TSC 2019-05-16

TSC 2019-05-16

Duration 90 minutes - https://zoom.us/j/661303200

@4pm CET/10am EST/7am PST/10pm China Time/7.30pm India Time

Agenda ItemsPresented ByTimeNotes/LinksJIRA Tasks

Dublin Release

RC1 Review

45 mins
09:13:13 [ERROR] kubernetes/aai/values.yaml:39: onap/fproxy:2.1-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/aai/values.yaml:45: onap/rproxy:2.1-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/aai/values.yaml:50: onap/tproxy-config:2.1-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/dcaegen2/charts/dcae-bootstrap/values.yaml:100: onap/holmes/rule-management:1.2.6-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/dcaegen2/charts/dcae-bootstrap/values.yaml:101: onap/holmes/engine-management:1.2.5-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/dcaegen2/charts/dcae-bootstrap/values.yaml:99: onap/org.onap.ccsdk.dashboard.ccsdk-app-os:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:14 [ERROR] kubernetes/modeling/charts/modeling-genericparser/values.yaml:32: onap/modeling/genericparser:1.0.1-STAGING-latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-optimizer/values.yaml:28: onap/optf-cmso-optimizer:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-optimizer/values.yaml:33: onap/optf-cmso-dbinit:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-service/values.yaml:30: onap/optf-cmso-service:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-service/values.yaml:35: onap/optf-cmso-dbinit:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-ticketmgt/values.yaml:29: onap/optf-cmso-ticketmgt:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/oof/charts/oof-cmso/charts/oof-cmso-topology/values.yaml:28: onap/optf-cmso-topology:latest not released
09:13:15 [ERROR] kubernetes/pnda/charts/dcae-pnda-bootstrap/values.yaml:74: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.pnda-bootstrap-container:5.0.0 not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/pnda/charts/dcae-pnda-mirror/values.yaml:34: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.pnda-mirror-container:5.0.0 not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/brmsgw/values.yaml:29: onap/policy-pe:1.4-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml:31: onap/policy-pdpd-cl:1.4-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/pdp/values.yaml:31: onap/policy-pe:1.4-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-apex-pdp/values.yaml:31: onap/policy-apex-pdp:2.1-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-api/values.yaml:31: onap/policy-api:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-distribution/values.yaml:30: onap/policy-distribution:2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-pap/values.yaml:30: onap/policy-pap:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/values.yaml:30: onap/policy-xacml-pdp:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/policy/values.yaml:44: onap/policy-pe:1.4-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/pomba/charts/pomba-networkdiscovery/values.yaml:27: onap/network-discovery:1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/pomba/charts/pomba-servicedecomposition/values.yaml:27: onap/service-decomposition:1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-latest not released
09:13:16 [ERROR] kubernetes/robot/values.yaml:25: onap/testsuite:1.4.0-STAGING-latest not released

Remaining Timeline:

RC1 - May 16th, 2019

RC2 - May 30th, 2019

Release Sign-Off: June 6th, 2019 - CAN NOT BE EXTENDED

PTL meeting May 27 - US Holiday - cancel OR move to May 28th?

Any Infrastructure Improvement/PlanLinux Foundation5 mins

global-jjb migration update 

Any LF showstopper?


#70354- gerrit.onap.org use an old version of gerrit - target completion: 5/17  Service interruption  9-11 utc / 2-4 pm pacific on   


#73961 - A case study in how to delay your release

  • Missing vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-gvnfm-master-gvnfm-juju

#74807 -please release policy/models

#75018 - Maven Artifact Release Request 

Editorial update to Dublin architecture5 mins 

In the last changes, when moving CLAMP it was represented as Closed loop automation and it should have been "control loop automation".  I felt the need to formally bring this up.

#Agreed the TSC approves v4.0.10


PTL Update - CIA5 mins

Alpine upstream packaging changed - breaking the ONAP build - CIA team to review and recommend long term strategy

Move to May 23rd

Multi-Architecture Support20 minNexus → Dockerhub migration 

Subcommittee Update

10 min

5 min

  • SECCOM recommendation for Dublin vulnerabilities communications 
  • Process for the introduction of new HTTP calls

Subcommittee Update5 min

Move documentation of the VES specifications (event registration and listener) to the ONAP VNF Requirements.


Modeling 2019-05-14

VNF SDK 05-15-2019

PTL Update - PolicyPamela Dragosh5 mins

Congratulations !

New Policy Committesr: Ram Krishna Verma and Jim Hahn

Please update wiki, yaml.info, Jira etc. accordingly

TCC UpdateKenny Paul5 mins

Congratulations !

  • Edge Computing: Ramki Krishnan- VMware
  • Cloud Native: Sylvain Desbureaux- Orange
  • Infrastructure: Xinhui Li- VMware

Vote in progress - to end Fri. Feb 22 @ 16:00 pacific time

Candidates in alphabetical order

  • AI(ML/DL):
    • Lingli Deng- China Mobile
    • Manoop Talasila- AT&T
  • 5G
    • Lingli Deng- China Mobile
    • Satyendra Kr Verma- Ericsson
    • Ulas Kozat- Huawei
    • Vimal Begwani- AT&T
  • Network Management
    • Hui DENG- Huawei
    • Magnus Buhrgard- Ericsson

Incoming ONAP Events5 mins


Zoom Chat Log 

06:57:54 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:58:24 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom
06:58:29 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
06:59:26 From Yan Chen : #info Yan Chen,China Telecom
06:59:42 From NingSo : #info Ning So, Reliance Jio
07:00:28 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:00:52 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:01:09 From Davide Cherubini : #info Davide Cherubini, proxy Vodafone
07:01:46 From Stephen Terrill : #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
07:02:03 From Marc Fiedler (DT) : #info Marc Fiedler proxy for Andreas Geissler, DT
07:02:14 From bin.yang@windriver.com : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:02:36 From Catherine Lefevre : #Catherine Lefevre, ONAP TSC
07:03:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Minutes https://wiki.onap.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=60891833&draftShareId=78ac99c7-e4eb-49f5-861e-caadcaa98437&src=shareui&src.shareui.timestamp=1558015385825
07:03:20 From Yan : #info Yan Yang proxy for Lingli, CMCC
07:04:08 From Alexis de Talhouët : #info, Alexis de Talhouët, Bell Canada
07:04:19 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic dublin RC1
07:04:33 From Farhan Mir (portal) : #info, Farhan Mir for Portal
07:04:34 From Milind Jalwadi : #info Milind Jalwadi, TechMahindra
07:04:54 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : Pairwise complete – updated, a couple components either don’t ship logs, need a filebeat refactor or need more advanced use cases on my part. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Logging+Dublin+RC1+Deliverables+for+RC1+Milestone+Checklist https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Logging+Pair+Wise+Testing+for+Dublin+Release /michael
07:05:00 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : last minute -sorry
07:05:20 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:05:53 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : my understanding we keep going
07:06:09 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : +1 Jim
07:06:54 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Marc, Bin, @Catherine, @Yanyang, @Alexis, @Milind, @Timo - seen thank you
07:07:44 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info RC0 not passed, just looking at RC1.
07:07:57 From Viswa : #info Viswa, Verizon
07:08:30 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @viswa thanks
07:09:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info @Stephen & @Chaker concerned over not following the existing porocess
07:11:04 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Cathering do not tant to block integration when the differences between RC0 & RC1 are so minor
07:15:42 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #Krrystof asks for clarification on security fixes
07:16:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #Catherine says only if defined in M4
07:18:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION critiacl unresolved CVE issues to be presented by Krzysztof
07:19:50 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ^^^next week's TSC
07:21:57 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic docker images
07:22:09 From Stephen Terrill : I am ok with moving forward and stated that passing RC1 implies passing RC0, I just want to address the statement that we didn't pass RC0 in previous releases - so this is a change. for example TSC decisons from October 2018 discusses which projects passed RC0 and which is provided as conditional pass.
07:23:33 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : for POMBA - merged 2/4 - the remaining 2 are pending final deploy testing (1hour) and OOM merge past the gate
07:23:37 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-1050
07:23:54 From Yan : modeling are waiting for oom to merge
07:24:34 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/87829
07:26:25 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : ONAP Helpdesk #60449 - Reg moving PNDA images under ONAP/CI process.
07:26:52 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : be aware that some of these image changes are dependent on other projects - ie: POMBA needs SDNC images - therefore no full way to know if the release image works (beyond basic pod up/healthcheck) - without a full integration test - this is normal depencency tree propagation
07:27:51 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #Catherine is seems like new items keep showing up on the docket liet
07:28:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Release+Integration+Testing+Status
07:29:30 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ~40 items where test progress is unknown as they are not linked to that wiki page
07:31:55 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic release project overview
07:32:24 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : 2 projects requestign code coverage waivers
07:32:45 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : logging 62 highest - 99% of these are moving to el-alto - I am going through each one before the next meet mon/ptl tue/log
07:34:45 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @stephen re waivers - considerations should be the % the rate of improvement over time and the feeling of confidence
07:35:30 From ALLAGO : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:36:07 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @chacker also need to consider depencenies
07:37:39 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic release highlights- please provide input:
07:37:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/17065
07:37:53 From Catherine Lefevre to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : is there any representative from IBM?
07:38:17 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : Logging has at least 10% of this - will be reduced
07:38:53 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic jiras- PLEASE clean up your tickets that are still marked as Dublin.
07:39:55 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Yang Xu reminds people that if ypou have not cut a new branch than any fixes are going into the Dublin branch even if that is not what you intended to do.
07:41:50 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : is monday a holiday in the US - it is in canada
07:41:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : yes
07:43:39 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Question about SDC-2287 - is a warroom needed?
07:44:20 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION Alla and Cathering to follow up on SDC-2287
07:45:34 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic LF Infrastructure
07:46:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #global-jjb tracker https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/global-jjb+Migration+Tracker
07:46:46 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Jessica once new jobs are in place, the old jobs will fail- cannot rum them in parallel
07:49:24 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Dependencies / rules that are already supposed to be in place are now being enforced.
07:50:03 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Discussion over riskl.
07:50:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Need infrastructure is stable for next 2 weeks
07:53:10 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : gerrit down May 17 9-11pm utc
07:53:49 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Arch diagram v4.0.10
07:53:50 From Catherine Lefevre to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : I meant Intel - i do not see Srini
07:54:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Catherine Lefevre(Privately) : #agreed diagram 4.0.10 is approved
07:54:44 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed diagram 4.0.10 is approved
07:54:53 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : I need to drop
07:55:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed diagram 4.0.10 is approved
07:55:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : I need to drop
08:06:15 From Keong Lim k00759777 : were other docker registries considered apart from sonatype?
08:10:47 From Keong Lim k00759777 : security of dockerhub? recent hack?
08:11:33 From Jim Baker (LFN) : #topic CIA update
08:11:36 From Keong Lim k00759777 : does it affect the base images that ONAP uses?
08:11:44 From Jessica W - LF : similar to the docker trusted registry, any other options would have to go through proposal and approval of cost and running operations effort
08:17:01 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : question may be on deployment of the k8s system - as of RKE 0.2.1 - Rancher has removed the last of the amd64 images and runs agnostic images https://jira.onap.org/browse/OOM-1598 - also there is some testing on deploying to A1 images in AWS to verify this - https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-331
08:18:05 From Jim Baker (LFN) : #proposal to add docker hub migration to El Alto non-func requirements
08:18:55 From Catherine Lefevre : is there any Intel reprsentative today, I do not see Srini on the call? thanks
08:25:20 From Catherine Lefevre : #action Brian, Jess, Paul to create a timeline considering our ONAP release roadmap
08:25:57 From Jim Baker (LFN) : #AI - develop a timeline for the steps in the multi-arch pipeline - BrianH, PaulV, JessicaW
08:26:04 From Catherine Lefevre : including stakeholders for each item
08:26:28 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : PTLs will need to run an arm version of ubuntu 16/18 - for example on an A1 instance
08:26:31 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : spot request for a1 instance using ubuntu arm ami Instance type(s) a1.4xlarge $0.408 AMI ID ami-0b9bd0b532ebcf4c9
08:27:22 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : the largest instance available is 32g - so at least 8 will be needed for a full cluster deploy - instead of running on a 256g vm like in the past
08:31:13 From Keong Lim k00759777 : the x86 images are also changing due to alpine port, so they would not be "exactly" the same
08:32:03 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : is the PTL meet on Tue at the same time or are we skipping it
08:35:09 From Jim Baker (LFN) : Keep focus on Dublin - present to PTL after a couple weeks
08:35:54 From Jim Baker (LFN) : #topic SECCOM update
08:36:49 From Jim Baker (LFN) : Michael - the PTLs will decide about the destiny of the May 27 meeting
08:38:14 From Jim Baker (LFN) : Pen testing results release planned for May 28
08:39:58 From Jim Baker (LFN) : Release to network operators before general release (would like to release to operators May 20)
08:42:57 From Eric Debeau : #info Please fill the release notes in the documentation
08:45:07 From Eric Debeau : #info we need to define some rules for exposing ports outside the cluster
08:45:58 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : 2 of the 3 ports exposed as nodeports in LOG for example are to support production deployments of ONAP where hybrid deployments (part of the ELK stack is not in the k8s cluster) are an interrim - should revisit this
08:46:38 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : right - an ingres controller will deprecate most of these ports
08:47:39 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : existing RKE ingres default
08:47:45 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : https://git.onap.org/oom/tree/kubernetes/contrib/tools/rke/rke_setup.sh#n17
08:47:51 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : ingress: rancher/nginx-ingress-controller:0.21.0-rancher3 ingress_backend: rancher/nginx-ingress-controller-defaultbackend:1.4-rancher1
08:48:27 From Jim Baker (LFN) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/El-Alto+Release+Requirements
08:50:29 From Eric Debeau : #nfo Sylavin Desbureaux will attend KubeCon and participate and presente a session during the CNCF LFN day
08:52:48 From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) : see you mon or tue

Zoom Attendance Log  

TSC Members Attendance based on Zoom Chat Log: 94%

AMDOCS1Alla Goldner
AT&T1Catherine Lefevre
Bell Canada1Alexis de Talhouët
China Mobile1

Yan Yang, proxy for Lingli

China Telecom1Yan Chen
DT1Marc Fiedler, proxy for Andreas Geissler
Ericsson1Stephen Terrill
Huawei1Chaker Al-Hakim
Srini Addepalli 
Nokia1Timo Perala
Orange1Eric Debeau
Reliance Jio1Ning So
Tech Mahindra1Milind Jalwadi 
Turk Telecom1Murat Tupcu
Verizon1Viswa Kumar Skand Priya
Vodafone1Davide Cherubini, proxy for Susana Sabater
WindRiver1Bin Yang

TSC Decisions  

2019 TSC Decisions

Action Items:

  •  @ Krzysztof present critical unresolved CVE issues to TSC next week 
  •  Alla.Goldner and cl664y@att.com to follow up on SDC-2287
  • El Alto M3 checklist improvements for the security questions. Paweł Pawlak
  • (SECCOM): Review Vulnerabilities that require significant rework, architecture change as "TSC MUST Have" candidates for El Alto
  • (Mike E./Manoop): Revalidate the OOM Chain for Portal - Dublin Release
  • (TSC): TSC to provide feedback about the ONAP Internship Program proposal 
  • (SECCOM): provide template for PTLs to report their security/vulnerability issues including rules for exposing ports outside the cluster
  • (Brian, Jess, Paul) to create a timeline considering our ONAP release roadmap including steps required for the multi-arch pipeline