TSC 2019-06-12 DDF Session notes
TSC 2019-06-12 DDF Session notes
DDF F2F brainstorming session on TSC priorities
- Priorities for the next 6 months for the TSC
- Where we can help the PTLs
Discussion items
- Atul Purohit recap of the EUAG input
- requirements gathered from 8 service providers, more on the way
- Some are very prescriptive, some are more generalized and need to be fleshed out
- 1st pass with 6 high-level buckets
- Some carriers have committed to provide resources
- Will be looking for a slot at an upcoming TSC meeting to provide input
- cl664y@att.com
- need to work on the next level of requirements - gain an understanding if net new or does it fit into an existing area/ usecase
- notedBenjamin Cheung has made a list of which components are impacted by any proposed changed
- Can't design when we code - El Alto release is an experiment to shorten timing
- Kicking off Frankfurt release in parallel for longer lead time to align requirements
- All usecase owners are responsible
- for tracking and reporting on the usecase deliverables end-to-end
- enlisting support/resources from other carriers/vendors to provide the work
- Engaging with the project PTLs to get buy-in and assess impact
- Engaging with Architecture, Modeling Usecase, Control-loop, SECCOM subcommittees
- Stephen terrill "requirements w/o resources are just a wish"
- important to follow it through integration testing
- Eric Debeau need to ensure that El Alto stays limited in focus while we work on Frankfurt
- Need feedback from new ecosystsem partners that want to use ONAP - they are often lost and don't know where to begin
- cl664y@att.com will be looking at El-Alto and documentation needs
- Alla.Goldner concerns over the number of usecases being non-scalable the way we are going
- what was suitable last year is not going to work for us going forward
- Recommends setting requirements to align with what we have functional/non-functional, etc.
- Stephen terrill
- Content of the documentation - perhaps a more "how to" orientation
- How to create a virtuous cycle o improving documentation
- cl664y@att.com
- El Alto is 3 development cycles - so need to limit the priorities
- Sprint1 - Security
- Sprint2 - documentation
- Sprint3 - ?
- Andreas Geißler
- Some items got dropped from previous releases and then never caught back up
- Certain features are not working completely
- Should either document the actuality OR complete the features
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 1st priority should be fixing tech-debt and the new functionality -
- Bin Yang - security is must have, for others need to look at where resources exist - demand is great, need alignment
- cl664y@att.com concept of "tax"; if you want a new feature you must first apply resources to fix backlog before they can work on new feature
- Alessandro D'Alessandro - recommends organize tutorials on specific topics 1st. 2nd look at complex scenarios. 3rd, big pictures of the functionality - active, carry forward, deprecated, etc.
- Eric Debeau need both "new-comer" and the more advanced specific functionality demos available
- Stephen terrill recommends a day of ONAP tutorials at ONS-EU -one hour each
- Andreas Geißler important to know that we need to understand the actual steps because the use of robotscripts hide a great deal of the actual work needed
- Timo Perala we could do the 1 hour newby demos in a zoom session and then post them very quickly - needs to be a live session recording.
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti recommends making tutorial videos as a checklist item for each release.
- cl664y@att.com one week after Dublin release do we do videos?
Action items
- Andreas Geißler get together w/ Atul Purohit to discuss gaps
- Atul Purohit identify 2 scenarios that EUAG members would like to see if we can organize a live session that can be recorded