ONAP TSC Vice Chair Election - 2017

ONAP TSC Vice Chair Election - 2017


Members of the ONAP Technical Steering Committee (TSC) elect a Chairperson each year.


This election and nomination process is limited to TSC Members. Any TSC Member can nominate themselves, run for election, and vote in the election for the TSC Chair.


The election process occurs in two phases; the Nomination phase, and the Election phase.

Nominations open April 28th, 2017.
Nominations close May 2nd at 9:00pm Pacific Time
Voting begins May 3rd, 2017
Voting Ends May 5th, 2017 at 9:00pm Pacific Time

Nomination Phase

An email is sent from the Election Coordinator (Phil Robb) to the TSC distribution list for ONAP and the subject line is tagged with the keywords [TSC VICE CHAIRPERSON NOMINATION].
Any TSC Member may nominate themselves to stand for election. Note that no one can nominate another person to run for election.
To submit a nomination, the TSC Member must reply-all to the original nomination email stating their interest to stand for the election.
All nominees are invited to provide their Picture, Biography, and Statement of Intent for the election wiki page so that the other members of the TSC, and the community, can learn more about the candidate and their intentions for the role of TSC Vice Chairperson. The nominee ordering on the election wiki page will be in ascending alphabetical order by last name.
Nominees are asked to send their Bio, Picture, and Statement of Intent to the Election Coordinator (Phil Robb) prior to the commencement of voting. The Election Coordinator will post all Candidate information on the wiki just prior to beginning the election.
The length of the Nomination phase is 5 business days. This clock starts when the email described above is sent.

Election Phase

Immediately upon the close of the Nomination Phase, an email will be sent from the Election Coordinator (Phil Robb) via the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) to each TSC member. This email will have the subject line: “Poll: ONAP TSC Vice Chairperson Election”. This email acts as an invitation by the CIVS for each TCS Member to vote. This voting invitation is only sent to the TSC Members. The TSC mailing list is not cc-ed on this email as per the CIVS process. Included in this election invitation will be a pointer to the Election wiki page which contains the names, pictures, biographies, and statements-of-intent for each of the candidates. The email also has instructions and a private URL where each TSC Member is sent to vote.
At the CIVS-provided voting URL, each voter will rank the candidates, where a smaller-numbered rank means that the voter prefers that choice more. Once the ranking is complete, the voter will press the “Submit ranking” button to complete the voting process.
The Election Phase will remain open for 5 business days from the time the invitation-to-vote email is sent by the CIVS.
Once the Election Phase has completed, the results of the election, including the votes cast by all participating TSC members, will be made available to the TSC mailing list.

Information on the Candidates

Each Candidate, please provide the following:

  • Name
  • Photo
  • Biography
  • Statement of Intent in being a TSC Vice Chairperson

The Candidates (In ascending alphabetical order by last name)

Lingli Deng


Lingli Deng obtained her Doctor’s degree in computer science from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and joined China Mobile in 2009. 
She is currently leading OPNFV/ONAP project and Novonet experimental network at China Mobile Research Institute. 
She is also currently serving as the ONAP TSC member representing China Mobile. She was in the formation team for OPEN-O, served as OPEN-O TSC representative and NFV-O PTL. And contributed mostly to the harmonization between openECOMP and OPEN-O.
She is also serving on the OPNFV Board of Directors and act as the treasurer of Board officer. She joined OPNFV community since its early phase, and led OPNFV DPACC project, won 1st OPNFV community award for collaboration, and has been actively pushing OPEN-O integration with OPNFV.

Statement of Intent

I have been working as different roles in different committees of several related open source projects, including end user, technical community and governance committees. I would share my experience and commit my time and efforts in supporting TSC Chair and other fellow TSC members in fulfilling the ONAP goals: reference implementation and commercial adoption. 

In particular, I have been and will be continue working on technical harmonization, collaboration with other open source projects in building an open and agile developing community for ONAP. 
I am devoted to working both internally and with other end users in the community on alignment on technical requirements and realistic use cases on the ONAP platform and release planning.
I will be working to build open labs and cooperate with vendors in their ONAP products or 3rd party commercial components to accelerate commercial adoption. 

Last but not the least, based on previous experience from other open source projects, language issue has been demonstrated as one of the blocking issues for efficient communication between TSC leadership and the Chinese developers, which accounts a considerable portion of ONAP technical community as well. I am offering my commitment and experience to cultural harmonization as the bridge between the TSC leadership and Chinese developer groups, organize and host Chinese open source events, in order to recruit more and help with existing Chinese developers to more actively interact with and contribute to the broader community.

Chris Donley


Chris Donley serves as Senior Director, Open Source Ecosystems at Huawei.  He is providing open source leadership in several Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network function Virtualization (NfV) initiatives, including Open-O, ONAP, and OPNFV.  He previously served as Director, Virtualization and Network Evolution at CableLabs.

Chris has been involved in many standards and open source organizations. He currently serves as TSC Chair for Open-O, Certification and Compliance Chair for OPNFV, and Huawei’s TSC member for ONAP. He previously served on the OPNFV Board of Directors and Open Daylight Advisory Council.  He also chaired the OPNFV Strategic Planning Committee and served as MEF Certification Committee Co-Chair.

Chris received a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from Dartmouth College and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Colorado. He holds Cisco CCIE and (ISC)2 CISSP certifications, and has been granted 15 US patents.

Statement of Intent

I am interested in serving as ONAP’s TSC Vice-Chairperson.  In this role, I will focus on two priorities: community and cadence.  I am committed to openness and transparency, making room for other people’s contributions, and recruiting new developers and new companies.  Also, I believe that it is essential that we demonstrate the ability to release on time, before the end of the year.  

Over the past year, I have served as OPEN-O’s TSC Chair.  I know what it takes to build and lead an open source community and to release on time, having delivered two on-time releases in 11 months. Also, I can devote about 90% of my time to ONAP, and I am committed to its success. 

I have over 20 years’ networking experience, including 6+ years’ experience leading open source SDN/NFV development teams using Agile and Lean methodologies.   I have also been active in open source leadership for several years:

      • OPEN-O TSC Chair and Member of the Governing Board
      • OPNFV Certification & Compliance Chair; former Member of the Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee Chair
      • Open Daylight Advisory Committee
      • MEF Certification Committee Co-Chair
      • CableLabs Virtualization and Network Evolution head, developing residential and business Virtual CPEs, including the first open source version of MEF LSO.

Thank you. I appreciate your support. 

Rajesh Gadiyar


Rajesh Gadiyar is the Sr. Director of Architecture & Systems Engineering in the Network Platforms Group at Intel. He is focused on driving a scalable and efficient architecture for next generation communications platforms. He leads the architecture efforts to accelerate Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

Since joining Intel in 1996, he has held several positions in Engineering, Professional Services, Strategic Planning and Architecture. Prior to joining Intel, he led various engineering teams at Trillium Digital Systems and Wipro Ltd. He brings several years of experience in networking products, architecture, protocols, standards and software development for Voice over IP, cellular, broadband, mobile telephony and data networks. He represents Intel in standard committees such as ATIS TOPS council and TIA and is a TSC member of the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) initiative under Linux Foundation. He is a regular speaker at industry events and forums. Rajesh has a B.S. in Electronics and Telecommunications engineering from National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Statement of Intent

I am interested in serving as the ONAP TSC Vice Chair and I request your support. As the vice-chair, I will focus on the following priorities and work closely with Mazin Gilbert and the TSC members:

  1. Focus on Deployments – I will take a pragmatic view and look to prioritize ONAP features & capabilities that drive real deployments. I believe that, ensuring small successes quickly, will go a long way in motivating the community and driving business success.
  2. Build a strong ONAP Ecosystem – My key focus over the next few months will be to help recruit other Service Providers, OEMs, VNF vendors and System Integrators to make ONAP the defacto standard for Service Orchestration.
  3. Drive Synergy with Open Source Projects – I will promote collaboration and alignment with other communities such as OPNFV, ETSI-NFV, DPDK, FD.io, Openstack, ODL and TOSCA.

I have over 25 years of experience in the Telco industry. At Intel, I have led the creation of a strong networking capability on standard server platforms. My team and I have played a key role in creating the NFV vision in the industry and bringing it to fruition; This includes significant contributions to open source projects such as Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK), FD.io, ODL, OPNFV, ETSI, IETF, Openstack, Open VSwitch and others. I am excited to be a part of the ONAP project, which I believe is a critical element for fueling business growth by creating a nimble and efficient services infrastructure of tomorrow.

Alla Goldner


Alla currently serves as the Director of Technology, Strategy and Standardization at Amdocs.
She has more than 20 years of experience as a respected leader in telecommunication standards development, technology strategy and system architecture. Before joining Amdocs, she has been with other key industry players including Alcatel, Motorola, Intel, Marvell and Allot Communications.
Alla has significant experience in leading standardization work in 3GPP, IETF, ETSI NFV, BBF, ETSI MEC, not only as a rapporteur but also as a key contributor to numerous work items in the areas of 5G, policy control and charging, NFV, SDN, IMS, service function chaining, control-user plane split and congestion management. She has served on the program committees of several recognized conferences (incl. IEEE ICC and IEEE CSCN), published at top research congresses and holds multiple patents.
Alla holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Tel Aviv University and an MSc in Technology Management from New York University.
She currently focuses on network evolution, especially on NFV and SDN in both standardization and open source domains.

Statement of Intent

I have many years of successful experience working in a different standardization groups and organizations. I truly believe collaboration and joint work are key to success, and have a proven record of accomplishments in building industry wide consensus among different companies and different cultures.
Amdocs is committed to provide me with all needed resources to succeed in this position, if I get elected.
I am asking for your support in these elections. If I get elected, it will be a great honor and responsibility to support TSC chair and to serve the whole ONAP community from my perspective.