June 2017 F2F Meeting Minutes

June 2017 F2F Meeting Minutes

These are the meeting minutes and recordings for the June F2F Meeting in Beijing, China.

The audio files are quite long and as such have timestamps to help you navigate to a specific project.

IRC Meetbot Logs:

*Administrative note: Not all minutes were properly captured in the below IRC logs.  Please see the amended notes as provided.

Thursday June 8th, 2017



ONAP CLI: A discussion was had about ONAP CLI if it would operate as a wrapper layer or adding extra APIs.  The answer is that it will operate as a wrapper layer only.  
It was also noted that it may not actually participate in the first release. 

ONAP Use Case UI: There was a concern about adding specific use case code to the repository. It was indicated that the code submitted will be largely generic in nature.

Integration Project: There was a concern that this project was too big and it was suggested that the End to End Use Case Testing Labs could possibly be separated. 

Friday June 9th, 2017



A&AI: Did not vote to approve adding ESR as a subproject.

ESR: Was not approved.  Topic information was incorrect.  Needs further discussion with other projects or needs to merge with A&AI.

Holmes: It was suggested that Holmes be a subproject of DCAE.  It was approved as a standalone project to support a standalone and integrated DCAE versions for release.

Modeling Recap: The scope will be separated into two projects.  The tools will remain in the main project.  The specification will be addressed in the Modeling Sub-Committee.
The comment pertaining to the assumption the top level is imperative, but needed to be more open was found to be open enough to capture both options as proposed by the service orchestration project. 

Zoom Recordings:

Zoom Recording, June 8, 2017  - Note: audio/connectivity issues 

HH:MM  Topic
00:00 Welcome - Yachen Wang
00:23 Release Planning 
01:08 R1 Use Cases
02:45 Review: CLAMP
02:59 Review : VF-C
03:29 Review: ONAP Operations Manager
03:48 Review: VNF SDK
04:00 Review: Multi VIM Cloud
04:22 Review: Service Design & Creation
04:32 Review: Microservices Bus
05:07 Review: VID
05:17 Review: External System Register
05:36 Review: ONAP CLI
05:48 Review: ONAP Usecase UI
06:06 Review: Holmes
06:32 Review: Portal Platform
06:47 Review: Policy Framework
07:06 Review: Infrastructure (note: video hung on previous presentation) 

Zoom Recording, June 9, 2017

HH:MM Topic
00:00 Service Orchestrator (screen share starts about 1 min, 40 sec later) 
00:26 DCAE
01:03 Network Function Change Management
01:18 Common Controller Framework
01:45 SDN-C
02:08 Modeling
02:33 Documentation
02:42 External API Framework
02:53 VNF Requirements
03:12 A&AI
03:36 APPC
03:57 Vulnerability Procedures - (truncated due to meeting room disconnect)
04:02 DCAE Recap
04:12 ESR Recap
04:17 Holmes Recap
04:26 Modeling Recap
04:30 Release Manager Vote
04:33 next F2F meeting
04:46 Open Labs
04:51 Closing Comments- Mazin Gilbert