2018-11-27 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2018-11-27 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Attendees: @guochuyi, @Fei Zhang (Ericsson), @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]@LIN MENG, @Yang Xu, @Arun Gupta

  1. Submodel Status 

    1. Common (@Kevin Scaggs)

      1. Root
        Kevin briefly shared a work in progress root diagram.

      2. Network Function

      3. VES

        1. Review of model is 95% complete (hope to finish review this week)

        2. @Kevin Scaggs to set up time with @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] to explore IM to spec / certain design materials.

        3. Modeling of arrays (discussed a bit)

          1. Some ambiguity is expected

          2. Describe it reasonably (do not over work) - perhaps in comments.  Jacqueline will see if there are any better options in Papyrus

          3. Must remember that IMs are implementation independent. 

      4. Policy

        1. Working on examination of attributes 

      5. License

        1. No recent activity

    2. Service (@LIN MENG)

      1. Mapping onboarding NS to internal (Platform) 

      2. Using global type to model general attributes, and custom type for a specific service (related to root structure work)

    3. Vnf (@guochuyi is temporary editor)

      1. VDU virtual link profile work on vnfd - hope to finish on Friday. 

    4. Resource (@guochuyi) - no activity

    5. Infrastructure (@Arun Gupta)

      1. Need for use case.  One possibility is edge automation. 

      2. Arun needs to add Deng Hui as a reviewer to get his changes merged

      3. In general, we must make sure the change gets merged before recloning

  2. Gendoc


    1. Gendoc to RST (@Yang Xu)
      Xu presented a number of slides and insights on this topic.