TSC 2023-08-31

TSC 2023-08-31

BRIDGE: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/94501391330?password=c2f4cfa9-d9f5-4156-9ab2-c141fcdf671f

Passcode: 209247

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Agenda Items

Presented By


Strategy (45 minutes)

ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Changing the naming convention from an acronym (O-N-A-P) to a proper name "ONAP" + a tag line.

 Tag lines: ONAP Tag Lines - voting closed August 29th - https://www.opavote.com/results/4908588140068864

Winner: Next Generation Network Automation

TAC Update

SPC Update

Board Special meeting

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Kenny Paul TSC elections

Task Force Updates

Operations (40 minutes)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Release Status

AAF cert service failed to start (expired certificate)IN PROGRESSAndreas Geißler will try to fix it (maybe with help of Sylvain)

 Release planning for Montreal - Ready to vote?


PTL Updates

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

Paweł Pawlak 

Amy Zwarico 

ARCCOM - ONAP Streamlining Release Plan Proposal, ONAP Streamlining Release Plan Proposal-2023-8-31.pdf

  • Plan to discuss further at ARCCOM next week with David McBride and additional PTLs and propose the finalized release plan to TSC next Thursday (September 7th)

SECCOM: Oparent removal - it seems that there are other important data inputs that we should remain, so Oparent is not recommened to be removed from ONAP.

Events & Meetings

(5 minutes)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Zoom Chat Log 

00:02:35    Dong Wang (China Telecom):    #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
00:02:53    N Shankar:    #info N. K. Shankar, IC
00:11:59    Paweł Pawlak:    Brb

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 


00:00:15.120 --> 00:00:16.329
Marek SZWAŁKIEWICZ (DT): Hello, Sandra!

00:00:20.110 --> 00:00:21.840
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Hello! How are you?

00:00:23.390 --> 00:00:29.080
Marek SZWAŁKIEWICZ (DT): I'm pretty good. I'm today proxying for, and grass. He's on vacation.

00:00:30.560 --> 00:00:34.229
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Who? Who is on vacation?

00:00:34.350 --> 00:00:39.209
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Oh, okay. Alright. Also, do I need to take them off the

00:00:40.540 --> 00:00:42.939
That's why he didn't reply to my email.

00:00:43.120 --> 00:00:49.040
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Hold on for a second. I'm trying to stop the recording until we actually start the meeting

00:00:49.790 --> 00:00:52.640

00:00:57.580 --> 00:01:00.190
Sandra Jackson (LFN): I'm not gonna come on to next to 30. First.

00:01:00.280 --> 00:01:02.389
Sandra Jackson (LFN): this thing is so slow.

00:02:52.360 --> 00:02:56.419
Andreas Geissler (DT): Sandra. hamatic will be made

00:02:56.460 --> 00:02:59.030
Andreas Geissler (DT): proxy, Nick, from next week

00:02:59.280 --> 00:03:21.489
Andreas Geissler (DT): for the next 2 weeks. So not today.

00:03:23.130 --> 00:03:32.760
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, everyone as folks are coming in. Oh, actually, it's only 10 folks here right now, and let me give it another minute or so. Give me a sec.

00:04:10.780 --> 00:04:22.549
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay. Apologies for that. Few reminders that we are no longer doing the pound and your name, please highlight yourself. As attending when you enter the meeting.

00:04:22.590 --> 00:04:30.070
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Also our regular reminders that the meeting is being recorded, all all participants are muted

00:04:30.080 --> 00:04:35.359
Sandra Jackson (LFN): upon entry, and if you are dowed, and any to speak, you can press Star 6 to unmute yourself.

00:04:35.450 --> 00:04:38.930
and just remember that the recordings also include the chat.

00:04:39.580 --> 00:04:44.210
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and then our antitrust policy. If you have any questions about it, you can

00:04:44.320 --> 00:04:55.089
Sandra Jackson (LFN): reach out to your company's legal counsel, or if you're a member of the Linux Foundation, you can reach out to Andrew up to Grove of the firm. Guess, Desmond, up to Grove. Lp.

00:04:55.790 --> 00:04:59.289
Sandra Jackson (LFN): all right, jumping into the agenda

00:05:00.390 --> 00:05:04.060
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and let me just double check. I don't think I stopped it.

00:05:10.930 --> 00:05:13.100
Okay, jumping into the agenda.

00:05:13.750 --> 00:05:17.819
Sandra Jackson (LFN): We have a few organizational, cross-organizational updates.

00:05:18.460 --> 00:05:26.379
Sandra Jackson (LFN):  we need to talk about Tsc elections. And Mr. Paul has joined. So he'll speak to that

00:05:26.760 --> 00:05:31.359
Sandra Jackson (LFN): release management and the subcommittee updates.

00:05:31.390 --> 00:05:33.620
That, I guess Andreas is gonna give

00:05:34.110 --> 00:05:40.090
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and and bayong, and then any our regular housekeeping. So

00:05:40.200 --> 00:05:43.870
Sandra Jackson (LFN): is there anything that needs to be added

00:05:44.810 --> 00:05:46.029
to the agenda.

00:05:48.310 --> 00:05:51.859
Okay. let's get into it.

00:05:52.140 --> 00:05:55.830
Sandra Jackson (LFN): I'll go first with the changing, naming convention.

00:05:55.850 --> 00:05:57.590
As you all know, the

00:05:57.760 --> 00:06:08.049
Sandra Jackson (LFN): the ballots were out, the voting closed on the 20 ninth. The link is here to see the results. But the winner for the tag line

00:06:08.070 --> 00:06:11.569
is next generation network automation.

00:06:12.140 --> 00:06:21.610
Sandra Jackson (LFN): And so that is the winner. The next step is to take it to our marketing folks, and they will

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Sandra Jackson (LFN): do any updates that they they need to do with the tagline.

00:06:26.860 --> 00:06:30.510
So thank you. Everyone who participated in the vote

00:06:30.750 --> 00:06:34.570
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and we officially have the tagline

00:06:36.970 --> 00:06:38.919
and let me see, is

00:06:39.260 --> 00:06:42.209
Sandra Jackson (LFN): shanker on? I don't know.

00:06:44.760 --> 00:06:48.090
N Shankar: Yes, and I'm here. You hear me? Okay.

00:06:48.630 --> 00:06:53.880
Sandra Jackson (LFN): yep, I can hear you. Do you wanna give a brief Update for

00:06:55.600 --> 00:07:08.959
N Shankar: a time scale there was. There was. Yeah. Was an 11 tech meeting yesterday which I attended, and last week there was a special

00:07:09.270 --> 00:07:19.400
N Shankar: meeting it was actually a meeting of the Los Angeles Board that members were invited to just attend and observe. and

00:07:19.430 --> 00:07:25.780
the main thing happening in both of these meetings is is something that Ronnie has presented here also before.

00:07:26.160 --> 00:07:29.289
N Shankar: Which is the role of a INO,

00:07:29.760 --> 00:07:40.080
N Shankar: in networking? And Lsm, and how? How is a animal used for networking. How can networking help Aiml

00:07:40.360 --> 00:07:42.760
N Shankar: and real? And it's

00:07:43.360 --> 00:07:50.569
N Shankar: I mean, it's already gone through his presentation. The one thing I will note here is

00:07:50.740 --> 00:07:55.790
N Shankar: Onampos mentioned specifically that it's it's

00:07:56.350 --> 00:07:58.810
N Shankar: seems like it's going to be relevant for

00:07:59.010 --> 00:08:13.060
N Shankar: an automation control loop driven by A and L, because it sort of naturally fits in there. And and and the questions also came up is in terms of

00:08:13.430 --> 00:08:28.750
N Shankar: the use case or the target network on which management or automation is being done. And if it is oriented towards the video access networks around, then we have all the discussions we had before, that the connection to R and C seems

00:08:29.120 --> 00:08:37.849
N Shankar: seems very relevant. And and so there is some work happening in that context also which I'm tracking. But this topic is much broader.

00:08:37.970 --> 00:08:45.839
N Shankar: It's it's it's all aspects of a Iml. And and it's it's very interesting and very relevant.

00:08:46.810 --> 00:08:53.830
N Shankar:  Rennie, did you want to add something beyond what we discussed earlier? Yeah.

00:08:55.510 --> 00:09:03.270
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): yeah. So as you mentioned, this topic was discussed by the Governing board which decided to

00:09:03.310 --> 00:09:04.730
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): focus

00:09:05.080 --> 00:09:07.960
to make this the focus area for Lfn.

00:09:08.000 --> 00:09:25.959
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): And the next steps are being discussed in the governing board. Sbc, the strategic planning committee. Just a heads up it seems like there will be a special interest group launched by the Spc. To further

00:09:26.150 --> 00:09:35.779
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): discuss what needs to be done in the AI front? And how does it translate to the various projects, and whether new projects should be launched or new initiatives?

00:09:37.150 --> 00:09:45.289
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): So keep an eye out on a call for participation in such a special interest group that details are being

00:09:45.470 --> 00:09:50.259
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation):  worked on right now Kenny's

00:09:50.500 --> 00:09:59.080
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): working with the Sbc to create the official call for participation. But it's gonna go out soon. So if you're interested

00:09:59.270 --> 00:10:16.220
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): or have colleagues in your organization that are interested in working on the actual next steps for implementing more AI and machine learning in networking. Please keep an eye out, and once the call for participation is out.

00:10:16.670 --> 00:10:25.960
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): please make sure it reaches the right target audience. And the right candidates who can work on on it's part of that special interest group.

00:10:31.610 --> 00:10:41.200
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, thank you for the update. Shankar and Randy and and you covered both. Actually, any questions

00:10:42.580 --> 00:10:45.989
Sandra Jackson (LFN): or comments about the attack or Spc update.

00:10:48.950 --> 00:11:00.500
N Shankar: I just add 1 one comment at my observations from the governing board, but the discussion that it's a lot of interest from the the operators.

00:11:00.640 --> 00:11:03.280
and a lot of

00:11:03.290 --> 00:11:04.650
N Shankar: the primary

00:11:04.740 --> 00:11:09.459
discussions seem to be around availability of data and some kind of

00:11:09.830 --> 00:11:15.259
N Shankar: a common shared, sanitized data that that could serve multiple groups.

00:11:15.380 --> 00:11:27.620
N Shankar: And there's seem to be a lot of interest, and then hopefully. some willingness to to provide data sets which which is the lifeblood of anything.

00:11:35.080 --> 00:11:35.790
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Yep.

00:11:37.700 --> 00:11:46.969
Sandra Jackson (LFN): thank you. And just a reminder for those who are coming in late that we are. You need to highlight yourself, as Green is showing that you're in attendance

00:11:49.180 --> 00:11:54.389
Sandra Jackson (LFN): any other comments about the Tac or board? special meeting update?

00:11:59.080 --> 00:12:02.479
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay? So we'll move on to elections.

00:12:03.100 --> 00:12:05.830
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Do you see elections, Mr. Paul? You wanna take it away.

00:12:07.730 --> 00:12:14.400
Kenny PAUL (LFN): Yeah, I guess I can. elections are coming up. We do that in September.

00:12:14.650 --> 00:12:21.849
Kenny PAUL (LFN):  nothing really will have changed from the last time we did this.

00:12:22.630 --> 00:12:24.660
Kenny PAUL (LFN): Cassandra will be putting out a

00:12:26.430 --> 00:12:31.590
Kenny PAUL (LFN): call for nominees. Will pull the data out of

00:12:31.710 --> 00:12:35.290
Kenny PAUL (LFN):  out of Lfx

00:12:35.470 --> 00:12:41.079
Kenny PAUL (LFN): insights in terms of establishing who is qualified to both

00:12:41.530 --> 00:12:46.830
Kenny PAUL (LFN): vote in the election and also run for Atsc Seat.

00:12:47.230 --> 00:12:52.560
Kenny PAUL (LFN):  that'll.

00:12:54.030 --> 00:12:56.269
Kenny PAUL (LFN): you know. After that's done.

00:12:56.390 --> 00:13:03.540
Kenny PAUL (LFN): ballots will go out individually to the community that is qualified. the election will take place

00:13:03.810 --> 00:13:09.030
Kenny PAUL (LFN):  and everything else. We've been through this

00:13:09.530 --> 00:13:11.440
Kenny PAUL (LFN): a fair number of times.

00:13:11.720 --> 00:13:17.100
Kenny PAUL (LFN):  basically, the process is unchanged from

00:13:17.890 --> 00:13:19.570
Kenny PAUL (LFN): from what we've done before

00:13:22.360 --> 00:13:25.170
Kenny PAUL (LFN): any questions about that.

00:13:29.810 --> 00:13:32.999
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Alright. So look for communication soon.

00:13:37.300 --> 00:13:49.410
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and moving down to release information. Andres, do you want to give us an update on the the certificate exploration?

00:13:50.190 --> 00:13:59.900
Andreas Geissler (DT): Well, I have tried a couple of tweaks and let's say.

00:14:00.350 --> 00:14:04.729
Andreas Geissler (DT): Updates, of the charts on my in my lap here.

00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:13.599
Andreas Geissler (DT):  The same, I think, also others in the community did, and what I received from in the mailing list

00:14:13.900 --> 00:14:17.679
Andreas Geissler (DT): but no success so far.

00:14:17.920 --> 00:14:21.150
Andreas Geissler (DT): There is one.

00:14:21.380 --> 00:14:27.280
Andreas Geissler (DT): let's say a workaround described by Vivek in the

00:14:27.990 --> 00:14:38.250
Andreas Geissler (DT): in the discuss channel which where he had a solution for the AI certificate.

00:14:38.490 --> 00:14:43.520
Andreas Geissler (DT): Basically he made it that way that he

00:14:43.810 --> 00:14:52.629
Andreas Geissler (DT): remove the af dependency. But created, then an own certificate. in

00:14:52.860 --> 00:15:04.709
Andreas Geissler (DT): the AI, but it fixes only a Ani in that respect. So other components are, of course. also, we would also not work. So

00:15:04.810 --> 00:15:06.119
Andreas Geissler (DT): I hadn't

00:15:06.160 --> 00:15:15.950
Andreas Geissler (DT): find find the real root calls. So even if I updated the certificate, even if I create a complete new

00:15:16.020 --> 00:15:24.040
Andreas Geissler (DT): a certificate authority and added that to the trust store. Yeah, with enough.

00:15:24.770 --> 00:15:28.970
Andreas Geissler (DT): validity, time, validity time.

00:15:29.350 --> 00:15:31.900
Andreas Geissler (DT): the actual

00:15:32.660 --> 00:15:35.530
Andreas Geissler (DT):  af

00:15:35.550 --> 00:15:42.379
Andreas Geissler (DT): components when they start up there using it some from somewhere else. Yeah.

00:15:42.890 --> 00:15:50.309
Andreas Geissler (DT): I haven't. I mean, I did not. Re, really. Let's say, re reverse engineer. Everything in the code of

00:15:50.620 --> 00:15:54.790
Andreas Geissler (DT): Af. Especially because I'm not on Java developer.

00:15:54.810 --> 00:16:01.850
Andreas Geissler (DT): I haven't find hadn't found a way to to solve this issue. Actually.

00:16:02.100 --> 00:16:06.290
Andreas Geissler (DT): so and I will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks.

00:16:06.370 --> 00:16:17.300
Andreas Geissler (DT): So if if there's anyone else in the community, maybe from at T, from the guys who had maintained that beforehand. So, my child, maybe you find someone

00:16:17.400 --> 00:16:21.319
Andreas Geissler (DT): that would be appreciated if someone could help here.

00:16:21.610 --> 00:16:27.139
Andreas Geissler (DT): But I hadn't didn't find any any proper solution, actually.

00:16:29.320 --> 00:16:38.820
Andreas Geissler (DT): especially a proper solution without let's say, recompiling the code. So I mean, we do. The code is archived.

00:16:39.110 --> 00:16:43.899
Andreas Geissler (DT): So, and the only way I would see, or

00:16:44.020 --> 00:16:54.000
Andreas Geissler (DT): or try, or or tried was to mount basically new certificates on the places where I thought that they would be used. But obviously it's not

00:16:54.270 --> 00:16:56.369
Andreas Geissler (DT): enough, you know.

00:16:56.840 --> 00:17:00.429
Andreas Geissler (DT): So I am a little bit clueless

00:17:01.000 --> 00:17:13.149
Andreas Geissler (DT): and haven't received an email from, although he should be back from vacation, but I think also he has not really insights into the Afc. Code itself.

00:17:13.690 --> 00:17:16.830
Andreas Geissler (DT): I don't know if he is, he would be able to.

00:17:16.869 --> 00:17:19.109
Andreas Geissler (DT): Let's say, help you.

00:17:21.460 --> 00:17:23.019
Andreas Geissler (DT): Yeah, that's the status.

00:17:23.540 --> 00:17:26.669
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, thank you for that. Andrea.

00:17:28.050 --> 00:17:36.820
Sandra Jackson (LFN): So again, if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this or have a workaround. Please reach out

00:17:37.250 --> 00:17:52.050
Byung-Woo Jun:  Otherwise we need to promote it on it, to move to London quickly as possible, because Aaf needs for Java, and also they are using CAD,

00:17:52.100 --> 00:17:57.640
Byung-Woo Jun: which is adapter and which is cold. So so it's impact

00:17:57.730 --> 00:18:13.629
Byung-Woo Jun: could be not just for configuration, as we hope. But if changing for code, which is not maintained by someone, and then we could have some issue. Anyway, we know the problem. And then if someone come up to own app and then their problem with this, then

00:18:13.720 --> 00:18:16.660
Byung-Woo Jun: how one of the solution is move to

00:18:16.730 --> 00:18:21.060
Byung-Woo Jun: London quickly. So, anyway, that's the my suggestion.

00:18:25.090 --> 00:18:37.899
Byung-Woo Jun: It. So I guess London doesn't. I mean, this might be a stupid question. But I'm asking. Anyway, London. We don't use a we're using to Andros team and then already move to self, smash ingress, and then, you know, kick off. So

00:18:38.270 --> 00:18:40.440
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay, alright. Thank you.

00:18:40.480 --> 00:18:52.139
Zhen Li - China telecom: Vp

00:18:52.170 --> 00:19:21.149
Zhen Li - China telecom: and Jakarta Istanbul

00:19:21.230 --> 00:19:29.309
Andreas Geissler (DT): con release. All of the older release which are using af they are affected. So not only not only code.

00:19:29.410 --> 00:19:41.830
Andreas Geissler (DT): but I was testing it on call or testing in a and because it has not. So Af has not changed since, I think 3 releases or something. So that means all of the other

00:19:42.440 --> 00:19:50.699
Andreas Geissler (DT): releases. If they are out in in by. Add some customers or users they are affected on that. Yeah.

00:19:51.040 --> 00:20:12.070
Zhen Li - China telecom: Yes, thank you. But I mean for some use case maybe they they they they to Cata, or this or the the older release is is still is. So I mean, when you try to to solve this problem, maybe you can take take it the to kind of release. And they

00:20:12.070 --> 00:20:31.139
Andreas Geissler (DT): yes, of course, of course, whenever we find a solution. We will provide patches. Then for all of the charts that's right, yeah, yeah, so for all of the reasons yeah, yeah, that's clear, yeah,

00:20:35.040 --> 00:20:35.940
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay.

00:20:36.250 --> 00:20:46.019
Sandra Jackson (LFN):  we can move down to or at least planning, we were so last week, we were set or, we thought, we were set

00:20:46.170 --> 00:20:53.749
Sandra Jackson (LFN): to take a vote on the  release planning Montreal schedule.

00:20:53.830 --> 00:21:04.039
Sandra Jackson (LFN): And there was some further discussion that II guess, took place. So are we ready to vote on the actually, I think they just have.

00:21:04.410 --> 00:21:13.490
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, it's the up to the we discuss this one. And if you click to the Pdf on a streamline release plans Pto

00:21:13.560 --> 00:21:22.090
Byung-Woo Jun: and our Come we couple of the Pto. And also a pse member joined this week, and we discussed about this proposal.

00:21:22.180 --> 00:21:26.919
Byung-Woo Jun: Dave Mcbride is up this week. So we

00:21:26.960 --> 00:21:29.060
Byung-Woo Jun: discuss, maybe we can

00:21:29.100 --> 00:21:44.250
Byung-Woo Jun: have 1 one more discussion at outcome next week. And then, we're gonna do a final proposal to Tse next Thursday for both. So that's a plan. But if you click the the Pdf, I can briefly

00:21:44.800 --> 00:21:45.750
Byung-Woo Jun: talk about

00:21:46.280 --> 00:21:47.540
Sandra Jackson (LFN): okay, sure hold on.

00:21:47.600 --> 00:21:49.579
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

00:21:49.890 --> 00:21:52.909
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, hold on. I'm sure it's gonna be a download. So let me

00:21:53.350 --> 00:21:55.320
Sandra Jackson (LFN): get it really, really quickly

00:21:55.840 --> 00:21:57.250
Sandra Jackson (LFN): downloads.

00:22:00.960 --> 00:22:28.310
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, if you can make later, bigger than this point. Basically, this is a lot we discuss. So basically the montio is a marketing release which tied to 13 major release, and and the from the David and Reese perspective. They. We have the marketing at 13 restarts. If you look at the next sign, particular line, and we just on the release candidate date and then sign up date.

00:22:28.360 --> 00:22:32.429
Byung-Woo Jun: So we don't have the milestone. 1, 2, 3, 4. Those thing. We don't have it.

00:22:32.590 --> 00:22:42.169
Byung-Woo Jun: So in the each Pto they determine their project as our site we apply as our process, and then based on their feature. So

00:22:42.240 --> 00:23:01.010
Byung-Woo Jun: so this outcome require committee, and second, they have their overall, just, you know, specification and guidance to stand up so they publish the what they expect from the marketing release. That's fine. Each. Ptr, take that input they decide their own schedule.

00:23:01.100 --> 00:23:13.559
Byung-Woo Jun: So that's why it's within this diagram illustration project. Abcd, they have a different cycle. Different. How many other, you know, minor, and how many patchy itself to them.

00:23:13.570 --> 00:23:30.940
Byung-Woo Jun: So they decide which feature going into that one the Agi cycle, and once they finish. They just just share the feature goals and status of that as aisle. They can share with the the outcome. And Tsc.

00:23:31.170 --> 00:23:40.629
Byung-Woo Jun: so the as a iteration spent reviewed and the critic by the product team, and then with those committees.

00:23:40.750 --> 00:23:44.719
Byung-Woo Jun: And then they determine what will be the next cycle.

00:23:44.730 --> 00:24:03.170
Byung-Woo Jun: and Pto or the site. So anyway, this one will give you more flexibility, and the Ptole determine their own speed and on feature, on speed. And then they socialize with a community and then also committee and for for the input and direction.

00:24:03.240 --> 00:24:22.619
Byung-Woo Jun: And then the how many document are we gonna provide up to Pto. They gonna provide a branch and then they put the Rsd, it will will generate into Odyssey hopefully automated. So I think Thomas is testing it anyway. So this is we define what we. This is what we expected.

00:24:22.790 --> 00:24:29.520
Byung-Woo Jun: And then, after Montreal, we gonna redefine or revid how to deal with Rc. And sign up.

00:24:29.550 --> 00:24:41.399
Byung-Woo Jun: even though marketing release. We have one unit, but each project they have their own built. And so that means consumers. And you know, both

00:24:41.600 --> 00:25:02.740
Byung-Woo Jun: own app and not only have consumers, they can pick and choose the project, and so using their CD mechanism. I think the Andrews already demonstrated that possibility. So he's using the agus CD for some of the company using flex flux, and that it doesn't matter the CD, so we can build a project individually.

00:25:02.740 --> 00:25:21.349
Byung-Woo Jun: and then the decoupled from the master and just already demonstrate last time. So that's the process. So technically, we have a foundation, thanks to Om team. And this is a plan project. Each project can handle individually. So this is what input,

00:25:21.460 --> 00:25:31.560
Byung-Woo Jun: I think the the proposal. Our proposal was well received by the team. And but we like to inform we don't.

00:25:31.600 --> 00:25:44.309
Byung-Woo Jun: David, one more time before the final boarding. So if you can take a look at this, and if you have any suggestion, you can give us input already next week. Then we gonna incorporate that.

00:25:44.420 --> 00:25:53.479
Byung-Woo Jun: And then we're gonna we plan to propose or finalize the proposal to Tsc next week. That's the plan.

00:25:56.730 --> 00:25:57.450
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Oh.

00:25:57.900 --> 00:26:01.820
Byung-Woo Jun: can I ask a question beyond on this?

00:26:02.170 --> 00:26:14.390
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: Okay, so my question is that in this release process, right? Where are we validating that the components are working with each other.

00:26:14.570 --> 00:26:18.020
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: What I mean is, let's say, we take SO.

00:26:18.370 --> 00:26:21.079
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: Then SO. Is working with a ie.

00:26:21.160 --> 00:26:25.739
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: Sdc. And Sdn, C and other components.

00:26:26.270 --> 00:26:30.570
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: So to basically, there is no package between the components.

00:26:31.160 --> 00:26:38.879
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, that's why the the the third blade. The Ptf feature owner may work with the Oem integration team. So

00:26:38.910 --> 00:26:42.219
Byung-Woo Jun: the one time the Magnus proposal was.

00:26:43.290 --> 00:26:52.550
Byung-Woo Jun: we can do the whole owner platform testing integration testing to improve the our quality. That's fine. I'm as needed.

00:26:52.560 --> 00:27:04.140
Byung-Woo Jun: and also the based on solution. For example, some solution like, so let's say, the intent solution. They have several components they need to test to it

00:27:04.150 --> 00:27:05.980
Byung-Woo Jun: is so we call focused

00:27:06.020 --> 00:27:12.470
Byung-Woo Jun: feature-based solution test. That means those testing will be the collector, the

00:27:12.530 --> 00:27:24.869
Byung-Woo Jun: associate, the projects. They're gonna test. So they're gonna approve the quality. So each project, they have their own testing cycle. Of course, the unit test or whatever form they have it.

00:27:24.920 --> 00:27:29.060
Byung-Woo Jun: And then we thinking about the solution of our testing as needed.

00:27:29.240 --> 00:27:40.779
Byung-Woo Jun: And then we're thinking about the domerics here. And then we can talking about integration testing for the Rc, so before sign up, they have to make sure the quality

00:27:40.950 --> 00:27:44.940
Byung-Woo Jun: is met. So that's our try to prove. So.

00:27:45.140 --> 00:27:57.300
Byung-Woo Jun: We are collecting input from the Oem already. Share the oem, and you can have a chance to give us your input early next week before Wednesday.

00:27:57.460 --> 00:28:03.540
Byung-Woo Jun: So then we can finalize. But that's a good question. But we are still thinking about quality, yes.

00:28:03.630 --> 00:28:07.130
Byung-Woo Jun: and also security. Second, they questioned

00:28:07.300 --> 00:28:15.279
Byung-Woo Jun: how you, gonna if they find the vulnerability and how you're going to handle that. So it's fine and business user. Second.

00:28:15.460 --> 00:28:20.070
Byung-Woo Jun: they provide the vulnerability scanning, and then they just provide general requirement.

00:28:20.100 --> 00:28:25.160
Byung-Woo Jun: And then then they can do but beauty of the this, the Hia process

00:28:25.510 --> 00:28:36.690
Byung-Woo Jun: during the the Montreal cycle. If they find additional, the the security, vulnerability, they can still provide the recommendation, and

00:28:37.300 --> 00:28:52.709
Byung-Woo Jun: Ptl. They can take in to their consideration. Then they can put in to the azure cycle. It's a more dynamic, more flexible in my mind. So second, that's how I explain to second, and I think the Pabo and the Emmy, and they are okay with it.

00:28:52.820 --> 00:29:05.309
Byung-Woo Jun: And because we. That's why I put the committee and then do the integration on top of the the section they working with the Pto, so yeah, that's that's my answer. I'm not sure I answer your question.

00:29:06.140 --> 00:29:18.029
Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada: No, that is good. So I was mainly concerned about the breakage of any functionality that is working so because projects will work independently. Right?

00:29:18.440 --> 00:29:40.150
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah. Still stay on the on it. Umbrella. So that's why I talked. This second is project is individual, but stay on the umbrella on it. So that's why second committee, and then also outcome. They are oversight. Oversee the progress, and that's why Pto, they have the time they have to share their going on feature goals and status.

00:29:40.190 --> 00:29:55.230
Byung-Woo Jun: So that's what you know. We outcome. For example, if one project going nearly going separate way, and then so totally violate the architecture goal. Then we just can socialize with that particular pta and then adjust it. There still have chance to do that.

00:29:55.400 --> 00:30:00.939
Byung-Woo Jun: But this one we just keep more autonomous and flexibility

00:30:01.080 --> 00:30:24.230
Byung-Woo Jun: the vertically. And then that kind of 2 dimensional right? So we can. We can do that. So I think this is gonna be better to me. But additional things we need to add, or how the quality. Metrics are maintained and things like that.

00:30:24.450 --> 00:30:41.440
Byung-Woo Jun: Exactly. Thank you. So that's why last flood after Montreal, we learn during the Montreal we learn a lot. And this new process plan. So we have additional feedback, and this, you know recommendation. Then we can revisit our plan for annuals. But I think, Montreal, we can

00:30:41.630 --> 00:30:44.830
Byung-Woo Jun: do many good things, I think, and also

00:30:45.360 --> 00:30:59.910
Byung-Woo Jun: to minimize impact Andres mentioned about minimize impact. We tie marketing to the major 13. So all the everything is 13 starting to 13 and doesn't matter. You know the

00:31:00.160 --> 00:31:12.979
Byung-Woo Jun: the appendix numbers but 13 every month. 13, because we are decide to tie marketing to a major. But after, during the monthio after Montio, we have better idea.

00:31:13.000 --> 00:31:27.219
Byung-Woo Jun: and then we can support option one that the which the outcomes, you know, suggest the ones so we can discuss further. And then, once you learn it as you suggested, we can add the just so, anyway, for now

00:31:27.230 --> 00:31:55.410
Byung-Woo Jun: Muncho has been started already. There are people already start Co, you know, coding and then checking in. And then Oem Ui team, China telecom. And they already working on the intent and then oem team already working on it. And then so anyway, documentation we working on it. So anyway, this is the stuff, and I think the without waterfall model. This is more flexible and then more agile to me. Okay.

00:31:56.290 --> 00:32:03.670
Paweł Pawlak: small comment from sitcom, if may I? So as we discuss on on last Tuesday.

00:32:03.800 --> 00:32:10.649
Paweł Pawlak: so, in fact, Sitcom would provide the recommendations for the packages, updates for the

00:32:10.890 --> 00:32:15.879
Paweł Pawlak: marketing release. For let's in this case it's like 15 0 0.

00:32:16.230 --> 00:32:23.330
Paweł Pawlak: But then, second, needs to be informed by the project about some newer versions, minor or patch, right?

00:32:23.340 --> 00:32:40.780
Paweł Pawlak: And then we can. We can on request, you know, check for the for the updated recommendations. But we would start with the recommendations for the 1,500 or fi, 14, 0 0. And for the releases, but for for the marketing release.

00:32:41.420 --> 00:32:52.519
Paweł Pawlak: the starting point. Right? Then, we, we need to be informed, we need to be in the loop. We need to get feedback from from project that they run into the newer subversion

00:32:52.610 --> 00:32:54.749
Byung-Woo Jun: so we could. We could help them.

00:32:54.790 --> 00:32:57.370
Paweł Pawlak: if needed to to to

00:32:57.900 --> 00:33:04.519
Paweł Pawlak: to provide some updated recommendations, because, you know, there are some new vulnerabilities that that are appearing. So

00:33:04.680 --> 00:33:10.549
Paweł Pawlak: we keep track on it with our tools. So just to to let you know guys, that

00:33:10.640 --> 00:33:15.670
Paweł Pawlak: we don't have yet automatized process for for bringing the

00:33:15.940 --> 00:33:23.099
Paweł Pawlak: the recommended packages upgrades. So it's a little bit

00:33:23.330 --> 00:33:25.540
Paweł Pawlak: a manual still process. So

00:33:25.660 --> 00:33:28.509
Byung-Woo Jun: we need to be simply in the loop.

00:33:28.750 --> 00:33:55.800
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah test. We tried to to automate it as much possible. And yeah, Tesco. And then you mentioned about 13 or actually mocking, we just, I tried 13, because 1 one the stage, okay, can have multiple stage. So the second, let's see, guys, how many subversions would be in the in the next release. We are, you know, assuming something we are giving some

00:33:55.800 --> 00:34:01.629
Paweł Pawlak: more freedom and flexibility. Let's see if the projects have enough resources and

00:34:01.760 --> 00:34:26.839
Byung-Woo Jun: and power to to move on with multiple sub releases. Right? Yeah, it's it's possible to monitor every every project. Right? We will. We will be trying to adjust

00:34:26.840 --> 00:34:36.009
Paweł Pawlak: based on what we would be hearing also from on up consumers and on up project leads and contributors

00:34:36.239 --> 00:34:40.940
Paweł Pawlak: to adjust the process is needed to to ensure that, you know

00:34:41.139 --> 00:34:44.530
Paweł Pawlak: we are going in the in in the in the right direction.

00:34:44.920 --> 00:34:46.870
Paweł Pawlak: All the time.

00:34:47.090 --> 00:35:22.840
Byung-Woo Jun: Sure, yeah, any. Anyway, the Pto have, you know, if you come up with any idea during the cycle. You can create their own. As a we don't have to M. 2 M. 3. And then, you know, Naka, you know, then this kind of waterfall instead of doing it. If the Pt. Has we have this feature, and then this impact so they can leave you with the architecture recomp any time. And then they set. This is the cycle. This is what feature we're gonna put into this as a that's fine, more flexible. So you don't have to wait for we are in the. We cannot go back to Mt. We? There's no such thing. So this is so

00:35:22.840 --> 00:35:36.899
Byung-Woo Jun: kind of iteration. So you can connect the their committee on the Om Doc. Anytime they want to. This, I think that's the kind of a more flexible.

00:35:37.100 --> 00:35:45.260
Martial Ngueko(AT&T): The subcommittee and the Sec sitcom. Basically, that's where the control.

00:35:46.700 --> 00:35:58.099
Paweł Pawlak: I'm not sure cross feature from my understanding cross feature, or, you know, like end to end functionality. Or some. It's supposed to be done under the use cases. Right?

00:35:58.120 --> 00:35:59.180
Martial Ngueko(AT&T): Yes.

00:35:59.220 --> 00:36:04.129
Paweł Pawlak: Will not provide you cross feature coordination.

00:36:04.140 --> 00:36:28.530
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah, agreed this. No second, no account. This is kind of solution level. So, owner, if they designed, I think that we have a table right? This we have in a future like Ui, the u uid and intent. For example, ui so and then policy, we have, you know, the owner, you know, the which component needs to be involved. Some of them is, quote changes, some of them testimony if they know that. Then they

00:36:28.570 --> 00:36:41.049
Byung-Woo Jun: took it as a solution. They tested, they working with the Ptr. And I'm gonna use your project and this way. So that's fine to steer as this and then integrate testing. They can do, you know, to increase on it general

00:36:41.300 --> 00:36:43.990
code quality. And then they can

00:36:44.090 --> 00:36:49.669
Byung-Woo Jun: to regression testing like as people. So anyway, just so we can.

00:36:49.920 --> 00:36:58.139
Byung-Woo Jun: yeah, III call it cross close. You know the project or solution level testing. I thought that way.

00:36:59.050 --> 00:37:03.540
Paweł Pawlak: One more comment I wanted to to to to share with you guys is that.

00:37:04.200 --> 00:37:12.149
Paweł Pawlak: for example, the the global requirements that were agreed by own up community are still valid. Right? So

00:37:12.250 --> 00:37:25.620
Paweł Pawlak: even if you don't have those, M. One m. 2, M. 3 m. 4. For example, to run the the, the upgraded packages, to to ensure that project is taking care of the security

00:37:26.140 --> 00:37:27.690
Paweł Pawlak: of of of

00:37:27.770 --> 00:37:32.100
Paweł Pawlak: it's cold and providing the code quality.

00:37:32.140 --> 00:37:42.760
Paweł Pawlak: This requirement is still valid. Right? That's why I mentioned before about the the the fact that we will be providing the recommendations for the packages, upgrades, as we always do

00:37:42.810 --> 00:37:55.829
Paweł Pawlak: every release. And and we we do expect that quality and and security of of our of of our product is is still our concern. Right?

00:37:55.960 --> 00:38:02.269
Byung-Woo Jun: Yeah. Sure. Okay, so that's why. And you can still provide a requirement. And then

00:38:02.290 --> 00:38:05.740
Byung-Woo Jun: the project. Pto, what date to take the

00:38:06.010 --> 00:38:15.199
Byung-Woo Jun: when they gonna, apply that so they can decide. Okay, so your, your, your, your, your comments is about quality.

00:38:15.270 --> 00:38:18.910
Byung-Woo Jun: And then this, this process were supported.

00:38:23.580 --> 00:38:50.469
Paweł Pawlak: and we are discussing, just to share with you the last comment we are discussing what happens if project is not following the recommendations right? So as we are doing it right now, we simply documented in the, in, the, in, the, in the release documentation that project A made upgrades for certain packages. And Project B, for example, did not follow on the recommendations and did not perform any upgrades. So

00:38:50.710 --> 00:38:55.580
Byung-Woo Jun: yeah, we we will try to be a transparent to own consumers. So

00:38:55.660 --> 00:39:01.169
Paweł Pawlak: it would be, you know, quite clear on which projects are following the

00:39:01.400 --> 00:39:05.660
Paweł Pawlak: the, the the security and quality path, and which projects are

00:39:05.930 --> 00:39:31.540
Byung-Woo Jun: if you don't follow it and you just document it, and then then we can schedule, maybe annually. So we're gonna tackle that one. So the same thing. So we just release the letter. And we just tell on this this. This, you know, we have some technical, you know, depth. So we can. I think the same as before, I think to me.

00:39:31.570 --> 00:39:33.539
Byung-Woo Jun: But yeah, I agree.

00:39:39.730 --> 00:39:50.480
Byung-Woo Jun: Okay, that's it. And then I think, though, II think this is a pretty well received, but I like to, you know, check with the David Mcbride. He's the release manager.

00:39:50.750 --> 00:39:57.629
Byung-Woo Jun: So and also, are we gonna have one more cycle at the outcome next Tuesday. And then I,

00:39:57.670 --> 00:40:18.980
Byung-Woo Jun: still writing the more detail information in the Wiki pages, the presentation slide again, the limited space. So I'm putting the same information and with the additional information into own up streamlining Wiki pages. And then, after discuss, David, we probably put the additional the step, and then procedure into the Wiki pages.

00:40:18.980 --> 00:40:36.049
Byung-Woo Jun: and then there will be share with the next time, too, and then this is one page. But you know Poc next week, and we can, if necessary, we can share additional pages. But I think the idea is to you can see everything or ideas here. Okay, I think that's for this week.

00:40:39.600 --> 00:40:41.180
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, thank you. Van.

00:40:41.500 --> 00:40:53.669
Andreas Geissler (DT): and everyone else who had questions and comments. I just just one remark. Of course, up to, let's say, check the integrity of the system. Of course we will continue

00:40:53.690 --> 00:41:07.380
Andreas Geissler (DT): in the integration. So the daily tests the gating tests, which, of course, not cover all of the components. But at least the major components like an AI. So

00:41:07.400 --> 00:41:10.800
Andreas Geissler (DT): the Dmap or Kafka streams. The

00:41:10.920 --> 00:41:27.779
Andreas Geissler (DT): as Cds Sdn, C are at least covered, that they, let's say the basic functionality is there. Of course, as as I said, not all of the components are part of the end to end test. So we don't have any end to end test yet for all components

00:41:27.930 --> 00:41:40.390
Andreas Geissler (DT): like, whatever Vfc is not included. Ui is not included. But at least the core components, let's say with an AI, St. Nc are

00:41:40.570 --> 00:41:48.550
Andreas Geissler (DT): daily on the daily basis and engaging checked whether the basic functionality, like basic instantiation, and so on.

00:41:48.860 --> 00:41:55.530
Andreas Geissler (DT): These kind of things are working. And this will continue, of course, throughout the new release schedule. Right?

00:41:55.780 --> 00:42:02.420
Byung-Woo Jun: Sure. Yeah, sure. And I think that maybe remember that we are defined project the the one of the picture.

00:42:02.540 --> 00:42:12.250
Byung-Woo Jun: And we put the project current project as a different icon. But OM. Belongs to onap the umbrella.

00:42:12.280 --> 00:42:19.899
Byung-Woo Jun: so o the oem continue their work, and they provide in reference, build reference to security configuration also the

00:42:19.930 --> 00:42:29.270
Byung-Woo Jun: other the common stuff, because the we already take oem taking out of security configuration, and then also authentication, alsoization, it continues.

00:42:29.460 --> 00:42:43.610
Byung-Woo Jun: and then providing reference and all the testing things they'll make sure integrity. I think that once the vendor will receive, though they they decide to pick up, pick and choose on a component you know. Build

00:42:43.890 --> 00:43:02.859
Byung-Woo Jun: through Om, and they pick up individually, but our documentation will indicate this is how we, you know, provide the reference and the configuration implementation, and then how they can substitute those the reference implementation by their own the echo

00:43:02.860 --> 00:43:15.730
Byung-Woo Jun: system. So that's the part of the documentation planning to write so, and walking with the second, and then oem. So anyway, so oem business continue is oem has already the

00:43:15.730 --> 00:43:24.440
Byung-Woo Jun: special on the domain and part of the on app, not part of the project. So, okay, just the difference. Okay.

00:43:31.090 --> 00:43:32.739
Sandra Jackson (LFN): thank you. Vyung.

00:43:34.660 --> 00:43:42.369
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Alright before we get into any housekeeping. Is there anything else that anyone needs to.

00:43:43.910 --> 00:43:48.390
Paweł Pawlak: Yes, Sandra, I've just added some some updates coming from Seccom.

00:43:48.640 --> 00:43:49.570
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay.

00:43:49.830 --> 00:43:53.969
Paweł Pawlak: In fact, we had a temptation to get rid of the apparent.

00:43:54.680 --> 00:44:06.040
Paweł Pawlak: But apparently it consists, you know, consists of information, not only about some versions, packages, or whatever, but also some other valid and important information, and.

00:44:06.330 --> 00:44:13.200
Paweł Pawlak: most probably it would not be that easy to get rid of it. So just sharing with you some as a teaser that

00:44:15.180 --> 00:44:26.060
Paweł Pawlak: probably we are, we will not recommend the. You know, the the path towards, you know, removing component because it has lot of valuable information that

00:44:26.140 --> 00:44:28.630
Paweł Pawlak: it would have to be maintained somewhere. So

00:44:29.480 --> 00:44:31.180
Paweł Pawlak: just small updates here.

00:44:31.660 --> 00:44:35.559
Paweł Pawlak: following the discussion with Amy and Tony at the second.

00:44:39.780 --> 00:44:41.270
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay, thank you. Problem.

00:44:46.670 --> 00:44:57.940
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Alright. So I'll jump into housekeeping. And there are reminders that we have the one summit regional day coming up in Spain. September 18.

00:44:58.390 --> 00:45:07.730
Sandra Jackson (LFN): I thought I thought the I'll add it here. I thought the topics page is open for that, but maybe I'm mixing it up with something else.

00:45:07.880 --> 00:45:13.490
Sandra Jackson (LFN):  Or the schedule was up for it. But I'll double check that and and drop it in

00:45:14.090 --> 00:45:18.100
Sandra Jackson (LFN): China. Regional today is coming up September 20, sixth.

00:45:19.150 --> 00:45:24.380
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and then more information to come on the regional day for India.

00:45:25.350 --> 00:45:39.930
Sandra Jackson (LFN): And then our reminder about the face to face. Dmtf. In Budapest. November thirteenth, through the seventeenth. Please get your topics in the topic. Proposals are being accepted right now.

00:45:40.210 --> 00:45:43.410
Sandra Jackson (LFN):  And if you have not registered.

00:45:44.380 --> 00:45:49.459
Sandra Jackson (LFN): please do so. I'll drop that link back into, because I don't see it.

00:45:49.690 --> 00:45:54.360
Sandra Jackson (LFN):  yes.

00:45:54.440 --> 00:45:58.229
Paweł Pawlak: what is the deadline for this topic. Submission for the Dt. Dtf.

00:45:59.120 --> 00:46:00.260
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Say it again.

00:46:00.310 --> 00:46:05.719
Sandra Jackson (LFN): What is the deadline for the topic? Submission for the didf in in Budapest?

00:46:06.040 --> 00:46:08.160
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Let me see. Hold on.

00:46:08.570 --> 00:46:17.449
Timo Perala (Nokia): I think we don't have that deadline yet, because we haven't had the program committee meetings yet.

00:46:17.680 --> 00:46:24.369
Timo Perala (Nokia):  I'm actually maybe I steal the air now that I took it.

00:46:24.520 --> 00:46:27.460
Timo Perala (Nokia): To bring forward

00:46:27.780 --> 00:46:36.529
Timo Perala (Nokia): a request for a proponap program committee member for that event, and we I think we need one

00:46:43.060 --> 00:46:46.350
Paweł Pawlak: I can volunteer if there are no other.

00:46:51.540 --> 00:47:02.390
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): Yeah, just to add to that, as you might remember, Timo and I were representing own up in the previous event committees. But Tim always

00:47:02.440 --> 00:47:12.819
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): indicated that he has other obligations. And I, of course, I'm not. I'm no longer holding any official role in the on our community. So

00:47:13.440 --> 00:47:22.010
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): while Timo and I will still be on the committee, maybe wearing other hats to be good to have someone from the own up community

00:47:22.740 --> 00:47:27.520
on that as well, and we, of course, will do our best to help whoever it is

00:47:27.820 --> 00:47:31.739
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): do the work. It's not a lot of hard work. It's just

00:47:31.950 --> 00:47:44.859
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): scheduling sessions and communicating information back to the own up community community from that committee. So it's a participation in those weekly or bi weekly meetings of the committee and

00:47:44.900 --> 00:47:47.729
Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation): a little scheduling work. Probably.

00:47:56.050 --> 00:48:03.329
Sandra Jackson (LFN): So if anyone's interested in in stepping up and helping out with the planning committee. Please reach out

00:48:04.580 --> 00:48:12.809
Sandra Jackson (LFN): via the mailing list so that we can get you once the planning can make it convenes that we can make sure that you're added to that list.

00:48:17.150 --> 00:48:18.280
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Anything else.

00:48:22.630 --> 00:48:25.289
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Okay? Well, if there's nothing else.

00:48:25.340 --> 00:48:31.710
everyone have a good day again, please. If you have not highlighted yourself in attendance. I'm not going to do it.

00:48:31.810 --> 00:48:37.579
Sandra Jackson (LFN): Unless you're having a problem and communicate that to me. Please highlight yourself as an attendance today

00:48:37.670 --> 00:48:43.150
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and everyone have a good day, Andreas, enjoy your holiday.

00:48:43.320 --> 00:48:47.460
Sandra Jackson (LFN): and we'll see you here same time next week.

00:48:48.400 --> 00:48:52.250
Andreas Geissler (DT): Thank you. Bye, bye.

00:48:52.430 --> 00:48:53.740
Toine SIEBELINK (EST): thanks bye.

01:04:59.100 --> 01:05:00.540
Toine SIEBELINK (EST): hey, Jeff, how are you?

01:05:09.280 --> 01:05:20.230
Toine SIEBELINK (EST): Yeah. I think you need to enroll now and check that just oh, you need to go where you don't work now. Yet.

01:05:31.420 --> 01:05:33.459
Toine SIEBELINK (EST): There's a few things to eat on that page.