TSC 2022-06-09

TSC 2022-06-09

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/661303200?pwd=TFdRd0c2MTJUem8xa252UGJHTE1Mdz09

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not AttendNot counted for Quorum

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Weekly Update


Sign-Off Review - need to discuss

Items to complete for the release

Items to complete post Jakarta release

  • Weekly and 72h Stability Test Run results (early July 2022) - addendum to Jakarta release
  • Eric Debeau is checking if tests can be run on Orange labs as a backup plan

Items to be completed as part of Kohn release

  • Remove test-requirements.txt file from multicloud-2022-05-19.zip (Bin Yang - MULTICLOUD-1478), integration-2022-05-19.zip and testsuite-2022-05-19.zip (Michał Jagiełło )

#AGREED  TSC approves moving the sign-off of the Jakarta release to June 23, 2022.


M1 Review - NO GO

#AGREED the TSC approves moving Kohn M1 to also be on and M2 to be  


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
    • Gitlab for CI currently blocked by EasyCLA integration error.

SBOM tools

  • current challenges is around transitive dependencies in Jenkins run It works ok locally.
  • trying to decide if a separate job is needed.
  • Some bugs still being worked through - want those to  be addressed before sharing further

PTL Updates


Congratulations Ramesh Murugan Iyer , our new Policy committer !

LFN Cross-Organization Updates



Feedback from May LF Board

LFN Cross-Organization Updates



Feedback from the TAC: Election, etc.

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) 

!!! ONAP Community - these topics will be discussed @LFN Event in Porto next week - Topics Page: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/qLAZB !!!

1) ONAP in TM Forum’s Multi-SDO Autonomous Networks seminar series 

I have received interest to present for:

  • TOSCA Defined Control Loop Lifecycle Management Demo – Liam Fallon, Zu Qiang
  • Application Service Descriptor (ASD) for K8s NFs – Marian Darula, et al
  • Orchestration of xNF Based 5G Service - Michał Chabiera, et al

2) Liaison statement to 3GPP SA regarding IPR issues

ONAP - EMCO integration PoC.


This is to demonstrate the PoC to integrate ONAP project with EMCO project and the changes involved.

Demo will be presented at the LFN DDF event in Porto - Tuesday June 14th 5pm CET.

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

  • CNF Task Force is now scheduled on Thursdays prior TSC Meeting
  • Enterprise Task Force schedule to be re-adjusted since it is now conflicting with the LFN TAC meeting - next meeting on June 29nd, 2022

TSC Activities and Deadlines


TSC Project Life Cycle: 

TSC priorities 

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

06:56:45 From  SaiSeshu (Huawei)  to  Everyone:
    #info Seshu, huawei
07:00:21 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:00:24 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
    #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:00:24 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:25 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:00:27 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
07:01:50 From  Thomas KULIK (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #info proxy Thomas Kulik (DT) for Andreas Geissler
07:02:12 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:02:52 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    #info, Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
07:03:48 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:04:31 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #info N. K. Shankar, STL
07:05:41 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    I have added a topic about TAC
07:06:05 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    my audio does not work yet
07:06:17 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    i can hear you but you can not hear me
07:06:20 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    will reconnect
07:06:21 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
07:07:37 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    @shankar- thanks
07:23:14 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:23:22 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:23:31 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
07:49:25 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
08:07:07 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #vote Does the TSC approve moving the sign-off of the Jakarta release to June 23, 2022? +1, 0, -1
08:07:23 From  SaiSeshu (Huawei)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:25 From  Bruno Sakoto  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:27 From  bin.yang@windriver.com  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:27 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:29 From  Thomas KULIK (DT)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:29 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:39 From  Magnus Buhrgard  to  Everyone:
    #vote 0
08:07:43 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:07:49 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Vote +1
08:08:45 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
    #vote +1
08:09:13 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
08:09:44 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED  TSC approves moving the sign-off of the Jakarta release to June 23, 2022.
08:15:54 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    #AGREED the TSC approves moving Kohn M1 to also be on 23 Jun 2022 and M2 to be 14 Jul 2022 
08:19:13 From  Sai Seshu  to  Everyone:
    need here please
08:19:20 From  Eric Debeau  to  Everyone:
    I have to drop. 
08:33:32 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    Great job all on the Jakarta release - keep going and let’s finalise everything prior June 23rd :-)
08:33:55 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
    I need to drop but look forward to meeting in person some of you next week
08:35:21 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:03:12 transcript has been turned on let's get rolling Everyone comes in muted.
07:03:20 Please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking to unmute yourself.
07:03:24 If you're on a dial in line you can use star 6, and if you send me a private chat message, i'll happily cut and paste it into the meeting minutes when we are all done start off by talking about
07:03:36 our companies or our projects. anti trust policy. Notice This policy is important where we have multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:03:52 Please review it. If you have any questions please contact your Company's Legal Council, members of the Lf.
07:03:57 May also contact Andrew Up Grove, The firm Gesmer Up Grove, llp.
07:04:00 Which provides Legal Council to the lf it's also important to notice that this policy is enforced, whether or not a member of Lf.
07:04:12 Staff is present. Thank you. Team out
07:04:24 Okay, have a lot of stuff on the agenda today.
07:04:30 Need to discuss what's up about jakarta also need to get some clarification on something regarding the cone Release
07:04:43 Discussion of s bomb tools. We have a lot of stuff that was brought forward from last week.
07:04:52 Magnus with a update sushi. Was this going to be a demo here at the meeting, or at the event?
07:05:02 We wanted to show the demo here. if it's possible otherwise we will.
07:05:06 Enemies have it note on the cnf task force, and then we can discuss the normal current and feeding of the own app project.
07:05:21 Anything else,
07:05:28 Okay, David is out. Oh, you are here I I'm sorry, I said.
07:05:34 I've , Yes, you did absolutely you did I am losing that man.
07:05:44 I I am losing i'm i'm totally losing it okay.
07:05:51 Let me stop sharing there's a note from Catherine about the tack topic.
07:05:56 She wanted to add, Yeah, Okay,
07:06:05 Let me give you permission. There you go!
07:06:18 Okay. So thanks, Kenny. So I included a link to the weekly update. there in the agenda.
07:06:30 You can see at the top of the So did you?
07:06:38 We made a lot of progress in the last week since we reviewed it a week ago.
07:06:47 You'll recall that we we talked about it last week, and the determination was made that we had not met the requirements for sign off, and so
07:06:57 We pushed the the sign off date out a week.
07:07:02 And of course that added the complication that it fell on the same date as cone M.
07:07:10 One which is kind of unusual I don't think that that's happened before.
07:07:15 But we we decide. Go ahead with that because it it.
07:07:21 It appeared that a lot of progress had been made against Cone M.
07:07:26 One so but you decide to see you know whether that you know was something that that could be done.
07:07:32 So let's take a look so let's let's start with the milestone status
07:07:50 Okay, as you can see. we have nearly all of the project.
07:07:54 Milestone tasks complete 53 out of 55 there's a couple here that I that I wanted to review.
07:08:04 I think, Yeah, yeah, maybe not let's just pull these up
07:08:16 Okay, So damn. Are you on the call
07:08:22 Dan, Timothy. Yeah, So i'm here sorry I was double music.
07:08:29 Yeah, I don't know if you saw my note here.
07:08:32 I looked at this, and it it looks like, you know the garret reviews are complete in the associated Jiras are closed.
07:08:43 Can this be closed? Yeah. Yeah. Probably counting the only thing hanging out now is that I do have a garret review to actually release the dockers.
07:08:51 Then I'm just waiting for somebody to approve for me Okay, Can we get someone to approve that I I I just asked this morning.
07:08:58 We'll see. Okay, alright, yeah if there's someone on the call who can approve that I would appreciate it.
07:09:08 Okay, i'm gonna go ahead and close that then
07:09:16 Yeah, we find me It means we will have a new docker.
07:09:23 But this docker is not yet tested by the integration team.
07:09:31 So then, what's the difference between this new Docker and in the docker of that Michelle is already testing it.
07:09:42 Is there a risk that we are taking here? or no I I think it's small, I mean there there are some directed graph fixes, for believe it was network slicing but out the double check, and there's the the
07:09:57 I I remediated the license issue
07:10:05 Which really wasn't much of a wasn't much of a code change. Okay?
07:10:10 And then who do? you need the easy to know? who do you need in action to to do the upover?
07:10:22 I just need another committer form of team from from the area from Yeah, yes, I've I've reached out to, you know my commit buddy.
07:10:32 So Okay, thank you for the clarification, Sure. But but then also these images should be updated on Om: right?
07:10:43 Get get reviewed
07:10:48 Get get review for that, ready to go as soon as the image is created.
07:10:50 I can just submit the review. so is the change are critical because I'm.
07:10:58 I'm just you know we can take 2 3 days more I have no issue with that.
07:11:04 But I don't feel comfortable to i'm a notor that has not yet been validated.
07:11:15 , right. and if if you want I mean we can. we can release those as like a post release patch.
07:11:22 If that would make you more. if that would be more comfortable.
07:11:25 It it's not critical. Well, I mean it's critical for critical for that case.
07:11:32 But they already have what they need. so they have a patch Right?
07:11:40 Patch, and you are trying to Michelle, How do you feel about that?
07:11:46 Because I I don't want to jeopardize all the work that you have been doing.
07:11:52 It seems that today the network slicing team as a patch which is probably documented in the release notes.
07:12:00 Oh, are you good to embarrass the docker, and run tomorrow?
07:12:05 Or or do you feel because I I so that the risk is extremely low.
07:12:12 But I want to have your feeling about that as well yeah for me. that's fine.
07:12:20 We can, we can try. This is also the question for the Om.
07:12:24 Because they they should prepare a patch to update the the images.
07:12:29 And if I think is fine yeah that's that's fine if it's not critical.
07:12:31 We? we don't observe any issues with sdc since a long time.
07:12:35 So yeah for me. it's. fine. but I believe also someone from oem should should add the comment, I i'm not sure if anyone is already on the call.
07:12:49 Well, we have the time. who is A. Thank you.
07:13:01 So then we take the risk with you and if we can just run the test. I don't know Michelle to move on.
07:13:10 , just for sanity. I would be good.
07:13:15 Yeah, as soon as done created to get matched this changes and create a coming for oem.
07:13:24 We will have an oh, i'm getting results. so so It's up to is up to down.
07:13:32 I believe, and the sds yeah and and I just haven't submitted it now because the image isn't built, you know it's gonna fail.
07:13:38 So and skating takes so long i'm right I didn't want to kick off a run.
07:13:45 I know is gonna fail
07:13:58 If 2 more challenging Michelle, you can change.
07:14:01 But I just want to to see what is left. So we have a clean release, and if other Tc.
07:14:10 Members have a different opinions feel free to raise but It sounds like 200 might be on your coast home with Dan and Michelle is on what i'm hearing.
07:14:21 Thank you.
07:14:31 So, David, back to you i'm sorry to interrupt nope not at all.
07:14:37 Just capturing some notes here
07:14:45 Okay, alright. So that was that was one item
07:14:58 And then The other remaining task was ben, and I think Ben is on the call.
07:15:11 The review license. scan issues and you would you'd love to note here a few days ago that it? It needs to be resolved, but it hasn't been updated for a few days so what what's the
07:15:27 current status right now. we do not have resource to resolve that.
07:15:41 Maybe we can do that in maintenance reviews. one thing you know, we needed to get some clarification on.
07:15:52 You know the the feedback from the license scan.
07:15:57 And Jeff added a comment Here, about that But I I thought that the the the gist of it was that there wasn't really an issue.
07:16:10 So what what exactly is the issue that needs to be resolved?
07:16:15 Imm mentioned the pure test is Gplv. 2 in the file test that requirement the T.
07:16:28 And he mentioned that we should put into presenting to Repo.
07:16:34 So. if that repo referred to the Gabriel, we should remove that to kind of be as hi issue.
07:16:45 If it's a report referred to a double repo or the tarpo reo maybe we are fine.
07:16:56 So, Is Not a very clear for me?
07:17:02 How's we doing that? and then we do not have respect to investigate whether or not the one concern the the artifact, from my experience.
07:17:16 Maybe it's another issue. but we don't have time where we first to resolve that in carbon to listen me.
07:17:29 So just to look up what you said pylene it's a kind of kennedy checkers, or for for python. right?
07:17:44 So somehow. each should not be part of your delivery artifact.
07:17:56 But I don't know if it is the the same issue that we have for Java with Justacomo, and and so on.
07:18:03 So how the other team is underlying violent for the python code. Are they the same issue?
07:18:13 Or if they under the differently piling, because filing is useful to have better Kennedy code.
07:18:20 But it should not be part of the delivery bird.
07:18:24 So is it just a text issue do you?
07:18:36 Yeah, I mean I would. I would be very surprised if if multi Cloud was the only team using pilot. Exactly.
07:18:49 So that's why I I believe they are not showing up and they have solved the problem somehow.
07:18:52 So every any other I don't know by her
07:19:03 Really because we have gone through the So again over the Docker image.
07:19:07 Right. so maybe that's what i'm trying to derive right.
07:19:15 But I I well, if they're not redistributing the
07:19:23 The application. If the application itself is not included in the repo then I don't think it's an issue.
07:19:30 Yes and no. I I think you need to clean the text, because the problem why the vertical is highlighted is because, even if if it, if if the the the pilot is not part of your after fact somehow the license has been included
07:19:52 so is it possible to remove the text in your license?
07:19:59 Or oh, and then hold the other team who is using violin.
07:20:04 Fix this. Is there anybody else on the bridge? who have the real python we are using pilot in integration, the smokers case, not directly, because we are using Koala, but Koala
07:20:19 is using piling, but in that case I believe the issue is that this file is a part of an image.
07:20:25 Maybe this is this is the case. If if it's possible to just not include test requirements, text file into into , the container.
07:20:35 So so maybe the the the the way you're creating you you you have in your docker file.
07:20:42 Probably you should just not include test requirements file yeah it it's a . I know we have obligation to have the license of what we use but filing it's it's a good
07:21:01 checker it. it's not if I can say that it should not be part of the delivers.
07:21:09 And if , so, so, yeah I don't I don't understand why it would be necessarily in in any of our repos, I mean, if it if if it is a if if if pilot is using to test the code, it shouldn't be part
07:21:29 of any release content it shouldn't be any release artifact related to it. 2 and and Michelle when I look at that you were part also of the list when I open the files in the list of
07:21:51 the Pennsylvania. It was eyelid.
07:21:55 It did that in the zip of 19 o 5, 2022 for the certificates in check.
07:22:05 So how do you fix that yourself? Maybe you can give a tips.
07:22:09 You simply remove it. i'm trying to see what I see in the chat. and again, it could be a an action that we can take, or another time. So again I don't think it's a blocker because we don't distribute the code
07:22:32 but we need somehow clean up if we can. What is this?
07:22:40 So if you give me 1 s, i'm trying to put in the chat what I see in the league are like liquid fires.
07:22:51 So so they were this new you cannot paste and copy.
07:22:54 Okay, great, , be patient with me.
07:23:07 . it it seems like they're there's 2 issues. The first issue is whether we're redistributing the tool or not, and it sounds like we are not.
07:23:20 The second issue is that we're triggering the the the license scan, and so yeah, I don't think it's urgent because we're not redistributing the code and
07:23:36 , Michelle offered a solution for the second issue, which is to exclude, test requirements.
07:23:44 Text from the the docker image. and that that potentially could be deferred to the the cone release that that that seems to be acceptable.
07:23:59 And so that's why? I was putting in the chat because you had the issue?
07:24:04 She was Well, Michelle, and I believe what you said.
07:24:09 You just remove the text files right nice. Am I right?
07:24:23 Sorry. I just need to double check, maybe
07:24:34 So. And, David, I have 2 lists. We have license.
07:24:38 We need to complete for the release 2, and then I them to complete after. Oh, I I think that would be better to put in the in the issue in the Jira.
07:24:50 Well, it. it it can be put. Put both places and Katherine is typing it up while you're typing it up in the Jira.
07:25:00 I just put the the multi-cloud Jared
07:25:09 In the tickets. Is that okay with you? Okay? So let me confirm.
07:25:18 So the question question Now, to confirm whether or not we need to remove the test requirement from the release.
07:25:27 The artifacts right? Yes, yes, Then you need to remove.
07:25:34 Yeah,
07:25:40 Right, but that that's that isn't specifically a licensing issue.
07:25:46 That's just to prevent the license scan from being triggered.
07:25:52 Okay, and and so that that makes it less urgent.
07:25:56 So that in my mind that means that we could defer it to the the cone release.
07:26:02 Okay, So I in that could, I would do not to create another to travel that effort and close this one, so we can move forward with gymnastics.
07:26:12 Okay, yeah. Can you go ahead and add that?
07:26:17 Add that comment then, and and close the issue and and add a link to the new ticket.
07:26:23 Okay, no problem. Okay, Thank you.
07:26:31 Okay, we should check. I just have it. I think we have these text stuff.
07:26:41 This requirement. blah blah blah in the integration zip package and the test suite package.
07:26:50 Maybe it's already done. We we just labor check for sanity buff books,
07:27:01 , we are all good. Okay, all right. Sounds good.
07:27:10 So the the other issue that was going on that was concerning has been this this ongoing issue with Cassandra.
07:27:21 And I was really pleased to see this comment from Michelle about that.
07:27:28 It. It appears that this issue has now been. resolved.
07:27:34 Michelle, you Wanna: talk about that a little bit. Yeah.
07:27:39 We observe this question rushing, and unstable cassandra when we could go, and after some research on documentation of customer, and I've just observed that we are using definitely too low recently for Cassandra
07:28:00 and maybe after the release of the other components images, the usage of Cassandra was too high for this resources, and also the hip size was too small, and I've prepared the patch also set up the test suit
07:28:17 on Those should telecom lap to use this configuration, and Cassandra is stable.
07:28:26 The change I made for Ohm. but it's still not marched. you can see the change the Garrett link on on on my comment.
07:28:39 No, no, no, unfortunately not it's not linked on on on ticket.
07:28:42 But on my last comment, there is a There is a link to change.
07:28:46 No other on the on the bottom that's on the on the bottom David, I I i'm not sure David.
07:28:53 Are you sure? Yeah, David? just on the bottom? yeah lower lower, lower, lower, or at the end of the page, there's the link.
07:29:01 Are you talking about in the chat? or you're talking about on the job here on your page, which you are just present on Jira, on this ticket?
07:29:12 Last comment, This is the change which should be merged by Om.
07:29:16 And Yeah. and I also from from from test perspective it's it's now it's stable. we found some.
07:29:27 Yeah, we still got some single issues But the test suit is stable right now, so we don't have a not more a lot.
07:29:40 Such a lot of crashes. because of any and maybe not any.
07:29:49 I shouldn't say because of any I but because of Cassandra.
07:29:52 Okay. Great good work.
07:30:11 Okay, Alright, that's great thank you all right oh, yeah.
07:30:20 I wanted to take a look at the the the trend for issues.
07:30:27 So you can see this is then squashed. We just have 13 assorted issues.
07:30:39 And just to just to kind of take a quick check.
07:30:45 Do we have the modeling team online? Anyone from modeling?
07:31:00 Ui
07:31:02 No, Dan, you're on ccsdk Are are there anything in these 2 issues that we need to be concerned about
07:31:15 No, no, I don't have to see what they are but Okay, and a bill an Ai is a couple of issues here tied to Chicago , can you can you click on those I don't think I have anything
07:31:32 left,
07:31:38 Yeah, those are both marked, delivered. So okay, these were both related to the Cassandra.
07:31:44 To that I was just talking about. Okay, alright good so i'm not seeing anything in here that that looks concerning to me.
07:31:54 So I I think I think we're we're good here.
07:32:02 And let's see so let's let's talk about about integration and x testing Michelle, Do you do you you like to walk us through that do you want to share or or should I
07:32:27 Sorry, David. You mean sure what the results of the test
07:32:39 Yeah, Yeah, Sure, I can. Okay,
07:32:44 I. I looked at it yesterday and this morning, and it looks much improved.
07:32:50 I, and I assume that because of the the resolution of the Cassandra issue
07:33:03 Okay. So this is the result of the gating of of the change I made for for Cassandra.
07:33:08 So looks fine. These 2 tests are yeah there's the expectation that they will fight so all test past.
07:33:22 This is the This is the latest execution of test from I don't know like 1 h.
07:33:32 So also. these 2 Tests are supposed to to fight but what I can see, and it the first time i've seen that issue on the Sdc.
07:33:42 And the Sdc. Sdc. Wfd.
07:33:49 Or framework, or something like that. So this is. this is an exception on probably on some configuration.
07:33:59 But as you can see no issues with tests and to the on the morning, I've also said the execute the test, and this is a glitch, because, as you can see, everything passed I don't know why it's was marked,
07:34:17 as a failure so that's our looking fine One more thing. I disable one test for cmpv 2, which was unstable also.
07:34:30 And yeah. So so each other tests are just past and looks like the the Karta version.
07:34:41 Of course, with this change this change is not merged it's only on dodge telecom pipelines looks stable.
07:34:49 So we've got to change it's it's fine Yeah, and regarding the other kind of test so weekly still blocked on the Orange side.
07:35:01 There's some some issue which I can't resolve because I have no access for orange openstack, and the weekly tests are not executed.
07:35:15 We're not not executed because we plant from so several weeks to run this test on the University of New Hampshire, and the pipelines are still not running there.
07:35:28 And then on up Kitlap. So there are no latest weekly for for Jacob
07:35:43 So what we're looking at? this is not the late Oh, the weekly, not the daily your time. Yeah, yeah weekly.
07:35:52 It's not what was not executed the daily stable yeah, that's fine, as as I said this is only a glitch.
07:35:58 The latest results are fine. I shirt the updates from several days.
07:36:02 Also with you, David. But yeah. So from integration to perspective, the last few executions were just fine.
07:36:12 I would say, even perfect, Okay, good. What about security? Yeah.
07:36:20 This this stuff all are yeah, we just expect the displayers that this phone, because certificates are fine. but the waivers are not working for this part, and i'm not sure if that that should be for sure
07:36:34 or so one of the tickets for next releases. But
07:36:42 If you check on the certificates only all the tests this.
07:36:49 This this part is related with, not ports which as opposed, and not Don't use then, Sso.
07:37:00 But this is checked here. This test is passed so That's fine.
07:37:05 That's do that security the subcommittee.
07:37:11 Amy or Pavel on the call i'm here. Pavel, let me check if published here.
07:37:23 I I talked about about that, because public sense yesterday, an emails regarding that that is issue.
07:37:33 And I explained him that, and yeah that's fine for him Amy.
07:37:40 Does this make sense? and any yeah i'm in next complete sense? I've we've all been in communication about this, so it looks good.
07:37:48 This looks good. The Only question I would have is what's going is the unlimited pods also just a question that people have not put in their waivers.
07:37:57 No, no, no, no, no! This is related with our execution on dt.
07:38:01 We don't use limits and this test was failing there, but we are using just a test from orange.
07:38:12 Okay, Great We can say if we combine these 2 results from these 2 labs.
07:38:24 Okay, Okay, Great: , So, David, we setcom is is good.
07:38:33 With these results. Okay, terrific. Thank you, Amy.
07:38:46 Which we're over 60% probably close to 70% of what we requested to be updated happened, so you know, everybody could always do better.
07:38:56 But congratulations for the team on getting that much done.
07:39:01 And also I do want to commend most of most of the projects.
07:39:05 Actually when they had a problem, let us know about it, so that we could recommend that the waivers that that waivers for those updates be granted, and they will work on it in the future in the cone release.
07:39:19 So Amy, for clarity was that just sitcom was signing off on the cross, testing results or on the release.
07:39:30 I'm not sure that I understand that question, so you you just said that that in in in response to the discussion on the test results, you said dot Com was okay.
07:39:47 With that correct? Those are those are those automated tests or in the integration.
07:39:52 We are good with that. Are you good? with everything else related to the release?
07:39:57 Yes, we are okay. That was the question. Thank you. Okay, And Nicole
07:40:05 You mentioned some problems with the the Unh last?
07:40:09 And who who are we waiting on for that are we waiting on Lincoln and his team, or ?
07:40:20 I believe the Linux Foundation there's the ticket to to create these projects on. get lap, Okay, Dot com on up. plan is to run pipelines there, and this is still not ready from the university.
07:40:37 You. You can try your lab. Everything is ready. We have running.
07:40:40 Github runner there, which we need to register but we don't we don't have a project where we can register that runner, and we have also ready code which we can use for running the
07:40:59 pipelines. but there there are also no no project there.
07:41:03 Project. so change ci on up testing on a program. install, and I don't remember the name of the last, but not there, and we cannot run pipelines.
07:41:17 Yeah, I see kevin sandy you're on the call.
07:41:21 Do you know what the status is of those creating those projects at on the Unh lab?
07:41:29 Yeah, how you guys? So basically we're currently blocked because of the Eccle integration with this github account, hey?
07:41:38 We cannot provide access yet on until that is in place. So I reported the issue last Friday to the to the team that is in charge of this easy Cla set up.
07:41:50 So basically they told me, Yeah, there is an issue. They are trying to fix it.
07:41:53 But they haven't been able to to to fix it yet. So hopefully, I will get a new update today, and see if there is some progress on that.
07:42:04 But yeah, that's the only broker I that I have as you can see, I created a couple of repos for testing purposes.
07:42:09 The the one that says test. I created a merge request just to see that a what we need in place before giving access is working.
07:42:18 But suddenly the Eccla integration is not so That's the only thing that is spending.
07:42:25 But on my side I can create a repos as soon as I, as I get that integration working
07:42:36 So it's just a blocker for the release
07:42:43 Sorry, can you? Yeah, that that that that question was not to you Yeah, I I believe it's up to to see the latest weekly.
07:42:55 And stability tests we had on may 20 on 30 let's see like, I guess the question is whether we want to approve a release based only on daily tests without any recent weekly tests or stability tests I guess that's
07:43:21 the question
07:43:26 Hmm! When When was the at least 10 again?
07:43:36 Michelle in May, May, 2 weeks ago, and and did the team provide a lot of dockers after that
07:43:50 Do you Because if it's only the dante money docker, it's okay.
07:44:01 But if all the application at delivering docker are
07:44:10 Maybe it's a risk the fcs D.
07:44:20 And C
07:44:21 Looks like if you have Cs. Dnc.
07:44:38 Dc. is it is it a big change because i'm I'm.
07:44:41 Not looking at the change. you should so if if it is to update the release.
07:44:47 I'm not to concern we have the policy fix for the cluster.
07:44:52 I don't think it does the cluster during the stability tests so it has no impact on the stability fixed on a system.
07:45:01 Loop port will be seen already in your daily folk fix common.
07:45:08 I don't know exactly what it is it's on the open day light.
07:45:13 I guess so. Who will see that with done, Connoly then done to money stuff?
07:45:17 This one I'm not sure vj is it the a big bone cows
07:45:30 Is V. 2 is on the bridge. No
07:45:43 They touched to the network accessing use. A: Yeah, we
07:45:49 So Howler is for sure not used I believe because it's for so use.
07:45:57 Case and slice analysis I'm not sure probably something Yup.
07:46:06 So Shanghai Junka or Fisha.
07:46:12 Are you aware of this? Is it Kitty Car? Is it the big upmark house?
07:46:18 Can you repeat that, please? Sorry. Yes, in Dc.
07:46:27 To support. little slicing I'm trying to look at the ticket.
07:46:32 Dc: J. 2, 3, 1, 50. Is Is it something that you were opening to the team?
07:46:42 Which was a major change, or may 19 so 3 just didn't come up.
07:46:56 It's both sun and slicing I had to look into this yeah from before yeah
07:47:15 These were from Jacquesa right in the come on, we object, seem to be tracked in all the other test cases.
07:47:30 And then the other one is 31, 56,
07:47:49 Can you click on the dc agend to again. to see if it's a lot of line of code whatever.
07:48:00 No, no, no, there's only the image updates so this is only one line , it's on Om.
07:48:06 Okay, So So then it should not be a big bunkhouse.
07:48:10 Okay, let's other one more interesting thing is the master change, and not the Jakarta one.
07:48:19 So maybe that's okay, and cps maybe I would just limit the changes to just Jakarta.
07:48:29 Okay? Oh, no, no, no, it's impossible. Oh, okay, maybe okay, but Siakra just probably release the Chicago.
07:48:45 Branch on one. and Jakarta Sorry?
07:48:56 Oh, so yeah, So far it I think anything which has been submitting to be the textbook.
07:49:07 When you do the daily tests I don't I can be wrong, but based on what we give you. except the Maya Db: I would say, if the team did not touch all the code it should be manageable so what
07:49:25 we could do is we could keep going and the update the phase note with the stability test desert what when it will be available.
07:49:37 What's the day that giving share when can we have the the stability tests back.
07:49:47 Well, I think it's I think it's new capability because it's on the unh lab So they're they're setting up the capability for the first time I think and we we are timeline to
07:50:01 see with something we need to wait one week, one month. so probably one month, because the next thing they can we have an event later.
07:50:17 I am on a holiday and i'm not sure if who could release the the pipeline And then, if we have projects, it will also take at least few days to to raise that so i'm
07:50:34 not sure we will be able to run stability tests to the end option.
07:50:42 So what we do we will see stability tests in the he is nailed. We will put an note that the test was made based on May. I would like that.
07:50:56 We put a loot in the release note that the result we share it's for May 22 and then one we have the lap.
07:51:07 Okay, even if it is cool, we work concurrent.
07:51:14 I would say that we update the the heidiest note with the stability test phone of June.
07:51:20 I think this is how we can mitigate, considering that the change, if people did not break, and if that if it breaks something, it should be visible at the daily test, and the the part of the code, they have, changed does not
07:51:34 have, except the Mahia Db. there's nothing to impact the stability.
07:51:41 , Is there anybody have a different opinion? Well, the other thing is , we could, you know, get the the weekly and the stability test in place as soon as possible.
07:51:59 Get the results. If there are issues we could potentially, you know, do a maintenance release on Jakarta?
07:52:10 So Catherine
07:52:16 What you are suggesting is that we proceed and include in the release notes
07:52:28 Notice about test results were based upon the may dates yes, that's what I want.
07:52:37 So. So if people have a concern, at least they know it was based on on May right.
07:52:43 And then we took. We can put a load to say next.
07:52:49 Stability hand will be updated in in July early July, so this time to Michelle.
07:52:55 To a building environment with supported by orders, and then we know it had to be part of the Jacques.
07:53:06 Then doom something like this and canny that's specifically the the weekly test and the stability we have current daily tests
07:53:24 . so hold the Tsc. If i'm here does it It seems.
07:53:27 Okay, but that's already you you are the key person here do you think?
07:53:35 Okay, I don't know if we can go back to the agenda notes.
07:53:38 I just had the a line to say this is something we cannot wait for phone, but we have attempted to compete, and I I don't know if we can share again.
07:53:51 The the agenda of today. Yeah, yeah, if you're if you're done sharing or the agenda again, so sorry.
07:54:01 So yeah, I lost track. Who is sharing? What for? for everybody?
07:54:11 Had the the line below. If you can score that I tend to complete post.
07:54:21 Jacquester, and we try to get early July where we do another and do It's just below Kenny ,
07:54:36 Okay. okay. There's a type of there rockening
07:54:50 What One thing I I wanted to follow up with you about one other item that you mentioned Mikal you you talked about.
07:54:57 I I guess the the other option would be the Orange lab.
07:55:01 But you said that you you lack access to the lab. Is that correct?
07:55:08 Yes, previously we executed the weekly test was running only on Orange Lap, and right now there is some issue on on an openstack, which I I'm.
07:55:21 Not as a not employee of orange have no access there.
07:55:25 Yeah. Yeah. And this is why, weekly tests were not executed since since my well, I think we have the error on the call.
07:55:38 Eric, It is the Orange lab still accessible for weekly tests and can.
07:55:47 Is is it possible for account to have access
07:55:54 Well, I mean the main. The main thing there is are the tests still running there, and if so, are the results available.
07:56:05 I think I saw Eric on the call. he was.
07:56:10 He is, might have stepped away. I will send the notes to
07:56:27 Okay, So so I think we've we've completed the review.
07:56:34 So we just need to wrap up so I guess we're we're going to are we recommending that the Tsc.
07:56:46 Sign off we will continue to execute on these items that are listed.
07:56:56 On the on the wiki page there we'll update the release notes in July as necessary and potentially consider a maintenance release.
07:57:10 If we find additional issues, Does that sound reasonable? David?
07:57:17 I'm sorry if i've missed this did We also have the Google from Thomas for the documentation, because we had some leftover from a .
07:57:34 Well, the the the sign-off tasks include include tasks for documentation to verify the the documentation for the release, and those tasks have been closed.
07:57:51 So. i'm i'm assuming that that means that the documentation is ready. but we can we can verify that.
07:58:00 Thomas, are you available? sure? So mainly we have through
07:58:06 That means release nodes. we're created by by Eric.
07:58:14 And they are available, and the only thing which is missing is an updated architecture.
07:58:21 Architecture description from the architecture subcommittee.
07:58:28 But Shaka announced this for this week. So
07:58:31 I will incorporate it later, so i'm fine with it.
07:58:35 If you are Yeah. And did you also get the the second?
07:58:47 You have also the second part, because I know it was missing, and it is not attacked by the release management tickets.
07:58:56 Yeah. so we ask them to to create the branch.
07:59:02 It has not been Donnie. So currently there is no setcom information available in the documentation.
07:59:11 But as soon as I create a branch, I a room, I like to add it.
07:59:18 Okay, and and I think all i'm is tracked by free this management.
07:59:24 So it's only second that we we missed Okay, So I'm, adding us items to complete for doing this.
07:59:31 Okay, Yeah. So I I I did. Also I updated
07:59:36 Also the the documentation tracking page today, so it's only a few thanks left.
07:59:45 Good,
07:59:58 Okay, when you say a setcom branch There's a setcom repo It's called Osa, I think.
08:00:14 Okay, alright, and Yeah, We we. We had this discussion and
08:00:20 We agreed to to to create this branch. Not that, much effort.
08:00:29 But yeah, That's not be done so that that's not owned by any particular project that's owned by the the subcommittee.
08:00:40 Hmm: This is what I understood. Yeah. Okay, alright.
08:00:49 Yeah. So I think, we have a. We have still the problem for the.
08:00:55 So I will move because I look at the page, and we are still the same problem for the project, even if it is talking Jared.
08:01:08 The project have not yet been. we maybe need to reopen the tickets. because the page of Tuma allied the fact that they are still some issue
08:01:28 Are you referring to projects that did not branch? is the the still action items?
08:01:37 If you look at the Jacob the page, So they they closed the Jira issue that with the task to branch, but did not branch they did the branch. But they are still an issue with their release notes if
08:01:57 you click on Jacqueta documentation? Yeah.
08:02:03 Well, I mean there there are also release management tasks for release notes as well.
08:02:12 So yeah, that would That would be The thing to do would be to reopen those
08:02:26 So we're we're Those release the the release task Jiras for creation of release.
08:02:36 Notes, or those just closed, or with no action or with those closed with, and the results were insufficient.
08:02:50 I'll i'll have to go back through and look at them specifically for each project.
08:02:56 But there there is a really management task to complete release notes absolutely.
08:03:04 That's my question it's one thing if if if the release notes were deemed to be inadequate, you know. Okay, that's that's one thing.
08:03:17 But if just nothing was done that's a whole different ball of wax, Yeah.
08:03:22 Yeah, it's not. no thing is done there still so my terms not complete.
08:03:28 So the team did something, but not everything based on what I see.
08:03:56 Okay, I don't know if anyone's talking right now, but i'm hearing nothing Gotcha.
08:04:03 No, no, I just said the team did some task. But if you look at the jack after documentation link, Yeah.
08:04:14 Since some does not completed. so it's not that they did they close it, and then did, and do anything I think they miss.
08:04:19 But they didn't do all the work that's what I was saying
08:04:28 Okay, So I guess then the the question is, do we want to defer sign up, or do we want to?
08:04:37 Proceeds with sign off and then
08:04:43 Set about completing these remaining items or So here is the challenge.
08:04:52 I see in, and I would like to have the feedback from the Tsc.
08:04:56 As well, we could have a sign-off with condition but I don't want to have the marketing lunch until the condition are clear.
08:05:06 Because the problem is the first thing that people will look at when the marketing lunch will be.
08:05:12 Trigger is the reason, and since the release note is not complete,
08:05:19 And we have still a docker that is missing.
08:05:23 If the people take the the formal, do you see what I mean?
08:05:26 So we can have a sign up with a condition until the condition are clear.
08:05:31 I would not kick off the marketing language yeah I I don't know I I I have a feeling like we have enough items here that maybe we should defer sign off like to the third and and and I will
08:05:49 be okay with right. But I just said i'm not in favor to have a full sign of today for sure.
08:05:57 Yeah, I yeah, I agree I think there's enough open items that we should probably consider deferring.
08:06:07 We can't. do it next week obviously because of the event and so i'm i'm thinking defer sign off 2 weeks to the 20 third.
08:06:19 So so that's you have 2 option Tsc.
08:06:24 Either sign off condition with the marketing launch. oh,
08:06:30 We delayed 2 weeks to sign off so maybe maybe Let's do a vote .
08:06:40 One line and we see what's the tsc prefer I know and i'm just hoping to not 50% 50%. Yep. So i'm i'm going to put it out just as deferring the
08:06:51 release , and that's what's being voted on yes or no, and that I that that will be the simpler vote.
08:06:58 Okay, Yeah. So deferring the release means 2 weeks sign off we don't talk about condition today.
08:07:05 Okay,
08:07:10 Okay. vote is in chat
08:07:43 See
08:07:44 See. so, Kenny, I cannot find the the countenance.
08:07:51 So we don't have an issue with my keyboard Okay, well just went in
08:08:04 All right. If we what do we do? , another 10 s
08:08:28 Okay, let me just double check something here.
08:08:40 Just one verify who we still got on. 1, 2, 3, 4,
08:08:53 5, 6, 7,
08:09:05 1011. I got 11 folks online, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8, 9.
08:09:13 Okay, we're good and that carries
08:09:28 Why Kenny is doing this i'm trying to sick sometimes because it was important that , , because this one had to be great, and I want to say everybody who have been contributing so far.
08:09:40 We are nearly close to to finish it, so please keep going, so we can start the summer time with a great release concerning cool your recommendation.
08:09:54 David seems to be a logo. Yeah, yeah. I I looked at it yesterday, and we're only at about 50% on the on the tasks.
08:10:04 We also had a a requirement that was added late.
08:10:12 That still has the m one tasks to complete.
08:10:16 So I Yeah. So my my recommendation on cone is is no go.
08:10:24 And so so then the the question is, do we wanna put ourselves back in the same situation again?
08:10:31 Same date as sign off for Chicago. or you know, Do we want to stagger it by a week, you know.
08:10:40 Push it out to the thirtieth or something like that and we do have dtfs next week, Right?
08:10:49 I'm not sure how many office will be able to work on specific task, but it may, can we know how much is a open task on this. So, David.
08:10:56 Yeah, yeah. let's let's look at the i'll stone status.
08:11:04 When I looked at it yesterday. It was only about 50% so it looks like it's moved quite a bit
08:11:09 So we're now at about roughly 75 80% and we're almost done with the with the tasks for the requirement owners.
08:11:22 So I think we can do it again next week, right next to Tsc: , Yeah. which is in 2 weeks next week, so And So then the you know, the question comes back to what I mentioned earlier.
08:11:36 Are people okay with having M. one cone on the same day as sign off for Jakarta.
08:11:43 I think that since We've made a lot of progress here, I think of it, I think it's less of an issue than it was today. so I think I I would recommend that we go ahead and do that by second to talk Yeah, defer
08:11:58 to the so we will again have m one cone and Jacquard to sign off on the same date on June 20 third.
08:12:08 If that if the Tsc. is agreeable
08:12:17 Any objection from the Tcp
08:12:27 Okay here, Nothing. I'm going to mark that as an agreed.
08:12:33 Okay, , So we have. yeah, yes, David, Sorry. Yeah.
08:12:39 Then there was one final clarification that I wanted to make
08:12:43 This might seem a little pedantic. but we we talked about this this the schedule change for cone last week, and the Tsc.
08:12:53 Approved the change for milestone, one m one, but actually both M. one and M.
08:13:01 2 were changed, and the Tsc. did not specifically approve the change for M.
08:13:07 2 which has been moved to July fourteenth, based on feedback.
08:13:12 From the ptls a couple of weeks ago.
08:13:16 So I just wanted to make sure that the the Tsc.
08:13:19 Is okay with that that that changed to tamp 2. So with M.
08:13:26 One being on the 20 third. then that would then that would make M.
08:13:31 2, 3 weeks after m one. but I I guess you know we can review. we can.
08:13:36 We could prove that now and then review it again later, if it If it proves to be, you know, too, tight of a timeline is for me what is important? it's all the use case owner and the ptl
08:13:51 fields, because the M. 2 it's not like m one It's quite significant.
08:13:57 , So we need to be sure that it's done so we can keep as is now, but at the end doors. all the people who have to tell us cpus possible.
08:14:08 Or not. Yeah. and I So I I would ask, I think, if if Allah and Timo are on the call, if you could take the schedule for m one and m 2 back to, the the requirement subcommittee meeting and and review,
08:14:24 that with requirement owners and provide us with some feedback that would be helpful
08:14:32 We can do that. Okay, Great. Thank you, so we aren't asking for approval for moving the date for M.
08:14:42 2 at this time. No, we're just asking we're just asking for feedback.
08:14:51 We may end up having to move m 2 in the future from July fourteenth.
08:14:57 But when we're we're proving july fourteenth for the time being, and asking the requirement subcommittee to provide feedback, Okay, that's the clarification.
08:15:12 I was looking for Also, Mark, that is agreed that July fourteenth is m 2.
08:15:18 Okay. terrific. Okay. And so, unless there are any additional questions that's it for me.
08:15:31 Great We have 15 min left. They have been several topics that we have been delayed from last week.
08:15:42 I think we can find the first things I want to do because we didn't do It's really congratulate Hamish or new policy committers.
08:15:51 I think we can survive with an update of Lf.
08:15:55 Board and pack. later on what i'm not sure is I will ask to Macness and s issue.
08:16:04 Macness. Is there something in important that we need to communicate?
08:16:09 Regarding tm form. No, not not really
08:16:15 I will talk about this in my session on the Tcc.
08:16:21 Next week, so , you can see it as a and then sort of a an advertisement for my session.
08:16:30 Okay, that's great, and we will make sure then that we attended the as well.
08:16:36 Tools, I think, can skip a little bit. So says you.
08:16:39 Do think that in 15 min you can tell us a little bit more about your poc, or is it too tight? it's too tight?
08:16:47 But if not the topic, I can take it up. I can surely give it right.
08:16:49 I mean
08:17:05 Yeah, Tisa, right i'll just do it easier right now, and detail demo we have a session on Dtf. and we'll be where we can go into So you have less than 50 min
08:17:14 to motivators to attend your session next week.
08:17:23 Kenny owner will participate to the intercession.
08:17:30 Tc. I will send you the slide soon i'm sorry to be behind this request, but I want to seize any opportunity to promote a map, so of course, course, we will participate to the intersection at the elephant proof
08:17:46 to. Okay. So, Kenny, be ready to receive my deck.
08:17:54 Okay, Okay,
08:18:00 And my portrait to the Tc. to not have conflicting them.
08:18:03 But it's it's just rushing 40 min. so we will integrate comments at the last minute.
08:18:09 I'm sure if there is any indeed kenny Yeah, I I I wouldn't expect there to be any.
08:18:19 I mean it's it's Okay, it's yeah, it should be pretty straightforward.
08:18:23 And everything. The tsa already knows. about so i'm just saying, i'm i'm okay to help you.
08:18:33 If you need anything from my side. Okay, I just wanted to be sure that the Tsc.
08:18:40 Have a Dc. the day before the even of next week So if they can.
08:18:43 If sometimes, and i'm apologize for allah because 2 more weeks a day off.
08:18:46 But I don't think analyze on the bridge anyway.
08:18:50 But if the team can look quickly, might not take a lot of time.
08:18:53 But I still need a couple of hours to send that because i'm on back to that meeting.
08:19:00 So back to you. Session. Yeah, I need the sharing permission.
08:19:06 I gave it to you. Yeah, no.
08:19:11 I I have login from other side. so I want for this to be nice. Oh, you're logged in twice.
08:19:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's one phone number I didn't know that there you go.
08:19:26 Thank you. So look quick, guys. This effort actually started when we had in March, when we actually had the cross-cutting collaboration meeting with Mco and on app the biggest challenge which was being discussed there again, citing
08:19:42 the Phig superpipment. Was that the integration between on app and and go is mmotic task. And being handsome with both the projects I wanna take this challenge and just move on.
08:19:51 I. I had a very good, very strong feeling that it can be done with taught any much of change.
08:19:57 So the essence of my changes were actually this. Can you see my screen? nice?
08:20:01 I hope you can see You see my screen. Yeah.
08:20:05 Great. So yeah, this was the key considerations which were taken into account. mainly to ensure that.
08:20:13 We want to keep the changes minimal and only on our website. I didn't want to add any new component in this I wanted to make sure that the existing components of phonap are well equipped.
08:20:23 To have integration there. it leveraged existing models again.
08:20:27 No new models, you add it the building building blocks which I'm talking about are the so workflows as such what we call them, and, existing force to be kept intact.
08:20:36 So one major thing which I wanted to make sure was with this changes the existing flow should not have an impact and was completely backward, compatible.
08:20:43 The other important thing is leverage a plug-in play, as we know, in 2,021 is so hard to actually take the major leap where we wanted to actually showcase a plugin play everything should
08:20:52 be not to be red, just a footprint we wanted.
08:20:56 We have done a great model to an approach right now from my so.
08:20:59 So all those things have been leveraged, and this again, this can actually help us to have integrations with other functional aspects like the ats side.
08:21:08 If I just slicing in the semi-final things.
08:21:10 So this was also one major concentration I took in, and I also leveraged what we have done in 2021 last year as part of a source. no internal architecture, improvement, and all the other major thing is no
08:21:21 genius nameco. We have taken mco library as such we didn't even open them.
08:21:25 Cocote. We were only referring to the Apis.
08:21:28 And treated Mco as a black box as a complete plant box.
08:21:32 The other thing was this was the time when we were actually shifting.
08:21:35 You know, we were actually shifting from the Windliver lab to the also to the as your lap.
08:21:40 And one of the major challenges which we had was we didn't have the complete availability of phone app.
08:21:44 So what we had to do, and we were also working from home.
08:21:46 Due to the Covid pandemic and all.
08:21:50 So we were actually trying to make sure that, we can run this on our local laptops.
08:21:53 So the current solution, which i'm I I was talking about, or whatever we have done is actually very minimalistic. we have run it on Aggrav.
08:22:03 I can say laptops, so footprint has been made very minimal.
08:22:06 We used a new portal it's just pit other menu Portal.
08:22:09 We will showcases in the upcoming Dtf.
08:22:13 Also a minimalistic portal has been designed for this to ensure that we can showcase the integration point of both service, and also the monitoring of service.
08:22:19 And then entire setup can be deployed on laptop.
08:22:23 We reduce we use some simulators at at time and required, and we have then deployed both on app so major component and also the Mco.
08:22:32 Components in the same laptop, and we could do the endpoint testing and also showcase.
08:22:36 In this. The other thing is, this: architecture is extendable.
08:22:38 We can use it for the control loop in future we we surely do it.
08:22:43 We also can use it for the intentive and approach, which is also what we can actually leverage.
08:22:48 We will be talking about that also in the upcoming meetings and all the other thing is the app, but actually stores the Url I mean, we are actually storing the way.
08:22:57 It happens, is the same as we have it, could openstack or existing Cnfs or Pnfs, and the same approach has been taken for
08:23:05 The handover of the day. One operations today I mean the integration, the instantiation to the control loop will be done in the similar fashion.
08:23:12 There's no new approach up. out of here with that we don't even require major genius in the Ndi, or other places like Stc.
08:23:19 And all, which are also major components. which should be involved in this. So i'm happy to say the only changes which happened were in the So the 2 in 2 modules office so Bpm Intra and Cnf at the
08:23:28 long. With that we could do the complete integration. So this is in on a on a nutshell.
08:23:35 This is what is actually happening right now the integration portal, which, is developed which is designed all the time by my bias, is actually what will be capturing the service and transition request.
08:23:45 So once it's obvious in standard sequence is adopted by A. so so rates out the distributed model of sdc.
08:23:53 And then it turns out all the vnfs in that the completion app the the one-to-one mapping which we are doing with Mco.
08:24:01 Is that we have compute. We are actually mapping the Vns of Ponap without a composite App of Jim Cope, and each of the Vf module, which is a Helm Chart, which is represented by use help me inside the
08:24:12 sdc he's mapped as the app in the Mco So that way what will happen is there'll be a one-to-one mapping.
08:24:18 We don't require to break down the complete models or something, and the interaction with Mco.
08:24:22 Is only done by so itself. Nothing else. so so We'll be the only guy who'll be interacting with Mco as a as a third party from ona perspective. and i'mco will be the only guy would be having interface with by
08:24:33 it the Cnf app, professor. so this way it will be very clean chit communication.
08:24:39 We don't require to break our hits about what is happening on design time.
08:24:41 What is happening on runtime, and then close loop.
08:24:43 Everything will be operated in the same flow. and then the Mco.
08:24:48 Will be doing the orchestration of the specific scenes we should want.
08:24:50 So this is also extremelyable for the cases where we have heterogeneous service, which I mean as services having Vnf and Cnn.
08:24:57 For pnf and sinus also or any of this combination. so the existing flow will be intact for all the all the backward, all those use case we have been using both for vnfs and pnups and
08:25:07 cmu's all this scenarios are intact will not be any having any major changes with respect to that.
08:25:12 So this is what has actually helped us to. you know, go forward with all the things.
08:25:18 I have also showcases to the C. of tasks before.
08:25:20 Also to M. Code. Tsc: we got very positive feedback.
08:25:23 The unco taste actually were super excited to have this, and they are also trying to promote this to 5.
08:25:30 This program, which we will also be doing in coming releases.
08:25:33 I'll be quick guys i'll read let's keep the questions selected later.
08:25:37 So the the actual flow is like this: We are actually having a forking of the existing Bpm.
08:25:43 And building blocks. I assigned me. in a building block I'll talk about details of this in the I have only 5 min, so let me go quickly about this.
08:25:50 That's in Vienna building block is one of the stages also, where we do Macro flow where we do service.
08:25:55 Then we end up in Vf margin. So when we do assume we have William Block is when before the the flow to the Mco.
08:26:00 This forking is actually based on a cat tag which is probably Zoom code. This is a deployment based tag right now, as we have when the network Service manager knows that Mco is actually to be
08:26:11 attached, he will have to set a flag. That flag will be used as a as indicator for us to do.
08:26:16 The model limit. So with that approach we we will just we will just fork the existing flow, where Smb. we at the time of ascending would be enough.
08:26:26 We'll be adding the create project and we'll be calling the aps of great project, and create composite app Ofimco.
08:26:31 Similarly during the assigned Vf module we'll be doing the upload where we we map the helmetchs of each of the Vfm.
08:26:40 To the app of Mco, and then comes the create Vf.
08:26:43 Mode, the creation and activation. So activations where the actual entry is actually made into India. that when we we keep it as a we don't commit it. but we just keep it there or the India to make sure that
08:26:56 when actual thing. when the actual vf module is created using the activate Vnf module, as i'm talking about this flow here, the actual compulsion actually happens at this where activate V interface, when we we create the and create activation of a composite app is
08:27:09 called so this way. If it fails, we'll do roadback of this in the end. And And with this we have shown both the renewed cases and San Diego as well, we can actually have a a smooth flow of the
08:27:21 entire scene of orchestration and the service orchestration within these 2 components.
08:27:25 So the flow is like this in Nashville. the we have module will have a 4 e zoom call based on this.
08:27:33 Fourth, we will actually call a Cnf adapter.
08:27:34 Where the specific api's of of m core call as I said employees a black box for us.
08:27:39 We'll just call the Api the interaction is only the space. It's purely based on the Api, and with that we'll be able to come to the preparation part.
08:27:48 Then the actual thing comes here. And the other clause I want to say is, this is where we have kept a little A.
08:27:55 I can say hook it is for future, where we want to do some enrichment, using the helm and all.
08:28:00 We can also do it using the Cds. this is what I kept as a futuristic item.
08:28:05 Once we have more time on, some use. Case comes out from Fiji super blueprint.
08:28:08 We can integrate that, and then show is it So that is what will be coming as a part of warming and placement, and that will become a part of intent for the Mcoa actually has a intent given deployment
08:28:18 That's what we can actually extend there finally the part is when we have the scene of it a call for Cina chapter at the activate Venus.
08:28:26 This when the actual creation of the composite app, as we call it, will be that.
08:28:31 And this is the overall flow I would say, from the perspective of the blue blue blue diagrams in this our own app.
08:28:39 I'm. always represented as a single module and then this is external cluster, which is what employees working on.
08:28:44 So this is the start of the complete journey. I Also have One more I mean one more integration task which I've started off where we're also integrating with phone app Mpo and exchange Well, also be demonstrating
08:28:56 that in the coming Tdf meeting where we also actually have a one click.
08:29:02 I mean it's pure one click corporation of the entire thing right from the go time of creating the cluster or creating the cloud for you.
08:29:08 And then, instantiating it, and then also managing it and monitoring it.
08:29:12 So that's what we are doing. as part of second thing that will also be considered in the coming upcoming Dtf next week.
08:29:20 That's also me guys, any questions I can take I was on time.
08:29:25 So we have one more minute to take connections. Any questions
08:29:36 Hello, looks great that's good so thank you for the teacher.
08:29:47 Sure and thank you. There was a brick mute. I was not sure we were. We were still connector.
08:29:52 I was talking on mute, actually. Okay, Thanks for the response. guys.
08:29:56 And i'll also showcase this demo demo will be pretty good.
08:29:59 We have actually taken one of the in-house Cnf.
08:30:03 Which is face recognition app instead of taking it. I think that is the reason we have taken application is to make sure to ensure that audience under standard own app can also be used for enterprise based applications not just for
08:30:14 telecoms, and the phase recognition. application is pretty popular these days.
08:30:18 Right, which is put to aml a lot. So we have taken a phase solution application, which actually has 3 Vnfs or 3 cnfs.
08:30:24 I would say, and using That is what we will show is the demo So, looking forward to have you on the specific position, and let's have the questions there too.
08:30:35 So since you just a quick question is this demo schedule with Lucas on Tuesday at 5 o'clock.
08:30:49 No, that is Cnfo. This is actually a general topic.
08:30:52 That's it. I put this on General topic because it is actually having both Mco.
08:30:56 And on Africa. because I see on the Pmc.
08:31:01 Integration, and demo at 5 o'clock and I see cnf orchestration scenario at Okay,
08:31:20 W. Which one are we looking at?
08:31:27 I think it's the ownup mco Oh, Oh, yeah, yeah, this is a general topic I was talking about.
08:31:39 I have put Lucas because the crash will be physically present there.
08:31:43 And I Unfortunately we could not get the visa from India, so I I took the help of request to do the presentation.
08:31:47 I mean to do the honor to roll a roll of the slides and i'll be talking from remote that's that's arrangement.
08:31:53 We have made. okay, that may or may not work, but we will see .
08:32:02 Oh, good! Then I should move it to virtual. You see, Kenny,
08:32:13 Yeah, Well, we I Yeah. My my understanding was that Lukash would go was going to be the one presenting that.
08:32:23 So. Oh, no! actually because the demo will be given from here.
08:32:28 We will give a live demo. I was on an impression that, we can still share our screens when we are on zoom.
08:32:34 If not, then we will move it i'm i'm yeah bye,
08:32:48 Oh, that's a surprise, because no I was under impression that we will actually be able to share our screens when someone is there as a moderator.
08:32:58 Yes, but in it it's there won't be integration into the rooms av system.
08:33:11 So so he can. He can hook up and his laptop, and he will be able to share. right.
08:33:23 Yeah, yeah, I understand what you're saying so I should become the host from his meeting.
08:33:27 And he should look up his laptop to showcase it on the bigger screen.
08:33:31 Okay, I think i'm giving acceptable to Lucas with that yeah. How?
08:33:42 How folks may be able to hear you is a another challenge because There's No.
08:33:49 Then then, is it possible to move them to virtual bridge right now?
08:33:54 Okay. is it possible? I'm. sorry if i'm asking it too late.
08:33:58 Yep. I can move It then there's one more like that there's one more session which is exactly the same mode.
08:34:04 I think that also requires removed, which is, is on a specific topic.
08:34:10 That is, the intentive and orchestration of one app
08:34:15 Okay, please drop the link for the for both of those topics into the chat for me.
08:34:21 I can send it mail to you
08:34:28 Thank you.
08:34:36 Thanks, guys, for your time. See? you next week yep there's a schedule.
08:34:43 We got lots of stuff looking forward to seeing folks
08:35:04 And we are 5 min over if you haven't registered yet.
08:35:07 Please register for the event if you're going to be there in person.
08:35:13 I will drop the link for the schedule into the chat window.