OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-11-25
dockerHub rate limit: @Sylvain Desbureaux @Krzysztof Opasiak @Daniel Milaszkiewicz
limits are now in place on dockerhub
first, "simple" way: use nexus3.onap.org as dockerhub proxy
simple configuration of docker daemon.json
issue (long term): for legal reason nexus3.onap.org shouldn't redistribute dockerhub images. It may be stopped at any time
guilin release: what's left: @Sylvain Desbureaux
next week
containers left:
sdnc image on guilin to merge
version bump:
6.0.0 → 7.0.0
review in the gate https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/115363
doc update + release note: done in the same review than version bump
tag on guilin when we release
after merge, quickly move ONAP version to 8.0.0
update component version the first time we change it
code review process: @Lukasz Rajewski
gating is long (especially when lots of jobs are waiting)
gate on demand only (do it only when we're ready to merge)
do code review before gate in order to save time
do a chart developper guide
update https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/helm/starters/onap-app
add more linters
platform helm charts: "pre" installation (PaaS): @Pawel Baniewski @Krzysztof Opasiak
H release:
add 3rd party software as PaaS (cert-manager, keycloak, ...)
platform charts (except cert-service) should be deployed __before__ ONAP real installation
how to achieve it?
do we move them from platform to kubernetes
on which ns?
do we use "common" templates?
specific ns
ok for "common" templates but on separate for DB
clearly state (and document) on documentation what are the prerequisites for these components
other proposal:
do the same for contrib (different ns, ok for common, ...)
non root consul: @Krzysztof Opasiak
2 consul instances (onap and msb one)
msb is OK to non root
needs to be cherry picked on 'onap' consul (both agent and server)
service mesh: @Krzysztof Opasiak @Jakub Latusek
job to configure keycloak instance for ONAP is reworked by @Jakub Latusek
need a custom image for that
@Sylvain Desbureaux needs to ask for a new repo
→ https://github.com/onap/oom-platform-keycloak but no INFO.yaml