2018-10-17 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2018-10-17 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Attendees: @guochuyi, @Fei Yan, @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson], @LIN MENG, @Kevin Scaggs

  1. Submodel Status

    1. Common: @Kevin Scaggs Editor

      1. VES Updates In Progress - this is an R4 item.

        1. Kevin plans to socialize ETSI IFA spec question to VES authors.

        2. We should make references to the standard models used within ONAP.   Reference should be made at the class level at a minimum. 

      2. License Updates In Progress (Minimal In Papyrus at the moment).  This is a R4 item.

      3. Policy Updates Starting (Not In Papyrus Yet).   This is an R4 item.

    2. Resource: @guochuyi Editor

      1. No updates this week. 

    3. Service: @LIN MENG Editor

      1. Service RST documentation to be produced this week from Gendoc for R3. 

    4. Vnf: @Kevin Scaggs Editor

      1. No updates this week.

      2. @Yang Xu has produced RST documents from gendoc output. 

      3. Perhaps ask @Yang Xu to provide a gendoc output to RST file "demo" on a future call.

  2. Governance Process - When Work Goes Into R3workingbranch Repository

    1. Kevin's position is working branch is for work in progress.   Items can be tagged as "experimental" until called clean.   Putting all work in once clean may cause pressures to meet the date, and possible issues that must be worked perhaps causing further updates (move back to discuss, reapprove, ...), conflicts with other submodels that are also trying to rapidly update their models, etc...

    2. Jacqueline tends to agree.   Must manage collisions, but this must be managed regardless of when the work goes in.   Maybe collisions are less if done as evolving work. 

  3. Gendoc

    1. Explore of new template, which includes an association section, and groups material in packages within a submodel.   The template does not presently include IISOMI stereotypes.

  4. Admin

    1. Model Cycle Reminder

      1. All check in model on close of business Friday

      2. @Hui Deng accepts changes over weekend or early Monday.

      3.  Admin review of model on Monday - check in at end of Monday.

        1. If no admin edits or activities, editor can notifiy everyone to reclone and edit earlier

        2. If agreed to by service model subteam, Kevin will apply some service model updates during Monday October 15th only during  "admin time", and hand back to @LIN MENG end of Monday.

      4. @Hui Deng accepts any admin edits early Tuesday

      5. Editors reclone and perform updates Tuesday through Friday

        1. Please remember to reclone to assure you get updates from other submodels

    2. Model Decomposition

      1. What should the model breakdown look like?

      2. Common contains

        1. Event package

        2. License Package

        3. Eventually a policy package

      3. Packages are effectively nested submodels

      4. Vnfs are resources

      5. Pnfs are resources

      6. Should we have a Pnf submodel?   Or should Pnfs and Vnfs be part of Resource?

      7. Model decomp will likely be an item we should periodically consider, and restructure as needed (but not too often!!).

  5. Editing Tips and Tricks

    1. Gendoc Output Into Word Template

    2. Gendoc use of ${date} to generate unique files