TSC 2022-12-08
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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
DT | Ericsson | |||
Orange | Individual | |||
Individual | F5 | |||
Huawei | Bell Canada | |||
China Telecom | Windriver | |||
AT&T | Nokia | |||
China Mobile |
Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
ONAP takeaways | Slot 1: Slot 2: | We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.
Release Status | London Release M1 Review
#AGREED the TSC approves rescheduling London M1 to December 15 | |
RelEng/Infrastructure |
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Portal NG Project / PoC | Process discussion #AGREED the TSC approve the creation of the Portal NG as a new ONAP project as defined in PortalNG Project need to create and fill in an OpenSSF badging questionnaire for the project
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PTL Updates | DCAE PTL Nominations - None applied - TSC notified - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/9147 | |
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates | Liaison statement from ITU-T
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Task Force Updates | Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) | ONAP Mainstream - proposed actions |
TSC Activities and Deadlines | #AGREED removal of OOM helm charts for appc, vid documentation for these need to be cleaned | |
Upcoming Events & Housekeeping |
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<Available Slot> |
Zoom Chat Log
06:00:14 From Keguang He(China Mobile) To Everyone:
#info Keguang He, China Mobile
06:00:16 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) To Everyone:
#info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:00:55 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) To Everyone:
#info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:01:05 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
#info Cédric
06:01:14 From Ram Krishna Verma To Everyone:
#info Ram Krishna Verma, Bell Canada
06:01:34 From Paweł Pawlak To Everyone:
#info Pawel Pawlak, F5
06:01:35 From Dan Xu To Everyone:
#info Dan Xu, Huawei
06:01:47 From N.K. Shankar To Everyone:
#info N. k. Shankar, Individual
06:02:05 From Timo Perala (Nokia) To Everyone:
#info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:02:51 From Martial Ngueko(AT&T) To Everyone:
#info Gervais-Martial Ngueko, AT&T
06:03:33 From N.K. Shankar To Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Privately):
On a phone. May lose coverage at times.
06:08:44 From SaiSeshu To Everyone:
#info Seshu, windriver
06:18:10 From N.K. Shankar To Everyone:
We have not been able to find a PTL for OOF.
06:19:28 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
DCAE committers: Tony Hansen, Jack Lucas, Tomasz Wrobel, Niranjana Y, Shuting Qing
06:20:28 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
AAI committers: Manisha Aggarwal, James Forsyth
06:22:19 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
OOF committers: Sarat PUTHENPURA, Vikas Varma, Arthur Martella, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan, Dhebeha MJ
06:37:02 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
#VOTE Does the TSC approve rescheduling London M1 to December 15? +1, 0, -1
06:37:05 From Paweł Pawlak To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:10 From Timo Perala (Nokia) To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:10 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:12 From Keguang He(China Mobile) To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:12 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
06:37:16 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:16 From Ram Krishna Verma To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:19 From Martial Ngueko(AT&T) To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:23 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:27 From Dan Xu To Everyone:
#vote +1
06:37:42 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
06:38:09 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC approves rescheduling London M1 to December 15
06:40:59 From N.K. Shankar To Kenny PAUL (LFN)(Privately):
On a phone. Coverage may drop.
06:41:07 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To N.K. Shankar(Privately):
06:57:02 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
BYW they're many release jobs missing when reading the clean patchset.
06:57:36 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
I think the patchset tittles are misleading. Else they seem good
06:58:16 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
@Pawel: Does Jakarta is still maintained?
06:58:24 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
07:02:34 From Paweł Pawlak To Everyone:
IMO not as we have had Jakarta Maintenance to fix Log4j issue, so Kohn=N, N-1 = Jakarta Maintenance, am I correct?
07:03:50 From Fiachra CORCORAN (EST) To Everyone:
Not sure how up to date this page is but..
07:03:51 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
ok. The ci-management patchsets can be merged safely. I would recomment to rename the title which is misleading.
07:04:54 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
I will dive into the tox issues. it works here in similar env.
07:05:55 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
07:07:42 From Kevin Sandi To Everyone:
Thanks for the +1’s, @cedric do you mean the title of each Gerrit change I shared?
07:08:23 From Tony HANSEN (ATT) To Everyone:
New top level projects also need to create and fill in an OpenSsf badging questionnaire for the project
07:08:39 From Cédric Ollivier To Everyone:
I do disconnect. sorry
07:09:30 From N.K. Shankar To Everyone:
Have to drop.
07:12:32 From Sandra Jackson To Everyone:
I need to drop.
07:14:58 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
#VOTE Does the TSC approve the creation of the Portal NG as a new ONAP project as defined in PortalNG Project Proposal ? +1, 0, -1
07:15:00 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:02 From Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:02 From Paweł Pawlak To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:07 From Ram Krishna Verma To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:11 From Keguang He(China Mobile) To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:16 From Timo Perala (Nokia) To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:17 From Martial Ngueko(AT&T) To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:36 From Dan Xu To Everyone:
#vote +1
07:15:59 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
07:16:48 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
#AGREED the TSC approves the creation of the Portal NG as a new ONAP project as defined in PortalNG Project Proposal
07:16:53 From Tony HANSEN (ATT) To Everyone:
See https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/ for the openssf questionnaire and https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/CII+Badging+Program for discussion of it
07:17:04 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
Thanks Tony
07:18:06 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
#AGREED removal of OOM helm charts for appc, vid
07:30:20 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) To Everyone:
mainstream mailing list to join: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-mainstream
Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative! Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only! The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.
06:03:46 Transcripts turned on
06:03:51 And let's get going. I'll start off
06:03:54 Hey Kenny, I'm also green
06:04:01 Okay, madness, thank you
06:04:04 Me too
06:04:11 Me, too, Kenny, I'm green.
06:04:13 Yeah, okay.
06:04:23 Okay. so we will start off by
06:04:28 Running through our antitrust policy.
06:04:34 Oh, this is important, or we have multiple companies participating in these meetings, please review if you have any questions, please contact your Company's legal Council members to the left, Me also Contact Andrew up grove Firm Gesmer Upgrowth, Llp which Provides, Legal Accounts to the Lf which We're
06:04:51 looking at is the Full and Trust Policy as opposed to the little truncated version that we normally have in the Slides keep yourself muted
06:05:06 Let's get going
06:05:10 So continue discussion on on app consumers how well, this is something that started conversation last week, We've got the M.
06:05:25 One scheduled for today for London. David would be going through that touch on
06:05:35 Touch on Lf I T. it's been some Conversations, going on about the Portal Ing Project, that Deutsche Telecom Wishes to Contribute I put some Slides, Together, on that to Help Hopefully Clarify Things, the Dca E Ptl
06:06:01 There were no responses to that. So we need to talk about that Magnus to see that put in something for on statement.
06:06:11 And Talk about the Upstream and then Standard, Housekeeping, Anything Else.
06:06:15 I think, Fiatra also proposed some discussion, point and decision point for the Tc.
06:06:23 So Chat, are you okay, if we discuss this phone today.
06:06:27 I I didn't. I didn't have permissions to update this page sorry I didn't have permissions to update the page.
06:06:33 Unfortunately, so I did not as here, but I sent an email with request to add it to the agenda.
06:06:35 Yes.
06:06:37 Yeah, that's okay
06:06:37 Okay, didn't see that
06:06:40 So the request is to to have agreement from the Tc.
06:06:45 On removal from oem and hand, chart, some projects that are Maintained like up.
06:06:54 See Portal, and beat right
06:06:57 Yeah, I, think, we we we had a quick discussion around Portal.
06:07:01 I think there is still a dependency on portal for Sdc.
06:07:05 So I think the Appse invade would be the initial candidates.
06:07:09 Yeah, among a few.
06:07:14 Yes, so potential Gain is obviously, the you know if those projects are not participating in the release, there is no point on losing resources on it.
06:07:26 And probably now dial the Scope of of the Test, and so also I think this is important decision to to focus on the important things total up right and not you know having this blue lines on what is in Scope. And what is out.
06:07:50 Okay, and just as a data, point, you should have had permissions.
06:07:57 To edit it. sometimes what'll happen is it'll log, you out, and but you'll still it'll still look like you're logged in I've had that happen on gazillion occasions
06:08:08 Yeah, I did. There are some there's strangeages with with confidence for me at the moment in terms of permissions to view items, etc.
06:08:16 So I'm not sure whether that's a general thing, the people are saying.
06:08:20 But yeah, like, the London requirements, page. I can't see the Gs. For some reason.
06:08:25 I don't know where that's it's not loading, for me I'm not sure
06:08:27 Okay, yeah, so that's that's definitely gonna be a sounds like a login thing,
06:08:35 We can talk about that, after the call.
06:08:48 Okay, Powell, how would you like to proceed in the order, here, or something else
06:08:52 Yes, yes, I think we can move with disorder.
06:09:00 The first point is simple and straightforward, so I don't like to have some slots available in the agenda even not today.
06:09:11 Even if It's not today in one of the next tsses to have on up consumers sharing with us the Feedback as We Discussed last week.
06:09:20 So I, encourage you guys to to book slots for the upcoming tsc meetings, so we could know the feature.
06:09:29 We could steal our activities, and priorities. Yeah
06:09:37 Okay, do you want me to add, to put that into the as a standard slot for the agenda, template, or just for the
06:09:47 At least at least for the Agenda, Template, for the December and January, because I I will petition.
06:09:53 Okay.
06:09:55 We cannot, you know we should concentrate on on Collecting Feedback, and then agreeing on the Actionable Items and priorities.
06:10:07 Okay.
06:10:03 So as I wrote in my Email, maybe having December, January Timeframe for Collecting Feedback, and then agreeing on the on the next Steps, and Actions.
06:10:15 Yeah, hi, I will. I agree. December will be more about collecting it.
06:10:20 And then January, I can also put up a session from another side. Yeah.
06:10:24 Perfect. But thank you very much. Hello.
06:10:34 Okay.
06:10:44 Okay. Should we dive into London?
06:10:55 Alright, thanks Kenny
06:11:06 Alright let's start out reminding ourselves about Schedule Oops, one, there we go
06:11:17 So you might remember that
06:11:21 Oh, back in November when we're evaluating Cone
06:11:31 We had to slip cone, and we didn't want overlap milestones with the London release.
06:11:39 We yeah, also slipped the London Release, one week, December eighth today.
06:11:49 Which you can see here and then that's the Last Mile Stone, that will Evaluate for the Calendar year. And we won't have another milestone to look at until second half of January.
06:12:07 Alright looking At Milestone status. Unfortunately, we didn't make as much progress as I hoped we would.
06:12:17 We're still up only about 50% projects
06:12:24 A little over a little less 50% for the requirements, some of this is due to the fact.
06:12:36 We had a number of requirements. So we're submitted late
06:12:41 That just received their release management, tasks, also I wanted to point out that we we now have a couple of projects here that are lacking Ptls and this is contributing to the slow Pace closing release management asks on the Projects and I'm really
06:13:12 Looking for some guidance here from the Tsc On on how you'd like to proceed.
06:13:18 So for example, we have a and AI, and also dcae both which recently lost their ptls
06:13:30 Yeah, to, my, yeah.
06:13:30 So question are there any commuters in this Project that could act as a you know as a person, front front man for for us to to take care of those tasks or decide projects like abandons that there are no committers, and then it should be it, should be moved to the unintended because
06:13:51 Well, I think that's the next step. Isn't it?
06:13:54 Kenny, if there's no Nominee, then the program managers, Z email to the the list of Committers to see if we could find a Ptl, is that correct
06:14:13 Yeah, and for Dean, that's been done
06:14:21 In phoenix AI
06:14:25 Alright don't recall seeing anything for an AI
06:14:37 In that. Regard. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't sent
06:14:45 Is anyone
06:14:45 Would you please check Kenny for this, because we should treat each and every project in the same way, according to process, right
06:14:52 Yep.
06:14:58 Okay, And then, you know, we have a long running issue with the Om.
06:15:06 And Integration, although th that's been off somewhat because those projects are actually active and have people working on them.
06:15:22 They just don't have a ptl and so my approach there, typically, is just spam the the list of committers.
06:15:34 And eventually the tasks get done But obviously it's not as ideal as having a ptl, and then of course, one I Missed is oh, F.
06:15:46 Which you know Krishna needed to change.
06:15:55 Had some changes in the as
06:16:00 Priorities and had to back away from own app fortunately, he was able to finish most of the work for the Cone release but I don't think we have any Expectations of Any Contributions, from him.
06:16:21 For the London Release,
06:16:24 Now at at 1 point I think it was Shankar.
06:16:34 I think we had been looking into the possibility of an alternative Ptl for a Of that I don't know that that ever went anywhere.
06:16:43 So so my point is is that we have open release management.
06:16:49 Tasks, for Number of projects, Without Ptls and some not quite sure how I should proceed here.
06:17:00 Should we just ignore these release management tasks? Do we need to halt, the the the release process until we figure out what to do or you know how how should we proceed? Here.
06:17:14 Good, yeah, at least for for for integration, and for
06:17:21 Or oh and of course I will take take the responsibility and I'll do that in the next case, right?
06:17:28 So, yeah, so, these both you can ignore.
06:17:31 Yeah, so I officially as the Ptl.
06:17:34 I will do that I didn't have time to look at this beforehand, so
06:17:39 Okay, are are you stepping up to be the Pt home?
06:17:42 Is that what you're saying
06:17:45 I'm doing, anyway, much of the Pt, a work.
06:17:49 But I don't want to be officially assigned as on ptl for that so but I will do anywhere.
06:17:54 Doing, the All, the the gyr stuff, for for oh, and or most of the of the Issues.
06:18:02 Here. And I'm I'm I'm doing this as well, continue that, but I won't be of an official ptl. So I'm not and talk, but I Don't have time but as well.
06:18:20 Yup.
06:18:09 Yeah, and I. And as I said, that You know it's been less of an issue with the omb btl, because the projects are active but they they just lack ptl, so they eventually get around to doing the tasks but we don't have that situation I believe with and
06:18:32 AI and a Dcae at O. F.
06:18:38 I I don't think we're going to
06:18:43 Unless someone steps up. I don't think we're going to get any Activity out of those projects for London
06:18:48 David, My proposal is to is the following, Please Contact, the active, Contributions, or any contributors, I mean committers in those Projects, and talking about Dca AI, oh, if If They're Able to Provide those that are Able to Execute those Release Management, Tasks, with some Deadline I Don't
06:19:13 know next Thursday, or something right, and we will see if the project is capable of doing it, or not right, and then we will take this decision.
06:19:22 I don't think not right. Now. We have a discussion.
06:19:25 I'm not Having Ptl or not, but rather executing those tasks right?
06:19:29 You should be working with with Right
06:19:32 Right.
06:19:34 Yeah, so we have we list of committers. Thank you, Kenny, for sharing.
06:19:55 Right.
06:19:38 So we need to contact them to see if they're able to execute those tasks, we are not at the right now in the position of asking them, to be Pt because even if they would like to be pt they would already raise their hands right as they did not do it so it means that
06:19:58 we we need to focus on executing those release management tasks.
06:20:03 I mean the discussion with some, you know third party companies to be on board with to Own up and Maybe Support.
06:20:12 Integration, you know, to give us some qualified resources to contribute to our app but I stay tuned.
06:20:21 I will show some more details. When I have some. Some you know agreement with with those folks to to support us.
06:20:30 Okay, I will,
06:20:32 Hey! Paul, this was Jay. Yeah. Just want to add, right, so, yeah, so I think, Kenny, thanks for sharing, the computer list.
06:20:40 For DC, for London, I know there are some new proposals or enhancements coming up which has already been discussed in the DC Forum.
06:20:49 I think what we are lacking is the Ptl going forward.
06:20:53 I I was hoping somebody else would step up, and I can make sure I can transition in terms of what the Expectational response would be for Ptl is but especially we don't we don't have any anybody. Else.
06:21:03 Nominate, yeah, for really spending some of the tasks are shouldn't take more. Time.
06:21:08 I mean, I can certainly help with, the for the M. One, but I think if you look deeper into it.
06:21:15 There is an architecture. Review meeting to be scheduled, but then what in terms?
06:21:19 Of what, New Architecture, transformation will be those are something, the new Ptl, or the New Act 2 Computers, sure to side and and then propose that for Architecture Team so Requesting a meeting I mean I can certainly send an Email, and I'll, have to have the Scheduled Chucker, but
06:21:37 Who will be contributing more and doing, the Architecture Planning for DC, going forward.
06:21:46 It would make sense for them to present that to the architecture for right.
06:21:48 So I think that's that's where I I feel I think we have a gap.
06:21:53 Now the
06:21:54 Yeah, makes, sense,
06:21:57 Thank you vj. So whatever you feel you could move forward.
06:22:02 So please help us in this. I understand that for maybe for architecture review, we need to have some of the committers agreeing on doing it it doesn't mean that we have to be automatically, because might have some other obligations.
06:22:19 But maybe somebody would volunteer on running this particular task, right I'm pretty sure of Support from Shaken and you will be provided to to to to go through it.
06:22:32 Do you expect some significant changes in the architecture, for the DC, or it's just saying that they nothing new
06:22:39 I mean from the Proposals we reviewed there is no I mean at least I accuse him.
06:22:45 I'm not about if any significant change in it for London.
06:22:47 But there are some new capabilities or Enhancements, Or Requirements, Impacting, Dca, for London, Release, so again, the Contributors who are going to be stepping up for London or not Act 2 Committers so That's, the other challenge, who were our Committers, have been Supporting
06:23:04 Independently, the some of the tasks needed for reviews, or contributions for DC, the Last few Releases.
06:23:10 So it's not like they they are heavily involved.
06:23:13 Kitty Since Coca-cola, or the Parabola.
06:23:17 So yeah, so we have based on the use cases, the DC, Impacts have changed over time. Right?
06:23:21 So whichever use case and own app is taking priority for the police, those use case contributors have in the past I've been involved in DC, and it's always a evolving doors, so lot of based on the use case we have seen Corresponding companies or Sponsoring companies are
06:23:40 Vendors, getting actually engaged, but after after the use case subsides, then they they move on to different project.
06:23:46 So right now I know there is some interest coming from Dt.
06:23:49 Techam, and Cap Germany, but they are not. They're not been active in the previous releases.
06:23:54 So we'll have to see how how that goes.
06:23:57 Forward, London and Beyond
06:23:58 Of course, so for The, for The you know, for the guys who are you know, putting some some new requirements.
06:24:08 Please be more active to support the project, to to make this those requirements, you know, operational, otherwise if it would be difficult to to move on with the with with the particular, project, so the you know when desks, so if you have no low capability, to to run ptl that's fine, but
06:24:31 Let's support the Requirement Hey moving forward through the gates
06:24:36 Okay.
06:24:39 I'd like to do is you know, see the Projects kind of the said, a common practice of in their Weekly Meetings, reviewing release Management tasks because has I think you Mentioned Powell.
06:25:00 Earlier, or someone did that any of these tasks are pretty simple, they're just checked steps.
06:25:08 And they he reviewed and closed in a matter of minutes.
06:25:11 And so you know, most of our Project teams have regular weekly meetings, and so even if you don't have a ptl, if you have you know, 2 or 3 people, sitting around a Table look at a task you know, they can sort it out, among themselves, probably you know close them.
06:25:34 Yeah
06:25:33 Pretty quickly. rather than waiting for you know a ptl to to do the the work
06:25:40 So if I may suggest in the message you will be sending to the to.
06:25:45 This committers, list, per project maybe it's worth to suggest to to spend time on the upcoming meeting.
06:25:53 So riching those release management tasks and and trying to to to close them
06:26:01 I I guess this is where I'm a bit confused.
06:26:06 If projects are having their meetings, who's running the meeting.
06:26:18 Yes there's no ptl
06:26:21 Hurt this Communist.
06:26:21 I'm volunteering. We are communists. Right? So
06:26:28 A volunteer is doing this in normally, so so we would say so okay, in Om I'm I'm doing that mostly,
06:26:44 But we we also discussed too much it around Robin, kind of, but in most cases I'm doing an integration, is still of course, M.
06:26:56 How doing most most of the cases, but
06:27:00 It can be done without any leader.
06:27:05 Yeah, no, in in in, in around robinson, but the the response.
06:27:09 I'm sorry I just that was great thank you, made my day
06:27:17 The other thing that Tsc should consider, is whether we and and this may answer itself.
06:27:26 Because we may not be able to move forward, but whether we need to gate progress on the release until all of these tasks get done for these projects I don't currently have ptls, is that necessary or is there you know something else that we could do to maintain project forward progress.
06:27:52 On the release. And I don't. Think we need hands for that right now, but it's something to think about
06:28:03 So.
06:28:03 Yeah, you're right, so let's do the following please send the remains emails to those lists of committers let's see if you get feedback, from the Site, or progress for the upcoming Week with the release management Tasks, and to Let's Reserve Discussion Point for the next
06:28:23 Tc, on on doing some, you know, hmm decision. What what do we do with the process that they they cannot fulfill the tasks.
06:28:36 So, if the task will be managed by the Project team.
06:28:40 Probably this project would be not participate in the release, because it's not capable of oh, you. Know doing.
06:28:48 Can I think so things, Jira, for a few few minutes. If you cannot solve it. It means you have no resources or no capability to to move forward right
06:28:57 Yeah, in some cases, and the the Ptls and architects on this call can answer this better than I can.
06:29:09 But some projects have a lot of have many other components dependent on them.
06:29:18 And so it it it may be a situation where we're unable to
06:29:25 Just exclude them from the release. If you see what I mean
06:29:36 Right.
06:29:31 Oh, I know what you mean, but still we cannot discuss now health and our on what we would do if Project answers or not, let's, ask the projects, Let's see the answers and discuss next week with more, inputs, on if projects, were able to respond, or not okay,
06:29:46 Okay. Fair enough. Alright, so the upshot is that we are not there on M.
06:29:56 One, and so my recommendation is for the time being that we'd for one.
06:30:04 One week, if if we have to defer it again, then next week, then I think we're looking at having to move it into the New Year and Probably Shift the entire schedule
06:30:22 Yeah, exactly
06:30:26 Alright, that's it for yeah, go ahead.
06:30:27 You correct that. Could I I I know. I sorry. Just. I know I'm not I'm not a Tsc member, but could I recommend something in terms of the Ptl Committer Project. Process is that fixed is that is that Static, or or could that be amended
06:30:45 I, it. Yeah, the opera. It's it's interesting that you brought that up, because I was, Yeah, I I I'm wondering if there is one of the Reasons that We're, having trouble.
06:31:00 Getting folks is that the process is viewed as as being too onerous.
06:31:11 Obviously if we have projects for continuing to do development work is going on.
06:31:15 It's important. But if if folks aren't willing to step up it's because they're I think fearful of Taking on an Additional Workload is that kind of where you're going with this
06:31:27 A little bit, yeah, the overhead the overhead involved is is a little bit cumbersome, but ultimately, I know, I know it's part of magnesis, and and Others Kind of direction is that we we change the release process, etc. I think that the Ptl Role and also the
06:31:57 Yeah
06:31:44 Committers on a particular project it can, if a ptl drops you you have an issue, and I'm, I'm I'm kind of Singling At a and AI, here, because it's it's quite a core, component but also the committers on the Project it
06:32:01 It seems to land on a couple of people in a project to merge code, and it can be a little bit how do I say, yeah, I understand you can't have wild West and everybody merges.
06:32:16 Called really Nellie, but at the same time, if there's only one or 2 people that can merge code, and there are changes in requirements coming in on a project that can be also quite quite limiting but yeah, it's just that maybe maybe it's I don't know if
06:32:30 It's Dsc decision, or a complete redesign in terms of you.
06:32:36 Know Pto, the Committer Process. You know, and and you know that's just a my 2 cents, sorry
06:32:45 I I think you're I think you're right.
06:32:50 I mean, it's it's just the fact that we have been running on up for quite a while.
06:32:55 Now it's it's time I mean 5.
06:33:00 Nearly 6 years. It's it's time to have a look and see.
06:33:05 Does this sort of process meet our expectations? Is it sort of the right?
06:33:12 One to have in in in the present situation,
06:33:20 We should be open to that. And that's one of the Suggestions, and I have sent out the mail.
06:33:26 I'll talk about that later, in in the agenda.
06:33:30 Okay, thank you, Magnus
06:33:32 Yeah, just my 2 cents, onto, it one is do we take exit feedback, from stepping down.
06:33:41 Ptl to understand what was not working for them. What was working that would help us understand right?
06:33:50 This situation, and the second thing is do we know the user base of the component, right.
06:33:57 So is the component used heavily. If yes, then there should be someone stepping up.
06:34:03 Okay.
06:34:06 I, yeah, I think I think that's good input on on everybody's part.
06:34:14 Here I don't think that we have done exiting interviews.
06:34:20 If you will, for the outbound Ptls.
06:34:26 I think in many cases they does it either been moved off the Project and It's a pretty much from an internal management structure that you know you're no longer on the Project don't spend another second on the Project and they've been moved off or They've been moved Out of the
06:34:50 Company, or or what. So that isn't something that we've done, but it would be certainly an interesting interesting conversation to have for the Ptls that have stepped down but have remained active
06:35:10 If you happen to be in that particular demographic and would like to send the email to the Tsc list.
06:35:20 I think that would be highly valuable, if you're having to be on the call and hearing this
06:35:38 So.
06:35:37 Yeah, can, you this with Jay, yeah, right. I can, share my views on that?
06:35:43 I can send you an email offline, maybe. But yeah, I think the main reason as you pointed is the Change of internal assignments, and company prioritization, right but of course, I mean, there are a few things. Which can be optimized, I I I I can compile, them and send it to you right
06:35:59 Yeah yeah
06:35:59 Thank you. Vijay, there could be 2 things right one is reason for leaving and the second could be the feedback, or how it went in your tenure right.
06:36:07 What do. You see as we should stop, and what do, you see, as we should improve.
06:36:14 Yeah, yeah, understood, yep, okay.
06:36:19 Thank you.
06:36:23 Hmm.
06:36:22 Yeah vj, if you could send that to the to, to the Tsc list rather than just to me.
06:36:28 I think that's what you meant. But
06:36:34 Yeah
06:36:36 Thank you vj.
06:36:37 Thank you so, much. okay, David has typed in a vote here, I'll plunk it down and for moving the M.
06:36:52 One to next week. I will plunk it down into the chat
06:37:03 And away we go.
06:37:33 Okay, that is more than enough. I'm gonna go ahead and close it out
06:37:45 Alright.
06:37:45 And that's the greed.
06:37:50 Thank you and thank you for your input the full weekly release.
06:38:00 Report is linked here at the top of the box.
06:38:05 In case you're interested. Hey? Sent that out to last evening.
06:38:10 And unless there are any additional questions that's it for me can
06:38:21 Okay,
06:38:26 So then moving on.
06:38:35 Thank you.
06:38:38 Which window and I'm looking at it is this one click,
06:38:53 Oh, that's just the I hate I hate. When I do. That
06:39:09 So relange want to talk a little bit about
06:39:15 Yes, and days. Yeah, it's
06:39:17 The Imman, 426
06:39:22 See, I man 4, 26. Did you say
06:39:25 Yep.
06:39:26 Yeah, I, believe I can talk about that one month
06:39:27 Okay, yes, that's Kevin, that's my mind.
06:39:31 Cool. Thank you, Kevin, go
06:39:36 No, no worries. I actually, yeah. So we wanted to reach out to the community about this, ticket, a we have a on the past Couple of days, Identified some a well, multiple actual, multiple Jenkins, jobs it's, still having references, to all releases, for example like istanbul, a
06:40:00 Franford, and some even very old a releases, so all of those references great I job for each of them, and that translates to increasing the Bill Considerably and there is a specific case of a Jenkins Jobs, for test Suite that actually consume a lot of Resources and the Bill
06:40:26 increase I'm not, so we have a couple of topics. Here.
06:40:33 The first one will be we would like to know about specifically about those test suits jobs.
06:40:38 It. Currently those, are a configure to run every 4 h.
06:40:43 So we'll like, to know, if that's still intended.
06:40:47 If there is a a chance to remove them to be on demand instead of running every 4 h, because the way it is, it is is increasing the bill a lot.
06:40:59 So what we did immediately to stop Daddy increasing the villages, to remove that a those tested jobs for the old Releases, and we only left for the Master Branch so We'll Like to know if for now on we can a update, those jobs to be run on demand or if the community, still wants to
06:41:20 Run them every every 4 h. That will be our very first topic.
06:41:34 Sorry is anyone
06:41:35 To be honest, I don't see a reason to run it every 4 h.
06:41:38 But maybe somebody could drink an argument.
06:41:44 Is there, someone.
06:41:43 And I think we yeah, sorry. Bye
06:41:57 Marshall, we're having