TSC 2017-06-01
TSC 2017-06-01
Official Minutes 2017-06-01 13:59:22 UTC
Zoom chat log
#onap-meeting: tsc
Meeting started by CaseyODL at 13:59:22 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
- Zhaoxing (Zhaoxing_Meng, 14:00:27)
- Alla (alla, 14:00:37)
- Rajesh Gadiyar (RajeshGadiyar-In, 14:00:50)
- Zhaoxing_Meng, ZTE (Zhaoxing_Meng, 14:00:51)
- Chris Donley Huawei (cdonley, 14:00:52)
- Roll Call - TSC Members please #info in (phrobb, 14:00:56)
- Ranny Haiby, Nokia (RannyHaiby_, 14:01:04)
- Rajesh Gadiyar Intel (RajeshGadiyar-In, 14:01:17)
- Stephen Terrill, Ericson (SteveT, 14:01:24)
- Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 14:03:33)
- Lingli Deng China Mobile (phrobb, 14:04:59)
- Mazin Gilbert AT&T (phrobb, 14:05:14)
- edwarnicke (edwarnicke, 14:05:24)
- gilbert (gilbert, 14:05:29)
- Roberto Klung from Orange (phrobb, 14:05:47)
- Security (CaseyODL, 14:08:50)
- Standards Coordinator (CaseyODL, 14:16:08)
- DENG Hui was elected as the new Standards Coordinator. Congratulations! (CaseyODL, 14:17:07)
- Architecture Subcommittee (CaseyODL, 14:17:34)
- the Architecture Subcommittee will soon have a wiki page. If you are interested in nominating yourself for that wiki page please look out for the announcement from phrobb. (CaseyODL, 14:21:00)
- Modeling group (CaseyODL, 14:21:40)
- Rittwik presented the progress of the modeling group to the TSC. (CaseyODL, 14:23:12)
- Labs (CaseyODL, 14:24:31)
- gilbert There are a number of proposals for Labs currently. (CaseyODL, 14:27:21)
- ACTION: phrobb Will provide a proposal on the requirements for community labs. (CaseyODL, 14:28:07)
- The TSC still needs to identify if there is a need for Physical or Virtual labs for the first release. (CaseyODL, 14:28:56)
- It was asked if the ONAP labs could be hosted on the same hardware as other LF projects. (CaseyODL, 14:31:58)
- gilbert explained that there are a few different proposals including hosting a physical shared space lab. (CaseyODL, 14:32:47)
- gilbert: If you have experience in this field, please nominate yourself as PTL for the Labs. (CaseyODL, 14:35:48)
- We can discuss labs in Beijing. Morgan Richomme, very active on OPNFV will attend the event and will share our feedback on OPNFV (EricD, 14:37:33)
- EricD: We can discuss labs in Beijing. Morgan Richomme, very active on OPNFV will attend the event and will share our feedback on OPNFV (CaseyODL, 14:38:50)
- gilbert: Labs take time and are incredibly important. Hopefully by the end of the F2F next week we will have a well defined and approve proposal for moving forward. (CaseyODL, 14:41:39)
- Feedback for the TSC (CaseyODL, 14:42:37)
- gilbert: Thanked the TSC for their hard work on reviewing the project proposals. Explained that the results of the feedback to the Project Proposals is posted on the wiki. (CaseyODL, 14:43:55)
- gilbert will be sending out emails to the project leads regarding the feedback that was generated for each project. (CaseyODL, 14:44:37)
- Official project reviews will begin at the Beijing F2F meeting next week. (CaseyODL, 14:45:02)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Initial+Project+Proposal+Feedback+From+the+TSC <-- link to TSC Feedback to Projects on their initial proposals (phrobb, 14:48:27)
- Use Case Subcommittee (CaseyODL, 14:49:04)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Usecase+subcommittee (alla, 14:49:54)
- https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Usecase+subcommittee link to use case sub-committe (gildas, 14:50:25)
- Alla stated that there is a proposal for a Use Case Subcommittee on the wiki. (CaseyODL, 14:50:32)
- . I will send information for vEPC use-case on the mailing-list (EricD, 14:53:18)
- gilbert I would like to review the use cases that Lingli and Alla have developed before the Beijing F2F. (CaseyODL, 14:56:05)
- ACTION: TSC Members to review the Use Cases. (CaseyODL, 14:57:36)
- ACTION: phrobb to initiate a vote in the next few days for the TSC to approve one of the Use Cases after a brief feedback period from the TSC. (CaseyODL, 14:58:39)
- VOTE: Voted on "Shall the TSC approve the Usecase Subcommittee documented in the link above?" Results are, +1: 11 (CaseyODL, 15:00:28)
- AGREED: The TSC approves the formation of a Use Case subcommittee as documented at https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Usecase+subcommittee. (CaseyODL, 15:00:35)
- Cookies (CaseyODL, 15:03:47)
Meeting ended at 15:03:54 UTC (full logs).
Action items
- phrobb Will provide a proposal on the requirements for community labs.
- TSC Members to review the Use Cases.
- phrobb to initiate a vote in the next few days for the TSC to approve one of the Use Cases after a brief feedback period from the TSC.
Action items, by person
- phrobb
- phrobb Will provide a proposal on the requirements for community labs.
- phrobb to initiate a vote in the next few days for the TSC to approve one of the Use Cases after a brief feedback period from the TSC.
People present (lines said)
- CaseyODL (38)
- collabot` (11)
- phrobb (6)
- JasonHunt (4)
- ning_ (3)
- RajeshGadiyar-In (3)
- Jamil (3)
- alla (3)
- EricD (3)
- gilbert (2)
- SteveT (2)
- edwarnicke (2)
- cdonley (2)
- gildas (2)
- Zhaoxing_Meng (2)
- jamil (1)
- RannyHaiby_ (1)
- Parviz (1)
- xinhuili (1)
- Dhananjay_ (1)
- Xiaojun (1)
- kennypaul (0)
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