TSC 2017-07-27
TSC 2017-07-27
Official Minutes 2017-07-27 13:50:30 UTC
zoom chat log
#onap-meeting: TSC July 27 2017
Meeting started by kennypaul at 13:50:30 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
- Stephen Terrill, Ericsson (SteveT, 13:57:36)
- Ranny Haiby, Nokia (RannyHaiby, 14:00:39)
- Rajesh Gadiyar (RajeshGadiyar, 14:01:10)
- Chris Donley, Huawei (cdonley, 14:02:02)
- Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom (Xiaojun, 14:02:09)
- Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 14:02:30)
- proxy Oliver Spatscheck AT&T (spatsch17, 14:02:34)
- Xinhui Li, VMware (xinhuili, 14:02:38)
- Huabing Zhao, ZTE, on behalf of Zhaoxing Meng (Huabing, 14:03:17)
- Alla Goldner, Amdocs (alla, 14:03:56)
- jamil, orange (jamil, 14:04:00)
- Arthur Berezin, Clouidfy(GigaSpaces) (ArthurBerezin, 14:06:23)
- Lingli Deng (phrobb, 14:07:44)
- My vote was for Lingli Deng of China Mobile (phrobb, 14:18:21)
- VOTE: Voted on "Shall the TSC approve a new section in the TSC Charter to read as "Each subcommittee may elect a Chair and optionally a Vice-Chair who is responsible for leading meetings and representing the subcommittee to the TSC."?" Results are, +1: 15 (phrobb, 14:18:34)
- AGREED: revisions to section approved (kennypaul, 14:18:37)
- phrobb vote is for Lingli Deng (phrobb, 14:20:25)
- VOTE: Voted on "Shall the TSC approve section to read as "The Chair or Vice-Chair will be elected by members of the subcommittee as of the date the nomination process starts for the election."?" Results are, +1: 15 (phrobb, 14:20:47)
- AGREED: introduction of paragraph approved (kennypaul, 14:20:52)
- https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eTX5d6ln/ (phrobb, 14:33:12)
- VOTE: Voted on "Shall the TSC approve a new section in the TSC Charter to read as "The elected Chair (and/or Vice-Chair) is submitted to the TSC for confirmation. The TSC decides to accept the outcome or requests a new voting."?" Results are, +1: 15 (phrobb, 14:48:16)
- AGREED: introduction of paragraph is approved (kennypaul, 14:48:23)
- Leadership Diversity language (kennypaul, 14:55:19)
- blockers (kennypaul, 15:01:40)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/July+Virtual+Developers+Event+Blockers (kennypaul, 15:01:48)
- remaining items will be sent via email. (kennypaul, 15:03:51)
Meeting ended at 15:04:03 UTC (full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- collabot (19)
- phrobb (15)
- kennypaul (15)
- jamil (6)
- RajeshGadiyar (5)
- ArthurBerezin (5)
- Huabing (5)
- Xiaojun (4)
- alla (4)
- JasonHunt (4)
- xinhuili (4)
- SteveT (4)
- cdonley (4)
- brucet (4)
- spatsch17 (4)
- RannyHaiby (4)
- Susana_ (3)
- gildaslanilis (0)
- CaseyODL (0)
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