TSC 2022-09-29
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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
DT | Ericsson | |||
WindRiver | STL | |||
AT&T | Linux Foundation | |||
China Telecom | Individual Contributor | |||
Orange | Nokia | |||
Individual Contributor | China Mobile | |||
Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
Marketing Introductions | Jill Lovato |
Release Status | Kohn Release M4 Impact from Ubuntu upgrade - M4 will be looked at again on Monday. Will leave RC and sign-off alone for now. Can we sign-off prior Nov 15th so this release can be recognized at ONES in memory of Dan Kohn as part of the keynote? | |
LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | ODIM Presentation around possible collaboration with ONAP | |
RelEng/Infrastructure |
Jenkins upgrades have been completed.
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PTL Updates | ||
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements | SECCOM: NexusIQ and status of Kohn package upgrades
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TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates | ||
Task Force Updates | The Unmaintained Projects Working Group proposes archiving repo, "vfc-huawei-vnfm-driver" We are following the process documented here. Review by the PTL may be found in
Next ONAP/SABRES working group is scheduled on Oct 12th Next Enterprise Task Force meeting is scheduled on Oct 5th | |
TSC Activities and Deadlines | Super Committers for the Kohn release have been identified and enabled ( ) Seshu Kumar Mudiganti also volunteers to be a Super Committer Super Committer rights will be disabled after Kohn sign off. 2022 TSC Vote in progress - Voting will automatically end at 23:59 pacific time on Wednesday, Oct. 12th, 2022.
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Upcoming Events & Housekeeping |
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<Available Slot> |
Zoom Chat Log
06:55:22 From SaiSeshu to Everyone:
#info Seshu, IC
07:00:02 From Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation) to Everyone:
#info Ranny Haiby, Linux Foundation
07:00:08 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:34 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone:
#info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:01:49 From Yuanhong Deng to Everyone:
#info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:01:58 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL) to Everyone:
#info N.K.Shankar, STL
07:02:03 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson to Everyone:
#info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:03:05 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:04:21 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#info, Catherine.lefevre ATT
07:15:44 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
07:30:58 From Jessica Gonzalez to Everyone:
https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ci-management/+/131336 is just now merged
07:33:17 From Fiachra CORCORAN (EST) to Everyone:
07:42:03 From Jill Lovato to Everyone:
Thanks for the time, everyone! Have a great day.
07:43:43 From Bengt Thuree (LF) to Everyone:
ubuntu2004-builder has been reverted back to ubuntu1804-builder as well
07:43:56 From Jessica Gonzalez to Everyone:
https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ci-management/+/131337 is merged too
07:45:16 From Fiachra CORCORAN (EST) to Everyone:
Thanks guys
07:56:39 From Toine SIEBELINK (EST) to Everyone:
apologies, had to step out for awhile, back now
08:18:40 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone:
unmaintained projectsd https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mf76
08:31:23 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Merci Jess !
08:31:31 From Amy Zwarico to Everyone:
Thank you Jess!
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They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only! The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.
07:03:40 Okay, do you all have just received the little puppies about the recording transcript is employ.
07:03:54 Please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking you can use Star 6.
07:04:01 If you're coming in on the phone line if you happen to send me a private chat message, i'll happily cut paste into the public record when I put the chat into the minutes as always we'll start off by meeting
07:04:14 our anti trust policy. You can find this link from the Lf.
07:04:20 On all the project websites. policy is important. Once we have multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings, change your view.
07:04:28 Do you have any questions please? contact your company's legal counsel members of the Las Vegas also contact Andrew up growth from Gesmer after grove Lp. which provides legal counsel to the lf
07:04:45 Okay. Few things on the agenda let's see who came in. Catherine.
07:04:49 Thank you. quick introduction from our folks that Ellison marketing.
07:05:03 Joan potto we'll cover the con and 4
07:05:10 We have Cross-a organizations, organizational update team, and we have a couple of members of the Odem Tsc.
07:05:18 That are here. Barth and Martin just like to share where they see some potential opportunities for collaboration between the 2 projects.
07:05:31 We'll cover the standard railing stuff subcommittee updates unmained have a discussion there on a repo and then karen heating of the normal things that we've do week to week anything else
07:05:51 that needs to be added
07:05:59 Okay. with that, I
07:06:09 Don't see Joe and panel armor call you know that I sent them the invite this time. so the correct day.
07:06:20 So we'll just give that a second and I will transfer it over to you, David Alright.
07:06:31 Thanks, Kenny, let's see here
07:06:43 All right. So just to refresh everyone's memory let's start out looking at Schedule.
07:06:55 So previously. we had M. 4 scheduled on the 20 s last week with M. 3.
07:07:05 However, when we met last week, and look status the Tsc.
07:07:10 Approved m 3, but determined that there we still needed some additional work on M. 4.
07:07:19 So M. 4 was deferred one week to today.
07:07:26 We also, pushed out the release candidate milestone one week to October 20 seventh.
07:07:37 However, we kept our sign off date at november tenth.
07:07:43 So that's where we are schedule. wise so in terms of the milestone status.
07:07:51 I've been sending out emails and looking at Jira.
07:08:02 Throughout this week. and at this point we're we have 8 issues remain remaining open.
07:08:15 One of the things i'm seeing in particular a sticking point, and it's kind of understandable given our status on oam and integration.
07:08:28 We're currently lacking ptls for those groups and so it's kind of difficult to know who to talk to about open, you know, or or unresolved release management tasks.
07:08:45 And So I set email to some of the folks that I know that work on those teams.
07:08:52 But I haven't gotten any feedback I think Andreas and yeah, can you comment on I I have updated as far as possible.
07:09:07 The and also the team of us had updated the so far.
07:09:13 The Jira items. We have still some ongoing process to solve.
07:09:20 Some of the requested paths. So hey, we We have some, some still, some implementations ongoing, and they are that the ones which are in progress.
07:09:35 But we will try to fix them as soon as possible so i'm having a having a view on that, and we will update that during then the the last period that we have at the moment.
07:09:47 Let's say, fixing some some vulnerabilities and these kind of things we have to do and have to check.
07:09:53 Why, maybe something is not working as expected, or which we have to maybe postpone to the next release.
07:10:02 Therefore these 2 are in program. i'm you can connect contact me and I have a look at that, and had a look at last week on that, and we are handling these these issues.
07:10:16 Then in our meeting, Yeah, Okay, Well, because integration and oem are, you know, play a pivotal role for the entire project.
07:10:27 What i'm trying to understand, is if the issues that integration and are having are impacting across own app, you know.
07:10:39 In other words, is it a blocking issue, or is it?
07:10:42 Is it isolated to elements of Oh, am and integration I think it's isolated.
07:10:50 It's not affecting other components or something like that Okay, alright,
07:10:59 The The other thing I was wondering about, too. is that
07:11:05 I saw I saw that this it ticket filed
07:11:12 I think this was part of I I think this was torn, if I remember right.
07:11:17 Coming from the Cps project and I wasn't sure whether what the impact of this is as well, if if this is impacting us across own app or this is isolated to cps, I I did Yeah, I can update you on that we we ran into
07:11:41 that issue yesterday. we're not we're still not quite sure what happened when we tried to troubleshoot or doing new bills.
07:11:49 We ran into a bigger issue with all the bills basically to see that test failing.
07:11:54 Because when you bow to a grade. So the second ticket was this morning, which I worked on with not, and thanked with the root cause of that.
07:12:01 Now, but we're still yeah only now we can go back to this tickets.
07:12:07 It's a bit strange say I it looks like There's something in our configuration that would skip the the .
07:12:17 The I know that's a jessica but it's been there for years, that those particular be sitting there for 2 years, and they've never caused these artifacts not to be built so I don't
07:12:25 know what's going on. there But we can only now test it again, because we had to refer to changes for the vitable bull to a forward grade.
07:12:35 So that's that's. the sales of that and That's why I the milestone. I I reopened it, and you might have seen that perhaps we can I mean i'm I honestly nothing changing the
07:12:46 template, either. that is, creating the stage the only thing that I noticed is that when the artifacts are being deployed it's been purposely skipped in the pomp file, so we can try removing
07:12:59 that skip. And actually, Jessica, I mean, I I did talk to Guys this morning.
07:13:07 I I I thought it. It looks very much like that config option.
07:13:11 We call it to skip and I can't quite explain Why, now, my why has changed might suddenly have seen any growth commitment.
07:13:18 It's been around for it would seem that that that skip would have prevented their defects to be produced long ago.
07:13:36 Another thing we can do. Do you guys have a build that the the generated artifacts and these have to escape in it, and we can probably compare.
07:13:49 But yeah, we we can, and and just give it to it now.
07:13:50 But but like, I said, and I think this is a bigger issue and we're also need to address the upgrade to Apollo.
07:13:56 2 or 4 costs much more problems, and that that that actually blocked us from troubleshooting.
07:14:03 This issue this morning. Okay, you do go great but when I when I was doing the testing, I wasn't I I was just I mean I there's just so much weekend this week, and not this every single job.
07:14:16 But if you're job got affected we can definitely revert back to 1,804, and they work. I think I think anybody that's using robot framework for cs, It tests which I think are quite a
07:14:30 few projects are affected by this. 2, o 4, and upgrade. Got it.
07:14:35 Would you mind opening a chicken on that I can take care of the tickets on that?
07:14:39 And it's as I said Martin. banked already. we already did a revert in cps. only 1,804, and we can.
07:14:47 We can, we can. We now know that is the root cause of the C. S.
07:14:51 It passes. i'll put a ticket reference in the in the chapter.
07:14:54 In a minute, and actually jessica i've just picked you in the own that run in channel.
07:15:01 The details of that ticket. the first problem as as it's explained.
07:15:04 We have troubleshooting I know that that's a specific version of Python Module.
07:15:09 It's causing that one to fail the second job appears to be in talks, and it's something to do with once again python changes affecting the talks job I haven't a chance to debug that
07:15:18 because we've only just managed to revert the build nodes by which is resolved That's definitely one aspect of the talk stops.
07:15:27 It would be worth diagnosing. Because obviously, if we move forward again, potentially, break again.
07:15:31 Yeah, so they're already back in 19 I mean it it as long as that's done for.
07:15:37 Now, yeah, we can debug the 20 or 4 later It's only one project that's back to 804.
07:15:44 Okay, it's also in the owner product Channel.
07:15:50 Okay, I'll take a look Yep I just dropped the link to the ticket into the chat window.
07:15:58 Thank you, Kenny. Okay, you got it already thanks I'm still digging forward. I do something positive.
07:16:10 So just just add to that, I know matt or wherever but it's not just the roller framework that's affected.
07:16:14 So there is a additional, so I think, potentially, with all, all of the more to 20 or 4, should be rolled back.
07:16:22 For now. yeah, I think that's the conclusion we've come to
07:16:27 This is a second failure mode at least, that we need to look at dinos as well.
07:16:32 Just the future replics. But yeah I think I think the plan is, we'll move back
07:16:38 Okay, So i'm struggling to wrap my head around the the impact in terms of the release. here.
07:16:48 So i'm kind of a 2 minds you know part of me says, Well, you know, we're down to just 8 issues.
07:17:01 And so, you know, frequently in this situation we would say, Well, let's go ahead and approve M 4 under the condition that the remaining open issues get closed before Rc.
07:17:15 But some of what i'm hearing this morning sounds systemic.
07:17:22 And so it makes me feel a little leery about moving forward until we get some of these issues resolved.
07:17:30 So what do i'd like some feedback from the ptls?
07:17:37 And from it about how how this impacts us moving forward to the release candidate milestone
07:17:49 Yeah, my opinion would be if we can reverse the Ubuntu update, which is now there's a lot of patches.
07:17:59 I don't know painters on the line or something I think in the world of 2030 patches on the Ci management.
07:18:06 Repo that all need to be reverted. Then I think we have a stable built environment.
07:18:11 That means people can update our images, because you know yourself before I see, we need to be able to re-release our images.
07:18:15 If we have any books or any updates, that need to go into the releases if that gets done in the next 24 h, i'm happy enough to continue and and and and yeah, can close and 4 I think doing a Robert should
07:18:32 be fairly since just the doing the am. I? I know that we did it in several patches to have a better man be able to manage them better.
07:18:45 But for doing the revert I can submit one patch for all the reboards, which should be a fairly quick thing to do.
07:18:53 So I I can submit that right for that and This is on the builder notes right, or the docker notes the docker notes.
07:19:01 I Haven't finished doing the entire transfer the one that was completed was a builder.
07:19:05 You have to house bank put out clarification i'm i'm not quite sure.
07:19:09 I think it actually says, Yeah, it's called build note as the property.
07:19:14 But the name in the bill's nose is actually it's the Docker, or Bull to 2,004 Oh, is that the one?
07:19:22 Okay, then, that's gonna be easier since I haven't merch, all the patches, so I I can do the rubber for the ones that I did what I for the ones that I did marched them yesterday.
07:19:36 I. They were like Brally, probably 4. so patches that just needs to be reverted.
07:19:41 So I can do that now. Yeah, just what I'll do is i'll send you the patch that we did in Cps that reverted a problem, and then you from there.
07:19:50 You. I presume you know better what needs to be done, or what needs to be reverted.
07:19:52 Exactly. Okay, sounds good. Thank you. thanks. So how about this?
07:20:01 What if we We take a look at status again during the Ptl meeting on Monday, and then make a decision.
07:20:13 And if we have sufficient Tsc. members present, we can load on the milestone, or we can do a an email vote.
07:20:24 On Monday after I pulled the the ptls and and verify that we have a stable build environment.
07:20:35 Yeah, for my account, I I would trust to Ptls for that.
07:20:42 I will probably not be present on Monday, cause i'll be and transfer.
07:20:50 Okay, Thanks, Max, So can I sunday and well if we yeah, if we don't have a quorum, then we'll do an email, vote, and I I assume you'll have access to me email yeah, where
07:21:09 you can count me, and if if it's sort of supported by the Pdls understood.
07:21:16 Thank you. Any other thoughts. Does that sound good to reevaluate this on Monday?
07:21:26 That give us enough time
07:21:34 Kenny, you have any thoughts about that, or Catherine?
07:21:38 No, that that sounds good. that sounds good. yeah i'm not doing any of the work.
07:21:43 So well, you'll have to do the email vote
07:21:52 Okay, all right. Well, why don't we go ahead and go with that?
07:21:54 Then we'll you know the goal is to make sure that we have a stable build build environment before we move forward to our C, so we will. we'll leave our C and sign off alone.
07:22:11 For now and then reevaluate M. 4 on Monday
07:22:20 Could I sorry to. could I make quick suggestion in terms of the the schedule?
07:22:25 I know I I'm. good to myself of of leaving sure tickets to last minutes close.
07:22:31 But if we have a looks to say for all M. and integration, as you said, we're from missing Pts on those projects.
07:22:36 But I think the slack channel might be a quicker.
07:22:41 I know, maybe is is email mandatory for kind of updating.
07:22:46 People are trying to get updates I don't I don't know as to leave a paper trail.
07:22:51 But I think the slack channel I tend to use a lot more. myself. I don't know what there is.
07:22:57 I've tried to encourage others to use the slack as well, because it's a kind of quicker.
07:23:04 I think it's your way of kind of getting getting quicker feedback or getting kind of response.
07:23:10 Maybe. yeah, you're talking about in terms of release management issues in particular.
07:23:16 Yeah, if you're right signing tears or you know if if things have moved in a while and you might you yourself might get a quicker, quicker turn round.
07:23:23 If you maybe gone to slack channel, then This is just an unforter for the topics.
07:23:28 Also, you know, I think there is quite a lot of chat around.
07:23:30 Do you Sure, Auntie D the do you go to upgrade this morning on slack channel?
07:23:37 And then it seems to have resulted very quickly. So Okay, if that was going to be emailed
07:23:46 Yeah, i'm happy to be you know to use slack. And also the other thing I would say is that you know, if conversations like that are going on in slack.
07:23:58 If someone could. you know, Flag me so I can see what's going on. that would be helpful Yep.
07:24:05 The key thing is just to remember that we need a ticket.
07:24:09 We can. No, what is that? All to highlight things on slack will be work on slack. But we need a ticket so we can keep track of everything.
07:24:17 Yeah, yeah, And I think everyone understands that but I think what we're talking about is just you know creating awareness and coordination.
07:24:29 But but ultimately, absolutely. we need a ticket if we need it to do anything. Yeah, Yeah.
07:24:37 For the Fridays issue here. Yes, definitely, we need it.
07:24:38 We need another ticket. but I think just for general.
07:24:42 You know, blockers for for sip Ram for such a could be.
07:24:46 You probably get a quicker feedback on slack than you would Sorry.
07:24:53 Yeah, my my experience using slack with own app has been mixed. some.
07:24:58 So for example, like Dan and I pass messages occasionally on slack.
07:25:06 But other folks that i've tried to reach on slack I I never hear a response.
07:25:11 So it's kind of a mixed bag but I I do agree.
07:25:18 Yeah, but give me a but but you make a good point
07:25:23 I'll you know I I can certainly do more than than one thing but but also like you, said the the paper trail is sometimes useful.
07:25:32 Because I you know i'm juggling a lot of issues, and sometimes I forget what I've done.
07:25:37 And so I go back and look at email and Oh, yeah, we have this conversation.
07:25:40 So, anyway, but but it's it's a good point and i'll try to use slack more often while we are on slack.
07:25:49 Someone mentioned that the people might not be subscribing to the general channel, and I think that's the key Channel.
07:25:57 We just put out some generic messages to if you want to restart Jenkins or something.
07:26:04 Well, anyone that sorry anyone that joins the on app slack automatically being added to the general channel.
07:26:15 Oh, Okay.
07:26:21 Okay, So then we will go ahead and and do that.
07:26:29 We'll defer the decision on m 4 to Monday and keep the rest of the schedule the same.
07:26:40 Yeah, I also wanted to highlight this note. I think maybe, Catherine added this, and this is something that Arpa has mentioned to me also is that you know, the community made a decision to rename this release in memory of
07:27:01 Dan Coone, and Arpa would like to highlight that at one summit.
07:27:11 So we really trying to see that, you know, if we can.
07:27:17 Our Our sign update, I think, is currently on the tenth.
07:27:20 Remember right? So as much as possible. We wanna try and keep our sign off date so that that can be brought up in the in the keynote at one summit.
07:27:37 Yeah, you are right, David, that wasn't in this note based on the request of arpic.
07:27:43 I know everybody is doing what they can, and we see where we go.
07:27:47 It would be excellent and great, and work is denial.
07:27:53 At the keynote. we say, another week it will be there.
07:27:55 But yes, if if we can try to stay on talk the best weekend without compromising the the Kennedy, that will be, I think, a wonderful 100 and and and great to recognize this one and using the Pr.
07:28:12 Of the audience to commute, what the ownup committee have been doing.
07:28:18 Thank you definitely. I I actually I remembered that there were a couple of other tasks that I wanted to cover while we have some folks on the the call here.
07:28:35 Shunker. I notice we have this one for of still open
07:28:42 Do you know if Krishna will be able to close this soon?
07:28:58 That I saw
07:29:02 Junker, Are you available
07:29:10 Hey? Sorry, David. I was on you. Can you hear me? Yes,
07:29:16 So Sorry shunker, not shocker.
07:29:23 It works with Krishna. you know shank cars coming in on a phone line, so you might need to star 6.
07:29:34 If he's available to talk
07:29:41 And we'll assume that's a node Okay, alright.
07:29:48 So just some feedback from my side. I I knew that potentially, Karen Shanka.
07:29:56 Yeah, we can hear you
07:30:05 He's working on it, and he's actually asked some announcements so to work on this.
07:30:10 But but there are some difficulties Krishna has has been supporting this, or for several releases, and I thank him for it.
07:30:18 But he has expressed, even before that it's this is getting to a point where he's not able to support this yet.
07:30:26 Yeah. So we have a process that does he need to resign as Ptl: Okay, So sorry.
07:30:34 : Yeah. Yeah. So, Catherine, what you were saying? Yes, no.
07:30:38 So that's why I was trying to convey the message that we have just been informed.
07:30:44 It's it's it's really happening during the meeting here.
07:30:50 So we have advice Krishna, that he will send a notification to the on a Tc.
07:30:57 I think it will try to complete at best for the release.
07:31:03 But we need to find a solution for London. So I will be working offline with Shanghai to see how we can teaming up at least to not compromise too much.
07:31:13 The coon release was definitively There will be a gap, and there will be a call to the community.
07:31:23 I don't know if there are still additional committers I I didn't really check the the status of Of.
07:31:30 It is only Kishna if there are other committers, but we will need to kick off the process that we did in the past without a Ptl.
07:31:39 You know a new election whatever. So let's try and best the for teaming up Shanghai to finalize the the conjugate.
07:31:51 I will also reply back to Krishna Ashanka.
07:31:55 But if if you reply before me, yes, invite him to trigger on the process.
07:32:01 But long, Don, it would be. It would be some sense that, we need to fix.
07:32:06 Yeah. Okay, thanks, Katherine. Thanks. Shankar. Thank you.
07:32:15 So that's it for me kenny unless there are any additional questions or comments about release status
07:32:27 Alright, thank you. I can advance quick comment just back to the previous issue.
07:32:35 All open to 20 or 4 have been ripe.
07:32:37 Move back to Bond to 18 o 4 for doctor. so the practice has been rejected back.
07:32:48 Sorry just on that bank that i'm pretty sure the builder knows need to go back as well.
07:32:52 So the building nodes for the Om. linking and other jobs are also broken, due to do great
07:33:06 Okay, So I get the share the commit. Id and the chat
07:33:21 That's the care community as the go and templates Gamma as is the one it took that it's broken for us today.
07:33:45 Okay, Can we move on, Siacra? And just that can be worked in the background?
07:33:56 Sure. Yeah, no. I I thought it was going to go into the ranch section, so we can track it there anyway.
07:34:05 I actually have to hit the share button to complete the the the the process.
07:34:19 Yeah, so I don't know if it's all build notes put in the commit idea.
07:34:25 Shared that's it those are both nodes in relation to some of the oem jobs which are fairly, which counts. so I would feel right.
07:34:36 So i'm guessing this that's the cause
07:34:45 Okay. cool. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Okay. backtracking that a little bit.
07:34:59 I know Jill had a bit of a conflict beginning of the meeting.
07:35:05 She's on now. so did you have something that you wish to share or just speak to Joe.
07:35:13 Just really quickly. I just wanted to get in front of this group.
07:35:18 I I don't know how many of you have met my colleague Pano.
07:35:23 But he is helping with outreach efforts for Lfn.
07:35:25 And all of our projects, and we just wanted to make sure that you. All are aware of who we are, and that our mission is to help tell the stories of what this community is doing in a variety of formats one thing that we're doing.
07:35:39 And I think some of you are aware of this you've been helping us with this already.
07:35:43 Is highlighting some user stories. just quick little one to 2 page write-ups on how organizations are using own app in the real world.
07:35:50 So we've got a couple of those published already we're always looking for more.
07:35:55 We're happy to do little q a highlights of of folks on this on this team.
07:36:02 You know, just little developer spotlights, I know.
07:36:03 Sometimes it can be uncomfortable to talk about yourself but what we're really looking to do is sort of personalize and humanize what's going on in the community.
07:36:13 And show the world you know what we're doing in the impact we're making, and the the strength and the passion of the folks behind all of that and to that end you know we might be reaching out to some of you
07:36:24 for some spotlight blog Q. a's and also you know the door is always open.
07:36:28 If you have some good examples of deployments I I think you all talked a little bit about the cone release earlier. we're gonna want to do some outreach on that
07:36:40 We'll be in touch as we get a little bit closer.
07:36:43 But just really, you know, highlighting and and a more human way what the project is doing.
07:36:48 And so if you all have ideas if there's things that you're doing that are really interesting, or out of the box.
07:36:53 That you want us to help Tell those stories. Just let us know.
07:36:57 And if there are things that you need from pano and I that you feel like you, Aren't, getting ways that the project should be up leveled or discussed publicly, please let us know that as well we're basically here to support you
07:37:06 all in a way that feels comfortable.
07:37:14 So that's it. If anyone has any questions or anything to share feel free to do so.
07:37:17 Now you can always hit me up an email as well. Thank you for the time
07:37:25 Thank you. appreciate it. A lot of work goes on in the background.
07:37:30 That many of us never see there in order to help.
07:37:38 Besides all of the work that's great work that's going on for you know, in and development tests all all the communications piece of that is also so and and I know folks don't you know the word marketing and
07:37:55 traditional marketing efforts kind of rub folks the wrong way That's not really what we do here in our communities, which is why, you know, like, I said, We want to tell stories.
07:38:05 We don't necessarily want to try to sell what we're doing.
07:38:08 We just want people to know what's happening because they're like I said, there's some really neat stuff going on, and a lot of passion in the community, and we just want to help it grow to gel can you comment a little bit
07:38:20 about you know. we we make an effort to document every project and every committee documents you know, highlights for each release.
07:38:35 And can you comment a little bit about how you use that material? Yeah.
07:38:41 So you know we use it to to show and track evolution and growth of the project.
07:38:47 We also use it to share with industry analysts. we actually had an analyst reach out to us recently that we're trying to set up with Katherine.
07:38:56 He just wants an overview of what own app is and what it does, and how it's changed over time. And so, having that information at our disposal makes those conversations a lot easier, and sometimes we do reach out to press and let them
07:39:08 know you know, when we have a release we've done less of that lately.
07:39:12 Just because we don't you know we don't want to spam everybody.
07:39:16 You know we've got releases coming out every 6 months we want to make sure that when we talk to these folks we have something really impactful to share something that they're really going to care about and some some of the information
07:39:28 is also shared with potential new members, new developers that sort of thing
07:39:40 July was I was thinking of. we we are running this own a mainstream task for us, trying to see if we need to change the way we're working, and and the way we sort of the process and and some of the questions that come
07:39:57 up is sort of It's like this tell your boss Kit or tell people are what don't up is doing and things like that.
07:40:09 Can can we engage you at some point in in that work?
07:40:13 Yeah, certainly. I know Pano has already started started having some discussions with some folks.
07:40:20 I don't know offhand who but I know that there's been a desire for that at least more immediately to get permission to come to events like the dnts and if we need to kind of expand that work
07:40:32 more generally. we're happy to Do so so yeah that's great, That's a great example, Thanks for bringing that up.
07:40:39 Yeah, thinking that we we see that we sort of level out when it comes to contributions.
07:40:46 We talked about this and say that that's that's not necessarily a bad sign, because it's also shows that don't know up is is fit for for business.
07:40:56 It's useful, and so I I think when I look at this commits statistics.
07:41:05 It looks like it's it's folding But I think we need to explain that a bit more, maybe with with some, some yeah use of stories from people that are that are using the the existing.
07:41:20 Code. I think that would be helpful yeah 100%, cause the numbers don't always tell the whole story, and you don't get the whole context.
07:41:30 Yeah, for sure right now. Okay, Thanks. Thank you. Okay, Anything else for Jim
07:41:45 Okay, Boris and Martin. Okay, let me give you guys co-host here.
07:41:54 So you can share not sure who's gonna be doing the sharing i'll i'll do shang boros here.
07:42:02 Okay, Thank you, sir. Appreciate your patience.
07:42:07 Will we work through some of our issues in real time here?
07:42:10 But let me stop sharing. You should be able to bring up the information that you wish to share with the community.
07:42:19 Hmm.
07:42:24 Let me know when you can see can see it. Hi: okay, Hi!
07:42:30 This is Buddh from Hp. I also have Martin and John from Actually, i'll be just giving a brief introduction to audio
07:42:43 So Odin was is a, you know, Linux Foundation sandbox project.
07:42:48 It formed in July 2020, and the first release we did from
07:42:53 Jan. 2021 the tse voting members are Kubernetes, and and the rest data of V. am I.
07:43:03 And it's like you know. Attend, yeah meetings red hat is not in an official capacity, is just they have.
07:43:12 I mean there is attend on their own personal capacity.
07:43:18 The reason we came up with the autumn was, you know, because of the Fiveg
07:43:23 Evolution. Oh, there are a lot of edge sites coming up, and which you know again. it's disaggregated hardware.
07:43:32 So lot of multi vendor. atrogenous platforms are being resorted.
07:43:38 And and we need to align across the compute storage, networking and vendor implementations.
07:43:44 So in the current model, you know, previous models there will be close infrastructure management for each vendor and regional data center.
07:43:53 So you see, the complexity would be growing, and the manager will be on the point.
07:44:01 So. this is how we would put represent the current you know, physical resource management.
07:44:06 We have various manual applications on the top which need different integrations to different vendor apis.
07:44:14 And then, you know, be below that. they have different types of devices, having different protocols.
07:44:20 Regret fish. ipm. I send Np. for the computes and sword fish for the storage.
07:44:27 And you know, other oem specific protocols, or yang, and all that.
07:44:34 So there are a lot of multiple integration points which complicates the solution.
07:44:38 So. So we came up with Odin. So what autumn does?
07:44:41 Is it implements a redfish data model and all the services, redfish services and exposes a single redfish Api, which takes care of differences in multi vendor rate. You know, implementation of a
07:44:56 redfish apis. So the manual applications have just to program to one particular embedded fish implementation.
07:45:03 And the southbound. What we do is we have a set of plugins that will adapt different vendor and protocol.
07:45:12 You know devices, and that will be translated to the red fish model, and you know, ordering will expose the same to the knock on users.
07:45:22 So so do we have any questions at this point
07:45:31 Okay, I pursuit, then. So this. you know the as we speaking about the specific feature.
07:45:41 But here we are showing Odin being deployed at the various sides, the edge data centers or the core.
07:45:50 And, you know, cloud data centers audio itself can be deployed either remotely or or it co-located with the managed devices.
07:45:59 But then it lets, you know, the whole solution scale up, and the mano application can be in the core or day Cloud data center and manage all interact with this audio instances everywhere to manage the computes and other equipments
07:46:15 across the customer landscape the core functions are as I said, you know, abstraction and translation. so it provides a vendor neutral outbound api's, and it's also allows to
07:46:29 abstract out of the differences in the implementations and translates everything to a standard refresh data model and Api
07:46:40 Second is that you know it. it's act as an aggregation function.
07:46:45 There is no need for Ip address or credentials, because audio itself manages it internally.
07:46:52 And it allows for bulk operations is based on the new aggregation schema of a red fish. So we can do rack level, or, you know, data center level operations with single call you don't have to
07:47:06 individually call all the service, and also we do, proxing of event.
07:47:13 So the subscription goes through Odin, and already manages the you know, subscription with individual devices.
07:47:18 So the manor application doesn't have to have to subscribe with individual devices, and also audio provides filtering to that.
07:47:29 So if depending on the message, I type, and you know, even type and message, Id, etc.
07:47:35 The subscriber can filter events, so that they don't get all the events from all the equipment, and then it acts as a proxy.
07:47:44 As I said, you know, audio can be, hey? located across all the locations.
07:47:52 And then the central manual application can interact with audio that's about the functionality.
07:47:59 Then? no, the project goes was to enable wired adoption. and so reduction across enterprise, telecom cloud, and other markets deliver a reference implementation of for redfish Apis and create an ecosystem for
07:48:15 hardware management and manual plugin adapters, you know, and facilitate integration with the upstream manner and open source.
07:48:23 Solutions and enable api interability between vendors of distributed, heterogeneous physical infrastructure.
07:48:32 As I said, I know it works across redfish, vendor, redfish implementations, and also other because the use cases like, you know, we currently it demonstrate is that of bad metal server configuration which
07:48:50 includes settings, recreating work, rate volumes and firmware, upgrade of Bmc.
07:48:55 And system. From voice installation we can kick off with the fixy boat or social media Fabric company.
07:49:05 We also support the fabric schema in redfish.
07:49:09 So it allows the end user to define network zones like domain subnets, etcetera, and attach servers to the fabric endpoints.
07:49:19 We don't actually do the fabric configuration, like the you know, underlay overlay and all that which will be the vendors.
07:49:26 So equipment that does that. And then for monitoring P.
07:49:31 Support event and telemetry, subscriptions and, we allow for multi vendor equipment to be managed by different plugins for each of them, and and actions can be performed on the individual or
07:49:45 aggregate devices as a expanded before.
07:49:52 And We support service and ethnic fabric as perver at respects. The ongoing activities are like you know.
07:50:03 Some of them are already done like most and they'll have a plano server and a cisco acf.
07:50:10 Fabrics are supported. we have a Bmc.
07:50:12 Simulator, which is contributed by Intel and kate it's you know, kubernetes driven by isolation, and Csd.
07:50:20 Is supported. we are a building operators for kubernetes to expand and on, not bond integration, because some groups may want to have to interact with kubernetes aps rather than red fish
07:50:33 aps and We also have some enhancements like the composition service, which was done by ami ipv 6 on northbound, and now also the south pond api's
07:50:50 then we have a light paid deployment option with the redist streams, so that you know you can deploy it actually on tor switch.
07:51:01 Yeah, like We already tested that with one of the switches.
07:51:06 And expanding the reference schema support for a resource, plaque resource, zone and storage pole which are needed for the composition service.
07:51:21 We have 2 releases in a year, that's the cadence we follow, and this year there were 3 because our composition service, you know, miss, the March release and
07:51:35 We made an exception. otherwise the plan is to have to release as a
07:51:43 Sooner days. We we we recently had a, you know, engagement with the inquiry and day.
07:51:52 They want to use it for a bad metal so we're provisioning, because currently they don't have a solution for this.
07:52:01 And hopefully your app as well soon
07:52:09 Okay. So
07:52:17 As I said before, you know, the red fishes purely on the Dmtf.
07:52:22 Like compliant with the dmt of specs doesn't. It abstracts out all the vendor specific extensions, and, like oem blocks and un non-standard dris, and we can
07:52:38 also abstract downstream physical infrastructure that is not Dmt.
07:52:43 If a restriction line like a example is the fabric from Cisco aca fabrics it's has a rest, Api, but not red fish.
07:52:54 And we map those the data model from aci to redfish, and vice versa.
07:52:59 The initial focus has been on compute storage and fabric.
07:53:03 Aps. we are also looking at working with the Nephew Project, where the infrastructure side, you know they have this.
07:53:13 We will have roofs come up with a Kata's operator, which you're currently working on.
07:53:19 Which interacts with him for provisioning physical hardware.
07:53:27 And this is our website. and you know we key links. So you'll be like, I guess most of you would be having access it as your health and member.
07:53:41 So that's it from my end hmm yeah so hi It's Martin Hall City. So question then, for the group is, how much does zone app currently or in the future plan to manage physical infrastructure in
07:53:58 the data center, because that's essentially you know what Odin does from the perspective of having, you know, a completely industry standard data model through Dmcf redfish with a standardized northbound Api Again, in the form of
07:54:16 redfish southbound through a series of plugins that physical infrastructure could come from.
07:54:23 You know any of the the major vendors, you know, in in the service space, but also you know, if you have ethernet fabrics, storage, or whatever you know, they can all plug into that sort of industry standard.
07:54:35 physical, you know, data model, right in in the form of red fish.
07:54:42 So is that A. Is that something that exists within our app today, or in the plan?
07:54:49 Or is it at 2 lower level for our own app to deal with
07:54:59 So from my perspective, I think it. it is too lower level for us at the moment, of course, although it is, of course, quite interesting.
07:55:09 But I can imagine that I mean would be worth to think of that.
07:55:15 Whether this this, this makes sense in some areas to also set up and and and reconfigure.
07:55:22 Let's say, physical infrastructure think of course it could make sense.
07:55:29 But of course, speaking as a let's say from from the let's say service provider side of course we have usually quite boundaries between.
07:55:39 Let's say, the network service management orchestration and then the infrastructure management.
07:55:48 So in those cases we have a big division between that and and it's usually not that easy to overcome these kind of borders, and do real.
07:55:58 Let's say fabric management or changes but of course it would be interesting that, do you think so?
07:56:05 Yeah.
07:56:12 So currently like, Sorry, please go. I just wanted to extend the an eco What?
07:56:20 The hey? I said. I think it's similar situation for us as well, and I was wondering do you do anything if I know you.
07:56:30 You speak about physics and data server. But is there anything that you are doing in common with with navy, with the nephew initiative?
07:56:38 So, which is the somehow the the cloud infrastructure that we might use.
07:56:43 So. I was curious how Odin and nephew may be matched together.
07:56:49 I'm: a hearing where it is this is the and if sure.
07:56:55 Yeah, Okay, go by that's the nature I see no better.
07:57:01 I i've been distracted. so okay and you already. you already in discussion with them, so that's somehow how we will use it automatically, right because we we will need this I of scalar infrastructure setup for us and then
07:57:17 we are really playing on the end when service orchestration, and then to a slicing management layer which is defined on your architecture.
07:57:26 Yeah. Oh, that's really interesting. So is there, a definitive plan, then, for own app to work with the Nephew Project, Then right as this sort of the domain orchestration, right?
07:57:40 For within the data center
07:57:45 I think it's far too early to say because nephew is actually just sort of in its infancy.
07:57:53 Yeah, So it's it's hard to tell what it's going to be I don't think even we've seen any any real code there.
07:58:00 So is a lot of as I see it. Lot of marketing now.
07:58:06 It might sort of get clearer towards the end of the year.
07:58:10 But no, it's very difficult to tell but that there is go ahead it's nice but I agree with what manufacturing that we wanted to get up.
07:58:27 We didn't see anything yet. Yeah, understood so so if you know assuming it goes along the direction that they've advertised.
07:58:35 Then It could be an interest in the owner community for for it to be adopted as a southbound interface effectively.
07:58:46 Yes, I I said, the marketing there for nephew it's like a Kubernetes plus so it's something more and and definitely would be sort of a and of interest if if they go along with sort.
07:59:01 Of get that moving. Yeah, So would you suggest them for the for the Odin community the way that we may engage in the future as soon as you know, infrastructure management isn't a direct you know it's not a
07:59:17 short term requirement with yourselves is, if we, you know, as is depicted in this diagram, contribute operators for physical infrastructure management.
07:59:27 So you can configure up, You know, physical infrastructure, you know.
07:59:33 Bias settings, you know. firmware updates or whatever through Crds riding Kubernetes.
07:59:38 That's something that in the future you could you know you could make use of within own app Is that a fair statement
07:59:53 No, I I don't know if we would make use of it in own up.
07:59:58 I would we could sort of acknowledge the sort of the environment that we have, and sort of show, and and tell our stay stakeholders that that's a viable sort of connection.
08:00:13 Okay that this I don't think that we would sort of necessarily bring up and physical infrastructure within own app as a project.
08:00:24 Okay, so you could do it directly as well. So yeah, I mean, Well, happy is we decided to collaborate with you know, with the own app community on
08:00:33 You know how you know. If if there is a need for physics infrastructure management, then you know we we feel that you know what we've produced through the item project could be a a pretty nice solution from the perspective of
08:00:48 standardizing different vendors, implementations for physical infrastructure management right into a, you know, completely standspace data model and Api.
08:00:58 So so. and only looking at this picture I mean you have to distinguish between wish wishes some plans and and was sexually there. and I think we're suffering a bit that from that in in on that we've actually been working over 5 years.
08:01:18 And we've been a lot of code we have things that are working.
08:01:24 So it's an unfair to to sort of compare that with them plants or wishful thinking and for especially for for people who are not aware of open source code.
08:01:40 They might think that something that is drawn in a picture is as real as as we define in the repositories.
08:01:48 So We've seen that plenty of time so we wouldn't be want we?
08:01:58 We don't want to be sort of seen on the same slide as something that is not real.
08:02:03 Then then it's just a a plan so there is no nephew code that you can pick up and and sort of put this together.
08:02:13 And I i'm a bit Yeah, It It bothers me a bit especially in management level.
08:02:22 There is not usually not that much understanding of the real sort of code.
08:02:28 That's working or not working. so yeah so I I was.
08:02:35 I was asking more from the perspective of you know, code which does exist and is rolled into actual product lines through distributions. Right?
08:02:43 You know that code is there, and very mature now.
08:02:48 So you know, if there is a if there is a space for that within the own app community in terms of something southbound that you could talk to, that would give you, you know, standards-based configuration of physical
08:03:07 infrastructure. Then you know it's happy to collaborate on that side, you know.
08:03:15 So currently what? How does own app project, you know? Stand up the service like, you know, before you put all your code. and virtual infrastructure up.
08:03:27 How do you bring up their devices as well? Activity, or some other group?
08:03:33 Does that for you. So So this is shaker I think we're mixing.
08:03:39 We're mixing a lot of topics in this discussion that may or may not be related.
08:03:44 But I want to go back. i'll come back to your to your question in the second.
08:03:47 But I want to go back to this view graph and follow up on the on the comments that were made earlier by
08:03:55 Magnus and others. and I don't know enough about nephews.
08:04:03 I'm trying to come up to speed the issues.
08:04:09 Somebody's trying to say something I just wanted to say that you know, nephew, is one of the things we're looking into.
08:04:14 We are not trying to get you to work with a few at all.
08:04:17 Our interest. Yeah, because somebody asked for it. that's the reason I came.
08:04:23 Yeah, no, no, that's fine I just there's A.
08:04:26 There is a misunderstanding, though as to what own app is from an orchestration perspective.
08:04:37 It's not just an orchestration engine There is a whole solution that is wrapped around the orchestration process.
08:04:46 The inventory, the data collection, the service designing creation, so on, so forth.
08:04:51 So if I were to take a guess as to where nephew would fit into the own app infrastructure, it would be yeah.
08:05:02 Another orchestrator, and that's all there is to it?
08:05:08 That is, the whole notion of inventory, the active and available inventory of the entire infrastructure for a service provider.
08:05:18 That may or may not be a address at this point, and nephew or other orchestrations.
08:05:24 So when you look at the own app, you, on looking at the true orchestration platform that encompasses orchestration the the infrastructure network and infrastructure, the active and available inventory as well as
08:05:40 data collection analytics. What this is, what nephew is, or any other orchestration.
08:05:49 They are just that in orchestration platform that should be able to plug into the own app infrastructure into answer your question.
08:05:59 The the question that was asked earlier about how the devices get onboarded.
08:06:03 Well, it's all done through the service design and creation within own app.
08:06:09 You have all the virtual function des services are created that specify exactly what virtual functions you want to orchestrate and based on the recipe that gets generated by the service designing creation that's
08:06:29 what they own app infrastructure basically orchestrates.
08:06:37 Monitors collects data, does the control loop?
08:06:38 Does the policy, and so on, and so forth so it's all self contained from end to end.
08:06:48 Yeah, but this is a question about the physical interest, right So if you're right, I mean a a chat is up, of course, right from the from the design and from the modeling point of view, but of course, we are not targeting
08:07:04 the at the moment, not targeting the a let's say creation of the of the physical infrastructure beneath where the Cuban needs and the and the Vnfs are running on at the moment.
08:07:15 So. but it's one thing which can be orchestrated for hand. Let's say before then, the actual just to make sure that I understand the question about the physical infrastructure are you talking about the
08:07:29 physical infrastructure, the virtual functions, or the virtual infrastructure of the own app, or the orchestration platform itself.
08:07:39 The physical infrastructure, which will be hosting the virtual infrastructure, you're on the payment to listen to.
08:07:46 You're talking
08:07:51 So I mean the jury. The beauty of our own app is that you could orchestrate.
08:07:55 You could draw orchestrate with the multi cloud infrastructure, multi-cloud plugin that we have within our own app.
08:08:04 You can actually orchestrate on any cloud platform I don't wanna say any.
08:08:11 I'm stretching it, but the there are a few cloud platforms that you can orchestrate on.
08:08:16 But the possibilities are there to conceivably orchestrate on any cloud platform in the future.
08:08:23 If it doesn't exist today. But do you expect environmental to already be configured in that model. from A to to host, the the virtual functions to host the cloud platform.
08:08:39 Yes. Well, I mean That's the beauty about the cloud platform I think the assumption that we're making and this is this is something that you have to go back.
08:08:48 We have to really address with the service providers or the vendors that decide to deploy own app and orchestrate their virtual functions on either local cloud or remote cloud.
08:09:02 Right? Yeah. So so this is the case where and this is the reason I i'm saying, you have to separate the 2 right.
08:09:10 The orchestration platform. The own app orchestration platform assumes that you have resources.
08:09:16 Inventory within your platform within Europe database that would allow the platform, the orchestration platform to query and use that resource to.
08:09:30 Basically orchestrate your virtual infrastructure.
08:09:35 How you build the the inventory. That is enough enough flexibility there to allow each and every user or service provider to build the inventory, whichever way they choose.
08:09:49 As long as they reference the available resources within the inventory.
08:09:57 So, for example, you decide that you want to use bare metal.
08:09:59 Somebody else decides that they wouldn't have a reference to an existing virtual resources, as somebody at e cloud at the Cloud Service Provider.
08:10:10 You could certainly do that by just updating the inventory.
08:10:13 Accordingly.
08:10:19 So that there is definitely separation between between the inference the physical infrastructure, whether it is better metal or whether it is something else, and the the the orchestration process that own app uses on app doesn't really
08:10:35 care whether you're whether you're using bare metal whether you're using other virtualization infrastructure.
08:10:47 Right, then, you You write checker it's just that just to be clear there has to be something between bare metal and and owner bone up.
08:10:55 Only recognizes virtualized virtual resources. Yeah.
08:11:02 So, even though con app can I mean don't have feel only very bother about the virtual infrastructure, I agree.
08:11:07 But to have that virtual infrastructure in place, we need to have the physical infrastructure.
08:11:16 And by the time with you. Okay, by the way, this is issue here,
08:11:22 Actually, this is one of the things which we have also working on as part of the Cf.
08:11:26 Cause. When you come to Cnf. we have 3 level of it by one.
08:11:28 This is the instrument. the bm on i'm like we are calling the bay Metal.
08:11:32 Then the cast part that is your container as service and then on top of it is actually what you're seeing up front.
08:11:37 So we are also working on it. I I I take your point into construction.
08:11:41 Perhaps we can discuss that further, because I have to drop to the meeting.
08:11:43 I can answer all your questions in detail. if you can give me, say, some 1520 min. Okay.
08:11:48 In short, I can tell you this, that own app cats So everything but right.
08:11:53 Now, as many of us of us said, is at this moment of time.
08:11:55 We are actually looking at area is actually adaptation for us where we have multi cloud.
08:11:59 The multi-load adapts to specific need of the kind of cloud that you're bringing in that could be bare metal that could be Vm: that could be You know a simple commander space platform anything Couldn't: be
08:12:10 that. And what we do is we cater to that using adaptation.
08:12:14 Okay, adaptations coming in the part of multi cloud.
08:12:16 Maybe that answers your question to some extent. because of it, I can give you in more more elaborated way.
08:12:20 I can even show you diagrams which i've actually drawn for this.
08:12:23 In fact, i'm also leading colliding the the cnf task force, the Cena orchestra I'm talking of casual sorry i'm talking of cnn orchestration, part which we are
08:12:32 actually trying to. we have done a lot of work on that.
08:12:34 Maybe I can also explain what we are trying to do with respect to the bare metal, plus a cast business enough.
08:12:39 In that case also. Okay, perhaps that answers your question to measure extent and also coming back to the point of what shack resting Exactly.
08:12:46 I agree with Shaker. I agree with, no other other guys, other gentlemen who actually spoken here.
08:12:51 On app doesn't care about the payment or the underlying club.
08:12:55 No, it is not the virtual of it so now gives you the full function functionality wherein it's independent architects.
08:13:00 It's making the orchestration abstract in a way that the user can just bring in his his own network functions.
08:13:05 And you can actually orchestrate from any sort of plot.
08:13:08 Now, what we are trying to do is we are providing that hook wherein you can actually make your own plugin.
08:13:14 Play with your own instra, your own you know your own Cloud Asesh. and then you can actually just work you.
08:13:20 You just don't require to worry about that but that's part anymore.
08:13:23 It's completely abstracted okay I knew it's not just It's not just orchestration, only it's beyond orchestration.
08:13:29 It gives you the functionality where you can do t 0 t one day to all 3 of them, and it gives you configuration.
08:13:35 It gives you a hook to give a conference on it.
08:13:37 It gives you a way in which you can monitor that it gives you a way in which you can actually do telemetry on it.
08:13:42 So it gives you the end-to-end solution, right from the day minus one to day, plus 2 right gives you the complete thing, and I understand what you're trying to do.
08:13:50 Audio. and if you also is a part of it I understand it i'm not seeing, or even if you are same.
08:13:54 But, I'm, I know what you're trying to talk about Sorry I joined in between.
08:13:58 But if you want to have more discussion about it i'll be happy to actually help you, maybe we can appreciate it on our position.
08:14:03 Call to and looking for forward. If you want more, discuss more, ,
08:14:18 Alright. So just just before we drop this topic, just to be absolutely clear, right.
08:14:23 Odam is not tied to Nephew Odin could use nephew as an old I think Barat is the one who got the if you also otherwise you all understand what audio is what the show is and if you
08:14:40 have something which we it's a jigsaw puzzle for most of us, because it's trying to.
08:14:43 I mean that's what Magnus was talking about right we don't have the code open at. so we are trying to understand the conceptually what they are trying to say But I'm with Bangladesh completely for that until the code is open because I talk for what is
08:14:54 it. so we are not We are not we're not company happens with oranges. We know what Odem is, and what nephew is for sure there's nothing there.
08:15:02 Good. Okay. Thank you. Thank you.
08:15:08 I stopped the cherno. Alright, Well, thanks, everyone. Thank you.
08:15:18 Yeah, Thanks so much. And a good, healthy discussion. the I I think we really need to do more of this kind of thing.
08:15:30 Cross community. So oh, Borlson!
08:15:36 And Martin. I will work with you further on getting in front of other communities for discussions.
08:15:46 As we talked about a couple of weeks ago. Sure. Okay, Thanks.
08:15:56 Okay, Thank you so much. where is my? Let me close a few of the gazillion windows.
08:16:07 I had open. there is
08:16:16 Okay, let's slips no that's last week
08:16:27 Un maintain projects.
08:16:33 Proposal to Archive. Do you see? Huawei Gn.
08:16:40 Fm. driver, Kenny, I can speak to that.
08:16:48 This was one of those projects that was identified as not having been touched, and at least 2 releases.
08:16:54 So we worked with the Ptl, and in fact, it is no longer used anywhere.
08:17:01 So it can be removed. I know that I look.
08:17:04 I checked Clm. yesterday, and it has been removed from the Clm.
08:17:07 Jobs, or at least I didn't see it there so i'm assuming it's been removed.
08:17:15 Dandy. no! this is an example of where the unmaintained process is working.
08:17:22 Maybe our first example. very exciting. So we have. We have.
08:17:26 We are much faster, or that are getting the bill jobs right that's good.
08:17:31 Actually because 1 one project down for getting the build project next time.
08:17:35 That's good. Yeah, it was I was really excited because I was like, Okay, now, do we need to go through something else?
08:17:41 So I thought Oh, i'm gonna go check clm and lo! and behold it wasn't there.
08:17:46 But there, there's a there's a lot of complexity in Kenny, if you click the link the process link there.
08:17:53 Versus yeah and then scroll down to the table.
08:18:01 Yeah, So you could see this is the process that we're following. and in the the point here is to make sure that that all of the you know loose threads yet taken care of that are associated.
08:18:17 You know, with a repo and also that we're we're making sure that you know if there are questions about functionality that's still needed.
08:18:25 And so on. we're addressing those and documentation and on and on.
08:18:29 So it's taken a lot of thought to get to this point but it's it's finally starting to bear fruit.
08:18:38 So thanks to Amy, and are.
08:18:43 And yeah, Mudisar was one that built this original table and other folks that have join the calls.
08:18:52 And and added their thoughts and ideas So young has been instrumental in this chalker has helped us out.
08:19:01 There's a lot of people who've been involved in this So it I think this has been really great that we now have a way of addressing stuff that we really don't need a own up anymore.
08:19:13 And you and Kenny I noticed you skipped over the subcommittee updates
08:19:22 I do have something about nexuside queue and cone that's that's important.
08:19:28 And I brought 2 people from my team before we move on.
08:19:32 I I just wanna find out from Kenny Kenny.
08:19:36 Do we need a vote from the Tsc. or pound degree, or whatever on the closing or archiving that Repo
08:19:48 That is within the context of the ptl's responsibility of the Ptl says it can be archived.
08:19:55 It can be archived. Okay, alright, Thanks.
08:20:03 Okay, and I just like you. Sorry amy yeah and I brought on 2 people that were on my team who've been doing a lot of the automation around looking for update upgrade package upgrade results They ran
08:20:17 into a problem was was identified deep by Dcae specifically connects us.
08:20:24 Iq only contain only saves one scam that it does, for of the packages the software composition analysis.
08:20:37 And it turns out that if you have multiple branches in Clm, typically, it's saving one for an old release.
08:20:45 So it's not reflecting the work that the project team has done, and I really appreciate Vj.
08:20:50 In the Dca team for identifying this what we would like to do to solve this problem because we do need to recognize that they've done work is to ask the Lfi T to remove all branches beside the master
08:21:08 for from the Clm. job. templates that's going to solve the problem.
08:21:12 But we need to bring this up. Make sure that there are no problems with doing that.
08:21:18 No one identifies any problems with doing that but that is the pet.
08:21:21 That's essentially right. Now the only path forward
08:21:32 Because, for example, when when jobs are run for say a and Ai I double.
08:21:40 I checked, and the current Master Branch of the results. for A and Ai Common is actually overwritten by the branch that I believe, is still left over from Honolulu.
08:21:50 So it's we've got a problem here
08:21:57 Yeah, that is that is what is happening that You're describing well what is happening, although the the links are still like, For example, if you browse for a report, via the Jenkins job that builds it those
08:22:11 links are still reachable. However, what an exercise you will display will display the last branch that run for a say the Repo.
08:22:22 So. Yes, it's making a confusing for somebody that is looking for the report.
08:22:27 Yeah, So just like the problem is that they've automated looking for those report. My team is automated looking for those reports and that's what's really cool that's going to be very complex.
08:22:37 To try and automate that to try and automation figure that out.
08:22:40 Got it, and your suggestion is to remove the any non matter branch from the temp from the project templates for the Clm.
08:22:49 Jobs. Right? Yes, please. Okay, that that sounds like a feasible solution to me.
08:22:56 But it's yeah, it's up to the details to the side, if that's cause any problems, or if everybody's okay with that, if everybody's okay with that I can help out, because typically we if we have a
08:23:10 maintenance release. There's a period of time where we actually need to run those scans like we needed to do it with the log for J.
08:23:15 And I apologize. but my neighbors loan service just showed up.
08:23:23 So the you know. So you did. We needed it for a short period of time.
08:23:27 But we don't I don't think that we need to be running.
08:23:29 These old branches or older branches, even for a maintenance release.
08:23:34 At the same time. Yeah, I agree. I think master should be where everything is called.
08:23:42 And then from there propagated properly to all the release branches.
08:23:45 Yeah, That's that's what the the correct behavior of this job should do so.
08:23:52 Bring it up so kenny we'll bring this up to the Ptls on Monday, but just wanted to kind of get a feeling today and let everybody know what the problem the issue was, hey?
08:24:04 Could I make good comment: Sorry, Katrina, or any sorry?
08:24:08 Yeah, I totally agree that it should be the only master that we run these scans against. And but, like you, said the the log, which issue records an additional branch for the maintenance release.
08:24:18 So just the question is just. Would there be any possibility of configuring the job that we could pass Branch name via the the special award, or special to be able to execute that branch? or most?
08:24:34 It be executed against the actual garret branch from I'm from Garrett?
08:24:38 Do you like? So far, example, the branch can be. The branch variable can be defined in the job.
08:24:45 Template. So, for example, the the base definition for the Clm.
08:24:50 Jobs. he's gonna say branch muster but if the project needs to.
08:24:55 So to also have another branch you're running they can always swap that viable over .
08:25:03 But it just does it. It means updating the Jgb.
08:25:07 Templates every time. Is that yeah, tedious. if you want to swap back and forth.
08:25:16 But if you just do it, for if you just need it for i'll show you yeah, you can swap it like that okay.
08:25:31 Okay, And yeah, sorry about that. I glanced at the first 2 entries that had been in there, and I thought that they were just updates on when the next meetings were.
08:25:42 Which is why I just chug through it. Not a problem
08:25:53 Okay. Subcommittees
08:26:03 Subcommittee super committers, not subcommittee, combination of subcommittee and super committers.
08:26:12 Yeah. this This was reviewed with the with ptls, and we we lost a few folks, and there were some suggestions about new new super committers, and I reached out to those individuals
08:26:33 and they didn't object to join the group so we now have a an updated set of super committers, and team women and and enabled the super committer rights so those
08:26:55 will be enabled through the the sign off of the cone release, and then I will submit a new ticket to disable those rights.
08:27:08 Oh, David, just one thing Sorry I know i'm big to this part.
08:27:11 But if you can actually have identification of one person from India to we have a big developer community coming from India to contributing chron app right?
08:27:20 If you have someone from India team I mean in India I'm so interested.
08:27:24 Recommendation.
08:27:33 We don't arbitrarily. Add people Okay, you can include me.
08:27:37 That's this Okay, i'll I'll submit another thank you ticket for that.
08:27:44 Thanks.
08:27:47 Hey? kenny i'd like to step back for just 1 s to the the next slide queue. If we don't have any objection.
08:27:55 The problem with waiting until Monday to get this in front of the ptls, and we do need to get it in front of the ptls.
08:28:01 Is that the way the the nexus Iq jobs run? we won't have the lfit change done in time to to account for the next running of the nexus Iq jobs.
08:28:12 So. is there any chance we could just get that change made before close a business on Friday, so that when the weekend jobs run we have the the latest results
08:28:27 David. that's also a question for you i'm sorry Amy.
08:28:33 I got distracted. Could you repeat that because of the timing of that nexus Iq.
08:28:39 Jobs run over the weekend if we don't if we wait until next week to get the to make the Lfi t change.
08:28:46 We're gonna have to wait another week really to run to to look and see what the status is of upgraded packages.
08:28:53 Could we make the change this week, or could be, or or or could they Job be triggered earlier?
08:29:08 The job the just treated on Saturday.
08:29:10 But yeah, they can definitely be trigger manually it's just a they're.
08:29:16 They're like hundreds of jobs. So somebody has to go in 3 year manually those jobs.
08:29:22 But is it? it's it's doable.
08:29:25 It's not practical
08:29:30 Is there? what's the so cleaning up The old branches?
08:29:41 What is the workload involved in that? Who performs the work for removing the all branches?
08:29:51 Yeah, I volunteer to help out doing it it's easier for one person to do it rather than tell each Ppl to do it.
08:30:00 So I volunteer to help out with that it's just a matter of going through all the Clm.
08:30:08 All the job templates that have a Clm definition of more than just Master branch, and removing those.
08:30:15 If I understand correctly what you wanted, I mean is that that is correct?
08:30:20 Okay, Yeah. So it it's yeah it's probably few minutes spending few minutes going through those files and removing those, but is easier for one person to do it rather than multiple okay is there.
08:30:37 The Tc. Ic. Annie. reason not to do that
08:30:48 Let's do what it's right Okay, So i'm gonna mark that as pound. agreed Amy, you can get a ticket opened on that Please I like the data to one. person.
08:31:00 Do it so that they'll not be the manual address Okay, thank you, Amy.
08:31:06 I'll pick up that ticket great thank you so much Jessica.
08:31:09 I'm really appreciate it. Yeah, my pleasure
08:31:33 Well.
08:31:46 Okay. checking down there. The election is in progress.
08:31:55 All of the ballots were distributed at midnight yesterday.
08:32:02 If you have not received your ballot, and you are on the active contributors list.
08:32:08 Please check your spam folders the ballot email will come from Oprah.
08:32:18 Vote floating link. no reply at Opiovotecom.
08:32:23 It will look like this guy here. Something like that there's a vote button you click the vote, button it takes you in.
08:32:36 Once you are in you add all of the candidates to the ballot.
08:32:44 And then you can change the order. that you want them to appear.
08:32:49 Your first choice should be at the top, your last choice should be at the bottom.
08:32:55 If you cannot find your ballot in your inbox or spam folder, send email to Pmo at own app dot org, do not send them to me.
08:33:09 The filters I have in place will be looking for email to pmo at own app org
08:33:22 I can set up. if you do not what I what I am, the steps I would take
08:33:29 I would resend he ballot. if you do not receive the recent ballot, then what I will do is set up a code for you to vote, and I will personally email.
08:33:43 You that code. but if you do not receive this information don't contact me.
08:33:50 Send me up a pmo I don't have dot org that's where I've got my meetings are set
08:34:00 Any questions. Oh, and as a the moment, let me see, here you have 221 emails that were sent out for
08:34:19 Of those codes that I previously mentioned were sent out.
08:34:23 There were 5 additional bounces which I need to look at.
08:34:28 Not clear why I should clean all those up when we did.
08:34:31 The reset. A 105 people of the email 48 of those are unique email Opens 42 people have voted 180.
08:34:49 3 have not floated, and that is the current stacks on the election.
08:34:59 It ends at Oh, 2359 Pacific time.
08:35:07 On Wednesday, the twelfth of October.
08:35:13 Any question, sir?
08:35:19 Yeah, Kenny, can you just repeat the the the numbers who may have voted, and who, I mean they have not.
08:35:27 42 have voted 183 have not Okay. thanks.
08:35:44 A lot
08:35:45 Okay, then, moving on Oh, we're over time i'm Sorry the events are coming up, Please registered for them.