OOM Meeting Notes - 2020-11-04
Have the real time for meetings: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-meetings/calendar
Gating SO: @damian.nowak
two reviews are waiting to make so start OK
shared db: @Rajendra Mishra
latest patch doesn't (vid)
Helm v3: @Jakub Latusek @Sylvain Desbureaux
successful deployment on helmv3/1.18 kubernetes
Add an experimental gate on OOM using helmv3
hope start by today
that means normal gate running and another gate (on Azure) for helmv3
SO issueS: @damian.nowak @Sylvain Desbureaux @Krzysztof Kuzmicki
we're now at version 1.7.7 for most of components
PNF-registrate seems OK (tested on staging version)
basic_vm NOK →
basic_cnf NOK →
logging and STDOUT: @Former user (Deleted)
will work on using the same pattern everywhere
also work on transaction_id
list of version:
a way to use different context on a sub chart: https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/common/readinessCheck/templates/_readinessCheck.tpl#L54
ugly output
what needs to be done in component chart:
in templates : {{ dockerHubRepo./..}} → {{ include "repository.dockerHub" . }}
+ requirements.yml
+ clean stuff
DOCKER_REPOSITORIES_NICKNAMES = { 'nexus3.onap.org:10001': 'onap', 'docker.elastic.co': 'elastic', 'docker.io': 'dockerHub (docker.io)', 'registry.hub.docker.com': 'dockerHub (registry)', 'registry.gitlab.com': 'gitlab', 'library': 'dockerHub (library)', 'default': 'dockerHub', 'k8s.gcr.io': 'google (k8s.gcr)', 'gcr.io': 'google (gcr)' }