TSC 2017-06-29
TSC 2017-06-29
Official Minutes 2017-06-29 13:15:35 UTC (APPROVAL)
Zoom chat log
#onap-meeting: TSC June 29, 2017
Meeting started by kennypaul at 13:15:35 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
- Chris Donley Huawei (cdonley, 13:30:10)
- Alla Goldner Amdocs (alla, 13:30:22)
- proxy Anatoly Andrianov, Nokia (Anatoly_, 13:30:38)
- Xinhui Li VMware (xinhuili, 13:31:26)
- Amir Levy GigaSpaces (amir_levy, 13:31:32)
- Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 13:32:19)
- Lingli Deng, China Mobile (Lingli_Deng, 13:33:53)
- proxy Leigh Anne Rettinger, Intel (Leigh, 13:34:51)
- alex_vul_intel (Alex_______, 13:34:59)
- Stephen Terrill, Ericsson (SteveT, 13:35:39)
- meeting minute approvals will be done via email (kennypaul, 13:38:30)
- security (kennypaul, 13:39:09)
- ACTION: kennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members. (CaseyODL, 13:39:12)
- Security Vulnerabilities team is still looking for experts with an Open-O background. (CaseyODL, 13:41:03)
- SteveT shared a CII proposal (kennypaul, 13:41:51)
- 3 levels - Passing, Silver, Gold (kennypaul, 13:42:53)
- ACTION: SteveT will resend the proposal (kennypaul, 13:45:22)
- vote will be be next Thursday (kennypaul, 13:46:03)
- SDO update in email (kennypaul, 13:51:42)
- Arch Committee (kennypaul, 13:52:04)
- Chris Donley electd chair (kennypaul, 13:52:51)
- integration (kennypaul, 13:53:06)
- Modeling (kennypaul, 13:53:52)
- modeling update in email (kennypaul, 13:54:46)
- infrasture (kennypaul, 13:55:31)
- repos being built, 12 remaining (kennypaul, 13:57:04)
- Kenny creating/moving/rescheduling meeitngs (kennypaul, 13:59:00)
- if meetings are bering rescheduled be aware that license contention can be an issue (kennypaul, 13:59:45)
- If recording is needed a lastpass account is required and must be saved locally. (kennypaul, 14:00:34)
- ensure that you use end all (kennypaul, 14:01:45)
- release naming (kennypaul, 14:01:57)
- sept mtg (kennypaul, 14:13:07)
- Release Review (kennypaul, 14:15:05)
- Application Authentication Framework (kennypaul, 14:18:12)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Amsterdam+Release+Planning%3A+M1+Project+Review <--Calendar for M1 Release Planning (gildaslanilis, 14:18:34)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16223937 (kennypaul, 14:19:04)
- reviewed Q posted to the wiki-page (kennypaul, 14:28:13)
- Parviz Yegani (Parviz, 14:29:30)
- VOTE: Voted on "Does the TSC approve the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP?" Results are (kennypaul, 14:41:16)
- VOTE: Voted on "Does the TSC approve the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP?" Results are, +1: 13 (CaseyODL, 14:42:29)
- AGREED: The TSC has approved the Application Authorization Framework as an incubation project within ONAP. (CaseyODL, 14:43:00)
- ACTION: follow ups required (kennypaul, 14:43:11)
- External System Register (kennypaul, 14:43:48)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16225697 (kennypaul, 14:44:07)
- concerns that questions from Beijing meeting have not been answered (kennypaul, 14:49:18)
- ACTION: lizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed. (kennypaul, 14:52:49)
- deferring vote (kennypaul, 14:53:19)
- Reference VNFs (kennypaul, 14:53:30)
- Logging Enhancements (kennypaul, 14:55:26)
- need additional committers on the proposal. (kennypaul, 15:03:39)
- VOTE: Voted on "Does the TSC approve Logging Enhancements as an incubation project within ONAP with the contingency that additional committers are added?" Results are, +1: 13 (kennypaul, 15:06:07)
- AGREED: TSC approves Logging Enhancements as an incubation project within ONAP with the contingency that additional committers are added (kennypaul, 15:06:29)
Meeting ended at 15:06:48 UTC (full logs).
Action items
- kennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members.
- SteveT will resend the proposal
- kennypaul create poll for 3x 4 hour slots.
- follow ups required
- lizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed.
Action items, by person
- kennypaul
- kennypaul will send an email with a link to prior meeting minutes for voting approval from the TSC members.
- kennypaul create poll for 3x 4 hour slots.
- SteveT
- SteveT will resend the proposal
- follow ups required
- lizi to set up meeting with impacted PTL wed.
People present (lines said)
- kennypaul (62)
- collabot` (20)
- CaseyODL (5)
- alla (5)
- Lingli_Deng (5)
- SteveT (5)
- JasonHunt (4)
- amir_levy (4)
- Anatoly_ (4)
- Dsauvageau (4)
- gildaslanilis (3)
- Jamil (3)
- Huabing (3)
- cdonley (3)
- Leigh (3)
- gilbert (2)
- Xiaojun (2)
- Hong (1)
- ning_ (1)
- parnexius (1)
- Alex_______ (1)
- Parviz (1)
- xinhuili (1)