2019-01-18Meeting notes
Jan 18, 2019 10AM EDT
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Discuss JIRA tickets for modeling & VNF Requirements to stay in sync @Steven wright
Please review: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Release+Plan+for+VNFRQTS
Provide any feedback by early next week.
Need more input on TOSCA format requirements for the VNFD Package
Mapping of information elements to requirements
Explore containerized VNFs with HELM chart.
Update: ETSI PNF Package Descriptor @Michela Bevilacqua
Created sample CSAR file for PNF Package
See: ONAP R4+ Onboarding PNF package format, non-MANO artifacts set definition and PNF package mapping
Use of Public name; Address security options
Update on VNF package security implementation in ONAP R3 and R4 (SOL004) @andreik
Sync up SDC implementation, and provide update with VNF Requirements
Update on NSD model mapping @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) and Michela Bevillarqua
Using VCPE Use Case
Mapping NS CSAR to SOL001
Compare SOL001 to SDC representation
Identify properties and datatypes that may be needed
See attachment.
Prior notes:
ETSI Update; SOL006 YANG Descriptor @andreik
SOL006 is stable and will be draft (VMWare is driving)
Added YANG package to SOL004 (CSAR can include either TOSCA or YANG descriptor)
VES Descriptor Update: @Kevin Scaggs; @alok411
Update: PNF Package @Michela Bevilacqua @Zu Qiang
Update on SDC and VNF RQT discussions
ETSI Update; SOL006 YANG Descriptor
Update: TOSCA Orchestration in ONAP Topic (need to discuss in architecture) @Alex Vul (Deactivated)