TSC 2017-08-24

TSC 2017-08-24


Official Minutes:  TSC Aug 24, 201713:21:46 UTC


Zoom chat log

Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

M3 Readiness Review

See table below

15R2 Architecture ReviewEman Gilnot addressed- roll over to next week
10ONAP Universitynot addressed- to be covered in email
5Round table
not addressed

M3 Readiness Review

1. Based on the commitment you have made at M1 Release Planning, is the team on track to meet the M4 Code Freeze on Sept 14?
2. If No to the above question, how much time do the team need to meet the commitment made at M1?
3. Are there commitments the team can de-scope (without impacting other projects) to make the M4 Code Freeze on time?

Project#1 On Track for M4
Sept. 14th ?
#2 Addl Time
#3 What Can Be
A & AI

On Track

stories exist, builds and jenkins issues are the new ESR items, Work on blockers are in progress. Babel repo is for Beijing release content.
Application Authorization FrameworkOn Track

com.att package structure impacting jekins will be addressed by EOW.


On Track

Plan in place to address scope changes.  API Doc will be posted tomorrow. 


On Track

May be minor change requests but should be able to address.

Common Controller SDKOn Track

DCAEPotential risk

Risk is related to blockers- Also Lusheng Ji -2 open tickets did not get conformations.  Most dcaegen2 code not java code
DMaaPOn Track

Testing concerns with DCAE, com.att to onap issue, have requested 5 new repos.  

DocumentationOn Track

need support of other projects.

External API FrameworkNo Representation

HolmesAt Risk

Detailed API info from DCAE must be delivered by end of next week to meet deadline.

Blocker from DCAE will prevent M4 - (info submitted into gerrit by DCAE yesterday)

IntegrationOn Track

more information will be presented at next week's TSC meeting
(added to 8/31 agenda - kep)
Logging Enhancements ProjectOn Track

Primarily being delivered in other project's repos.
Microservices BusOn Track

but many issues to resolve, including some sonar problems

ModelingOn Track

Blocked on scan results
Multi VIM/CloudOn Track

CLIOn Track

ONAP Operations ManagerOn Track

ONAP UniversityOff Track

No PTL. minimal progress
Usecase UINo Representation

Policy FrameworkAt Risk

2 weeks from whenever we get the answer from AAI

Would need to descope any control-loop use case - not a real option.

Raising a blocker for AAI - if not answered by end of next week M4 will not be met.

Portal PlatformOn Track

SDN-COn Track

Service Design & CreationPotential Risk

A number of issues are still present.
Service OrchestratorOff Track

Need 2-3 weeks

Desope not possible

workflows, at&t seed code migration, and misunderstandings. Specific details to be provided.

VF-C: Virtual Function ControllerOn Track

blocker w/ SDC being worked.

VIDOn Track


ICE code will be unavailable- have descoped HEAT validation for R1 as a result

Waiting on scan of VES code.
VNF RequirementsHighly At Risk

Tool issues must be resolved immediately to meet M4.

New blocker raised pending Documentation tool chain issues.  Documents are failing to propagate

VNF Validation ProgramOff Track

PTL out on leave- Steve W. now filling the void - project status being evaluated.

Action items


#onap-meeting: TSC Aug 24, 2017

Meeting started by kennypaul at 13:21:46 UTC (full logs). 

Meeting summary

  1. rollcall (kennypaul, 13:28:33)
    1. TSC Members please #info in (phrobb, 13:29:00)
    2. Chris Donley, Huawei (cdonley, 13:29:40)
    3. Ning So, Reliance Jio (ningso, 13:30:07)
    4. Timo Perala, Nokia, proxy for Ranny Haiby (TimoPerala, 13:30:19)
    5. Rajesh Gadiyar Intel (rajeshgadiyar, 13:31:23)
    6. Zhaoxing Meng, ZTE (Zhaoxing, 13:32:03)
    7. Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 13:32:55)
    8. jamil chawki, Orange (jamil, 13:32:58)
    9. edwarnicke (edwarnicke, 13:33:06)
    10. Xinhui Li, VMware (xinhuili, 13:33:07)
    11. mazin gilbert (gilbert, 13:33:27)
    12. proxy Yoav Kluger, Amdocs (kennypaul, 13:33:40)
    13. proxy Stephen Terrill, Ericsson (munish, 13:34:15)
    14. david sauvageau Bell (davidsauvageau, 13:36:56)
  2. M3 Readiness Review(phrobb, 13:37:56)
    Link to M3 Presentation
    1. Arthur Berezin, Cloudify (ArthurBerezin, 13:38:19)
    2. giildaslanis notes that 30 blockers had been identified. 15 are resolved, 2 blockers IDed as not blocking M3. Assumption is that there are still 13 blockers for M3... (phrobb, 13:41:04)
    3. Beginning deeper review of each subproject. Starting with A&AI (phrobb, 13:44:50)
    4. A&AI: On track for M4. (phrobb, 13:47:46)
    5. AAF: On track for M4. (phrobb, 13:50:22)
    6. APPC: On track for M4. (phrobb, 13:52:39)
    7. CLAMP: On track for M4. (phrobb, 13:54:32)
    8. CCSDK: On Track for M4 (phrobb, 13:58:05)
    9. CLI: On Track for M4 (phrobb, 13:58:19)
    10. DCAE: No M3 blockers, DCAE reports submitting LF helpdesk issues with no response (phrobb, 14:02:59)
    11. ACTIONphrobb and kennypaul to work with LF Infra on helpdesk ticket issue (phrobb, 14:03:37)
    12. DCAE: On track for M4 - risk exists regarding indentified blockers (26, 27) (phrobb, 14:04:43)
    13. DMAAP: On track for M4. some concern on testing needed between DMAAP and DCAE. Working to remediate issues next week(phrobb, 14:08:04)
    14. Documentation: On track for M4 - The real issue is that all other projects need to be on track with their contributions to the Amsterdam Release documentation. (phrobb, 14:11:06)
    15. Mazin notes that the Doc project is responsible to track all projects contributions and timeliness to documentation delivery to the docs project (phrobb, 14:11:55)
    16. External API: Skipped due to no representative in the meeting (phrobb, 14:12:59)
    17. Holmes: Not on track for M4. The B4 blocker (API with DCAE) will affect M4 delivery if not resolved quickly. DCAE reports detailed API docs provided yesterday via Jira. Group to come back within the week to verify they have what they need (phrobb, 14:17:28)
    18. ACTIONkennypaul and phrobb to check with LF infra on providing a training session on Jenkins and JJB (phrobb, 14:18:10)
    19. Integration: On track for M4 - more information will be presented at next week's TSC meeting (phrobb, 14:18:48)
    20. Logging Enhancement: On track for M4 - work from this project is primarily delivered in other repos (phrobb, 14:22:27)
    21. MSB: M4 is on track. However, some things to still resolve such as unit test results can't be found in sonar for some reason.(phrobb, 14:25:23)
    22. Modeling: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:27:36)
    23. Multicloud: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:30:08)
    24. OOM: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:33:18)
    25. Policy Framework: Not on track for M4. Outstanding questions for A&AI and other projects. Answers by the end of week are needed otherwise M4 is at risk. De-scoping functionality not really an option. (phrobb, 14:37:36)
    26. Portal Platform: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:38:32)
    27. SDN-C: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:39:49)
    28. SDC: On track for M4 - with caeats. There are risks still present to making that deadline (phrobb, 14:41:36)
    29. SO: Not on track for M4 - Need 1 to 3 weeks additional to reach M4. They will provide more detail later (phrobb, 14:45:24)
    30. Usecase UI: Skipped (phrobb, 14:45:36)
    31. VFC: On track for M4. SDC blocker being worked with that team. (phrobb, 14:47:10)
    32. VID: On track for M4 (phrobb, 14:47:57)
    33. VNFSDK: On track for M4 - Have de-scoped ICE code/functionality validation for Heat due to code not being available. (phrobb, 14:49:36)
    34. VNF Requirements: On track for M4 - Risk on toolchain (working with Docs project) not working. (phrobb, 14:52:54)
    35. VNF Validation Program: Not on track for M4. Will come back to this later in the meeting (phrobb, 14:55:17)
    36. The gildaslanis to create summary of this information and the TSC will review and decide if changes needed at the next meetitng.(phrobb, 15:03:44)

Meeting ended at 15:03:50 UTC (full logs). 

Action items

  1. phrobb and kennypaul to work with LF Infra on helpdesk ticket issue
  2. kennypaul and phrobb to check with LF infra on providing a training session on Jenkins and JJB

Action items, by person

  1. kennypaul
    1. phrobb and kennypaul to work with LF Infra on helpdesk ticket issue
    2. kennypaul and phrobb to check with LF infra on providing a training session on Jenkins and JJB
  2. phrobb
    1. phrobb and kennypaul to work with LF Infra on helpdesk ticket issue
    2. kennypaul and phrobb to check with LF infra on providing a training session on Jenkins and JJB

People present (lines said)

  1. phrobb (39)
  2. kennypaul (4)
  3. collabot (4)
  4. jamil (2)
  5. davidsauvageau (1)
  6. ningso (1)
  7. rajeshgadiyar (1)
  8. JasonHunt (1)
  9. TimoPerala (1)
  10. ArthurBerezin (1)
  11. edwarnicke (1)
  12. xinhuili (1)
  13. cdonley (1)
  14. munish (1)
  15. gilbert (1)
  16. Zhaoxing (1)
  17. SteveT (0)
  18. CaseyODL (0)

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