OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-07-01
Support of Kubernetes 1.17 and dual Stack IPv4/IPv6: @damian.nowak @Sylvain Desbureaux
Impacts on OOM and DCAE
part of DCAE deployment is done via cloudify (especially closed loop microservice)
dual ipv4/ipv6 is needed for 5G (IPV6 only)
move to k8s 1.17 API but still on a 1.15 k8s
update cloudify k8s from DCAE but still on a 1.15 k8s
move to k8s 1.17
tentative: helm3
already done:
review vid components
proposal: 2 steps
change API part first
do all the other stuff
some components are ready to be proposed
Rolling Upgrade: @Marat Salakhutdinov
Mariadb update
revert from Frankfurt under going
bring it back to master
keep secret handling from elalto (so elalto → master should work)
will see if we move it back to Frankfurt but unlikely
Hardcoded Certificates removal : @Krzysztof Opasiak @Sylvain Desbureaux
root ca + expory date enforcement is arriving on gate
Service Mesh PoC: @Krzysztof Opasiak @Sylvain Desbureaux
keycloak job using curl with access keycloak is a bit tricky
but "keycloak-cli" exists (from outside of keycloak) can handle most of the tricks
split of the environment into 2 parts:
what should be deployed by "K8S admin" (K8S, Istio, Keycloak base, Cert Manager, ...)
what is specific to ONAP (Keycloak configuration for ONAP, redirect proxies, Istio Resources, ...)
Password removal: @Krzysztof Opasiak
nothing this week
logs to STDOUT: @Sylvain Desbureaux
@nullop proposed to help to give a valid Java log configuration for STDOUT
waiting for the answer
OOM setup: @Himesh
June 29th mail.
Seems to be AAF related
asked to create a JIRA ticket
actions points: