2017-11-03 Meeting notes
2017-11-03 Meeting notes
Nov 3, 2017 10AM EDT
To Join: https://zoom.us/j/287367106
Review of Action Items
Modeling sub-committee workspaces
Change meeting timeslot
UML Progress Update (Andy and Kevin)
Use IFA011 2.3.1 as a starting point
Work on Separation of VNFCDesc and VDU concepts (@Alex Vul (Deactivated) to provide a use case example)
Update ONAP wiki with new diagrams
Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
Next call 10 NOV
Model walkthrough
SDC IM Gap assessment
Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
VoLTE VNF Descriptor to latest release of IFA011
Gap analysis of HEAT templates
Event descriptors alignment with DCAE
New Action items
, multiple selections available,