TSC 2022-05-12

TSC 2022-05-12

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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


LF Announcement


Release Status

Weekly Release Update

Jakarta release

    • 72h Stability Test Run (Status)?
    • Final Tests on Jakarta branch
  • License scan
  • Documentation status
  • #AGREED the TSC approves the RC milestone for the Jakarta as being met.
  • Sign Off - June 2

See security results - need Jira issues and waivers


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
    • Matt Watkins SSH access issues have been addressed and not digging into cause of wiki outages
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
    • SBOM tools - current challenges is around transitive dependencies. - trying to decide if a separate job is needed.
  • Kenny Paul add SBOM as topic to next weeks meeting  

PTL Updates

  • Support for changes to Integration test infra
  • Can we converge All the Integration Labs on ONAP UNH-IOL Lab i.e Orange Labs, ms Azure Labs, etc ?
    • Stability testing is a multi-day exercise - secondary lab needed for that
    • Gating testing can be migrated to UNH Lab, but tooling changes are needed
    • Daily should be migrated ASAP
    • Request made for GitLab pipeline 

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Proposal to move projects and repos from maintained to archived.


1st on agenda for next week

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) 

ONAP in TM Forum’s Multi-SDO Autonomous Networks seminar series 

Presently no ONAP candidate - will bring up the subject in the fall again

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

  • ONE Summit NA  Save the Date!
    • Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • In Person
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA  Save the Date!
    • Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • In Person

Zoom Chat Log

06:58:50 From  Alla Goldner  to  Everyone:
    #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:58:52 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Info Catherine lefevre; ATT
06:59:59 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:51 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
07:01:03 From  Andreas Geissler (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:01:32 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:01:37 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:45 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #info N.K. Shankar, STL
07:01:55 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
07:02:28 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:02:29 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:03:29 From  Sai Seshu  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
    Kenny, I might leave early today... Sashi will be my proxy in case I need to step aside, thank you.
07:03:42 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, The Linux Foundaiton
07:06:44 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #info Fred Oliveira, Self
07:09:14 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:10:10 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China mobile
07:10:26 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    Sorry for late
07:22:58 From  Michal JAGIELLO (T-Mobile PL)  to  Everyone:
07:27:46 From  Fiachra CORCORAN (EST)  to  Everyone:
07:40:11 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info I will have to leave the meeting soon. Byung will be my proxy for the remainder of the call.
07:40:31 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @Magnus - thank you
07:41:21 From  Byung-Woo Jun  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Byung-Woo Jun, Ericsson
07:59:49 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Sorry i need to disappear few mins for a surprise to one of my directors. I will be back soon. Amy is the proxy
08:05:39 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote does the TSC approve the RC milestone for the Jakarta as being met? +1, 0 -1
08:05:47 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:48 From  Andreas Geissler (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:49 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:55 From  Byung-Woo Jun  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:56 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:56 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:05:57 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:06:01 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:06:06 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:06:11 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:06:29 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:06:35 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
08:06:59 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED the TSC approves the RC milestone for the Jakarta as being met.
08:09:54 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    I am back
08:10:42 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Congrats team ) finish line now
08:27:20 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote does the TSC approve the stipulations #1,2 & 3 for Gitlab utilization as set forth in https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/8623? +1, 0 -1
08:27:33 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:35 From  Fred Oliveira  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:36 From  Byung-Woo Jun  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:41 From  Andreas Geissler (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:45 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:46 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:27:49 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:28:01 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:28:01 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:28:12 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:28:16 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
08:28:46 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Vote +1  keyboard issue
08:29:01 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED  the TSC approves the stipulations #1,2 & 3 for Gitlab utilization as set forth in https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/8623.
08:35:29 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    Sorry, need to drop now for the next call.


Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:06:31 Okay, go and got the little recording pop up. everyone comes in muted.
07:06:38 Please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking if you are on a phone line.
07:06:40 You may use Star 6, 2 unmute yourself and if you send me a private chat message.
07:06:46 I'll just cut and paste it into the meeting minutes and it'll be there for everyone to see and look at and and enjoy
07:06:57 We'll start by mentioning our antitrust policy you can find this policy linked from the Lf.
07:07:02 And all of the project. websites it's important where we've got multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:07:11 Please review it. If you have any questions please contact your Company's Legal Council members of the Lf.
07:07:16 May also contact Andrew up to Grove, from Gesmer, Uprove, Llp.
07:07:19 Which provides legal counsel to the lf let's see here, Fred, thank you
07:07:31 Stop share,
07:07:39 New share,
07:07:44 Okay, before we do anything else. do have bit of an announcement to make.
07:07:53 Some folks may be aware of this. as you know. Last week we had our company off site.
07:08:01 First time. We have done that since 2,017 that we all got together.
07:08:08 And unfortunately, during that event we lost our Cto.
07:08:17 He passed away at the event unexpectedly.
07:08:22 This was obviously quite a shock for everyone at the Lf.
07:08:27 And I just wanted to let everyone know, and I will drop the link here.
07:08:39 If you would like more information and how to contribute to shuba's memorial fund.
07:08:51 His son, I think, is 15. His daughter is 8. I think this is a older picture.
07:08:57 But yes, was quite unexpected for all of us, and in quite a shock.
07:09:03 So. i'll just drop that into the chat window and moments here to think Just so.
07:09:19 Oh, oh, prayer, or sold on definitely with the is the family of suburb
07:09:30 Yeah, thank you. I know that he's presented at this on this call a couple of different times.
07:09:36 So Yep. sad news. Okay, moving on we'll be talking about Jakarta.
07:09:50 Talk about integration. we've got our normal relative stuff discussion on unmaintained projects.
07:10:04 Magnus has an update here. talk about some of the standard housekeeping stuff, and the event and
07:10:17 Not that we've got on the agenda today. anything else to be added.
07:10:21 Thank you i'm home
07:10:28 Okay, David, I will stop sharing then and turn it over to you. Right?
07:10:35 Thanks, Kenny
07:10:42 Okay, as Kenny mentioned we're discussing Jakarta's specifically the Rc.
07:10:49 Milestone just refresh everyone's memory originally Rc.
07:10:57 Was scheduled for April 20, eighth, and the the Tsc.
07:11:02 We reviewed status 2 weeks ago today. and determined that we weren't quite ready. and so we agreed to move both the Rc.
07:11:15 And the sign-off milestones out to 2 weeks.
07:11:19 So and let's just take a look that's schedule.
07:11:25 Just remind everyone where we're at so here we are our c.
07:11:30 Out today on May twelfth, with sign off on June second
07:11:40 So. i'm happy to say that I in reviewing status last couple of days.
07:11:48 I really feel like the the team made good use of.
07:11:55 Of the the additional 2 weeks a lot of progress was made, both in completing release management tasks as well as improving the the integration status.
07:12:16 So let's see where we're at so with we have a 120 issues total 117 of those event close
07:12:29 Do we still have a handful of outstanding issue and notice that 2 of these are rail related to Oam, and I think, signed a Andreas and andreas.
07:12:42 I believe you're on the call did I see andreas yes, i'm here.
07:12:46 Yeah, and I I think you've been out on a holiday, if I remember right. no, i'm not not yet.
07:12:52 So I will be on holiday, will be okay So you're aware of these 2 issues, though there where I think no, the issues itself.
07:13:04 I think we have to check whether we have to close them already Let's see.
07:13:08 Maybe we have not close them in. So okay, we have not exactly.
07:13:12 We have not yet created the release branch that's correct this is what we had discussed yesterday.
07:13:19 When to do it, I and finally to do the according documentation I mean we have done the release. or if you have did the release update already on the master branch, and it's just a and and cleaned up the the
07:13:35 documentation already. but it's not yet we much less than let's say not in the chakanta branch at the moment.
07:13:43 So that's that's clear and we will do that after we have now decided on the Rc.
07:13:49 Because we wanted to wait until creating the release branch, because there were some still some candidates pushing their updated docker images or or home charts.
07:14:05 And we did do did want to do it quite late.
07:14:07 And the in in the whole chain. Yeah, Yeah. but everything is cool.
07:14:13 Okay, And And so you expect that you can complete these in the next day or 2.
07:14:17 , Yeah. Yeah. , Okay, all right. Okay, Thank you.
07:14:22 The documentation one can probably be close. Yeah.
07:14:28 , just to really just release prices. Alright: Yeah.
07:14:33 So please go ahead and update those when you get an opportunity.
07:14:37 And then I had. I think we had one here with Dan.
07:14:42 I know this one so marked as delivered Dan, Do you have an idea when you'll build the closest one out?
07:14:53 Stand on the call. sounds like a might not be well. He also said that the one add to be, Can you click it?
07:15:13 Yeah, we we need somebody to give you the code, I guess.
07:15:17 And since you posted oh, do Eastern om
07:15:23 It cannot sell for sounds free view, and so if we can have somebody else to give you.
07:15:28 I don't know Ishaka or andrea so anybody else can help to review it.
07:15:35 Yeah, it looks like , Jack as well. Yeah, I think we had yesterday come through that
07:15:48 And do you think the the looked at think quite okay from my side.
07:15:56 But let's see, we will we will do that for you yeah, and to the match.
07:15:59 Then, thank you. Okay. So all in all we're looking good for
07:16:07 Right release management tasks. and happy to say that all of our release management tasks for our requirement owners.
07:16:19 Have been completed. so thanks to all the requirement owners and i'm sure that the requirement subcommittee.
07:16:29 All. and Timo played role there as well. So thank you for your support and and getting those completed.
07:16:38 Okay, moving on to testing integration. I pulled up the most recent results for
07:16:51 X testing and vical, are you available? Can you walk us through this?
07:16:58 Hi: Yes, okay. So yesterday we had the fix for the health check, for in the house check we have one issue with a home health check.
07:17:08 But we can observe that you only for the orange lap, and none on the any other laps. So on the Dt.
07:17:22 And also on azuregating, and there was no no that kind of issue.
07:17:24 So, Yeah. But yesterday there was a fix for that.
07:17:33 Today the daily of an orange lab was not finished.
07:17:39 I rerun it and waiting for results so let's check if it's fixed and the the smoke test. we can see there is one failing test, but it's not it's well from time to time we have some
07:17:59 time some some issues. Oh, no, this time we can we don't only see the results.
07:18:03 But smoke tests are stable, and we have 100% passes in the smallest cases.
07:18:12 The only issues we still have is our with the security. So there are for for some components.
07:18:20 There are no waivers like for the non Sso end points.
07:18:27 There is currently okay, maybe not from the day.
07:18:31 But I I remember there is an no waiver for Sdc.
07:18:35 A front end, and so the waiver should be added. And there are also some components which, for which should be added waivers, or and their root pot should be removed fixed or fixed, or or the resource limits should be
07:18:52 all added as well. So the only thing what is missing is the security waivers or the fixes for several components.
07:19:04 Yeah. by out the tests are are stable for or most of the environments.
07:19:12 Only one issue on the Orange lab environment with home health check, which undergating on the Asia or Dt. Lab.
07:19:23 So of the project have the projects that are failing. These tests been notified so that they can submit the labors
07:19:41 Aware about this this failures thanks just on that though I think there's only there's only tickets on on the Om.
07:19:52 I don't know if there are tickets for the individual projects either
07:19:59 Like. There are 2 tickets assigned to me for the Uhl endpoints and the the root pods.
07:20:05 But they're om tickets I don't know if there are ones for the individual projects or components
07:20:17 I don't know the answer for that question is something for I believe. Bavo , so amy
07:20:26 Can you follow up with Popul? Could we take an action?
07:20:31 Because we need to look at if they are concerned about the security check from a security perspective.
07:20:39 And, as you said, we need to create a Java ticket.
07:20:44 So we we can track later on the concern and I understand it's not something which people once it's probably recommend that's what I was also checking with David yesterday.
07:20:56 Yeah. So break around the issue on the security test that requires some attention from the team.
07:21:02 Yes, we they those the the waiver files are actually reset to empty with each release.
07:21:12 So they have to be done. They have to be redone per release because there may be changes.
07:21:16 We don't want to carry we don't want to keep stale waivers around.
07:21:19 Yeah, there's no universal lifetime waiver Yeah, I think historically, historically, Morgan would have done that, as far as I can see.
07:21:32 Well what? actually all of the last one, the last one Morgan, was still here for the at least.
07:21:39 The last 2 releases, the projects were expected to go in themselves and update the file.
07:21:50 Hey? put that process in place, so that it wasn't you know all these emails floating around.
07:21:54 But are the pro? But the project team should be looking because the details
07:22:02 Actually could we put that the the findings up again
07:22:13 Yes, you can. You click exactly click, click, click, click, click, click on the link.
07:22:18 But this one there was an issue with the so That's what we were looking.
07:22:25 We were looking under , yeah. could we go to? Yeah.
07:22:27 So on this one, so go down and find which ones are the problems.
07:22:33 So here's the Sdc sdnc and so I believe those are the ones that have to be updated.
07:22:43 Is that correct? Is it? Are those the ones that have to have waivers?
07:22:51 Yeah, . no, no, no, no, no, no no it's not That test I will share.
07:22:58 I think it's not from the 11 but for from the tenth of May.
07:23:02 Take a look there, and there are free tests. We are based on root pots.
07:23:09 If you just open i'm showing David David just this open the link I sent on the chat.
07:23:16 Yeah. So you have to switch. And also David and David, if you would please. can you include that link in the meeting minutes?
07:23:24 Yes, thank you so much. Oh, grab The link Yeah i'm gonna grab it as well myself.
07:23:30 So still have the wrong one. Sorry I can share us as well.
07:23:47 So you have 19 pods that are have been launched as root.
07:23:54 Some reason I keep getting the wrong there's some of these awx and Cassandra.
07:24:01 I believe I don't know I have never understood who who is in charge of those. Then there's multi cloud not sure who spins up net box.
07:24:12 Oh, if not not sure who ends up strimsy, So, as far as I can tell, there's 2 for aaf Sorry to to dive into the weeds here. but if we can solve this one, maybe people can help me figure out
07:24:25 what needs to be done. No point in putting out a ticket for Af.
07:24:29 We know that those are not going to be done. Those are not going to be fixed.
07:24:33 They should automatically be updated. Awx I don't know who the owner is.
07:24:38 Cassandra don't know who the owner is net box don't know who the owner is strimsy.
07:24:43 Same thing. So who it? who actually has to enter the requirement, the waiver.
07:24:51 So a Wx and net box are, part of the contract package which is less, let's say, not well maintained compound, which was, let's say, only let's say giving additional whatever for testing purpose components this is part
07:25:08 of Olm basically So it's I should not always will usually not be used in protection.
07:25:18 As to my understanding. So it was just an let's say an add-on for testing purposes.
07:25:24 Maybe then we have to raise and waiver for that, because no one is really maintaining them.
07:25:29 Even or also not in all m right that's and that was the Awx.
07:25:34 You said Awx and the net box. Okay,
07:25:39 And okay, swimsy is new now which is integrated as let's say successful, for for the d map Kafka installation.
07:25:52 So it's done by this last trimsy component Source room seat operator, I can. I can like i'll submit a way before.
07:26:02 Okay, You said you would do that. So what what project is it part of?
07:26:05 Because is this being scanned I i'm not going to worry about it for this release to be honest.
07:26:12 Yeah, that was the to show you project was added by me.
07:26:16 Okay, cool. , So yeah,
07:26:22 And of course the Cassandra and the etc.
07:26:27 Are, let's say created by templates which are part, of course, also of all.
07:26:37 And yeah, so the components like of are using, etCD templates.
07:26:47 And the Cassandra is also, as I said, also actually owned.
07:26:50 Yeah, so it looks like multi cloud is perhaps the only one that needs to have multi cloud in the Of are the only 2 that need to have somebody.
07:27:01 I don't have jars raised for them although I think The epCD in multi Cloud, i'm not completely sure but it it's I think also the same as the old f etc.
07:27:14 So these are the both. So the the multi-cloud eCD container, and the has eCD container of all F of having the same source.
07:27:26 Yeah. So which is the template of being part of all.
07:27:31 All only the F cups. I think that the multi-cloud f cups.
07:27:35 I think this is a the rabbit Mq container.
07:27:38 I think this is done by them, so that would be multi cloud, so who will take?
07:27:44 So then Olf will take care of the multi cloud Kubernetes at CD, so at CD.
07:27:53 Most likely would would be also O M. responsibility so then there's only a single one that has to be done.
07:28:04 And by the way, Catherine, the way, I believe that the global requirements were written for these tests is that it should already be the the projects are supposed to either not run as root or enter a waiver.
07:28:19 I I believe that we did that a couple of releases ago.
07:28:21 So I don't know that additional work needs to be raised for them.
07:28:25 Well, if it is, as you said, already covered by a weaver, that that we then we know where we are.
07:28:32 We just hope that one they, the team, will be able to address it.
07:28:37 But because we didn't really collate I would say I I was not really correlating when we were reviewing everything we did it last night was the we were.
07:28:51 And who is the problem? all right, so That's why we saw, we will bring.
07:28:55 We will ask Misha, to present it and i'm sure that any of you like you, amy will advise us about it to move forward.
07:29:03 Alright thank you I i'll create I will create i'll talk to Pablo, but i'll also create a jer a ticket for multi-cloud for f caps
07:29:18 That's the only one I think that I see that's open that we have to do something I don't know who's going to handle updating the file for aaf it's un maintained I can take if it's
07:29:29 un maintained. Thank you so much. . And then I would say that for the Un.
07:29:34 Maintained projects that are you know the if specifically let's just leave that because it's never going to be fixed.
07:29:43 So let's just realize that that that's gonna be carried through until Af is removed from the o Oh, own app.
07:29:51 Yeah, you can see in the list of the waivers that are just commented.
07:29:56 But they needed to be commented out like on the I don't know which line it is about this and but still needed components.
07:30:04 Section there is Af for example, so that should be uncommoned and should work.
07:30:11 So Is there a line there that's commented out for F.
07:30:15 Caps, because I feel like this One's been going on for a while.
07:30:18 I believe the yeah Multi-clode Have cups it's also.
07:30:23 Commented out. you can see yeah I can see I can see that . i'll tell you what to make this easy, since there's only one that needs a that there's only one that needs a gira. ticket.
07:30:34 Why don't we? uncommon all of this list of however, above 19, because essentially 18 of them have to be done by Om anyway.
07:30:43 And then pavil, and I will approve because I think that's the fastest way to have it.
07:30:55 Happen
07:30:56 Can I say something about molecular Fcs: please?
07:31:01 This one red rabbit i'm in the third party container is not owned by us, but we use that in Hamilton.
07:31:09 So how come, how come we come with that Well, that's Why, the waiver process is in place, If if Rabbit Mq.
07:31:18 Has to have has to run us route. we understand that there are cases where that has to happen.
07:31:23 That's why the waiver process that way you don't get dinged for it
07:31:31 So I I know it. It won't be fixed until Rabbit Mq.
07:31:35 Fixes or doesn't run as root or you find a different solution.
07:31:41 Okay, So that's just you know that's technically you have to do that.
07:31:44 And it's we understand that Okay, that is thank you you're welcome,
07:31:57 So me how i'll look through the others and see you know maybe send out to you and figure out what which ones, or if you could look at them, actually would you take a look at the other ones that are failing and figure out
07:32:10 which ones have to be upgr up which ones O. M can make the change, too.
07:32:15 Yeah, there is also one for the no necessary endpoints.
07:32:21 There is an there is a sdc front end , and I know I think that there's an af one that doesn't have that.
07:32:28 And again, there is a there's actually a a a reason that it doesn't have that it's a Bootstrap issue.
07:32:37 So that one can also be changed. That should always be a waiver.
07:32:44 But anyway, if you take a look at that and send me the things that are not ones that changes the community by Ohm
07:32:52 Then i'll take care of that Okay, thank you
07:33:05 All right. let's let's take a look at integration test status.
07:33:16 I followed up with the number of the the requirement owners yesterday and some of these had not been updated.
07:33:27 So, as you can see now, looking at this column, integration test status testing has been completed for
07:33:36 All of our Chicago requirements, which is good news.
07:33:46 So thank you. Requirement owners for updating the test results. Tara.
07:33:52 The test status see blocking points we already talked about this little bit.
07:34:01 I think there's some other issues here? though M. Cal?
07:34:05 Do you want to walk us through these? high priority issues
07:34:15 Yeah, okay, this least should it be it should be updated because we don't see right now any blocking points to be on the high priority. even.
07:34:25 It's this task are: Yeah, I yeah it needs to be updated.
07:34:32 I I need to talk with Fukashi. This is still a multi-cloud Kubernetes contained Gplv free, and it is mission.
07:34:43 It is initial, but being always on the call e as open an exception, because that's something it's just covered by a weaver.
07:34:50 Okay, so we might want to move bin if there is a weaver for this release, you might want to move to the cool cleanings as a potential target.
07:35:02 Min, Is it okay with you? Do you hear me thing I saw been before being young.
07:35:15 Yeah, he was speaking just a minute ago. Yeah, it's maybe back on mute.
07:35:24 I still see them on the call then you're on mute
07:35:31 You may have stepped away for a minute. Okay, so anyway, I I think i'm aligned with what you said Michelle.
07:35:39 We need to do some cleanup. Yeah,
07:36:22 So will david's typing that I don't know based upon the conversation that we just had.
07:36:29 Whether the 2 2 action items above the line where david's typing still up
07:36:38 They don't make call is going to create the waivers, the waivers for the root pods, and he and I are going to.
07:36:49 He's going to look at the other tests and figure out at to figure out which ones are not handled by O.
07:36:54 N: Okay, and then we will create, and then Pavil and I will create Jira tickets as needed.
07:37:04 Okay, Thank you.
07:37:22 Alright and then let's see , and the versions Did we already discuss these earlier
07:37:37 Hey, Kal? Now the alexander is currently no active contributor, and this Rob probably should be moved to another release, because it's not , I I I don't know to be honest the status I asked Alexander a
07:37:58 couple of times, but it didn't response and didn't go out and don't participate integration meetings , All right.
07:38:16 Are there any security related issue there any problems? If we push this out
07:38:25 So okay, I'm gonna removed to carter release here
07:38:37 And I'm gonna go ahead and reassign this to you, Mikal, and then you can reassign it as as you see fit.
07:38:45 Okay, Yeah. Okay,
07:39:27 Let's see here
07:39:36 For the robot. there's a certificate to create an exception.
07:39:42 And added the weaver for for tests so that can be close, I believe, or move to download the release. I don't know what's the
07:39:57 Yeah, I see where you you added an exception back in March, and also add that we are on the the ripple that's why we don't see that on the test results.
07:40:13 Okay, So move this out to cone
07:40:41 And then this other one setcom 2, 7, one Amy or Pablo.
07:40:48 Are you familiar with this? 1, 2, 7, One is an old.
07:40:55 That is an old global requirement, I believe, record. Oh, I know what this one is.
07:41:01 So we always have with every release we look at some of the infrastructure stuff.
07:41:08 That's a fairly long list and updated this was our request for number of years ago, from Morgan.
07:41:15 I don't know if the yaml has been updated or not.
07:41:20 We did provide. We there's out on the Wiki There's our our updated list from for the Jakarta release.
07:41:29 I don't know if anyone updated it in the yeah the recommended version, Seattle.
07:41:37 I do see that update Recommended versions has been merged.
07:41:43 Oh, cool. Yeah, everything has been worked so it should move to deliver. Yeah.
07:41:49 But but this one is This was before we wait a minute, so remember that this is a very look at the number on this.
07:41:58 This is a pretty old release. Essentially this should be a global requirement.
07:42:10 So I don't know how to handle this close It Let me figure out what how we have to handle This The last update was done in December.
07:42:21 21. Yeah. Well, Cisco was created in December of 21 too.
07:42:27 This probably was This may have been for this release alright.
07:42:32 So we'll have to create one of these richard Carter so sorry for Cone.
07:42:37 Okay, because this was for Jacob alright. so I can go ahead and close this
07:43:10 Toolbar is blocking me here Alright, terrific
07:43:25 Okay, and I let's see I think you were telling you were saying something about this This one.
07:43:33 Yes, i'll sorry remind me what we need to do here, if anything, or did we already do it?
07:43:42 Oh, I I changed the Did I change this one? Yes, you moved from the the cartoonaries.
07:43:53 Okay, because i've added to waiver and the exception okay, alright,
07:44:01 And then gplv 3
07:44:14 Let's see we have one from assess you or so
07:44:23 One for Krishna
07:44:34 I'll have a look at this and get back yeah, sorry. Was that such, too?
07:44:42 Yeah, I'm saying this is the 3 Okay, , alright.
07:44:52 I'll i'll take an action to follow up offline.
07:44:58 Sure with these other 2
07:46:15 Okay. good. So I think that takes us through
07:46:23 The integration, blocking points. See if I could find my
07:46:37 Now. of course, it lost the agenda
07:46:48 Okay, So we talked about blocking points. let's take a quick look at the weather board.
07:46:59 I walked through all of the the pair.
07:47:08 Why tests pairwise testing reports, and those all look good.
07:47:18 I did provide some feedback to on one or 2 of these.
07:47:22 One thing Catherine and I were talking about was the this Health Check Company, which gets updated by O.
07:47:33 M and I know we've we've had some turnover with oem committers the ptl, and so on.
07:47:47 Can fiatra. or andreas or someone who's working on Om could you take a look at those you might fill in in this column.
07:47:59 Yeah, I guess the health check is more related to the outcome of the I guess, of the of the health checks within the integration tests Right?
07:48:11 So end to end. this. I I I suspect. So therefore, yeah.
07:48:15 Okay, , I think we can , put all of them at least as they as long as they are existing in the health check tool.
07:48:24 Awesome. Okay, alright. Thank you.
07:48:34 Last Andreas
07:48:51 Okay.
07:48:57 We already talked about root pods. Mikal.
07:49:04 How can I find the stability, latest stability test results?
07:49:08 Can you, discuss those a little bit? Yeah, I can share the latest results links.
07:49:16 Or I can just sure. if you if you give me a presenter rights, I can show you.
07:49:28 Sure, maybe that will be faster done. Thanks. Give me a second
07:50:02 Hey? This is basically
07:50:04 Hey? This is basic Vm: I've run it at the beginning of my with recommendations of Morgan, because before the test well, global success rate was pretty low.
07:50:16 About 50% like this, like 1995%.
07:50:22 For basic Vm: And this is basic on board and we've robust, this criteria.
07:50:30 92%. This are the latest weekly ability results
07:50:41 5 to need 95% for basic Vm: with the
07:50:49 One replica replica set of Maria Dp.
07:50:51 Set to one instead of free and basic onboard with the standard standard Free Rip free, Maria Db. replicas.
07:51:03 So how do you feel about these results? Yeah, Pretty well. after the the which we what we did with Maria Sdc.
07:51:16 Which were a bit unstable right now with the W.
07:51:21 When we back to the previous version of the istanbul is it's very stable We have very stable tests and smoke tests.
07:51:29 I believe that's why, that yeah that's that's good results.
07:51:35 And if you ask for a recommendation, I can give the plus one for for for these results, and that's that's that's good.
07:51:46 Okay, Yeah, of course there's from time to time there's some errors during the onboard on the instantiation.
07:51:53 But take a look that we have about 1,000 tests and failures.
07:52:00 So we have yeah, that's that's that's really good.
07:52:06 Maybe my opinion Katherine. any comments? Questions? no,
07:52:13 I think I i've understood what michelle said to us? So the thing that in the good range based on what you said, do you plan to do a final one?
07:52:25 Or do we need to consider that one as a finance, since we have 95% 6. rate?
07:52:33 Yeah, I can run this test wherever it's sometimes during the running the test, and this can be probably something which can be fixed during the but before after, during the next release.
07:52:53 The instantiation is stable, but that test Well, I would say it's not so. that's why it's not always with the weekly results, and when you want to retry you need to run for the on the fresh
07:53:07 instance, So that's quite time consuming together these results that's gonna be fixed, and I can rerun this test wherever I want.
07:53:18 I want, so we can run this again, and I plan to run as always, as every week.
07:53:25 I plan to run weekly and try to get the results for the stability we, I can rerun it to just to confirm that this result is not and exception. and we have a stable more than 90% global success
07:53:41 rate, if you wish. Well, that would be fantastic, can do so.
07:53:46 Before the sign of yeah that's great thank you so much.
07:53:52 Okay, So we're gonna rerun the stability test one more time before sign off
07:54:12 See,
07:54:45 Okay, Thank you. Mikal. Okay. So we talked about oh, the we just One thing I mean, Cal, just as a reminder.
07:55:02 That this came up on Istanbul.
07:55:08 Just making sure that now that We've created our release branch that we want to get testing set up on the on the release branch and do the testing there Forjakarta until sign off that makes sense.
07:55:24 Yeah, yeah, I I I created pipeline to write to run Jakarta, Already it's ready.
07:55:35 But there was no release branch on the Om. and if Om.
07:55:41 Branch is ready, I can run a daily test on Jakarta.
07:55:49 Okay. terrific. just in terms of the relief to release primes like there are still incoming patches on Om like there are several submitted today.
07:56:04 I did a sentimental last Tuesday to ask people to submit before close business on Friday, and because it takes a long time, like as we all know, the gates take the full gate can take up to 10 h Yeah.
07:56:20 So I Yeah, I I appeal again to Ptl, etcetera, after all. and reviews, you may need to defer some of them to K. Okay, to be able to code to release branch Alright, Do you have a list of
07:56:38 those outstanding projects or or can you copy me on on your email.
07:56:48 Yeah, it's it's third winter maybe 3 or 4 left for for J.
07:56:54 I think. But yeah, I just I probably anticipate more coming in Yeah.
07:57:02 Alright. Yeah. So let me call it obviously you'll need to coordinate with fiatra on when we can start daily.
07:57:14 So on the branch
07:57:19 Alright when myself and Kenny and Catherine met yesterday.
07:57:26 We were talking about license, scan results.
07:57:31 And I I think many of you will remember we had a little bit of a hiccup disruption.
07:57:38 In our license, scanning Steve Winslow, who had been doing it for years, actually left.
07:57:53 Lf: I think, around the start of the year. Anyway, it was.
07:57:56 It was roughly midway through the Jakarta release.
07:58:01 It took some time before they came came up with an alternative.
07:58:04 So we have a a new guy what's his name Kenny Jeff.
07:58:14 Shapiro shapiro thank you and Jeff is doing the scans a little bit differently.
07:58:21 He's he's basically doing them upon request whereas Steve, you know, would basically just run the the test monthly and then push out the results to us.
07:58:32 Jeff is running them on request, and I So it it took a little while to adapt to that.
07:58:41 And so the the scans for Jakarta were somewhat disrupted.
07:58:49 The last one that we had for Jakarta was back in March, and Katherine said that it would be good for Jakarta if we could have one more scan before sign off.
07:59:01 So I reached out to Jeff Shapiro, and he said that he could run another scan for next week.
07:59:10 And so I may add another task to the sign-off tasks, and then to review the scan results prior to sign off so ptls watch for that for cone i've already come up
07:59:28 with a schedule with jeff we'll get 3 scans throughout the period of the cone release, and those those will be associated with key milestones.
07:59:45 So that that's how we'll do things going forward. document just just assign notes. if you don't mind David. So we need to do a few minutes I just wanted to say if we find findings that.
08:00:03 Require a lot of cool changes. we will. What we ask for the Ptl will be to track it.
08:00:09 We need to track it as part of the next release, right?
08:00:12 Because we are tied to the end of this schedule.
08:00:16 We think we will not find any concern with the license stores.
08:00:24 So I just wanted to be sure that the the Ptr are not thinking we had a lot of work.
08:00:30 The only thing we want to do. we understand the analyze.
08:00:35 If it is 2 or not 2, and then we we track this task for for the for the next.
08:00:43 Does it make sense
08:00:48 Yep: Okay, Thanks. . any questions about that.
08:00:59 Okay, So on drinking. or Thomas, can you talk a little bit about documentation status for Jacoba?
08:01:10 So Thomas is at the moment on the vacation. So yeah, we just had our meeting or documentation meeting right beforehand, and updated the the list in in the release.
08:01:29 Now in the release. list, there are still some components which have not delivered.
08:01:40 Oh, I have not branch, of course. allm is one of them if it's clear.
08:01:44 But this is this is clear. We have i've just try to check some of them.
08:01:55 So smaller issues which need to be done and we have some components where we actually don't
08:02:04 No, if there will be any progress or not on that. for example, the Ci project.
08:02:10 So the Cli project was not updated for a long time, and I would say, I don't expect any any release notes for Cli at at the moment, so no reaction. I think Then we have modeling, which has no release note or no
08:02:31 branch created no release not created. Okay? Oh, m is clear but then we have it.
08:02:39 But it's not yet branch that's just the easy thing I have at the moment in O.
08:02:44 F. in O. M. one problem which is related to the set service.
08:02:51 I will try together with it, Eric. Fix that. because the platform search service of all M.
08:03:00 Has an issue with outdated certificates and I don't know how to fix that.
08:03:04 So the document is there. I I added the document, but I was not able to solve the certificate issue. So that needs to be a build process changed. and whatever I have no idea, And the maintenance from nokia are not available anymore.
08:03:22 I think but maybe sobound will help us.
08:03:28 With that respect. What else the vnf sdk model documentation is also not available at the moment on the so no no release notes on that.
08:03:45 They're both clothing. and Vnf Sdk did not participate in the Chicago release. put that in the documentation status page, Yeah.
08:04:00 The The good news is that I have. I reached out to kind of garage and asked him about status.
08:04:14 Those 2 projects for the cone release. And he said that they are planning on participating in the cone release.
08:04:21 So those those projects will be coming back and down now, so that's good news.
08:04:28 Okay, thank you. Andreas so we we do have a few issues that we're sorting out
08:04:39 But in general, I think that we're in good shape for the the Rc.
08:04:44 Miles now. so my recommendation is that the Tsc. go ahead and approve
08:04:53 The the Rc. milestone. and the the issues that we've identified.
08:05:02 We will plan to resolve prior to sign up.
08:05:06 Yeah. Do we wanna put that specific stipulation into the vote?
08:05:11 Or do we wanna just say that we've met it I I would just say that that we bet it.
08:05:19 Okay, I'm going to , questions or objections to that
08:05:29 Okay, So what I'm going to put into the chat is does the Tsc.
08:05:33 Approve the Rc. milestone for the Jakarta release, as being met
08:05:42 Planck in progress,
08:06:18 Okay, i'll give it 10 more seconds
08:06:31 4, 3, 2, one, and that is approved
08:06:45 Thank you.
08:07:03 Babo. Okay, I know that Catherine had to step away for a moment. Okay, thanks, Kenny.
08:07:18 And thanks. Tsc: I know that was a lot of information to cover.
08:07:25 Obviously, Rc. is critical milestone. So thank you for hanging in there and for your patience and for your engagement.
08:07:34 As we worked through that, and just as final, reminder sign off is scheduled for June second, and unless there any questions or comments that's it for me, Kenny.
08:07:47 Okay,
08:07:55 Okay, Duke. i'm not aware of any specific relative. I I do know that the wiki seems to have been a bit recalcitrant lately.
08:08:17 Yeah, kenny on that topic actually i've got my ssh server access sorted now, and in fact, during this call I've actually been looking through the server logs from yesterday try and find out why it fell over
08:08:28 and lastly, I don't have a tool Dick to do log logs looking for known problems in their knowledge. base.
08:08:34 And what i'll do is i'll run at some point just to see if we can find out what it.
08:08:38 What is doing. I think the cpu load at times is an issue, but it might be that by the Java heap size is set too small, and the garbage collectors kicking in, and that's causing it to lock up
08:08:46 but some i'll take it away as a something we need to follow up on
08:08:51 It's happened, I think, 3 times in the last week and I think we need to get to the bomb of the underlying course.
08:08:56 Okay, So leave that with me
08:09:19 Now digging into
08:09:30 Because of
08:09:38 Okay, anyone have anything else? Yeah. There was an email thread started by Jessica about the readiness of the spong generation tool.
08:09:52 But can someone from second maybe refresh my memory about? what did we agree on doing with relation to as bond
08:10:02 So as bomb is is going to be automatically generated so it's nothing that you have to to do explicitly by a project.
08:10:12 I don't recall I didn't is ludicrous on the call, because he's the one that's been following up with with as phone and he's the one that's in charge of that
08:10:25 I don't think I i've been talking to him, and I've been working with Vj as well.
08:10:34 The the project ptls has to enable as far in the staging job.
08:10:42 I sent the instructions on how to do it however, the main, the main issue that we're facing right now is with the transitive dependencies.
08:10:50 So basically, we tried, we tried to build this for one of the Dcae repos and it fails, because basically there's one expect other depending repositories to be present.
08:11:06 So that it can do the proper scan with all the dependencies.
08:11:08 And if it is just one isolated repo, which is what we normally do like clone that particular repo and run the staging job.
08:11:17 The spam is not able to detect the dependencies so absolutely.
08:11:26 No discussion with Bej whether we probably either figure out how to include the dependencies via the settings file. or if this looks more like a new job that we're gonna need with a multiple Sm: kind of structure, So we're still
08:11:41 looking into that, and I have a meeting today with my team.
08:11:45 So i'm gonna bring this up and see whether there's other ideas that can pop, but that that that's gonna happen with that that issue is gonna happen with Repos and that depend on others to build a full dependency.
08:12:09 Tree,
08:12:10 So can we consider it as kind of the bullies in your court, Jessica, And you'll update us when you have.
08:12:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean for now, if there's nothing blocking the teams for enabling them.
08:12:24 I think it it it's very difficult for me to say which ripples are gonna have this issue, or which ones are not gonna have this issue.
08:12:33 So I think the best course of action here is to for teams to enable it, and and I can take a look and see how how to tackle this problem, which is the same Pix is Probably gonna be the same.
08:12:48 For any other project facing the same issue. but if people want to try it.
08:12:55 It's just a matter of enabling a flag in in their demo file in for their staging job.
08:13:03 So a bit confused. I mean Did we ever decide?
08:13:07 You know up that we will enable it and who's responding just trying to make sure that it doesn't fall between the cracks and actually the connection Yeah, I think modestar had in mind that
08:13:21 we will enable it, and as far as some concern he was expecting for teams to to take action on enable in it.
08:13:30 And that's why I resend the email a few days ago.
08:13:34 So. Yes, it is expected to be enabled and
08:13:42 Yep: Yeah. Okay, thanks, Kenny. Maybe we can follow up next Tsc.
08:13:48 Meeting with mudesar or over email just making sure that it's it's been taken care of
08:14:29 Thank you. Okay, Catherine. I hope that the surprise was a good surprise, for it was .
08:14:39 Was retiring. Yeah, it was. And we had this liberation yesterday.
08:14:43 We were just continuing the story today with the nice gift.
08:14:48 So. thank you to me to step up when why I was doing this the next items it's regarding the infrastructure as you know, the you and H Lap, I just summarize the name which is the new
08:15:03 name of the wind heverlap, I would say, for the people who have not yet realized was delivered sometimes ago, and big kudos again to the company or give it. We know that the development team is already on boarded
08:15:19 somehow the question that I wanted to address, because we we start to have Mercy lap, and we have 30 laps.
08:15:26 But some of them we know we will need to replace i'm, mentioning as an example the orange lab.
08:15:33 We know that the orange team at 1 point we need to take it over, and we don't want to lose all the benefit of the gating that has been built previously by the integration. team.
08:15:45 They are also the Microsoft Asia Lab, which was an extension while the Wind River lot was not acting as well.
08:15:53 So I have an overall question, because I will not challenge the need of having a different environment, because it's clear.
08:16:05 Today. You have heard that we are using it for stability testroom for dedicating for everyone proposals.
08:16:12 So I just wanted to, if we can at least start to review all what we were using before, and see.
08:16:21 Can the new lap welcome anything that we might lose?
08:16:27 Oh, do we still need to have an addundom to the you?
08:16:32 Nh: Because it cannot cover all of needs from an integration from a testing perspective.
08:16:38 Does it make sense the question that i've just reached here
08:16:47 Oh, well, for sure. we need to migrate from the orange lap, as you mentioned Katherine.
08:16:54 So, and at least as far as I see the in the tenant for integration.
08:17:01 It fits the requirements to run daily tests for sure and if we don't run daily on weekends, we can also run weekly, but without stability, because stability tests takes 48 h or
08:17:19 24, or up to more than 24 h.
08:17:24 So the type that the lab cannot be destroyed So then we can run daily tests, only I don't know Thursday on Friday.
08:17:35 So we need to have an secondary lab for for stability. That's so for weekly gating, if we have resources, because these are additional 2 labs to on app instances, we need to create Yes, we can
08:17:54 migrate from Asia to do you university?
08:18:01 You can try your lap me great gating but it's not a simple, because there are also other several other components needs to be migrated, because gating it's not only a lapse not only
08:18:22 orange labs, not only pipelines, but also an applications which triggered the pipelines on Jerry to change, and also save the results of pipelines on Jerry.
08:18:40 So this is a communication between pipelines and and Jared, done by
08:18:50 Applications created by I don't know sylvan and Morgan the gating creators. So so so in migration of gating is possible, but not in.
08:19:09 Not soon, I would say with daily we should migrate, I believe, as soon as possible.
08:19:15 And also we need to consider creating a a project on Github.
08:19:22 I mentioned that a couple of times, or ask Orange to to participate the Get lab open source program, because from the first of June there will be a limitation of of minutes that the pipelines can be run and it will
08:19:46 be 400 min, and you need to know that one gating pipeline.
08:19:55 It's about 2 h, so we will run 2 up to 3 pipelines, gating pipelines per month only, and we have free pipelines right now.
08:20:11 Frigating pipelines in half a day, so we will reach.
08:20:17 We will be out of the limit in in one day of of the minutes.
08:20:22 So this is a risk that we can. After the first June we can lost gating and orange daily.
08:20:33 So so I don't know eric is on the call and we can , I think it's possible to to to where?
08:20:44 Because the code in a in a different product. Yeah.
08:20:53 Right now we don't have a step on on Github to to me great from an orange pipelines into Lfn.
08:21:02 There is a a on a project on, github on a group, and I asked to create an integration subgroup to run pipelines there.
08:21:16 I believe it's it can be easier maintained on a project if it's under a life group.
08:21:24 But it's still not done so on on that clarify that. and I think I I don't see any program you know on shy to that's it to to to migrate the code
08:21:39 towards the phenomenon. Yeah. So that I actually have the action item to take that to a vote. I said.
08:21:49 I was going to do that here. and i'm sorry that I did not do so.
08:21:54 Here are the stipulations. for that because because we won't support a split environment.
08:22:03 However, we can provide support for this specific use case, which is get lab ci for the purposes of testing, and do that as a standalone thing for for the long term.
08:22:19 I mean I ideally we'd like to See this contributed to a into the integration project is seed code.
08:22:30 I don't know if it is or not or if we are just planning to fork the code into a new repo
08:22:38 The reason for that is We've got a fairly fairly robust process for bringing new seed code in and and a lot of the same checks.
08:22:51 Aren't put in place for for for code that gets forked and and might be issues down the road.
08:22:57 But that's beside the point at the moment the requirements would be all commits from the get lab repo would require a Dc.
08:23:07 On a cla sign off and the appropriate license, just as everything else in the project does.
08:23:15 The purpose of that get lab repo would be for running pipelines only
08:23:26 And that repo would not be used for any development code for any own app components.
08:23:34 If at some point there's a renewed desire from the company, from the Company, from the project to evaluate git lab as an alternative to garrett for code
08:23:50 We would need to do a new pilot and get that approved by the the Tsc.
08:23:59 And everything else. So if if these provisions are acceptable i'm happy to put that to a vote right Now, Yep, that's fine.
08:24:19 Maybe only with this not working well, we have already. working maintained and major pipelines, and I I maybe i'm not understand what does mean the seat code, but doing everything from Scratch.
08:24:37 Yeah, we'll take some time and if we can just you reuse the code, which was done by integration.
08:24:45 Team. what By by Morgan and 7 also will be great, because it will not take so long to just migrate from one into another.
08:25:00 Yep and and we've found the on the principal.
08:25:04 On your hard on the program for us I i'm sorry Eric.
08:25:09 I I talked over. you. Yeah, I I just said I don't see any problem to to to mind right? the Colonel.
08:25:18 Yeah, that's that that is not a stipulation that is not a stipulation.
08:25:25 That is something that that as the Lf. we would prefer to see it done that way,
08:25:27 But that is not a stipulation. We we would put on this.
08:25:31 The stipulations are one numbers 1 2 and 3 okay that's that's fine.
08:25:43 Okay, so let me type that up. on on that piece and while i'm typing that if katherine if you want to continue the the discussion here.
08:25:59 Yes, i'm just because there are maybe other topics that the team wants to address, and we have only 5 min few minutes left. So I think.
08:26:08 Let's take an action I think we have a pass to move for let's do the vote.
08:26:12 Let's do the forward within the next 5 min that at least we have already an agreement on the next step.
08:26:18 Is it possible? kenny yep Well, yeah i'm typing it up?
08:26:39 Yeah,
08:26:40 Yeah,
08:27:04 Okay, does this Tsc: approve, the stipulation's numbers, 1, 2, and 3 for gitlab utilization is set forth in the email message: 8, 6, 2, 3,
08:27:26 And again we are talking about those
08:28:07 Give it a couple more seconds
08:28:19 Okay, that's approved i'll put that into the minutes, and that can be referenced in the ticket, cause there is a ticket all open on this already.
08:28:33 For the approval of that. Thank you.
08:28:52 Alright. So what I would suggest We have only a few minutes left, maybe. Michelle, we can work offline and in 95.
08:29:00 What we could continue to merge on the Because on the own up.
08:29:06 Unh, and if there is additional needs regarding your what you need to do was water right?
08:29:15 Because today we have only address one aspect of it which is the good lab.
08:29:20 But we also need to see, in terms of lap itself.
08:29:25 What would be your need? Is you enh you in H enough, or do we need anything else?
08:29:31 Does it make sense
08:29:42 Okay,
08:29:46 Thank you for that. let's really something important for for integration team.
08:29:54 Yeah, welcome, Michelle. You are all gamekeeper with your your team members.
08:30:01 So well want to be sure that you are well equipped.
08:30:05 Alright. maybe we can quickly look at the remaining topics, and potentially, is there anything in that we want to highlight?
08:30:17 Oh, the rest will be postponed to next week.
08:30:20 Maybe we want to highlight 200. We need to vote because of the deadline is tomorrow.
08:30:25 We have received only one entership submission which is related to support the use case. Ui Project. since there is only one I guess in we we put Oh, there are any other new just the one.
08:30:44 Okay? So by default. No contention for it so we only had one.
08:30:55 So that's been moved to approved it just to comment i'm sure it's a great project. but it, it, we really should make some effort to review them and and bet them a little having been involved in this in the
08:31:12 past, I I know Occasionally we would get proposals for things that you know would require years of effort or just were not feasible for one reason or another.
08:31:27 So even though it's it's just one it it you know it's it's worth it having the Tsc.
08:31:33 Review it embedded. and just make sure that it makes sense.
08:31:37 I believe this one is
08:31:47 No, maybe not. and I and i'm not meaning to cast dispersions here on this particular proposal i'm just.
08:31:55 I'm just saying that in in general it's a good idea
08:32:02 Well, I will leave that up to the Tsc. to decide.
08:32:05 We are up against the deadline, and we are 2 min over time for the meeting.
08:32:11 So kenny i'd like to request that the unmaintained project get moved up on the agenda from the next meeting, just because we'd like to get this going in the cone. release.
08:32:25 So we just wanna make sure. So the Un maintained Project Subcommittee or Chess group has has a proposal.
08:32:34 We just want to get in front of the tsc to make sure that they that they like the idea it's been vetted with architecture, with the ptls, with lots of others.
08:32:49 Thanks,
08:32:50 And I know that Magnus, had to drop so we didn't get that the main thing here. please register for the Portugal event.
08:33:06 Please, please, please, please, please. Highly important. We have had numerous people saying, will you be accommodating remote presentations and remote attendance?
08:33:23 We will be making available zoom bridges.
08:33:29 We know in the past that remote presentations are usually not well received.
08:33:39 And in order to accommodate that requires a great deal of additional infrastructure, additional hardware, additional integration.
08:33:50 None of which was budgeted, and those decisions were made after our event in Prague
08:33:58 Given the feedback that we received. for that. So we will have a staff meeting today, where we will be discussing this.
08:34:09 But there is no budget for the necessary infrastructure to facilitate a hybrid event
08:34:21 And, like, you know, provide more information when we after today's meeting.
08:34:31 We've got a couple of ideas that that we're batting around
08:34:34 But as always, we will make zoom bridges available.
08:34:37 It will be the responsibility of the individuals in the room.
08:34:42 To make sure that those are up and connected to the associated appropriate bridges.
08:34:47 But there will be no integration with any of the Av.
08:34:52 Equipment,
08:35:02 So there you have the current state of affairs. Sorry! What?
08:35:10 What? what text mean it that? yeah, it's for 2 presenting remotely, that sure that it would be available but attending option, right attending remotely, is still an option But it is fully dependent upon the
08:35:27 community to connect to the bridge and to share the content.
08:35:35 Yeah, yeah. Typically, we all have this, you know, integrated with with the mixing boards in the room and all all kinds of other stuff.
08:35:43 And that infrastructure is not there this time.