VNF Descriptor Working UML

VNF Descriptor Working UML

Following is the diagram discussed and refined in the 2018-01-26 vnfpkg call.

The related document can be found at https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/8226078/VDU%202018-01-26.docx?api=v2, which includes descriptions on some classes, attributes, etc.

@Michela Bevilacqua

Input for the next meeting (02/02) about VDU profile, VNFDesc and VDU /VNFCDesc classes


VDUProfile describes additional instantiation data for a given VDU used in the a specific deployment flavour.

VDUProfile Attributes proposal (according to ETSI)

+ minNumOfInstances: Integer

+ maxNumOfInstances: Integer

2) Rename (VNFSpecification) in (VNFD) associated to VNFDesc  (in line with ETSI terminalogy used in brackets in the other class definition)

check some attributes defined in ETSI respect to VNFDesc class above:

+ vnfProductName 

+ vnfProductInfoName

In ETSI, the first is invariant during the VNF product lifecycle, the second can be change during the VNF Product lifecycle. Are they name and short name attributes defined in the diagram above? 

some relations are missing according to ETSI but maybe just not present in the diagram above, double check:

+ elementGroup VnfdElementGroup (0..N)

+ lifeCycleManagementScript: LifeCucleManagementScript (0..N)

+ vnfExtCpd (1..N)

+ intVirtualLinkDesc (0..N)

+ swImageDesc (it could be enough the relation through the virtualStorageDesc)

3) VDU attributes/relation review  according to ETSI IFA011:


+name: String

+ description: String

+bootOrder: String (0..*)

+ nfviConstraint: String (0..*)

+ configurableProperties (missing in the diagram above) (Descrives the configurable properties of ALL the VNFC instances based on this VDU)


+ intCpD (missing in the diagram above)

+ virtualComputeDesc (already in the diagram above)

+ virtualStorageDesc (already in the diagram above)

+ swImageDesc (already in the diagram above)

+ monitoringParameter (missing in the diagram above) (0..N) (it specifies the virtualized resource related performance metrics on the VDU level).

NOTE: MonitoringParameter is used also in relation to a VLD, to specify the virtualized resource related performance metrics on VLD level.

According to the diagram above, all the attributes  associated to the ETSI VDU, and only that, have been associated to the new class VNFCDesc class. At the moment I do not see a differentiator between the two classes.