2018-11-16Meeting notes
Nov 16, 2018 10AM EDT
NEW ZOOM BRIDGE: To Join: https://zoom.us/j/340810232
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Update: TOSCA Orchestration in ONAP Topic (need to discuss in architecture) @Alex Vul (Deactivated)
TOSCA Task Force created: Wiki link: TOSCA Task Force
Prior notes:
Introduce topic: On-boarding of PNFs @Andy Mayer All
Begin discussion of what the ONAP requirements are from a PNF on-boarding perspective.
Some requirements for PNFs can be found in Section 7.5 and 7.2 of the VNF Requirements
Note ETSI does not describe PNFs
Can we re-apply elements of the VNF package for the PNFs
Need Contributions
Need to identify LCM operations from xNF requirements (Section , SOL001, SOL003 and their impact on the on-boarding package and ONAP arch in general
also associated scripts (TOSCA interfaces) in package (SOL004)
Identify specific LCM operations.
Consider test cases for LCM operations
Need Contributions
Any Feedback?: VNF Requirements for TOSCA VNF Package @Andy Mayer @andreik
VNF Requirements Outline for TOSCA VNF Package @Andy Mayer
Requirements should be tied to platform support for the current release
May use "objectives" for future looking capabilities that do not interfere with platform in current release
May use "guidelines" section to describe future capabilities without specific requirements.
Focus is on Casablanca platform support.
Need developers guide addendum (based on SOL001)
Use VNF SDK to provide guidance
Some manual on-boarding will still be necessary
Need to describe limitations in Introduction of guidelines @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)
CSAR section @andreik
TOSCA SDC Section @Andy Mayer
HPA @Alex Vul (Deactivated)
VES @alok411 (See guidelines section 7.4)
@Andy Mayer will create wiki page
Need initial content by M4 (stable outline and numbered requirements, can bug fix and work informative text afterwards)
TOSCA Orchestration in ONAP Topic (need to discuss in architecture)
Cloudify orchestration will no longer be used.
ONAP needs one single TOSCA Parser
Need to decide on how SO will perform TOSCA Parsing and Orchestration
This topic needs to further discussion in the Architecture Sub-committee
Agree on single format of VNF Package and Descriptor
@Alex Vul (Deactivated) to put together problem statement
F2F end of October Arch meeting at IBM in Montreal (29 and 30th)
VNF Package Security Recomendation