2019-02-15Meeting notes
2019-02-15Meeting notes
Feb 15, 2019 10AM EDT
NEW ZOOM BRIDGE: To Join: https://zoom.us/j/340810232
RECORDING: zoom_0.mp4
PNF package security options need more discussion: UPDATE: VNF SDK and SDC will be implementing Security Option 2 Dublin (package wide signature).
List of agreed key words (public tags) to be presented in the Modeling sub-committee: Will review once more on Monday's Data Modeling call, then initiate rough consensus on Tuesday's Modeling Subcommittee call.
Need to discuss and align with xNF Package Requirements @andreik@Steven wright
Prior notes:
Update: ETSI PNF Package Descriptor @Michela Bevilacqua
Update on NSD model mapping @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) and @Michela Bevilacqua
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