Modeling Tool Poll

Modeling Tool Poll

NOTE: This poll closes on February 28th, 2018

Location of information related to the use of GitHub for Papyrus

Poll Question

Do you approve the use of GitHub as a tool for the versioning of ONAP Papyrus Models?

Please put your @name in the Approve or Disapprove Column followed by any comments you might have.



Poll Comments

Brian Hedstrom

This is needed to track Model Committers

Alex Vul (Deactivated)


Nigel Davis

We can gain insight from ONF/MEF usage

Andy Mayer


Former user (Deleted)

Agree with Nigel's comment

Xu Yang

Governance issues need to be considered

Michela Bevilacqua

Kevin Scaggs 

 Not aware of another viable option, and also agree with Nigel's comment.

Michael O'Brien

Agree - github is used as a secondary repo for a some of our components and third party libraries

Arun Gupta

 Steve Polston

Pamela Dragosh

 Priya TG [NEC/Netcracker]


 agree, seems no better tools than github

Lingli Deng