TSC 2018-10-11
Duration 90 minutes
Agenda Items | Presented By | Time | Notes/Links | JIRA Tasks |
Casablanca Release Status | 70 mins | RC0 Milestone Review: Integration Status S3P Updates | ||
Any Infrastructure Improvement/Plan | Linux Foundation/ PTLs | 10 mins | Any LF showstopper Gerrit, Nexus instability CLM access | |
TSC Activities and Deadlines | 10 mins | ONAP Budget proposal |
Zoom Chat Log
06:59:13 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Proxy+List
07:00:14 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #info Andreas Geissler (DT)
07:00:22 From Ranny Haiby : #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
07:00:29 From Alexis de Talhouët : #info Alexis de Talhouët, Bell Canada
07:00:32 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
07:00:32 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : #info Catherine Lefevre, AT
07:00:39 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:00:43 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:01:47 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
07:01:48 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : #info Murat Turpcu,turk telekom
07:03:49 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Casablanca Release Status
07:04:08 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info RC0 today
07:04:10 From NingSo : #info Ning So, Reliance Jio
07:04:19 From Lingli : #info Lingli Deng, CMCC
07:04:40 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
07:04:46 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : @Michael O'Brien - are you still good to be our Minutes notes tracker?
07:04:51 From Bin Yang : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:05:34 From Sanchita Pathak : #info proxy Sanchita Pathak, TechMahindra
07:05:46 From Stephen Terrill : #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
07:06:21 From Nermin Mohamed n00371487 : #info Nermin Mohamed, Huawei
07:06:24 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Sanchita - please update the proxy list for everyone.
07:07:00 From Susana (VF) : #info Susana Sabater, Vodafone
07:07:56 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Ben to provide input on software upgrade by COB today.
07:08:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Findings- most images have not been releases yet
07:09:22 From Viswa KSP : #info Viswa, Verizon
07:09:36 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Bottleneck around AAF & OOM
07:10:17 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : gerrit has a scheduled down time around 3am EDT (GMT-5) each day - see http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
07:11:00 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : infrastructue issues, CLM, CSIT and dailuy job failures
07:12:46 From Eric Debeau : #info externalapi Docker released this night.
07:14:17 From Taka Cho : APPC will release docker either today or tomorrow.
07:17:05 From Rich Bennett : DOC RC0 Checklist https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/DOC+Casablanca+RC0+Checklist
07:17:22 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : Helm chart
07:21:04 From Brian : lets move on - story is improving but overall state isnt changing drastically wrt we are not at 100% pairwise
07:21:43 From Marcus Williams : Agree w/ Brian
07:21:52 From Helen Chen : Agree with Brian. Unless the project meets 100%, let’s do the update later
07:22:03 From Helen Chen : We have very tight agenda today.
07:22:40 From Ramki Krishnan : +1 for Brian's comment.
07:23:00 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : how is pairwaise % calculated - divide by 20+ projects?
07:24:26 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : linked SO-1109 to OOM/SO-1467
07:25:10 From Brian : I was making a joke btw
07:27:56 From Bin Yang : pausing instances does not release resources
07:31:11 From Arash Hekmat (Amdocs) : Could the Integration wiki page title be changed to: Casablanca Integration Use Case Test Cases
07:36:25 From Rich Bennett : Rich Bennett contact for TLAB
07:38:33 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : There was an unscheduled outage for 30 min yesterday at noon EDT for SSH access to gerrit for example
07:38:54 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : .PTLS priority for Integration: #1 Fix any showstopper
07:39:13 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : #2 Deliver docker Image this week while pursuing pair-wise testing
07:40:34 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Jason we have not talked - the logging spec was finalized for 1.2 - with major changes to accomidate AT&T/TechMahindra in Acumos - it is just the implementation this is being worked on
07:40:35 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16278511
07:40:49 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : @Helen, In the integration test cases, I did not see any HPA specific test cases. Are they included as part of vFW/vLB/vCPE/vCPE-TOSCA test cases? If so, it is good to indicate clearly. In last release, vCPE test cases is done with and without HPA. Is that the case in R3 too?
07:43:22 From Gildas Lanilis (Huawei) : #info Logging Spec V1.2 is expected to be implemented in Dublin Release.
07:43:44 From Helen Chen : @Srini, The plan is to include HPA with vCPE. Sure, let’s clearly state that point. Or you prefer to have a separate item for HPA as regression?
07:45:26 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : @Helen, in R3, HPA is made available for all use cases including vFW/vLB and vCPE. Yes. it is preferable to have test cases with HPA too.
07:45:49 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : Logging deliverables for Manageability-Casablanca: Specifications
07:46:21 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : Logging delievrables for Manageability-Dublin candidate: implementation
07:48:01 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : Action for Michael O'brien: Need to define a process to consider iterative logging change while we can get implementation artefacts/baby steps- Portal SDK being the first to consume these logging requiremens
07:48:39 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : For logging - we just finished fixing CLM last night - now we can update the security badge questions to update to silvers
07:48:48 From Alla Goldner : wil disconnect for about 30 min - will be presenting ONAP state at L123 NFV SDN congress shortly
07:49:17 From Eric Debeau : Why OOM is not concerned by Vulnerability ?
07:49:27 From Pamela Dragosh : No Java in OOM
07:49:37 From Eric Debeau : sure ?
07:49:50 From Alexis de Talhouët : @Catherine, all, I have something to bring up regarding SO. A regression just came up to me, and I want to see what we should do about it.
07:50:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : most of us were on CLM fixing all last week - so likely RC1 will show silver updates
07:50:19 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : @alexis, let's conclude on RC0 status and define next steps, then you can bring SO
07:50:22 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : ok?
07:50:46 From Alexis de Talhouët : Well, it’s an SO regression, so it’s RC0 update...
07:51:38 From Alexis de Talhouët : SO RC0 status should be impacted by this regression… https://jira.onap.org/browse/SO-1120
07:53:00 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : @Alexis, it is closed.
07:53:08 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : i checked the jira
07:53:32 From Alexis de Talhouët : Yes, Steve’s comment is to me not receivable. Let me talk about this for a few minutes.
07:53:43 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : ok
07:53:45 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : OOM also has passed kubernetes undercloud port security with an oauth workaround -
07:53:47 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-353
07:54:13 From Eric Debeau : Thanks Michael for the clarification
07:57:07 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : att-aic cloud owner - will keep a note
07:57:16 From Brian : if its att-aic its a bug - we changed that to CloudOwner in Beijing
07:57:21 From Brian : it wasnt dynamic
07:57:28 From Sai Seshu : Could you please give the bug number please
07:58:05 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : ? https://jira.onap.org/browse/SO-1120
07:59:30 From Eric Debeau : I agree with Alexis
08:00:34 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : +1
08:01:18 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : thanks Alexis for bringing this up - we are demoing SO in the OSN day for the LF on the 30th and at the ONAP academic summit on the 22/23rd
08:02:07 From Marcus Williams : @Alexis what is jira #?
08:02:22 From Marcus Williams : nevermind, saw above
08:04:00 From Brian : it must be deeper becuase in HEAT we instantiated with the right cloudowner=CloudOwner ?
08:04:19 From Sai Seshu : Yes
08:07:18 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : pairwise took a backseat to CLM and release activities - just for reference
08:08:20 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed CCSDK, Doc, Integration, VNFRQTS have passeds RC0
08:08:40 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Note: because of the deadline on CLM (at least for myself we need to fully regression test using the new libraries like spring 4 to 5 and the spring-boot update - this will be done via pairwise)
08:09:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : healthcheck is higher than pairwise I would think
08:12:42 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : license are yellow currently in the CLM - we fixed red/orange up until now
08:13:24 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : #vote +1
08:13:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #startvote conditional for all other projects on addressing all pairwise by RC1, All Docker artifacts delivered by EOD Friday Oct 12 pacific time, OOM HealthCheck by PTL meeting on Monday Oct. 15. +1, 0 -1
08:13:41 From Stephen Terrill : #vote +1
08:13:43 From Alexis de Talhouët : #vote +1
08:13:47 From Jason Hunt : #vote +1
08:13:51 From Eric Debeau : #vote +1
08:13:54 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #vote +1
08:14:00 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #vote +1
08:14:16 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : Q: are red CLM higher than yellow license issue - I ask this for the remaining critical CLm like jackson-databind and others that have only red for all current releases like glasshfish OXM - workaround is to switch libraries - but this requires resources
08:14:21 From Bin Yang : #vote +1
08:14:22 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : #vote +1 (hoping that pairwise testing is given highest priority)
08:14:37 From Ranny Haiby : #vote +1
08:14:50 From Yan Chen : #vote +1
08:15:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : The daily 3am gerrit and the 1130 gerrit issues yesterday blocked pulls/merges
08:15:16 From Viswa KSP ( Verizon ) : #vote +1
08:15:46 From NingSo : #vote +1
08:16:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #endvote
08:16:24 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : @definitively Srini - quality of the code is crucial
08:16:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed conditional approval for all other projects on addressing all pairwise by RC1, All Docker artifacts delivered by EOD Friday Oct 12 pacific time, OOM HealthCheck by PTL meeting on Monday Oct. 15.
08:18:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : lucidchart AWS diagram
08:18:44 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Jess to provide an update on LF-IT stability by PTL Meeting Monday, Oct. 15
08:18:49 From Alexis de Talhouët : Agree with Chaker!
08:19:10 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : for LF infrastructure chart - there is a gliffy we can use - axample
08:19:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Logging+Architecture#LoggingArchitecture-OOMDeployment
08:20:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Jess to provide a diagram of the infrastructure by PTL Meeting Monday, Oct. 15
08:21:43 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : 2nd part is access for any committer to the wiki space - however I see this may cause issues with a rogue LF registration using this to view
08:22:46 From Alla Goldner : back :-)
08:22:49 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : ok committer access would be good - filtered instead of all LF members - a couple would be good (all potential PTL subprimes)
08:23:55 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : I'll do the page to list ptl-subprimes for security wiki access - post page to onap discuss
08:26:29 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : team for security space wiki - will fill out in the next 2 hours
08:26:33 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Security+Space+Wiki+Access+List
08:28:22 From Alexis de Talhouët : have to drop to another meeting now. Thank you
08:28:35 From Lingli : +1 to review the budget
08:31:02 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : have to drop now.
08:33:15 From Lingli : How to apply for an internship project?
08:34:12 From Eric Debeau : @Lingli: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/LF+Networking+Internships
08:35:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : equipment for CD testing beyond helm install testing - bringing up the system
08:35:34 From Lingli : the link to ONAP is not working @ Eric
08:35:48 From Lingli : So we have no way to apply an ONAP intern project
08:36:02 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic budget
08:36:21 From Eric Debeau : @Lingli...good point ...Coming soon ;-(
08:36:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : need to pull historic data for existing tun-rates
08:38:00 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : CD server infrastructure for LF (currently using openlab) - and tie into commits
08:38:02 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ^^^run-rates
08:38:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Catherine to add CD server line item to infrastructure
08:39:34 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : #discretionelly bucket
08:39:39 From Lingli : I would like to volunteer to solicit intern projects interests from the community, so that we could at least budget it for 2019.
08:39:58 From Lingli : @ Kenny
08:40:08 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Catherine to add discretionary line item to budget of $25K
08:40:27 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : Technical writer
08:40:38 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @lingli - seen
08:40:52 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : thanks Lingli
08:41:57 From Helen Chen : (Need to drop for another meeting) Have nice day!
08:42:03 From Catherine Lefevre (AT&T) : u too
08:42:44 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action Catherine add $100k to F2F events
08:42:51 From Lingli : have to drop too.
08:43:12 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : will anticipate the 2 missed topics next meet - thanks team
08:43:37 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : E2E verify - I can be involved
08:44:13 From Michael O'Brien(LOG, Amdocs) : I have my own jenkins/kibana/servers to pull/verify deployments
08:44:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #request - a workgroup of the TSC be formed to provide input on CI/CD requirements.
08:45:54 From Brian : +1 staying focused and less
08:46:11 From Yan Chen : #info Yan Chen
Zoom Attendance Log
TSC Members Attendance based on Zoom Chat Log: 100%
#info Andreas Geissler (DT)
#info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
#info Alexis de Talhouët, Bell Canada
#info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
#info Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
#info Eric Debeau, Orange
#info Jason Hunt, IBM
#info Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
#info Murat Turpcu,turk telekom
#info Ning So, Reliance Jio
#info Lingli Deng, CMCC
#info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
- #info Bin Yang, Wind River
#info proxy Sanchita Pathak, TechMahindra
#info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
#info Susana Sabater, Vodafone
- #info Viswa, Verizon
#info Yan Chen
Action items
- - TSC-22Getting issue details... STATUS
- Setup additional meetings to finalize the 2019 ONAP Budget: - TSC-8Getting issue details... STATUS
- SO Regression issue - - TSC-23Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TSC-24Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TSC-25Getting issue details... STATUS
- Ansible Playbook Availability - - TSC-26Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TSC-27Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TSC-28Getting issue details... STATUS
TSC-29Getting issue details...