2018-10-10 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2018-10-10 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Attendees:   @LIN MENG, @guochuyi, @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson], @Yang Xu, @Kevin Scaggs

  1. Service Sub-Model Conflict Resolution


    1. @Kevin Scaggs will redo his work this time

      1. This work will be done on Monday, October 15th during "admin day" if agreed to by Service subteam on 10/10 working call. 

    2. In the future, edits must and commits must be done by the designated editor 

      1. Going to the GIT perspective, an editor can see if he has made updates to another model (list of unstaged changes)

      2. When editing your submodel (double click on your submodel in the project explorer) and you bring an object into your diagram from another submodel AND make an association or edit to that object, that will update that submodel in your environment.  If you submit that update to someone else's submodel as part of your commit, you will cause a conflict if the editor of that submodel also submits a commit because you both have made an edit to the same base.

    3. To prevent conflicts, the dependency must be made in a coordinated fashion. 


      1. One option is the work is done on Monday by the acting admin.

      2. A second option is for the two editors affected by a proposed update to both commit their work, and one of them edits across models, commit that work, and then reclone and continue editing their respective models.

      3. Another option is to have the Papyrus editor call on "admin day", and perform the cross model edits on the call.

  3. Submodel Status

    1. Common:  @Kevin Scaggs Editor

    2. Resource:  @guochuyi Editor

    3. Service:  @LIN MENG Editor

    4. Vnf - @Kevin Scaggs Editor

      1. Eventual move of Allotted Resource from Vnf to Resource?

  4. Governance Process:  When Work Goes Into R3working branch repository

    1. options

      1. Do work outside workingbranch until discussed, then move to working branch.

        1. This is a minor milestone - perhaps, if editor, just do the work in the working branch?

        2. Concerns of copying across projects and not introducing errors 

        3. Perhaps use import?

      2. If editor, then perform work in workingbranch

      3. Do work outside working branch until accepted 

        1. If we wait until accepted on all work, it will be challenging to get all the work in the working branch at this late date 

      4. Explore merge capability

  5. Admin

    1. Model Cycle Reminder

      1. All check in model on close of business Friday

      2. @Hui Deng accepts changes over weekend or early Monday.

      3.  Admin review of model on Monday - check in at end of Monday.

        1. If no admin edits or activities, editor can notifiy everyone to reclone and edit earlier

        2. If agreed to by service model subteam, Kevin will apply some service model updates during Monday October 15th only during  "admin time", and hand back to @LIN MENG end of Monday.

      4. @Hui Deng accepts any admin edits early Tuesday

      5. Editors reclone and perform updates Tuesday through Friday.

    2. Possible Gendoc Updates

      1. Kevin is exploring a different gendoc template that generates the documentation by package (common has multiple packages) 

  6. Editing Tips and Tricks

    1. Moving Attributes between classes or datatypes

    2. Selecting Multiple Attributes and

      1. set type

      2. set apperance