TSC 2023-08-24
BRIDGE: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/94501391330?password=c2f4cfa9-d9f5-4156-9ab2-c141fcdf671f
Passcode: 209247
We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
DT | Ericsson | |||
Orange | Individual | |||
Individual | Incognito | |||
Huawei | Bell Canada | |||
China Telecom | Windriver | |||
AT&T | Nokia | |||
China Mobile |
Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ | |
Strategy (45 minutes) | ONAP takeaways | We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements. | |
LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | Changing the naming convention from an acronym (O-N-A-P) to a proper name "ONAP" + a tag line. Tag lines: ONAP Tag Lines - Ballots are out, voting closes August 29th TAC Update/Board Special meeting | ||
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates | LFN Banners updated to reflect London release: https://lfnetworking.org/onap-london-release-is-now-available/ | ||
Task Force Updates | |||
Operations (40 minutes) | TSC Activities and Deadlines | ||
Release Status | AAF CA certificate issue affecting all releases up to Kohn: Discussions to continue regarding the release planning for Montreal. | ||
RelEng/Infrastructure | |||
PTL Updates | |||
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements | Byung-Woo Jun (ARCCOM), Andreas Geißler (OOM), Thomas Kulik (DOC) | Created work items for ONAP Streamlining, https://jira.onap.org/secure/attachment/18952/ONAPStreamliningWorkItems-2023-8-22.pptx
| |
Events & Meetings (5 minutes) | Upcoming Events & Housekeeping |
Zoom Chat Log
Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative! Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only! The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.
00:02:54.820 --> 00:02:58.739
Byung-Woo Jun: Hi, JI, Thomas, hope this is the white meeting.
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Jack LUCAS (Individual): It's what showed up in the email.
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Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, Cassandra changed it last week. I'm not sure
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Byung-Woo Jun: I'm not sure
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Byung-Woo Jun: who's there.
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Byung-Woo Jun: If if they send her doesn't show up here, then I'm gonna try to switch to meeting, maybe
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Byung-Woo Jun: looks right. We're in the room meeting. I don't know.
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Jack LUCAS (Individual): Could you post the link?
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Byung-Woo Jun: Oh, Tom, team? Oh, yeah, yeah, this is right. But this is right. Okay, good
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Byung-Woo Jun: Sandra. We were worried about during the wrong meeting. You're in the right one. I was just running my dog last minute, decided she needs to go out so sorry about being a little.
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Byung-Woo Jun: No problem, thank you. Thank you.
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Hold on. Let me get
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): the
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): shucks. I forgot to update that thing. This is a reminder to
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): go into the meeting minutes and highlight yourself as in attendance, please. I did forget to highlight it on our
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): beginner slide. I meant to
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): update the Beginner slide to say so. But I'm reminding everyone now and let me share.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): So again, we're not doing the pound info anymore. It's the go into the hit edit and highlight yourself as an in attendance. And if you're having a problem, let me know.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): But our regular reminders are up that the meeting is being recorded. You are muted upon entry, and if you are dialed in and need to speak.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): you can press Star 6 to unmute yourself
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): a reminder of our Linux Anti Trust policy. So if you have any questions about it, please reach out to your organization as legal counsel, or if you are a member of Linux Foundation, you can reach out to our legal counsel.
00:05:21.300 --> 00:05:26.149
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and let's hop into it. Let me, page
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): thank you to everyone who's highlighting themselves. and for those who are just tuning in again. Go to edit and highlight yourself as attend in attendance.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Green is for attendant.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay? A review of the Agenda for today. It's not a lot on here.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): we have a couple of cross organizational updates and liaison updates.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): And then I guess we'll have a update from the subcommittee, which is good. We will keep that conversation going, and then our housekeeping events. I don't think Paul is back this week.
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Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): you are. Yes.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Oh, okay. I didn't think you were back this week. I couldn't remember. I knew you were on holiday. okay. alright. Well, it was something that we probably need to discuss, that I did not click on the agenda because I wasn't sure if you were back so
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Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): No worries.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): We can handle it next week. Okay, let me see. Alright.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Anything missed. Or does anyone have any additions to today's agenda?
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Andreas Geissler (DT): Yeah. One remark to the problems obviously many
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Andreas Geissler (DT): customers of owner have with older releases regarding the pay F
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Andreas Geissler (DT): certificate expiry.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): Maybe you can add that I will then shortly talk about it.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): So we have issues with all releases up to cone.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay?
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): And I will. This is the right place.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): we can put it there. Yeah.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): alright.
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David McBride: Sandra. I'd like, talk a little bit about release planning
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David McBride: going forward.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay.
00:08:00.590 --> 00:08:07.230
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay, again. II know I'm saying like a broken record. But I'm gonna beat it until everybody gets it.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): remember to highlight yourself in attendance. We're no longer doing the pound and first name, last name.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): please highlight yourself, and if you're having an issue, just drop me something in the chat to let me know.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Alright. So jumping into the agenda we have, everyone should have we? We were talking about the onap
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): tagline. and everyone should have received their ballots. I think I sent them out.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): I wanna say, last week, maybe the end of last week, or maybe the beginning of this week. I'm not sure my days are running into each other now. if you have not received a ballot to vote on a onad onap
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Tagline, please let me know. But the voting will stay open until August 29,
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): and with that I'm going to assume everyone had received their ballots.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay? And then, is, I didn't see if Shankar was on the call this morning.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Are you here.
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David McBride: II saw a message from him saying he wasn't going to make it
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay.
00:09:24.070 --> 00:09:26.149
Alright, so
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Well, then, I'll just give a very, very brief update. It's not really a tag update per se. There was a special board meeting yesterday for Lf. Networking more of a
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): it was focused on AI
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): and Shankar was in attendance. The tag piece of it is that whatever
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): whatever discussions come out of came out of the the Board meeting will kind of be picked up in in the tech, since they are the technical group. So I just wanted to make everyone aware of that. And then if Shankar wants to elaborate next week, he can. He can do so.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): But that's just a brief overview
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): any questions.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Oh, I will add
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): a little bit of color to that.
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): The
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): was a a strategy session. Of the board. The tech was invited to it as a guest.
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): And we're allowed allowed to participate. So we did have a community input on that. And it's looking at how Lfn
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): can or should develop an AI strategy.
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): Going forward. So it was a really a great meeting. And it's going to be
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): probably driving a lot of
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Kenny PAUL (LFN): conversations going forward, coming out of that.
00:11:06.740 --> 00:11:07.470
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Yep.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay. And someone asked me a question about the the attendance. You are correct, Cedric. However, I don't think that piece of it is.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): The the question was that the Lfx tool
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): records who's in attendance? That is going to be a feature
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): in the Lfx meeting management tool? However, I don't know that that feature is working as it should right now that functionality. So until
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): I have confirmation of that, please highlight yourself. As in attendance.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): But thank you for the the question
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, moving on. Thank you, Kenny. Oh, I was gonna say, and I was gonna add to going back to the
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): such a board meeting yesterday. I think you probably said it. I was a little distracted by reading. It was in chat, Kenny. That is going to be a community effort. And I know at some point
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all the communities Tsc specifically will need to evaluate. You know how they.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): how they can contribute to that.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay.
00:12:23.510 --> 00:12:28.240
Sandra Jackson (LFN): just pointing out here the elephant banners were updated
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): on the elephn page to reflect the London release. So those are the links. If you care to take a look, I don't think I have them up. But the London release information is out there, and it's flashing onto Banner, and so I'm happy to say that that is done.
00:12:50.110 --> 00:12:53.729
Sandra Jackson (LFN): And now we can jump down to release
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): release status. So I don't know who wants to go first, if it's Andreas, do you want to go first? And then David?
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Andreas Geissler (DT): Yeah. So first so you might have seen in the discuss list
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Andreas Geissler (DT): that a couple of companies which are using Istanbul or a Jakarta release. The we have in our labs, also the cone release
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Andreas Geissler (DT): running as they are all using
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Andreas Geissler (DT): the Af component they are now having the problem that
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Andreas Geissler (DT): the certificate management is not working anymore because there is in the Af an expired. Certificate, root certificate existing.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): and which should not have.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): let's say, should not be. Of course it should not be hard coded there, because usually we so our orange did beforehand already the search initializer and search Rapper to overcome this problem. But it is now basically turns out more and less more that it is a chicken act problem. So unless the
00:14:17.360 --> 00:14:21.380
Andreas Geissler (DT): cert daf services are not running
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Andreas Geissler (DT): the search wrapper cannot work in that way. Yeah. So that means somewhere in the
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Andreas Geissler (DT): in the Af service.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): App or port there is an outdated
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Andreas Geissler (DT): is a trust center, basically with an old own up
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Andreas Geissler (DT): Ca, basically certificate. And this out was outdated. Now on the seventeenth of
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Andreas Geissler (DT): August, yeah.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): I'm I'm was not doing that beforehand, and I tried to check with the server can can, let's say, help me on that, because he also did something beforehand on that. But he's unfortunately also on vacation.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): I'm doing my best to fix that in the in the older releases. But I cannot promise I'm I'm just, let's say, doing try and error here. To to get this running.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): But let's say, this is now showing how how important it was to get rid of Af, because it's not maintained, as you know. Since a couple of years. And these kind of hard codings now affect all the old releases. Yeah. So all the customers which have work with old releases will now
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Andreas Geissler (DT): have a problem. And
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Andreas Geissler (DT): yeah, that's just a
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Andreas Geissler (DT): short status. I'll try to fix that in the next weeks or week, or whatever. Maybe I find today an issue. I'm testing it in our labs. But just for your information, so there will be.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): most likely more complaints coming in the discuss list, and wherever you know. So there is already. For af ticket raised, but as we have don't have any contributors anymore.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): I will meet, or I will try to to get some things from.
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Byung-Woo Jun: I understand we are. We are encouraged upgrade to.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): Yeah. But as as we all know, a F was A, it's a very core component in the old releases without that. All these certificates. And ssl, so https connections would not work.
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Andreas Geissler (DT): And everything was based on Af, basically. And now this core component is causing trouble. Yeah.
00:17:04.220 --> 00:17:06.260
Byung-Woo Jun: okay.
00:17:08.319 --> 00:17:09.729
Andreas Geissler (DT): that's it for my site.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, had a problem getting off mute. There.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Thank you. And Andreas, can you just drop a note cause I couldn't catch it all, so can you drop a note?
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Andreas Geissler (DT): yes, I can do so. Yep, Umhm.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): thank you so much.
00:17:32.390 --> 00:17:43.479
David McBride: David, do you need to share anything, or you? Just no, II can just talk so we had a good discussion at the Ptl. Meeting on Monday about
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David McBride: release process and
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David McBride: II asked the question about whether we're ready to move forward.
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David McBride: with laying out a new schedule for Montreal for the so called marketing release. And beyond said that he thought that we were and then I could go ahead and and you know, do some planning around that
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David McBride: and we had agreed previously that at least initially, we're going to stay with the same milestones and tasks.
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David McBride: So I just wanted to get confirmation from the Tsc. That we're ready for me to lay out a new schedule for Montreal.
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Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Here's David. I think it's a correct. That's correct. And please proceed.
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David McBride: Okay. all right. Does anyone disagree with that?
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David McBride: There's some chatting there?
00:18:55.020 --> 00:18:56.689
Okay, I'm sorry.
00:18:57.010 --> 00:19:05.229
Byung-Woo Jun: II don't know the we. I think the last time we talk about the we have outline for Montreal for marking leis.
00:19:05.460 --> 00:19:10.409
Byung-Woo Jun: That's fine. The schedule. Wise, big, big picture frame, and then
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Byung-Woo Jun: detail we can adjust. Give them more flexibility to Pto. That's the purpose. But anyway, I I'm okay with the
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Byung-Woo Jun: the, you know outline of the that's fine. But inside, how to adjust we didn't. You know, we used to call milestone. But
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Byung-Woo Jun: that keep flexibility. I'm okay with that.
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David McBride: Okay, anyone else.
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David McBride: If Sandra could we record a pound degree
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David McBride: for that? Please help up.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Yep. let me make sure I'm not typing over. I'll go down. One
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David McBride: is that wording? Okay? Or let me just release planning.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Thank you.
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Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay. okay.
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David McBride: alright, thank you.
00:20:24.230 --> 00:20:25.360
Sandra Jackson (LFN): You're welcome.
00:20:26.170 --> 00:20:31.090
Liam Fallon: So sorry. Does that mean, then, that we're back to the
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Liam Fallon: regular M. One, m, 2, MTM, 4.
00:20:36.610 --> 00:20:46.330
David McBride: Yeah, the yeah. That's what I just said that we had we had discussed it previously, that we would, with the same milestones and tasks
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Liam Fallon: was that discussed at the Ptm. Meeting. I missed the first half of it last Monday. Unfortunately.
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David McBride: well, no, it was. It was discussed in a in a previous
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Liam Fallon: but that's fine. We can change that. But that means that we need to defer
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David McBride: scheduling until we work out what the what changes to the milestones and tasks are.
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David McBride: if if that's still an open issue. We need to figure that out before we can lay out a schedule.
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00:21:25.460 --> 00:21:29.360
Liam Fallon: I? It's just I wonder how many Ptl's have bought into this?
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00:21:33.510 --> 00:21:37.350
Byung-Woo Jun: we can rediscose this Ptr meeting next Monday.
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Byung-Woo Jun: It's not just, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's, it's, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
00:22:04.100 --> 00:22:08.059
Liam Fallon: at the Ptl. Meeting on Monday. There was. There was only
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Liam Fallon: 2 ptls there. I think that's the problem. Yeah. So I mean, if you don't get buy in for the ptl's, what's the point in running your schedule? You know a lot of milestones and and tasks for people that nobody's.
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Liam Fallon: Do you know that nobody has bought into or has agreed to?
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Liam Fallon: That's that's that's what's worries me. I mean, okay, it's it's it's fine that we say that we we release once you all, whenever it is probably around November, I guess.
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Liam Fallon: and both it probably will be this time packaged with whatever
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Liam Fallon: is ready from the various projects at that time.
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David McBride: Yeah, II wouldn't be. II don't think we'd be able to release it until probably March or April. I'm not.
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David McBride: I mean, if we're just getting started now.
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Liam Fallon: so but why?
00:23:04.800 --> 00:23:15.479
Liam Fallon: Why would that be? I mean? If it so, I mean it. It. It could be that you just need to run the M. 4 that you need to run. I don't know.
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Liam Fallon: But it's a yeah, this this this waterfall approach is
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Liam Fallon: you know the okay. I don't know that the there's anybody to run the release plan. This. That's what worries me.
00:23:34.740 --> 00:24:02.130
Byung-Woo Jun: My opinion. You know, starting endpoint we define. And then we can reduce customizedone the concept again, because we need to start because China telecom and already start the Ui from Montreal, and then also our oem team there checking in code for Montreal. So we need to some you know, marketing the release decoration. Once you has started, and then within that, then we can, you know, just
00:24:02.200 --> 00:24:16.149
Byung-Woo Jun: provide flexibility, you know, so used to something else it's fine with me. But we need to start absolutely. I mean, I think I think we can. We can say we're doing a monthly release, and that is, you know.
00:24:16.250 --> 00:24:26.279
Liam Fallon: agile manner, or whatever. But the how, the mechanism for getting to can't be the same. So we had before, unless we have the PET. As agreeing to that.
00:24:28.010 --> 00:24:30.170
David McBride: Yeah, yeah. And I mean
00:24:30.680 --> 00:24:38.290
David McBride: again, I can't. I can't lay out a schedule if if we aren't agreed on the the milestones and the tasks.
00:24:38.570 --> 00:24:39.650
David McBride: That's
00:24:42.440 --> 00:24:48.110
Sandra Jackson (LFN): so. It sounds like it's not necessarily a pound. Agree that maybe some more. No, I don't think so.
00:24:48.360 --> 00:24:55.439
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, yeah. In that case, I thought that just start endpoint. We agree that when you're gonna start when you're gonna end.
00:24:55.570 --> 00:25:01.169
Liam Fallon: Yeah, that was, that was the assumption that'd be more agile, like, whatever you have on a certain day
00:25:01.390 --> 00:25:05.950
Liam Fallon: in. Yeah, yeah, whenever we're ready to go in a certain time in November.
00:25:06.070 --> 00:25:19.280
Liam Fallon: We do our import asks on. And we just make sure we documentation what we have. We package what we have on that dish. And we off we go, just like projects work, you know, we you know, they
00:25:19.540 --> 00:25:29.449
Liam Fallon: you, the planning, the content center for adding this dash. And the other function is really in the is really something for the features to do from now on.
00:25:29.580 --> 00:25:36.500
Liam Fallon: Yeah, not the projects. So it's kind of functional rather than non functional approach to the nonfunctional approach stuff is taken by the projects.
00:25:36.630 --> 00:25:38.179
Liam Fallon: That's how I thought it was working.
00:25:39.030 --> 00:26:04.149
Byung-Woo Jun: They they, I think, the my, my view is this the power you can provide input, to. I said, once, you're marketing, really, we talk in marketing. And we gonna start end. Okay, you put the schedule there within that week. Put the agile manner under each project. Pto, they just decide when to drop in the data release how many it's up to them. But you to set the end goal end date.
00:26:04.150 --> 00:26:20.769
Byung-Woo Jun: So November 30, for example, right? Then Pto has to adjust their schedule to finish up the all the testing and the code checking before that. But within that demarcation they can provide more flexibility. Anyway, we can discuss again Monday.
00:26:22.500 --> 00:26:29.550
Liam Fallon: Like, for example, in our case in policy, we're probably about 2 thirds of the way through doing our Java 17 already.
00:26:29.820 --> 00:26:31.099
Liam Fallon: you know, even though
00:26:31.110 --> 00:26:33.649
Liam Fallon: Nope is. And we
00:26:33.750 --> 00:26:39.150
Liam Fallon: well, our plan is to have that ready in November to go, you know. But we'll drop it in when it's ready.
00:26:45.020 --> 00:26:49.040
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Okay? So, David, assuming that we have some
00:26:49.500 --> 00:26:53.700
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): deadline, if you want to release marketing release in November, right?
00:26:54.480 --> 00:26:57.600
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): So if you could, please try to
00:26:57.770 --> 00:27:08.740
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): do some initial planning, but very high level, right, as mentioned by Beeon. Right? So. assuming some. let's say, old fashioned, M. One M. 2, M. 3 MN. 4,
00:27:09.610 --> 00:27:10.800
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): and
00:27:11.300 --> 00:27:24.629
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): probably we will review them. Hmm! What are the mystones, and what is time needed for each milestone? And what is the value that each mystic is bringing, and then we can adjust and see if it's like.
00:27:25.220 --> 00:27:26.450
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): and
00:27:26.530 --> 00:27:34.989
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): to to do it this way or not. Right for the moment we would like to have a this high level
00:27:35.370 --> 00:27:38.669
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): planning without very much detailed
00:27:39.420 --> 00:27:41.780
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): global event.
00:27:44.450 --> 00:27:49.440
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Well, I mean, well, I mean, it seems like
00:27:49.460 --> 00:27:51.769
David McBride: we're just talking about an end date.
00:27:52.480 --> 00:27:59.869
David McBride: So II don't know that there's much planning to do. I mean, you guys can just pick a date, I guess.
00:28:03.040 --> 00:28:06.879
Byung-Woo Jun: Yup, good day for end day. I should do something.
00:28:07.170 --> 00:28:11.849
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): No, but still some requirements, if there are some requirements, and somebody is willing to
00:28:12.050 --> 00:28:17.820
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): deliver a new functionality, probably would go through some mystome with the requirements right
00:28:18.090 --> 00:28:20.390
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): associated to the requirements
00:28:20.570 --> 00:28:37.129
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): coming to the architecture as a committee according to new process rates describing the refinement presenting so we could have it documented. Right? Am I correct then we have a let's say, development, time, testing time and release time, right.
00:28:38.270 --> 00:28:41.790
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): this is very high level speaking approach.
00:28:43.900 --> 00:28:49.110
David McBride: Yeah. Well, I guess we can talk about it. A week from Monday.
00:28:49.420 --> 00:28:55.009
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Yeah. Okay, let's let's continue discussion at the at the next scheduled Pts call.
00:28:55.880 --> 00:28:57.000
David McBride: okay.
00:28:58.880 --> 00:28:59.859
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Thank you.
00:29:04.520 --> 00:29:15.999
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, thank you. We'll move on to the subcommittee updates, Van, do you need to to share briefly, if you want to.
00:29:16.540 --> 00:29:23.629
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, let me just a quick talk, anyway. Sure, sure. Let me share this.
00:29:24.030 --> 00:29:42.639
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay, I can now share.
00:29:44.130 --> 00:29:47.399
Byung-Woo Jun: Just okay, just quick
00:29:47.580 --> 00:30:13.389
Byung-Woo Jun: we the we presented the our own app stream lining the execution and the the general concept. And then Tsc approved. Since then. We want to make it happen so we put the work items. And then you know, the OM. Team and Occam team. Second team. We define the work items. So we are still tuning work item for Montreal.
00:30:13.540 --> 00:30:23.219
Byung-Woo Jun: So anyway, the Ci pipeline, the feature customization Andres already step, you know, step up, and then also charting, decoupling, and creating. Jira, so.
00:30:23.390 --> 00:30:36.339
Byung-Woo Jun: And also I create some component interface abstraction. I'm trying to. I create a Jira ticket. I'm working with the documentation collecting some existing documentation. Also.
00:30:36.370 --> 00:30:46.569
Byung-Woo Jun: this new documentation is not just for onap internal consumers also for non owner consumers. So we just changing the
00:30:46.600 --> 00:30:54.259
Byung-Woo Jun: the tone bit of it. So I'm gonna you know, walk on this one, working with the other Ptos and the Om, and then
00:30:54.680 --> 00:31:00.680
Byung-Woo Jun: also versioning. And we already discussed. Andres has some Jira ticket working on this independence.
00:31:00.810 --> 00:31:06.010
Byung-Woo Jun: and the last one security also I discussed the Pavlo. And second.
00:31:06.030 --> 00:31:24.679
Byung-Woo Jun: we are going to write some documentation guideline and best practices and requirement, and for own app component. And we have some existing the documentation. We'd like to, you know, pull down our scope, and for including none
00:31:24.750 --> 00:31:29.640
Byung-Woo Jun: own app and how they use on app component security.
00:31:29.650 --> 00:31:48.029
Byung-Woo Jun: So using their ecosystem. So anyway, that cover not just on a security reference implementation, also the standardization. And then those concepts so they can take on a component, and how they apply that security. For their environment. So logging same story.
00:31:48.110 --> 00:32:09.660
Byung-Woo Jun: and also Thomas, and is working with the Pta with Plan 2. And he has a proposal how to support, project the individual project documentation poisoning. So he is discussing and then probably he has some proposal for this today. Anyway, bottom line is we are working on it the outcome.
00:32:09.670 --> 00:32:17.150
Byung-Woo Jun: Oem. Second, we are document. And we are working on the this work item. So this will going into Montreal.
00:32:17.250 --> 00:32:30.500
Byung-Woo Jun: That's for today's report. And I'll give you updates, how it goes and stop sharing here. Okay, that's it for today. And Thomas, do you have any suggestion now for documentation.
00:32:30.750 --> 00:32:32.550
Byung-Woo Jun: for poisoning.
00:32:33.680 --> 00:32:45.849
Thomas KULIK (DT): Not a suggestion, but maybe more a recap from what we already have discussed. I'm not sure in the last Tsc. Call. Maybe one of the Ptl. Calls
00:32:45.910 --> 00:33:15.620
Thomas KULIK (DT): that if it comes to Montreal. So that is, it's a it's a plan. And still for for discussion and plea, please, please, guys, jump in if you think we are doing stupid sync. So so the the idea is here that the documentation is creating a a real Montreal branch named Montreal, and all the other projects which are part of the release.
00:33:15.620 --> 00:33:20.359
Thomas KULIK (DT): regardless if they have changed the code or
00:33:20.630 --> 00:33:27.820
Thomas KULIK (DT): if they are using an an older version of the software. But if they are part of the release of the Montreal release.
00:33:28.300 --> 00:33:38.699
Thomas KULIK (DT): They create initially, a branch calls view. I think, 13 dots 0.
00:33:38.780 --> 00:33:42.359
Thomas KULIK (DT): 0. Okay, so and
00:33:42.570 --> 00:34:06.740
Thomas KULIK (DT): then we link this th, the documentation of this branch of the 13 dot 0 dot 0 to the initial release of Montreal for for the documentation. So in maybe in the upcoming release in the end. Release. So then, the it's up to the project. If they
00:34:06.890 --> 00:34:26.820
Thomas KULIK (DT): create a new branch with a higher version number or if they they the previous 13 dot 0 dot 0 version will be used in the end release of Montreal. So then, then, we are
00:34:27.230 --> 00:34:35.919
Thomas KULIK (DT): are. Yeah. Decoupled from from from the versioning in the
00:34:37.090 --> 00:34:42.950
Thomas KULIK (DT): of the of the project that are part of the release.
00:34:43.449 --> 00:34:53.120
Thomas KULIK (DT): Yeah. So then, and then also, if we agree on this new
00:34:53.210 --> 00:35:11.850
Thomas KULIK (DT): way of working, I will update the procedures I have written to to document how to create documentation for an open up release. There are 2 procedures. In the in the wiki one for the Doc
00:35:12.000 --> 00:35:13.479
Thomas KULIK (DT): team itself.
00:35:13.490 --> 00:35:31.130
Thomas KULIK (DT): and one for all the other project teams in own up how to create documentation and if we agree of this? New way. I will update them accordingly. And then people, and know where the changes are and
00:35:31.300 --> 00:35:43.650
Thomas KULIK (DT): what they need to do because then in the future, the projects are asked to update the the version number
00:35:43.650 --> 00:36:01.920
Thomas KULIK (DT): of their software in the Conf pi of the dock repository. So if, for example, Cps now creates an updated version of the software, maybe a bug fix release or maybe a feature release. Then they use the
00:36:01.920 --> 00:36:17.579
Thomas KULIK (DT): semantic versioning and then they will update the version number in the conf pi of documentation to link to the correct branch.
00:36:17.800 --> 00:36:20.819
Thomas KULIK (DT): of cps and
00:36:21.000 --> 00:36:25.610
Thomas KULIK (DT): the correct documentation. So that that's the plan.
00:36:26.640 --> 00:36:31.119
Thomas KULIK (DT): And then, yeah. yeah, that's that's a plan so far.
00:36:32.050 --> 00:36:37.389
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, just the the one you know. Add add information. As you agreed.
00:36:37.870 --> 00:37:00.969
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, we have a marketing version. And then major version, we share the number. So marketing Montreal and Major 13. So we agreed from Montreal all the project we start from thirteenth to make it easier minimize impact to existing the bill scrip. And then also deployment.
00:37:00.970 --> 00:37:26.749
Byung-Woo Jun: So that's why we starting point this O 130, but after that the each Pto. They make decision. And they how many under minor past version within the marketing, you know the period, and they can decide how many's and based on that, they can create either branch or something, and they generate the version specific documentation they will reflect into with the Doc.
00:37:26.800 --> 00:37:45.499
Byung-Woo Jun: And then, after a month, we are testing many things, and we experience and based on that, we can run and then get away. And for annuals, until Thomas said, each project we end up having their own version. So following the micro the
00:37:45.620 --> 00:37:50.480
Byung-Woo Jun: the, you know the best practices, because if you don't have the
00:37:50.550 --> 00:38:13.130
Byung-Woo Jun: major changes and maybe they don't have to change their budget. Number 13, State 13, not changing to 14 is possible. So anyway, for Montreal. We decide this way to as a start to a minima impact and then facilitate our migration. And for N, we can revisit, we can re discuss but for Thomas. Starting with the documentation.
00:38:13.160 --> 00:38:31.060
Byung-Woo Jun: and Oem will talk about how to build, how to hand them chart burning and dependencies those things. So anyway, I assume progress. And then we're gonna provide. I think Thomas has a Wiki pages. I read it nice, and then he probably share in the future. So that's all.
00:38:31.110 --> 00:38:32.330
Byung-Woo Jun: Have to a
00:38:38.570 --> 00:38:41.540
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay. Any other questions or
00:38:45.940 --> 00:38:46.980
Sandra Jackson (LFN): comments.
00:38:51.790 --> 00:38:52.650
00:38:53.900 --> 00:39:03.080
Sandra Jackson (LFN): if there's nothing else on the topic, we'll move straight to the housekeeping. and it looks like you guys, will everyone get a lot of time back today
00:39:03.800 --> 00:39:17.209
Sandra Jackson (LFN): which is good cause I can use it back. Reminders the regional regional. One summit days are in Spain and China. Spain is happening. September eighteenth.
00:39:17.570 --> 00:39:19.990
Sandra Jackson (LFN): China is September 20 sixth.
00:39:20.640 --> 00:39:26.529
Sandra Jackson (LFN): The regional day for India. Information will be forthcoming.
00:39:27.970 --> 00:39:39.880
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Don't forget, if you have not done done so already to register for the Budapest face-to-face Dntf. In Budapest, Hungary, November thirteenth. Through the
00:39:40.210 --> 00:39:41.410
Sandra Jackson (LFN): 17.
00:39:42.760 --> 00:39:51.019
Sandra Jackson (LFN): There are some links there to help you out. If the topic proposals are. we're accepting topic proposals. So the link there is
00:39:51.330 --> 00:39:56.870
Sandra Jackson (LFN): so that you could submit your topics. If you need something to help you
00:39:58.740 --> 00:40:09.830
Sandra Jackson (LFN): make the request from your boss. We have a link for the request. I'm a convince your boss, and if you have not done so already, please apply for your visa so that that it's not a delay.
00:40:10.440 --> 00:40:13.340
Sandra Jackson (LFN): That is all. I have
00:40:14.280 --> 00:40:15.909
Sandra Jackson (LFN): any other questions.
00:40:16.150 --> 00:40:22.169
Byung-Woo Jun: One question about visa letter request. I checked us citizen visa.
00:40:22.250 --> 00:40:33.020
Byung-Woo Jun: So they said, we don't have to apply visa for 90 days to go hungry, that's my understanding. So I look at the visa letter or request in a link, and then
00:40:33.350 --> 00:40:40.120
Byung-Woo Jun: also to show for us case or other country with who have the similar the policy.
00:40:40.910 --> 00:40:58.190
Sandra Jackson (LFN): January
00:40:58.250 --> 00:41:00.410
Kenny PAUL (LFN): send you in type of entry.
00:41:02.490 --> 00:41:03.690
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, so
00:41:03.740 --> 00:41:05.920
Kenny PAUL (LFN): not required for us, citizen.
00:41:06.280 --> 00:41:09.340
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, thank you. That's come for me. That's all.
00:41:11.000 --> 00:41:11.940
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay.
00:41:12.480 --> 00:41:15.209
probably have any closing remarks before we go.
00:41:17.740 --> 00:41:22.450
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): No special ones. So thank you for for this week team
00:41:24.220 --> 00:41:29.040
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): the ones who are on holidays. So relax. And let's go back.
00:41:29.960 --> 00:41:30.740
Byung-Woo Jun: Hmm.
00:41:31.250 --> 00:41:44.240
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): I think it will be September right next meeting.
00:41:46.310 --> 00:41:48.689
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): No. So it's this. August.
00:41:48.760 --> 00:41:51.769
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): The next meeting is the thirty-first.
00:41:52.180 --> 00:41:55.550
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Yeah, okay, so I think we're good. Okay.
00:41:56.240 --> 00:42:00.780
Sandra Jackson (LFN): thank you. All. Have a good evening at night.
00:42:01.420 --> 00:42:05.050
Paweł Pawlak (Incognito): Thank you. Bye, bye, thank you. Bye, bye.