TSC 2022-06-30

TSC 2022-06-30

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Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly status report


Release management recommendation:  approve sign off

  • Node port SSL errors 
    • SDNC is false positive - Dan to update waiver
    • David McBride to follow up with Seshu about SO and Former user (Deleted) about CLI
      • Waiver in place.  SO issue will be resolved in Kohn
      • Note from Former user (Deleted) 
        • not an blocker 

        • functionality not impacted as you already have command line way to access the functionality
        • Created issue  CLI-466 - Getting issue details... STATUS  to be addressed in Kohn

Items to complete for the release

  • Release Note:
    • Architecture description - Chaker
      • Meeting this afternoon.  Chaker will send mail to confirm.
    • SECCOM branch - Paweł Pawlak , Amy Zwarico
      • Has not been done in the past.  Let's defer to Kohn release.
  • Amy Zwarico create Jira issue for OSA branching and release note and assign to the Kohn release (discussed at June 27 TSC meeting)
  • David McBride assign release management tasks to subcommittees 
    • Project documentation tasks re-opened 
      • All resolved and closed
  • #AGREED the TSC approves the sign off of the Jakarta release effective today.


PTL Updates

Call Open for Integration PTL !

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements


  • 3 projects are going to attempt SBOM generation - CPS, AAI, SDNC
  • issues seem to be around the complexity of some repos - we ran into the same issues with Whitesource

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Special TSC Election for Alla's vacated seat?

  • Section of the community document applies here, which states no Special Elections in the months of July and August.   
  • Seat will remain vacant until the next regular election in September

Take-Aways/Action Items from LFN DDF Porto

TSC Project Life Cycle: 

TSC priorities 

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

06:59:03 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:59:33 From  Sai Kum  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
06:59:36 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info Andreas Geissler, DT
07:00:06 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:28 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #info Ranny Haiby, The Linux Foundation
07:00:50 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info, catherine lefevre, att
07:00:52 From  SaiSeshu  to  Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Direct Message):
    Hi Kenny, Will need to drop early today...
07:01:02 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:01:03 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #info, N.K.Shankar, STL
07:01:40 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
07:01:54 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:03:56 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:04:19 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @Bin - thanks
07:12:02 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote Does the TSC approve the sign off of the Jakarta release effective today? +1, 0, -1
07:12:07 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:07 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:08 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:12 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:12 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:12 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:13 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1  - CONGRATS ALL
07:12:15 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:17 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:30 From  SaiSeshu  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:12:53 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:13:13 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
07:13:13 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    :-) congrats!
07:13:44 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED the TSC approves the sign off of the Jakarta release effective today.
07:21:42 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    https://linuxfoundation.org/JobPosting/?743999808231963     https://linuxfoundation.org/JobPosting/?743999833174840     https://linuxfoundation.org/JobPosting/?743999833174044
07:53:55 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    I'm talking
07:54:40 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    I will try to resolve the problem
08:00:05 From  Matt Watkins (LF)  to  Everyone:
    I have to drop off the call to go to an appointment; thanks everybody.
08:07:43 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    pics from the event     - https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/sABzB     - https://community.lfx.dev/t/events-are-back-photos-from-lfn-dev-forum-in-porto-portugal/1033?u=henry_quaye (link to more pics at the end)
08:18:50 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    Sorry, need to leave the call now.
08:19:00 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
08:19:27 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    DTF only reg link https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/features/co-located-events/
08:21:20 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    For people in the US, happy July 4th Weekend celebration !

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:01:44 Okay, The transcript is on the recording is on let's get rolling folks coming in are muted.
07:01:56 Please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking if you're coming in on the phone line.
07:02:00 You can use Star 6 private Chat messages. will be put into the minutes when I cut and paste the zoom chat, and let's see here, Bruno Magnus, thank you
07:02:24 Okay, speeding right along. we'll start by talking about our anti trust policy.
07:02:29 You can find this policy linked from the Lf. and all of the project websites policy is important where we have multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings, please.
07:02:39 Review it. If you have any questions, please contact your Company's Legal Council members of the Lf.
07:02:44 Mail to contact Andrew up to grow with the firm, gives me up to Grove, Lp.
07:02:48 Which provides legal counsel to the Lf and it's important to note that this policy is in effect, whether or not a member of staff is attending the call or it is just community members
07:03:10 Today i'll be talking about jakarta hopefully signing it off.
07:03:15 We'll have a good discussion on infrastructure looking for an integration.
07:03:22 Ptl i'm sure there will be a discussion about the S.
07:03:26 Bomb and then some follow-up on Porto and our upcoming events.
07:03:31 Anything else that needs to be added today.
07:03:37 Okay, we'll turn it over to my co-host Mr.
07:03:41 David Mcbride Alright, Thanks, Kenny
07:03:50 Okay So as kenny mentioned, we're going to review the status of Jakarta and decide on sign off the full release status is available in the weekly status for which I've linked here
07:04:13 at the top just to catch everyone up in case you forgot.
07:04:20 Last week we discussed sign off and determine that there were still too many loose threads.
07:04:31 We'll review those in a moment. and we pushed off the decision to Monday the 20 seventh in the Ptl meeting.
07:04:44 So in the ptl meeting on Monday we reviewed all of the open items, and determined that they were either resolved or could be deferred to the cone release we didn't
07:05:03 have quorum in terms of Tsu members attending the Ptl meeting.
07:05:09 And we decided that you know, it usually takes several days to get through a an email vote.
07:05:19 So we decided to just simply defer the vote 2 days or 3 days to today.
07:05:29 So that's where we stand right now, so let's take a look at some of those loose threads that I mentioned that we talked about last week.
07:05:44 So one of the things that came up were these: node Port ssl Errors.
07:05:53 So if you look at this page, go down to the bottom here, and you see that there were once related to Sdnc.
07:06:01 And so, and Cli and determined that there is a waiver in place for So and that that will be resolved in cone
07:06:19 We got feedback from Dan that the Sdnc issue is a false positive, and he updated the waiver.
07:06:30 And then I had an email exchange following the Tsc.
07:06:34 Meeting last week with conag about cla there's waiver in place, or i'm sorry on the wrong issue.
07:06:47 Cli, he he said, that it's not a blocker because functionality is not impacted.
07:06:56 And he did. at my request, you know, and cli, 4, 6, 6 to track this issue, and it will be addressed in in, so that
07:07:11 Is the summary of what happened with those node port ssl errors.
07:07:20 We had this issue Sdnc: 1, 7, 0, 6, and it was prior to Monday was not clear that it had been resolved.
07:07:32 We got confirmation that in fact, it had been resolved regarding the release notes.
07:07:45 Let's see sheer was going to update the
07:07:53 The architectural description. And, sucker, are you?
07:07:57 Are you on the call?
07:08:06 Sorry i'm here I was taking Sorry Okay, I know you were going to have a a meeting to discuss the architecture description.
07:08:15 Did that happen to the description? Get up? yes, okay.
07:08:22 I think we close the loop with 2 months and the rest of the documentation team either yesterday or day before yesterday.
07:08:30 Yeah, I think, Okay, all right. : Okay, Thomas, Any comments on this one?
07:08:36 No, that's Shaker said the reviewed the description and also the the picture is fine. So we are fine here on the architecture side.
07:08:50 Okay, thank you. we also have an issue regarding a a branch of the setcom repo.
07:09:01 Thomas had made a compelling argument that this should be branched along with everything else, and I think everyone's in agreement with that.
07:09:11 However, in the past we have not done that so get given where we're at with the release.
07:09:19 We decided that, since our precedent has been not to branch it that having one more release, where it's not branch, is probably not going to be a huge issue, so we we agreed that it should be branch, but
07:09:36 we're going to defer that practice to the cone release, and I think, amy you, I believe you created a jira issue for this and assigned it to cone correct Okay, alright and
07:09:59 then the We just recognize that one of the reasons that this this comes up is that We sign release management tasks to projects and 2 requirement owners.
07:10:13 But we have not in the past assigned release management tasks to subcommittee.
07:10:20 So I took an action to look at how that might be done so i'll be looking into that for the cone release.
07:10:31 There were a number of documentation release management tasks from the release candidate milestone.
07:10:43 That I reopened because the release notes had not been completed, or they have not been cherry-packed.
07:10:51 I think there were 4 of those that I reopened.
07:10:54 All of those have now been resolved and closed
07:11:00 So the summary is that, as far as I can tell from the issues that we reviewed at the Tsc.
07:11:10 Meeting last week. all of those issues have have been resolved or deferred to the cone release.
07:11:18 So, my my sense is at this point we are ready for or sign off.
07:11:24 Does anyone A. Ha! Is anyone aware of any other issues that would block sign off at this point
07:11:36 Okay, i'm not here hearing anything so kenny I suggest that we go ahead and proceed with the the vote or sign off.
07:11:47 I'm gonna put the vote into the chat with no stipulations
07:11:55 Does the team approve the sign-off of the Jakarta Release effective today?
07:12:00 That is the extent of the vote
07:12:05 And it's in the chat
07:12:33 And give it 2 more seconds actually 10 more seconds will probably be more polite wouldn't it
07:12:47 Okay, I am going to end the vote.
07:12:51 If my fingers will work, we just sign up the tents.
07:12:58 Really. Oh, that's fantastic! Yeah, yeah thanks to everyone for all of your hard work.
07:13:06 It. It took some effort to get to this point, and so well done.
07:13:14 As I mentioned the room of the release management status can be found in the status report that's linked here at the top that I emailed yesterday, and unless there any questions that's it for me
07:13:31 Kenny. Okay, just what I wanted to extend through the marketing launch.
07:13:38 I guess we'll be post july fourth and David I send the latest update this morning for the block.
07:13:48 I don't know if you saw it yeah to Jill Yeah, I think Jill is out on a holiday this week. so she probably won't look at that until after the Fourth Yes, So that's that's what i'm
07:14:10 thinking the marketing lunch. The publication of the block will be next week. Right?
07:14:18 Right. Okay, and I could not access to the Google Doc so that's why I I put the files.
07:14:25 So if there's any question let me know and let us know when it is lunch publicly i'm sure people would love to know that as when yeah, yeah, I don't know maybe kenny maybe we
07:14:40 can get Jill on the call at some point to get the Tsc.
07:14:46 An update. Yeah, I: Yeah, we can just list one, you know.
07:14:53 Let folks know when it gets posted and and that. But yeah, we can get Joe on the call.
07:14:58 Let's see here. what was I trying to do Oh, share screen
07:15:07 And and pick it up to Thomas, because I know finalizing.
07:15:14 The was extremely important, because it's the first thing that people will see.
07:15:21 And I just wanted to thank him to follow up with the team members, and he pulled the status and also thanks the integration to you again.
07:15:32 We have integrated at the last minute the Sdnc.
07:15:36 So. thank you so much for all of that and of course, thanks to all of you who did participate to the helies. So
07:15:45 I'm really happy conclude that just before july fourth thank you so much.
07:15:51 But just before the summer holidays, that's also nice
07:15:59 Okay, plunk that down under the decision log. okay let's move on to real inch and infrastructure issues.
07:16:12 Then feed lap from the get lab discussion.
07:16:22 There was a meeting on I think it was Monday that I was not able to attend but it sounds like we have a path forward.
07:16:35 It's a compromise because that's the best that any of us can do, and not the optimal situation.
07:16:44 But hopefully, once we figure out the bug with git labs and the timeouts, we will be able to address that
07:16:54 Anyone want to provide the the drill down on this
07:17:03 Hi kenny it's it's matt from relange
07:17:08 I think Banks and I have done a little bit work getting some infrastructure set up in the Unh lab in terms of a Gilab runa. I think the next steps really is just to show that some
07:17:16 licenses are attached to the code provide by ranch, and that that the source reposing Garrett are available.
07:17:24 I think at that point, if that's done the the next step for the ranch team will be to set up mirroring into getlap, so start to set up the copying the replace from from from the source, which will
07:17:33 be correct. let's get out. so I think we swing for confirmation that that code drop has happened with the appropriate licensing, and then I think it's full steam ahead on the technical implementation
07:17:44 details. Yeah. and in the meantime that that and I have done some work on the Unh lab.
07:17:53 And I think we're looking at potential deployment infrastructure for some runners in aws
07:18:00 That's probably it for me though
07:18:14 Okay, Anyone else on that topic
07:18:20 I think it's good progress that we find an entail native and
07:18:27 My apologies could not join the call on monday but it's great that the team working together.
07:18:33 If find an alternative that will support the integration needs.
07:18:38 So we can start to get ready somehow. for Cone Police as well.
07:18:43 Thank you so much to all of you. Okay. Next is 3.
07:18:53 And the space. Kevin, you want to talk about that
07:19:00 And if you do you're on mute
07:19:07 And maybe I had to step away long story short there's been ongoing space issues with next is 3 sorry guys.
07:19:20 Can you hear me now? Yes, sir. Oh, thank you. Can you?
07:19:24 Sorry about that. Some issues within the audio. So yeah, just just want to say that the next 3 space issues we saw basically we were just continuously increasing the usage of the docker.
07:19:39 That does not repository. Specifically, we were lacking some cleanup task.
07:19:46 So we have to run those tests that it save a lot of space.
07:19:50 We put those cleanup tasks to run automatically daily.
07:19:55 So that way we can just prevent these issue. happening. Okay, of course we're gonna see an increment on the us this page is space.
07:20:02 But it will be just the normal usage, but eventually it will be much better than the current one, because before yesterday we were not having those connections automatically.
07:20:14 So now we have it. So we hope we will prevent that image and That's it.
07:20:19 Okay.
07:20:30 And that he freed up like 9 TB of data.
07:20:37 You said Correct? Yeah, close to 10 throats. Yeah. Okay, cool.
07:20:46 Thank you for that. Also I wanna just trying to cast a wide net.
07:20:52 Here we have 3 very critical openings in our
07:21:00 Lf: it department that needed to help move some of the things that that you all depend on.
07:21:10 Forward. One is a full time position. The other tour contracts the full time is for basically a data engineer or data scientist.
07:21:24 Then we have one the The contracts are for a service engineer and a software engineer.
07:21:31 The links are there in the in the minutes, and I will also drop them into the chat window anyways.
07:21:47 So if you know anyone in your circle of contacts that might be interested in those positions.
07:21:56 Please, please. forward on the job posting. so we can try and get those filled.
07:22:01 So. Thank you very much on that. Anything else related to infrastructure or well in
07:22:16 Okayidoki. we've got a as folks are probably aware at this point.
07:22:29 Mccall is is stepping down as the ptl for integration.
07:22:34 So we are looking for an integration. Ptl:
07:22:40 If anyone is interested, please throw your hat into the ring. that would be greatly appreciated.
07:22:47 Catherine, anything else you wanted to mention on that?
07:22:51 Yes, I was wondering. but there are some option that we are currently exploring.
07:22:58 But if there is somebody who is really interested by the whole, I was thinking that maybe we can send an email to the Tse on up discourse.
07:23:08 The typical a mailing list like we usually do and and maybe said dates.
07:23:14 So to see Is there any interest, and maybe gives 2 weeks since?
07:23:20 Somebody might start their vacation. that's what I was thinking I will.
07:23:28 I will send this note later. Okay, Thank you.
07:23:39 Okay unto espa I know this is a topic at the top of everyone's mind.
07:23:46 About getting that running, and those 3 it positions that I mentioned are not necessarily blockers for that, but they are very closely related
07:24:08 So Kenya I don't think we have kiss on the call.
07:24:12 But the latest I heard from modestar is that 3 projects. we're gonna try to turn on best bomb generation cps and an Ai.
07:24:27 And forgot the third one. But I, if the ptls happen to be on the call today, maybe they can give us a quick update of a like a go logo where they stand. Yeah.
07:24:41 The third. The third project is Sdnc. The emails went out to them, but I have not seen any responses.
07:24:50 Oh, twon, did you? swan did you respond I'm in the middle of responding.
07:24:59 Yeah, no, I definitely give it a try no.
07:25:02 It was at the bottom of a pile, and I got a second meal today.
07:25:04 So said, yeah i'm creating a task now and i'll get it on in the next day, or so and and i'm sorry thanks to one.
07:25:13 The third one was Sdc or Sdnc Antoine.
07:25:25 Thank you very much. cpus. once again helping demonstrate leadership.
07:25:34 No much appreciate it. Okay, Duke. anything else on that topic.
07:25:45 No, just make sure to put it on the Agenda for next week, because, hopefully, there will be some progress by then on both friends, both on turning it on for the existing projects and addressing the issues that were already discovered
07:26:01 I think it's now been handled by lf developers but i'm not sure
07:26:11 And it was as I understand the issue from from Buddhistar.
07:26:18 Is that It has to the problems they've run into so far have had to do with the structure of the Repos.
07:26:27 So most of them are complexly structured and things fail and so we're just trying to get all of that sorted out so that we can automatically generate S.
07:26:34 Bombs as part of the build. Yeah, this is also very sorry.
07:26:42 Hi: Sorry. Yeah, the this is I remember we had a similar issue when we were working with White Source.
07:26:49 When I was working with the tech team from white source they pointed out the same thing that their tool was having issues because of the way some of the components are structure.
07:26:59 That seems to be the problem. So some some repository is my work, some repositories, my face also the same transitive dependency issues.
07:27:11 And yesterday I was at it today. developers channel to try to get somebody to help us out.
07:27:19 So I did. got reply from from nearby.
07:27:25 That Vasou was gonna try to help us out.
07:27:27 But yeah, unfortunately, trying to get somebody with the knowledge of how as well as structure, and also prominent in go.
07:27:39 Code is a little bit tough right now, but yeah it's it's it seems to be with the way some components are structure and Vj help me tries a lot of things.
07:27:51 But yeah, unfortunately, we couldn't make it work
07:27:58 Yeah, yeah, hopefully, hopefully, we will get somebody to help us out that's a little bit more knowledgeable with the code behind as well.
07:28:09 So i'll sorry i'm choking here a little bit this morning.
07:28:17 So within a within the Lf. the the issue has been escalated.
07:28:27 And there are lots of eyes on it it's one of resources right now.
07:28:37 So
07:28:38 Okay.
07:28:44 Moving on Then if there's nothing left on the s bomb
07:28:58 Okay, So talking about the open seat. that currently exists.
07:29:08 What do we want to do? Well, that's kind of a moot point at the moment?
07:29:19 Because this provision we have in the community document that special elections will not be held during the months of July and August next opportunity to address any seat or membership. changes in the Tsc.
07:29:37 Will be the next regular election. and all regular elections will show provision.
07:29:44 Shell shell up up apply so not only my choking this morning.
07:29:55 I'm also in one of my stuttering things anyways regular elections are in September.
07:30:04 The reason this provision is in here was to help ensure that during a the summer months, when we have many people out on holiday that there wasn't a an election that took place that could be potentially
07:30:23 swayed by folks being out of the office.
07:30:29 So the next opportunity for filling that seat would be September.
07:30:34 Any questions on that. Okay, so we don't proceed by the we we couldn't we?
07:30:46 We we can either opposite with the boat, and already agree that we schedule a special election, or maybe we can postpone and then market as an action for September.
07:30:57 Well, tomorrow tomorrow is July first, so nothing in we could maybe perform the vote and implement the vote in September. so we don't need to vote in September, or you prefer to do all in one Well, that.
07:31:19 Yeah, there would. There would be no need for a special election.
07:31:21 It would just be a regular election. We don't need to work.
07:31:26 Okay, Yep: So procedurally, this is this is managed.
07:31:39 Okay, thank you, Guinea. Let me just write a note here
07:32:11 In the meantime, while i'm doing this typing this in Catherine, you wanna talk about Porto
07:32:22 So is it possible to click, maybe on the link? again
07:32:33 I would also do a non-site. So do you want to share?
07:32:38 Well, so I can I can type Let me promote you here just second.
07:32:44 Where are you? There you are!
07:32:57 She.
07:33:06 If not, I can, and then I I can go and and fill in the thing about the election.
07:33:10 Oh, there you go! Okay, and that i'm so do you see the dirty summaries.
07:33:17 Yes, okay, So I I don't know if we have any final numbers.
07:33:23 So the the even in was attending by I would say 60 plus physically, or maybe more.
07:33:33 That's right we have the final figures the actual attendance.
07:33:40 We had right at 60 people there. we had a total of a 129 that actually registered for onsite.
07:33:54 We had 30 folks that had registered to be on site that actually attended remotely
07:34:02 And once we duped remote attendance. The total number of people participating in the event was just at 300 people, so very much in line with our previous events.
07:34:17 So that was good. We know that, there were a number of issues that folks had with visas.
07:34:27 Particularly our are are community members in India, where the these are.
07:34:40 The visa requests were submitted, and just they never got a response.
07:34:45 Which was unfortunate. so we had quite a few people that wanted to be there that couldn't but yeah 300 people total, which is great in terms of attendance, and for those of us that were there it was somebody described it
07:35:04 on the on the strategic planning committee call as therapeutic and I I think it very much was
07:35:18 At least that was the attendant, and I think we were locked on significant back.
07:35:24 Yeah. remotely from Asia, and also from North America as well.
07:35:32 So people were presenting. They were some visual rooms with some topics, so
07:35:38 I will be using the planary daily summaries to go through quickly about what has been discussed, and so, at least you have a good feeling about
07:35:52 The different topics that was presented, not only for Moon app, but also for the other open source of
07:36:01 Community like allocate. Fdio Open the lights,
07:36:06 And and and I am cool exigger rela was also represented.
07:36:13 I hope I don't I did not forget anybody so the first day it's called the is not reported in the daily Summaries.
07:36:21 But the first day was a kind of, course, open community, where it was mostly a topic driven by the Linux foundation, except maybe one topics.
07:36:34 There was topics about the the tools, the Ls insight with the latest functionality.
07:36:42 There was one topic: dedicated to about what we do in terms of security at the elephant level one topics driven by Scott Steel about documentation. one topics about the marketing and I I was sitting
07:37:04 I i'm missing others. What does did we have the first day.
07:37:10 Maybe I should share
07:37:17 I'm not sure I would I would see anything big that I miss from the first Dayof the project.
07:37:28 Oh, yes, Introduction to Ue. you and H. Lab, which is another additional research for deployment, and also in production of math.
07:37:41 I. he beat Matt is oh, Emma, lfit Support and I think I it was also a long term vision from the Lfn.
07:37:54 As well, and I think I cover everything from the first date let's go back to the daily summaries.
07:38:05 The first day we had the we the ownup team was presenting 9 session.
07:38:16 We had a kind of readout for the from the Security Ship committee about what has been a accomplished, and you can see the the highlights, and if you need to learn more, you can always click on the link of the
07:38:29 pages, and also some discussion about as well like we did today. A good thing to be aware is that Robert Fagga come open delight, and maybe that can help, as Dnc.
07:38:42 Project was also offering some expressions from open day like using, I mean implementing as well, using cyclone Dx format as well.
07:38:57 The second topics was after we highlight what has been accomplished from a security perspective?
07:39:04 It was what we will do next, and of course, the service mesh.
07:39:10 You see that you have. You have already heard about it on the Tsc.
07:39:14 Call because Andrea was already introducing we what he kickoff, what he has done so far, and what he planned to do.
07:39:23 And of course, we were talking about the Ci budging, which is no he name open Ssf badging, and I was pleased to hear of home to one that he wants to be the first to becoming gold that was also a
07:39:39 key statement, and of course, some sharing about the Un.
07:39:46 Maintain a dust, for what do they do? And so we also discuss a little bit about container signing 2, and in similarly to the court of to participate to the Asban Poc.
07:39:58 They were also cool. for the project to participate to the container signing.
07:40:06 Amy, did you? Did we get any feedback on this request? yet?
07:40:10 No, because we we spent yesterday's ptl meeting reviewing Jakarta.
07:40:17 So I'll, i'll bring that up on the I guess the meeting on the eleventh is it is that the next Ptl call.
07:40:26 Yes, because I guess that probably David will consult the force.
07:40:29 May I act? Maybe we have a minute on the this So, David, you come from?
07:40:40 You will not be there on Monday right all right yeah That's that's correct, right?
07:40:46 And I think that again this the container signing again.
07:40:50 We are looking at this to not require additional work other than potentially.
07:40:56 Adding some lines to a Jenkins job.
07:40:57 But this would not be something that would you know once that's added, It would not be.
07:41:01 It would not require ongoing work by the ptl just like as far as like anything like like we do code signing today like anything else we do.
07:41:12 That's like that. It would be automated. But we do need to get feedback and decide on a path forward.
07:41:20 Oh, thank you, I mean. And there was another action. If we if you type service mesh on the owner, Wiki, they are multiple reference of what we were intending to do, and the request was that maybe we we put
07:41:37 some notes, I think. Are we consolidate under what we keep? Page?
07:41:43 We can have 2 topics but to remove any confusion, I think all the service match Wikipedia should be review, and either Mac as do more update or new more valid or whatever Okay,
07:42:03 the ownup community, right? because we are moving with this link, which is the link of Andrea.
07:42:10 Yes, and That's on the list that's on the backlog of Setcom to make sure that we take care of our service.
07:42:15 Mesh pages, and that that's that is excellent. And then people were advising us to look at scan code dot dot au for a license dependency.
07:42:26 I believe that we are already using that. but that was also a reminder.
07:42:33 Anything else that you want to add. Amy on the 2 first topic before I move to the next one.
07:42:36 I'd have a question on the scan code it is that what we I for some reason I thought we used facology, but maybe it's scan code.
07:42:45 I may just be getting confused again I I we don't typically view license scan license scanning as a security issue.
07:42:57 Yeah. was done a while ago by the Samsung team, and it was mostly focusing on looking for dependencies in docker containers.
07:43:09 That was kind of the main alright. So this is yeah.
07:43:13 But I don't wanna get into that here. Ronnie, so we should probably have a conversation about this because just just to throw it out there.
07:43:25 The the container. Scanning tools are not at the same maturity as the code scanning tools mainly because of what they return.
07:43:38 As results are so flat it becomes it, it will be overwhelming for the ptls.
07:43:45 The findings are so flat, you know. we we go through, and we get rid of a lot of findings, because they can't be fixed by the ptl.
07:43:53 That information is typically not available for a container scan yeah that's that's an interesting point.
07:44:03 But I wasn't claiming that this tool is in okay, So this was not really for license.
07:44:11 This was more for dependencies. Is that what this was done for the the trigger for that?
07:44:16 And kind of It was a while ago there was some concern that we are redistributing docker images, and inside these docker images there could be Gpl.
07:44:27 3 or proprietary code, so we needed a way to scan make sure we're not liable in any way in that front
07:44:40 Okay, is there any more comments? There There have been a a couple of demonstration about how own apps fit.
07:44:52 Well in the Oran strategy. and one of the demo was performed by by by by kiss of prose, Marshal and Gwenko. and and Sebastian the term from at and T with the
07:45:07 support of the Uran Committee and some members of the ownup community as well.
07:45:11 120, and there is today a package which is available to deploy all what you need including.
07:45:19 So simulators, And it was also the blog based on a lot of discussion with the organizing
07:45:27 So it's a kind of endurance loop you see to support a 5 giga root twin so have a look we got the request also to another package within additional integration. like i'm go and Look at for
07:45:42 inform management. So some people are interested to another package.
07:45:47 They can definitely contact Massachusetts on the bridge.
07:45:51 Normally So that was great. additional information about open integration.
07:46:04 Demonstrating. I think this one was one of Dutch telecom from Lena.
07:46:11 And they are currently using own up Cds and C. Udu.
07:46:17 In this demo to demonstrate D one configuration management in their plan.
07:46:23 Actually we could connect one and Lena I, Porto.
07:46:29 Even their request was Kobe to assessive Cds Cds.
07:46:33 Db. could replace by Cp. and at the same time why not integrate anything which is available here in the Sm.
07:46:43 Package that I was just mentioning before on the next one.
07:46:48 Look at Did a great job to represent what we are doing with issue and other team members from the Cnn task force, and also mostly from the Survey orchestra area.
07:47:03 The Cnn. Co. So latest capabilities and future plan was share, and one of the topics that everything has in mind is how own up.
07:47:14 And if you will fit together, some of you will participate to the summit.
07:47:19 Last week, so that's something that the team will try to understand deeper.
07:47:26 Other 50 step step, as well as integrating the famous Esd model that we agree coping of months ago, and additional control loop capabilities as well as close to homing converting custom.
07:47:44 Moving we Were also planning to use committee use so I don't know if which is on the call, or if it's already already on leave.
07:47:49 I think it's on leave but the dc team was already using comedy use poc.
07:47:57 So it would be nice that everybody would plan do use common use for matrix talk to each other so we can benefit from the knowledge.
07:48:07 Did the expertise, and also define a common way i'll follow the matrix as well.
07:48:15 Alright. 'cause she was also demonstrating first indication with them.
07:48:22 Call, considering M. quasi black box. and based on this one A and ai!
07:48:30 It was again all what i'm saying is really real Demoeven the the previous one.
07:48:40 A lot of real demo was the monstrated to him.
07:48:42 This event. Then focus on the future right discussion about intent grievant orchestration, and another demo demonstrating any integration with ownup and excel I've missed maybe a couple of
07:48:58 items. If you don't see 9 no I cover all any question for the one or own up
07:49:12 So I don't know if anybody wants to hick up a nuke.
07:49:16 Otherwise you have a lot of information here and mco who continue to try to understand how to bring a acano, and i'm call so a lot of inside who they can also use Io so low off inside about
07:49:32 Mco, and we add at least 2 open day, like session.
07:49:39 One session for Odin. I forget to mention audiences who are participating to this event as well as Fdio.
07:49:47 Any question for the one
07:49:54 So I skip a little bit anuket, continuously focusing on the area 2 Kubernetes.
07:50:03 Another good set of enco discussion, and then we have a set of 12 session about owner.
07:50:13 So that's really going come back it was a really good would, even because we have the silicon.
07:50:22 That communication telecom Italia, really sharing hold the Us.
07:50:28 On up what they did with that in production sometimes as well and and what we are their plan.
07:50:34 So if You're interested to understand what the carrier doing, at least you have Vita and T. who share more insight about what they were doing.
07:50:44 So we had Lena again explaining the whole of Ango, CD. in the context of team app for their deployment and the fact that of course, they are replacing a F Msv by service. Mesh.
07:50:57 And they also talk about the introduction of cluster Api.
07:51:03 And you see the next step they are looking for team members who could contribute to help them.
07:51:10 To move to the next step, which is the provisioning of declarative Api for close location, configuration, and management, andreas.
07:51:20 Would you like to add anything regarding any of the the presentation made by Dt.
07:51:28 I actually I I mean I was just in contact, of course, with stolen.
07:51:35 I have not seen actually that because I was a vacation, as you know.
07:51:39 So, therefore, and no additional comments. But yeah, we we will continue on that trip.
07:51:46 And looking forward and trying to upstream as much as we can. from our point of view.
07:51:55 And that will be then, I think, coming in the next basically weeks or months.
07:51:59 Yeah, as I said so, it will be most likely some announcement, or at least some additions on om where we try to push a little bit, or at least integrate all our CD let's say
07:52:18 deployment and describe this and also as as set already.
07:52:24 The plan to upstream our portal code, but we have to do some other homework also.
07:52:32 Have some requirements then, for for own up as well works out the key cloak, to which is a line, of course, with our service mesh.
07:52:40 A story but that's something which we are going forward Thank you.
07:52:46 I'm glad. Then back to magnus mechanisms or not only your pse represent that it for aixon, but is also a network management technical community called coordination.
07:53:03 We share with us the latest feedback as part of his whole.
07:53:08 I want really. Maybe i've missed that before But I was really pleased to hear that the own app is awesome news, for, you see, when we talk about digital information work catalyst, there is one event scheduled in
07:53:23 September. So maybe Magnus will be like to share a little bit more insight about what has been discussed, and in the cooperation like Magnus, is on the bridge
07:53:44 You was I don't see him on the bridge no he's there.
07:53:53 Yeah, might be double muted because his mic is open. Okay, So you need to be to do stuff 6.
07:54:00 You would like to talk
07:54:05 I'm going to try muting and unmuting
07:54:12 He says he's talking I am here, I I know I was. I was talking to the Magnus and a call earlier, and he was.
07:54:21 Having he had a new laptop, so perhaps some issue with zoom, so I think So maybe if you come back to them at the end or something, so cps one was sharing a grid insight.
07:54:38 about cps the leading announcement with a lot of live demos.
07:54:46 As I said, we connect to one and Lena to discuss about potentially replacing Cds Db.
07:54:51 By Cbs. a potential integration with your summer package of Cps.
07:54:57 Especially in the context of network rising because Cps is already part of the package.
07:55:02 But we need to refine it for network slicing as well.
07:55:12 The integration team was sharing the latest accomplishment in the context of Jacob and one we can expect, we, as part of the company.
07:55:26 And for the Ptl, it will be important to.
07:55:31 I like to them the the latest image, Python and Java, already available, and additional information can be found on the requirement.
07:55:39 173, and then the gating. You have an update today with Kiplap, Joanne and Unh will not come back on that to urgency.
07:55:51 Even if you have 2 committers we don't have enough committers, and in particular we don't have the pts.
07:55:59 So, as I said, I will send the final call for that.
07:56:03 Otherwise we need to explore
07:56:08 Young did a great job, with different presentation about new capabilities, but also what has been accomplished with Zakata right?
07:56:21 And he was introducing the compact, so I don't know, liam, would the right to give more insight about your presentation, since you're on the bridge, and I was really Yeah, we were sure just going through.
07:56:41 The what's on it was happening in the in the policy framework, and that's the they they and they various things.
07:56:53 I'm hoping Yeah. is it's mainly focused around, I think, improving the testing in the in in the in in the call release I'd like to meet you what we've already.
07:57:09 I don't know you talk to you about meteors metrics.
07:57:10 We've already I think, thanks to bell canada it's a fair bit of work in the policy framework. So we're we're just adding some extra matrix in corn as well to to to to to measure the
07:57:21 execution time of policies, and you also share an important possibility with them.
07:57:30 Call i'm cool has a new policy agent and you had the yeah you you had the the yeah the Nv.
07:57:45 Why not queue on a policy right for this this whole?
07:57:49 So that's something we we need to support you yeah, So yeah, I need.
07:57:56 Yeah, the idea would be that we support him at A at the Inco the opa open policy agent Zoom.
07:58:02 Call I i'm not sure whether we get the phone call and cool enough, but we could.
07:58:06 We can certainly, have, maybe talk to them and see what can be done.
07:58:14 Okay, Thank you so much, liam additional ticket take your way as you can see here.
07:58:21 I like the tech communication. Another carriers was really presenting their complete Q.
07:58:27 And a since they. I think they start with Benjamin, I guess, and they were spending their complete journey.
07:58:38 What a whole to deployed owner hold to help them upstream to adopt it.
07:58:44 So lot of these demos and information. that I really invite you to to look at, which was great insight about oh, how they have position owned up in their company.
07:59:03 Then, this one We we have no kind of new tiger team, which will be composed of Magnus, Sunny Chemo and anybody else.
07:59:13 If you want to join the tie your theme, The the intention is, we just celebrate of 5 years with the Jacques Tahiti.
07:59:22 Sign up good summary of all the accomplishment and the challenge.
07:59:28 Opportunity was shared to the to the at the even to the community. and a lot of concerted feedback and phone up was built as a platform to demonstrate.
07:59:48 And what you could do when you are on board. instrument orchestrate.
07:59:51 Vnf. Pnf. and later on Cnf.
07:59:54 There was some wish to be back on component focus.
07:59:59 Not only we can choose the component that you want to use when when we do certain use case, but really to have a more focused a little bit like the Mvp.
08:00:12 Description that we had with in the past with the architecture team, and even more so.
08:00:16 I don't know is the target. see the tiger team has already been kick off and and maybe magnusic.
08:00:26 Your your mic is fixed, or maybe timogany or part of the tiger team would like to say few words and maybe invite the team members to join us as well
08:00:45 If you're is honey, yeah maybe the other members of the team are not in the call, but they can say that.
08:00:54 We would appreciate help from other community members you don't have to be on the Tsc.
08:01:02 It's just kind of a think tank about where we want to go, and how we want to position all that moving forward.
08:01:10 So yeah, everybody's welcome. Thank you anion. maybe it would be nice to send an email when you will kick off this this guy your team, as when okay?
08:01:30 Then we have some demos I cannot remember, because I did not attend this session.
08:01:35 We had a demo of a complex movie domain orchestration are called Edge and public using on up Cds and their form plan great.
08:01:47 Be more again and sharing more inside. I see about the project for Micro with, or Svc.
08:01:53 Ptl
08:02:00 This is something I cannot remember. Somebody was sharing. Oh, Python can be abused by Malaysia.
08:02:09 Tba. and the insight of a Cds executor. So I believe the Cds team was sharing more inside about what they are doing.
08:02:19 Great Demo Homo team members, and maybe do. Don, are you still with us?
08:02:25 You would like to present these items with young them. Michigan, hearing talk about Cc. VPN.
08:02:34 And inton based networking
08:02:42 Really don one is there, or yeah, Hi: Customer: yeah would you like to share a little bit more insight about this session?
08:02:59 Okay, Okay, yeah, in yeah, we do where team, which is, which is the internal.
08:03:12 And also the conservative situation which meet by harmony.
08:03:18 We cooperate this session. yes, this session women includes 4 parts.
08:03:24 The first the first part of we gave our Charlotte introduction.
08:03:29 And now also a demo of the in kind of driven close to a income driven system.
08:03:35 They may have proven provide this interaction on the Internet based interaction.
08:03:42 As well as colloquial of the your chance.
08:03:51 Various work. we also have salmon and Pc: yeah, epsilon epsilon.
08:03:59 The second part of the video introduction of our and the evolution of the C is a
08:04:12 This mission is going also provide a load map of the system on your case in call remains the third part which is good meal requirement related to the intent infrastructure which proposals and the need
08:04:32 by Sam Sissy and honey that's that's part of a event paid Probably that's true. Now, Yeah.
08:04:41 From Cba University, who builds a chemical review of the intent that is, that working where his team has for sound and research on the intend that's not working for many years at currently his team.
08:04:57 Also join in our own and sauce research and the development of the Internet networking based on owner.
08:05:05 So those as man content in this section
08:05:14 Thank you so much. Dong: Okay, Thank you. Thank you so much, Don, for sharing more inside.
08:05:22 And again it was 100, with Demos sharing where we have all with intent business working, and the last one of the day was as you, as you know, as part of the cigar blueprint we are trying the
08:05:35 faculty supervision we are trying to indicate with Macma.
08:05:40 Sounds like my fiveg stuff to be available somehow. And if you have any interest about Macma, and you have some requirement to ask there was a cool of action to get your inputs.
08:05:56 Any question about this Sunday
08:06:03 Short day I tend to say we had the pre session again.
08:06:07 Another great insight from data communication about there. use case for Cdc.
08:06:16 Check and scheduling flow invoking the following component. So again, I really invite you, because, having inside home carriers, it's it's give you a an understanding about they are very open shan teams and
08:06:32 themselves are using one up. telecom Italia
08:06:37 Also, as I I almost previously also share. they are using an app, especially the network slicing the control loop.
08:06:44 In the context of the virtualization June, and we conclude the session with 100 acm something that liam was introducing to all of us as part of our control.
08:07:00 Loop. You may be anything special that you want to add
08:07:09 Not really I they I I just actually because we're I uploaded the video on the demo for that yet just yesterday, because I was on vacation next week.
08:07:20 So if anybody was looking for that since so and it wasn't there it is there now.
08:07:26 So apologies in the delay I can.
08:07:28 It was almost a session in the in the this is almost a bit.
08:07:33 The session in the in the whole conference. So I kind of lost lost track.
08:07:37 Yeah post It It might be something that's I I think now we have the support available to really automate the management of our control loops.
08:07:48 As well as I know all of us on the cosmic controls. but not all of them have been, you know, not. All of them have been visible to, or manageable with clamp and with the with temp and ecm now I think
08:08:02 we should make an efforts to make his to to make them a little bit more flexible, to have them nice secular to consumers manage.
08:08:09 So if anybody wants to do that, feel free to to contact me. So thank you, liam, to share more insights again, and no need of apologizing anything.
08:08:23 We knew. you will post one you will be able to do so, if it is not yet done.
08:08:30 So that was really a Nan object. dynamic.
08:08:34 Nice to see face to freeze people again. I don't know if anybody else wants to add any thing about it even itself. questions.
08:08:45 Can you hear me now? Yes, sir, sorry about this I changed my computer, and it doesn't like zoom
08:08:58 So I I don't know what you what you said about the next 5 years of what I said is that you?
08:09:13 You can. What I just said is that we decided to Kikov kind of tiger team We have a lot of accomplishment challenge opportunities.
08:09:24 Share a lot of complexity concerts feedback. and this diagram will try to address some of the challenge and opportunity of improvement that was highlighted during this session.
08:09:37 That's what I think yeah I I I did I have. i'm just about to sort of expand the the presentation with the comments and the and the discussion.
08:09:53 I think we had a great dialogue many people engaged, and I'm trying to to summarize that and put it together and send send out it to send it to people in initially those who put participated in the open discussion to see
08:10:08 if I captured what they wanted to say in the right way.
08:10:12 It takes some time because you have to listen through the recording, and I had some notes, and so on.
08:10:19 But but eventually I will. I will send that that, and that should then form the basis for this tiger team.
08:10:28 And to to so that's my plan yep and and I was also inviting.
08:10:40 Maybe some if I don't know if you're in enough people to you know, people to discuss so whatever we can always send.
08:10:50 A a male to the own uptc or not discuss.
08:10:56 If there are people who want to contribute and and to work with the tiger team, that was also my other suggestion. Yeah.
08:11:02 So. So first step is to get all that what that was said into some summary and in a slide set. then check with them that I got it right, and then say it to a sort of to the Tc.
08:11:21 A yeah and and then we'll i'll bring it up at the at the Tc.
08:11:27 Meeting later. Maybe after the vacation that sounds great and then Magnus, I don't know if you want to say anything.
08:11:41 What you share to the community? I can. I can do that.
08:11:47 Yeah, but sorry again for being back and forth into the meeting.
08:11:52 So on the Tcc Generic network management. there is a page that I keep updated that that, and you can see the link there.
08:12:04 If you go to that yeah, i'm just trying to I understand so much to choose from
08:12:20 Here we go. Yeah, Okay. So So I I think it was great.
08:12:25 We have a great dialogue with 3 Gpsa.
08:12:28 I I got a sort of a lot of attention there to try to to clarify the Ipr issue, and I think I think we're in a good position.
08:12:38 We could use as a threegppy terminology.
08:12:45 We could use some some names, and so on and and then if we if we just sort of reference in the right way, it shouldn't be problem.
08:12:53 Then, when it comes to this transformation world, that's a team forum that their big event is gonna be in in in Copenhagen, in in September, and then there will probably be parks that are using
08:13:12 ownup as a base for showing what they want to. demo, this is Shankar.
08:13:25 So what's the best way to follow up on on the whole 3 Gpp issue about copyrights and models.
08:13:35 What's the best way to follow up about exactly what is okay to do you ?
08:13:42 I I I think that the best way would to be send another liation statement with, if there are questions.
08:13:53 Sort of comments and clarifications needed. We will have to answer the the Ls.
08:13:59 That we got Do you have sort of comments? questions that you want to to send to 3?
08:14:13 Gpp: Yeah, let me just circle back with with the 2 or 3 other people who are .
08:14:22 Affected by this and then and then follow up by email.
08:14:24 Yeah, and and we can. We can have a a meeting as well.
08:14:29 But I think that's we need to speak to them in form of place or statement.
08:14:35 They also said that we are, it's okay if we we can also maybe schedule a meeting with them.
08:14:42 I don't know exactly what it said in the in the answer from them.
08:14:45 But but they're open to dialogue okay that's good.
08:14:50 So come back to me with with anything you would like to get clarified.
08:14:57 Thank you.
08:15:03 Thank you. Anybody else wants to learn anything about the even
08:15:12 Alright, Kenny, I'm thinking to give you back the school.
08:15:19 Okay, Thanks. Thank you, Katherine. Katan There was one more I think it's okay.
08:15:27 We can continue
08:15:34 You mean I missed the presentation, I I think,
08:15:47 Where in what happened coincidence? What we did right?
08:15:50 That was presented. Okay, Do you want to say fewer ?
08:15:54 No alert. we always spoke about it. i'm just trying to put it on record that we have that topic also for those interested, because last year, as we spoke about it, I get a brief introduction.
08:16:04 So we do have that interaction done to last velocity as a be prior to the Gdf itself.
08:16:12 Okay, Thank you. So next item, Oh, you share some nice pictures.
08:16:25 I will be linked. I said it was so nice to see you.
08:16:31 The phase of a lot of you a couple of you as well
08:16:40 The other topics that we have in the agenda I don't think we will tackle deeper, but we we have.
08:16:49 I I just had the question for Kenny. there is all this project life cycle as part of the Ts.
08:16:57 Tia. Is it something that the Tse need to clean up before the next selection?
08:17:03 No, the things about lifecycle are not in the election won't be impacted by issues related to the life cycle.
08:17:14 Okay, you still need to to do a plan to edit it based on the maintain that force.
08:17:21 But we don't need to to do it thank you for the classification.
08:17:26 We do need to set up time for that and then for the priority.
08:17:35 Well, I I did not prepare anything. This question We had an action plan that we built together.
08:17:46 Maybe we might have more time on July eleventh, to to review the plan and and see how we can accelerate the plan as well.
08:17:57 So, Kenny, there are still 2 even schedule this year.
08:18:04 Yes, and registration is now open for both.
08:18:10 The one summit will be in seattle that'll be November fifteenth, and sixteenth, and then the developer and testing forum will follow.
08:18:20 That there is a registration fee required for the one summit.
08:18:24 There is nothing for the developer and testing forum.
08:18:30 If you are going to the one summit there's just excuse me.
08:18:36 There's just a checkbox to to add the developer event.
08:18:48 There is a checkbox to add the developer event.
08:18:55 As a add-on or you can follow the link directly to the developer event.
08:19:05 And register for the dtf only i'll drop that I think the key message is that the call for proposal.
08:19:17 The deadline is pretty soon, right it's end of next week this the Cfp deadline for the event for the summit is a week out.
08:19:30 So. please. if you are interested in submitting a presentation for the one summit.
08:19:39 Please follow the links there to do so. or the dtf
08:19:47 That will be the same way as we always do it. we will get a Wiki page posted for topics.
08:19:54 And it will be community self service, Okay? and no, the time yet. right?
08:20:02 The team has worked fine, so we need we just finished the the one we probably need to figure out what's what next we will need to present.
08:20:12 So, I believe, the deadline will be maybe you September end of September, or something nineties.
08:20:22 But you are still time for for the Dtf.
08:20:28 We have time for the summit itself? that submissions ends next week.
08:20:38 Why don't you
08:20:46 Oh, good! So anybody else. If anyone additional topics they wanted to discuss today
08:20:58 Okay, everybody, Thank you so much. Just a note.
08:21:03 I will be out on pto next week, so I will see you all again.
08:21:13 The week of July eleventh, 8, so we would try to survive.
08:21:22 So everybody in your vacation it's could be around the world right?
08:21:30 Because we all deserve a great celebration on our tenth release.
08:21:35 Just enjoy the time with your family during the summer season.
08:21:38 Happy July Fourth for the people who are celebrating it mostly in the Us.
08:21:45 I guess, and Anyway, I look for work to meet you next week, and to continue the journey together.