this is a starting point, we might not have all the, the, the answer of today.
07:21:50 What we suggest for pluggable approach.
07:21:51 I want to insist we don't compromise, anything related to sc. We try to define a blogging approach to validate the SD model work right. So we say starting point is endless positioning right.
07:22:07 I am model version one for to see both as the modern, this is this is a specification modeling team as any concern or suggestion, and we each have it like this.
07:22:20 You see what I mean. But it cannot be edited like immediately because we need to learn. Right. So let's see, I don't know I'm I will maybe ask a prep honey was was on the call.
07:22:34 Last year, Zoo, Need I say something completely crazy but I think we need to have a class for version one to kick off or to continue the work of the PLC.
07:22:47 And we need.
07:23:05 Okay. Please.
07:23:08 I think I'm next. Right.
07:23:10 Yes sir, yes.
07:23:13 I still of course I unable to attend these task force this week. And, and I don't think there's a recorder is available yet last night, my check.
07:23:25 I still don't understand what I am definitions, this team supposed to create.
07:23:32 And then now you're talking about, I am model version one as a starting point.
07:23:42 I completely.
07:23:44 I don't want to confuse you. You are an expert. I'm not so if somebody was on the call I can explain what I'm trying to call it.
07:23:57 But we need to do anything with you've approved to be from what I'm hearing here.
07:24:02 But what I think what I'm getting right now is up to this point, we have a requirement to developing the concept.
07:24:13 and the descriptor.
07:24:17 Which call as the.
07:24:34 That is the requirements, has been bought off acknowledged by requirement group and I believe the SEC sorry, acknowledge that.
07:24:32 Now, to address specific individual comments with the boat know.
07:24:37 I believe that can be achieved.
07:24:41 Either by the next release of own app where we can continue to discuss and collaborative with Etsy NFB to see what we can improve.
07:24:51 Moving forward, to merge.or to do have some, some definition. But now asking to, kind of, Im definitions. I'm little bit loss, how is that going to be achieving our read Jakarta released requirements.
07:25:12 So I'm a little bit off completely.
07:25:16 And then, I think I'm glad that shoe, and Cheshire clarify that they not against the POC.
07:25:27 So, if, if they are happy that we will address their comment on the upcoming release of after Jakarta to address that, because that requirement although that request.
07:25:45 It's very.
07:25:48 I guess what I would call unique to try to achieve, or to meet the meet that.
07:25:58 And that's why, even myself came to a conclusion that this could be causing us now delay the work.
07:26:10 And before there are magnets to express my understanding Kathleen's one. The PST I am version one is the current one.
07:26:19 So we using this one for PLC.
07:26:33 We're going to continue to work on the version two or one the one with the SEO line, we're going to discuss all the discussion. But currently, we weeks that as the.
07:26:44 Currently, you, you, and Alex and propose, and the superior version one, making movie to clean state with a conditionally, and that we're going to continue work on the virgin to win one day one, and then that incorporate older how we might come question
07:27:02 at sci fi, there's my understand this what I tried to understand cast me in their way, but could be a different view from the Markham. But otherwise, we want, I guess what I'm saying we want stable model.
07:27:16 I won't take the current model as a stable model. Then for the future, we're going to continue work on that, but that's why model one eight version one needs to be moved to clean state, that's my that's my hope.
07:27:33 Anyway,
07:27:34 I haven't met yet yeah i think i think you're perfectly right i mean an iterative process of course that's the purpose of the POC, we don't all have to agree on everything we don't in the source community have to have the same view we should let the different
07:28:05 views be be tested, and those who are willing to put in code, and to do a progress and in the open source community should be able to to do that. So I think I interpret the intuitive process that the the mod calm is ready to approve the POC implementation.
07:28:20 sorry. Yeah, the model that has been put forward.
07:28:25 And then that we will it creatively sort of work, and and review what what's coming next, but saying that, that, that you support the AC without giving this sort of opportunity to do the puck.
07:28:48 With the stable model that I think is questionable.
07:28:54 Any Could you please serie shared within minutes so maybe we can agree on one conclusion move forward, because I'm hearing a lot of agreement.
07:29:08 So it says that the modeling subcommittee. Sorry will support the is the model. So, I don't see why we don't understand why we keep talking about it.
07:29:19 I don't know I don't know I think that's what I heard was we go to back to, to scratch, I didn't really like that.
07:29:28 This is not understanding, it says clearly the modeling subcommittee will support, and there will be continued discussions so it sounds to me. I can good compromise and maybe we can move forward.
07:29:45 Yeah, that's why visioning is important. Okay, stop you know the stage was anyone, and then move forward. And then we p we'll see what we based on version one, and then anything enhanced, you know, talking through SEO alignment, as the NFP, that's fine,
07:30:00 that's fine that's the way you can apply to the next release. Next Next.
07:30:15 Good, dang thing Hey, I raised their hand.
07:30:20 She got hit you first.
07:30:27 Okay.
07:30:27 Um, we do have different portions of models but i think i opinionated it's clear that for the models we still have some conflicts and different understandings.
07:30:43 So I think maybe this is a I don't think PSC meeting is a place to discuss those technical discussions of the models. I was still suggest we starting from next Monday to work on those further definitions to clarify me, at least make chemistry.
07:31:03 Now, why we have different opinions on the current models and find a solution there.
07:31:12 Um, we do have different versions of the models, but I don't think it's fair to say that we can take the existing one is division one. And the proof that it's not my understanding.
07:31:25 Thanks.
07:31:29 Yeah, but we have to close some somewhere right. So, we need to continue to discuss, but we need to stay with our first initial version, unless you block the PLC.
07:31:42 Otherwise PVC has to wait. We don't want to keep you know changing the modeling and then developing data model and dependent can change your swagger we you know we don't want to keep doing that every time you change the other, you know, definition in
07:31:56 a based on two sec NFP alignment. We want stable, we're going to have a snapshot desktop, I'm talking about version one, and you move to a clean state and we're going to continue PLC.
07:32:07 And then we wanting to talk to you know the you know the you know next version Okay, there will be, you know, enhanced whatever you, we have to agree that, but that's what I think that this is a pretty simple request we fear to iterative face way, then
07:32:23 take the version one as a current one and then walking on the next one so this my understanding. Anyway, I need to move but.
07:32:32 Okay, thank you.
07:32:41 Catherine if you want to continue Yeah, I'm okay.
07:32:46 No, I just was thinking that maybe we can agree on Monday, the modal question one. Then we notify the concern but we learned with mother, and again I'm using term that maybe it is it is inaccurate but we need to define a starting point a starting point
07:33:12 for me was, what it is already used by the BBC, and then we need to explore what we need to prepare for the vision to. So, for Monday, if people want to put that in the modeling and then that will be good.
07:33:23 But let's at least ever for the invitation to where we are. And then let's see the vision to what it should be there or what it is the concern.
07:33:34 That's what I wanted to see. And that's why I was expressing with the dinner table coach because I'm pretty sure we need to add a major whatever, because we don't know there are still a lot of things we don't know yet.
07:33:48 But then we feel free to, to share our latest sold, and then I believe we need to close the meeting today.
07:33:58 Thank you, Catherine yes he's pretty late, and I think yes so the do the, the modeling.
07:34:10 I mean the the owner is become very good success I mean parties are implementations and that we do can work on the code, as we reach right so panda to publish the clean page we pretty strict on the continued rough consensus that was a community.
07:34:32 That's all I want to say thank you, Katrina we you can definitely more than welcome to join the Monday discussion. Thank you.
07:34:44 Okay, so I want to close this meeting there may be some quick items we need to go through our with skip the task force of the the SPC.
07:34:56 The only thing that we want to give you an adept, they will be an important workshop on March 1415 where we will discuss another important topic for the on App committee and the NGO community to find an alignment, because we, we want to move forward together,
07:35:18 and at this for not only to support the fire at bamboo king but to to also continue to collaborate on the future innovation and research.
07:35:32 So Mark your agenda for the past 15 because we will share additional alignment and discussion about own up and encode a why it's important that we are working together.
07:35:45 A why it's important that we are working together. And then don't forget.
07:35:48 A lot of clock change.
07:35:51 In March, so the cannon that will be in your property for a while.
07:35:55 That's the two topics I wanted to bring with you.
07:36:02 Anything else.
07:36:03 One more thing.
07:36:06 Yes.
07:36:06 Just remember that the timeframe is the same time frame where most of our community meetings are taking place so we'll probably have to cancel meetings on these Monday and Tuesday of the 1415, things like ppl architecture.
07:36:22 So please take that into consideration.
07:36:28 Thank you only
07:36:33 get started on the BOC with will not been in integration already.
07:36:38 Unfortunately I cannot join the senior class because meetings because, and then committees and committees because of the stitching and senior class committing because of it.
07:36:47 But I won't also give up my clarification from the POS, which is actually having internal team right.
07:36:56 Perhaps they can present it when we get time
07:37:00 that we need this issue. We can make an attempt.
07:37:04 Next week, to the CNS for for to the TC I'll see cotton actually do some personal on and again I don't want to discuss myself, but there's some personal commitment from me which I was just driving most of my energy right now.
07:37:17 And surely try to at least have a talk one to one with you at least or try to show it when we can.
07:37:23 But I'll try to present it as soon as possible.
07:37:28 Okay, so, for many for special non commitments for this comeback.