OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-10-28
shared db: @Rajendra Mishra
patch pushed today
last review to be done by @Sylvain Desbureaux and @Krzysztof Opasiak
Helm v3: @Jakub Latusek @Sylvain Desbureaux
only remaining issue: so chart size
helmv2 behavior: deploy and then store. if store is NOK, deploy remains
helmv3 behavior: store then deploy. If store is NOK, no deploy
review is being made in order to remove 'so-secret' component as it's not needed
proposition (needs to be discussed with @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti ):
cut SO in three:
so core
so apih
requestdb adapter
catalogdb adapter
bpmn infra
so sdc
so maria
so adapters
all the other ones
so utils:
so monitoring
put soHelpers in common
SO issueS: @damian.nowak @Sylvain Desbureaux @Krzysztof Kuzmicki
we're now at version 1.7.7 for most of components
PNF-registrate seems OK (tested on staging version)
basic_vm NOK →
basic_cnf NOK because of tests (bug found, pathc merged since)
new utils repo: @Sylvain Desbureaux @Bogumil Zebek @Pawel Baniewski @damian.nowak
repo created
+2 seems to be OK
code has been merged
some documentation needs to be done in order to explain on how to use
maybe do some linting
so monitoring review: @Krzysztof Opasiak@Krzysztof Kuzmicki@Krzysztof Gajewski
so monitoring needs login/password
two opposed views:
put a default password by default
don't put
comment "password" in so monitoring values
add a comment in onap/values.yaml in so part in order to "give knowledge" to people operating ONAP
kubernetes dashboard: @damian.nowak
on gating / master / openlab, before the installtion, we install some "PaaS" features, including prometheus
prometheus-stack helm chart (https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack)
Orange uses https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/infra/kubernetes-monitoring-role/ to install
it deploys CRD for prometheus (especially service monitor)
what I (@Sylvain Desbureaux ) don't want in OOM
prometheus installation
crd installation
grafana installation
what I (@Sylvain Desbureaux ) do want in OOM
documentation to explain how to install prometheus prior to ONAP Installation and which toggle to use
Service Monitor (when prometheus crds are enabled)
Alerts (when prometheus crds are enabled)
news from the gate: @Sylvain Desbureaux
4 new e2e tests
cmpv2 @Marcin Przybysz
vescollector @Marcin Przybysz
basic_network: @Andreas Geißler
basic_cnf: @Thierry Hardy @Andreas Geißler
logs from SDC are put into kubernetes