2019-03-20 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2019-03-20 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Attendees: @Xu Yang ; @guochuyi @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]

  1. Gerrit Commit and Review Process Proposal Review and Discussion

    1. Issue:  Committer CANNOT do a merge

    2. Updated Proposal 

      1. committer selects several (all) reviewers from list of modeling committers (@Xu Yang , @guochuyi , @Hui Deng , @Kevin Scaggs )

        1. first does +1

        2. second does +2 and merge 

      2. @Kevin Scaggs will update the proposal and share it at the next modeling subcommittee call. 

  2. Admin

    1. Admin Function

    2. Papyrus Bugs

      1. Inherited Attributes

        1. Display inherited attribute, then redefine it, display of attribute persists

          1. @Kevin Scaggs Kevin will contact the papyrus developer on this bug, as well as the status on the bug that occurs when moving material between submodels.

        2. inherited attribute appear in class table inconsistently with gendoc landscape template

    3. File Editor/Owner Link

      1. @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] volunteered to take over as PNF submodel editor.