OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-12-02
guilin release: what's left: @Sylvain Desbureaux
Chart version was not correctly set (Frankfurt instead of Guilin) → https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/116005 (cherry pick on Guilin, which should be merged tonight)
one helm3 issue on sdnc-web wasn't cherry picked on guilin and now it is (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/116000)
https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/114525 should be added after review (doc for helm3 use)
k8s 1.18 + helm3: @Sylvain Desbureaux
experimental gates have been created
deployment seems to be OK
but tests are not compatible:
helm status test was helm2 only → almost fixed
some tests were relying deeply on /dockerdata-nfs and they don't work when we don't have → move to S3 support which is embedded by xTesting framework
when all of this is done, restart the experimental gates
we're adding helm3 verification into jobbuilder → https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ci-management/+/115441
push helm to nexus: @Sylvain Desbureaux
seems fairly simple to do