Reference Repo/Marketplace

Reference Repo/Marketplace

Lead Committer: Victor Gao

Difference between Catalog and Market place (Analogy)

Market Place:

  • Farmer(VNF designers/Vendors)  push their produce to market.Market Vendors check the quality and display in their stalls.

  • Consumer/Operators select the product based on quality, price and other factors and bring it to their home.



  • Consumers put their purchase in their fridge for consumption.

  • Products in the fridge are consumed by variety of dishes (services). (Design tools)



  1. Vendor logs into the marketplace, upload the package and pass the tests in VNFSDK.

  2. Marketplace show the packages which have already passed the test.

  3. Operator logs into the marketplace, selects one package which they want, and push into SDC to do the service instantiation

Marketplace Users:

  1. Vendor: Use VNFSDK tool chain to do validation/test, upload/download the package, package management(versioning notification...etc)

  2. SDC(Operator) : Download/push package, get package at any time which is CI/CD(ONAP compliant) and moves to design services.

Functional Test Cases

  1. Test the interface to upload the csar package from market place.

  2. Test the interface to query VNF Information.

  3. Test the interface to delete csar package from market place.

  4. Test the interface to download csar package.

  5. Test the interface to query csar package based on conditions.


    1. All the interfaces are present in API Documentation page.

    2. Each above test cases can contain more than one test cases including success and error cases.