OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-05-06
Upgrade work status @Tri Nguyen
comments from @Krzysztof Opasiak are being taken into account,
especially the "password" issue
a template for mimicing deployment file from sts file
password from previous release will be kept but new secrets resource will have "new" values that are not good. So we need to migrate old secret data from previous release to the new release
for example secret "onap-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera" (onap being the helm release name) content (from E release) must be put into "onap-mariadb-galera-db-root-password" and "onap-mariadb-galera-db-user-credentials" (from F release)
sdnc: on hold, finishing mariadb first
need to verify with @Dan Timoney that sdnc sql insert job is compatible with upgrade
Maybe create a requirement for G release
password removal status: @Krzysztof Opasiak
mariadb: done
policy: 2/3 more patches to go
all first patches are under review. waiting for DMaaP and VNFSDK PTLs +1
then one patch for actually removing the passwords and generating a "random" one
Ingress check status: @Lucjan Bryndza and @Sylvain Desbureaux
robot test generation script under review, still some few issues
change of ingress configuration for matching current
documentation is under review
Storage classes: @Sylvain Desbureaux
one dcaemod needs RWX and should be changed
dcae-cloudify-manager has troubles with "Lost+Found"
RC0/1 and branching