OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-10-21
Helm v3: @Jakub Latusek
check components that are not working (because of secret size)
helm chart size are in "decrease" mode (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/114086 + relation chain)
helm3 can use postgresql backend if we want larger helm charts
deploy plugin is not needed BUT it allows a faster deployments (20 min instead of 90 min...)
once it's merged and working:
move ingress master to helmv3/k8s 1.18
gate in parallel on Azure with helmv3/k8s 1.18
Charts storage: @Sylvain Desbureaux @Vijay Kumar
first proposal (short term)
when we release 7.0.0, we upload all the charts to nexus
same for next maintenance release / major version
where we want to go (long term):
use semantic versioning for all of our charts (X.Y.Z)
X: breaking change or release number
Y: API change
Z: simple change
example: "H release is 8.3.87"
in 8.3.87 release, dmaap version would be for example 8.7.34
in order to do that:
remove most of global variables
proposal: use a dictionary to pass onap wide variables to sub charts instead of global
seamless upgrade: @Tri Nguyen
shared db: @Rajendra Mishra
SO issueS: @Sylvain Desbureaux
new utils repo: @damian.nowak @Sylvain Desbureaux
limits / root pods / ssl / ... @Sylvain Desbureaux