TSC 2017-06-29

TSC 2017-06-29

Official Minutes 2017-06-29 13:15:35 UTC (APPROVAL)


Zoom chat log

#onap-meeting: TSC June 29, 2017

Meeting started by kennypaul at 13:15:35 UTC (full logs). 

Meeting summary

    1. Chris Donley Huawei (cdonley, 13:30:10)
    2. Alla Goldner Amdocs (alla, 13:30:22)
    3. proxy Anatoly Andrianov, Nokia (Anatoly_, 13:30:38)
    4. Xinhui Li VMware (xinhuili, 13:31:26)
    5. Amir Levy GigaSpaces (amir_levy, 13:31:32)
    6. Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 13:32:19)
    7. Lingli Deng, China Mobile (Lingli_Deng, 13:33:53)
    8. proxy Leigh Anne Rettinger, Intel (Leigh, 13:34:51)
    9. alex_vul_intel (Alex_______, 13:34:59)
    10. Stephen Terrill, Ericsson (SteveT, 13:35:39)
    11. meeting minute approvals will be done via email (kennypaul, 13:38:30)
  1. security (kennypaul, 13:39:09)
    1. ACTIONkennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members. (CaseyODL, 13:39:12)
    2. Security Vulnerabilities team is still looking for experts with an Open-O background. (CaseyODL, 13:41:03)
    3. SteveT shared a CII proposal (kennypaul, 13:41:51)
    4. 3 levels - Passing, Silver, Gold (kennypaul, 13:42:53)
    5. ACTIONSteveT will resend the proposal (kennypaul, 13:45:22)
    6. vote will be be next Thursday (kennypaul, 13:46:03)
  2. SDO update in email (kennypaul, 13:51:42) 
  3. Arch Committee (kennypaul, 13:52:04)
    1. Chris Donley electd chair (kennypaul, 13:52:51)
  4. integration (kennypaul, 13:53:06)
    1. helen OOO (kennypaul, 13:53:40)
    2. Huabing Zhao, ZTE on behalf of Zhaoxing (Huabing, 13:53:42)
  5. Modeling (kennypaul, 13:53:52)
    1. modeling update in email (kennypaul, 13:54:46)
  6. infrasture (kennypaul, 13:55:31)
    1. repos being built, 12 remaining (kennypaul, 13:57:04)
    2. Kenny creating/moving/rescheduling meeitngs (kennypaul, 13:59:00)
    3. if meetings are bering rescheduled be aware that license contention can be an issue (kennypaul, 13:59:45)
    4. If recording is needed a lastpass account is required and must be saved locally. (kennypaul, 14:00:34)
    5. ensure that you use end all (kennypaul, 14:01:45)
  7. release naming (kennypaul, 14:01:57)
    1. Amsterdam and Beijing 1 & 2 (kennypaul, 14:02:22)
    2. decisions on time TBD (kennypaul, 14:07:08)
    3. July 24/25 target is 4 hours per day - may also be the 26th (kennypaul, 14:10:16)
    4. ACTIONkennypaul create poll for 3x 4 hour slots. (kennypaul, 14:11:54)
    5. vote open to all commmunity (kennypaul, 14:12:45)
  8. sept mtg (kennypaul, 14:13:07)
    1. reviewing proposal from Nokia (kennypaul, 14:13:36)
    2. week of Sept 24 (kennypaul, 14:14:16)
  9. Release Review (kennypaul, 14:15:05)
    1. reviews tomorrow and July 7th, TSC attendance requested. (kennypaul, 14:16:01)
    2. focus- commitments, timeline, dependencies, resources (kennypaul, 14:16:54)
  10. Application Authentication Framework (kennypaul, 14:18:12)
    1. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Amsterdam+Release+Planning%3A+M1+Project+Review <--Calendar for M1 Release Planning (gildaslanilis, 14:18:34)
    2. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16223937 (kennypaul, 14:19:04)
    3. reviewed Q posted to the wiki-page (kennypaul, 14:28:13)
    4. Parviz Yegani (Parviz, 14:29:30)
    5. VOTEVoted on "Does the TSC approve the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP?" Results are (kennypaul, 14:41:16)
    6. VOTEVoted on "Does the TSC approve the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP?" Results are, +1: 13 (CaseyODL, 14:42:29)
    7. AGREEDThe TSC has approved the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP. (CaseyODL, 14:43:00)
    8. ACTIONfollow ups required (kennypaul, 14:43:11)
  11. External System Register (kennypaul, 14:43:48)
    1. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16225697 (kennypaul, 14:44:07)
    2. concerns that questions from Beijing meeting have not been answered (kennypaul, 14:49:18)
    3. ACTIONlizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed. (kennypaul, 14:52:49)
    4. deferring vote (kennypaul, 14:53:19)
  12. Reference VNFs (kennypaul, 14:53:30)
    1. this is a sub project of integration (kennypaul, 14:54:45)
    2. no vote needed (kennypaul, 14:55:08)
  13. Logging Enhancements (kennypaul, 14:55:26)
    1. need additional committers on the proposal. (kennypaul, 15:03:39)
    2. VOTEVoted on "Does the TSC approve Logging Enhancements as an incubation project within ONAP with the contingency that additional committers are added?" Results are, +1: 13 (kennypaul, 15:06:07)
    3. AGREEDTSC approves Logging Enhancements as an incubation project within ONAP with the contingency that additional committers are added (kennypaul, 15:06:29)

Meeting ended at 15:06:48 UTC (full logs). 

Action items

  1. kennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members.
  2. SteveT will resend the proposal
  3. kennypaul create poll for 3x 4 hour slots.
  4. follow ups required
  5. lizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed.

Action items, by person

  1. kennypaul
    1. kennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members.
    2. kennypaul create poll for 3x 4 hour slots.
  2. SteveT
    1. SteveT will resend the proposal
    1. follow ups required
    2. lizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed.

People present (lines said)

  1. kennypaul (62)
  2. collabot` (20)
  3. CaseyODL (5)
  4. alla (5)
  5. Lingli_Deng (5)
  6. SteveT (5)
  7. JasonHunt (4)
  8. amir_levy (4)
  9. Anatoly_ (4)
  10. Dsauvageau (4)
  11. gildaslanilis (3)
  12. Jamil (3)
  13. Huabing (3)
  14. cdonley (3)
  15. Leigh (3)
  16. gilbert (2)
  17. Xiaojun (2)
  18. Hong (1)
  19. ning_ (1)
  20. parnexius (1)
  21. Alex_______ (1)
  22. Parviz (1)
  23. xinhuili (1)

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