- #AGREED the TSC approves the Jakarta release schedule (v.5) of https://wiki.onap.org/x/VIKfBg
- #AGREED the TSC approves the following recommendations: 1) Approve RC milestone with condition that remaining release management tasks are resolved by Sign Off. 2) Move Sign Off out one week to Nov 4
- #AGREED the TSC approves the Honolulu maintenance release with the component level release notes for CCSDK, Multicloud, OOM & OOF to be completed by
- #AGREED the TSC approves the Jakarta release schedule as presented today in (v. 3) of https://wiki.onap.org/x/VIKfBg with the actual publishing of the schedule to be held in draft pending the outcome of the agile transformation workshop
- #AGREED: the way forward for Best Practice & Global Requirement tracking will be:
- Istanbul: SECCOM Recommendations about GR/Best Practices
- Jakarta: Define tracking process being approved by TSC prior M1
- #AGREED the TSC approves the Istanbul release as passing the M4 milestone with the condition that
- The Global requirements tasks status is understood by Sept. 23
- The following Project and Use Case tasks are to be closed by Sept 30: DOC-760 DOC-761 USECASEUI-596 USECASEUI-597 USECASEUI-602 CCSDK-3444 INT-1965 INT-1966 MSB-612 MSB-614 MULTICLOUD-1389 MULTICLOUD-1390 MULTICLOUD-1392 OOM-2807 SDNC-1596 SO-3751 SO-3756 DCAEGEN2-2900 DCAEGEN2-2898 VFC-1877 CPS-606 MSB-610 REQ-914 REQ-902
- #AGREED extending Honolulu community award nominations to
- #AGREED the TSC approves the Istanbul release as passing the M3 milestone with the condition that the following items are to be closed by M4 on 16 Sep 2021 : CCSDK-3355 DMAAP-1633 MSB-608 MULTICLOUD-1368 INT-1937 INT-1935 SDNC-1578 SO-3683 SO-3687 USECASEUI-591 VFC-1874 VNFSDK-791
- #AGREED the TSC confirms Michał Jagiełło as the new Integration PTL
- #AGREED the TSC wishes to pursue this agreement \[as captured in the meeting minutes\] with TM Forum
- #AGREED TSC approves the Technical Community Document in the form attached hereto as Technical Community Document v2.0.pdf with the above agreed upon change \[of adding "or via the TSC Proxy wiki page." \] to as being hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted
- #AGREED the TSC approves the OOM Gitlab POC using CLA validation via the ci chain demonstrated in https://gitlab.com/kopasiak/oom_cla_test/-/merge_requests/1 as a workaround until EasyCLA supports GitLab
- #AGREED Istanbul M3 slips until Sept. 2nd; discussion with the PTLs on Monday to understand the status and their blockers
- #AGREED ESR UI/ESR Server is to be removed from ONAP beginning with Istanbul
#AGREED where the copyright statement names ONAP specifically remove the year.
i.e. for RTD copyright it would read:© Copyright ONAP. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution
International License Revision 5862ac2c.
- #AGREED TSC approves that for Istanbul we maintain the current stability/resiliency acceptance criteria until community members raise an improvement request to be assessed for the next release.
- #AGREED since the TSC is approving unmaintained projects in a release the exception filing should be made by the TSC itself. (in reference to AAI-ESR)
- #AGREED the TSC approves that Due to the complexity of the OOM project, the ONAP TSC agrees that the OOM project (code & CI jobs) moves under Gitlab as soon as the CLA is approved. If CLA is not approved by Aug 19th then the ONAP TSC will reconvene to assess other options/alternatives to support the OOM project. Currently only the OOM project (all repos) is targeted to move to Giltab
- #AGREED extension on exceptions to M2 of one week, due to extended arch review schedule to June 29
- #AGREED on pursuing a POC for ScanCode.io - we need to identify where to run the POC.
- #AGREED: the TSC approves the SonarCloud profile management model as described in the Proposal
- #AGREED that the regular elections of the TSC shall occur annually in September
- #AGREED the TSC approves - REQ-396Getting issue details... STATUS and - REQ-399Getting issue details... STATUS as TSC best practices for Jakarta
- #AGREED TSC moves the VID and ExtAPI projects to Unmaintained status.
- #AGREED the TSC approves moving the Istanbul release from M0 to M1 with the exceptions of REQ-396, REQ-399 (best practices) to be clarified by May 27th and remaining project tasks for DMaaP, VNFSDK, SDC & UUI to be completed prior the M2.
- Istanbul schedule proposal - M1 on May 20th, 2021 - #AGREED TSC approved the Istanbul release (v.7 https://wiki.onap.org/x/DiSLBQ)
#AGREED We will start the "unmaintained State" process for the VID and EXTAPI projectsSuperseded by TSC 2021-05-27
- #AGREED the TSC approves the signoff of the Honolulu release with the public announcement to be made on May 11
- TSC approved Ranny Haiby as the new ONAP MAC representative
TSC approves rename the "K" release from Kyoto to Kohn in honor of Dan Kohn https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1946
- #AGREED the TSC approves promoting - REQ-443Getting issue details... STATUS - REQ-439Getting issue details... STATUS and - REQ-760Getting issue details... STATUS to be Global Requirements and - REQ-441Getting issue details... STATUS to be a Best Practice beginning with Istanbul.
TSC approve federating the ONAP Jira instance with other LF Jira instances for cross ticket linking https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1945
- #AGREED TSC approved the new roadmap i.e. remaining RC1/RC2 + Sign-Off on April 22nd, 2021 - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1943
- 2021 Mentorship Projects -3 ONAP submissions approved by TSC
- Portal is moved to "unmaintained" project in alignment with TSC decision on April 1st, 2021
- Feedback about CPS waiver regarding documentation of requested waiver (HTTP vs HTTPS) #AGREED approved by the TSC
- 2021 Mentorship Projects - ONAP Policy Enhancements #Agreed
TSC approves that the ONAP Community has met the RC0 Honolulu milestone - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1941
- #AGREED If no contributors step forward the Portal project shall be moved to unmaintained status
- #AGREED LFN Mentorship proposal: "Externalizing ONAP DBs to a separate namespace"
- #DISAGREED TSC did not agree to freeze the scope of the Istanbul Release
- #AGREED the TSC approves a waiver for UUI about https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/119844
TSC approves to grant Super Committer rights to finalize the Honolulu release. At the same time we have requested Kanagaraj to promote one of his active contributors: Insights - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1938
- #AGREED the TSC will re-assess RC0/RC1 on March 29th, 2021 at the PTL meeting.
- #AGREED The TSC approves aligning RC0 with RC1 on March 25th
- #AGREED the TSC approves setting the Kickoff date of April 1 for the Istanbul release, keeping all other release milestones still TBD
- #AGREED The TSC approves ONAP being an early adopter of the "community [wide] metrics" Insights dashboard.
- #AGREED the TSC approves the process and workflow as described in Project State: Unmaintained with the provision that "Maintenance" be changed to "Unmaintained" globally.
- #AGREED the TSC approves slipping the date for Honolulu RC0 and all following milestones by 1 week (March 18) . The new release date for Honolulu will be April 8th.
- TSC approved our new DCAE committers: Joanna Jeremicz and Tomasz Wrobel
- TSC ratified Byung-Woo Jun, our new Architecture Subcommittee Vice-Chair
- #AGREED the TSC approves a TSC initiated PTL election for Portal
The TSC agreed to dedicate more time for strategic planning during weekly TSC meetings - David will e-mail weekly release update to the TSC, rather than providing an update during the TSC meeting itself. A link to the update will be included in the TSC meeting agenda. Exceptions will include milestone dates or if there are urgent issues related to release that require TSC engagement.
- #AGREED continue TSC 2.0 discussion to next week - move all other topic other than the actual M3 vote on Honolulu
- #AGREED TSC approves Super Committer rights during the Honolulu release to DMaaP PTL Fiachra Corcoran.
: TSC ratifies the results of the nominations as the 2021 Chair of the Architecture Subcommittee : Chaker Al-Hakim - Ratification of the 2021 Architecture Subcommittee Election
- #AGREED Measurement for active community members- current method is OK - merged changesets from Insights Leaderboard
- #AGREED Using Zoom's automated closed captioning and transcription for ONAP TSC meetings and attach the automated transcription to the meeting minutes
TSC 2021-01-25 (PTL Honolulu M2 Review)
- #AGREED the TSC approves Honolulu M2 as passed with exceptions that the projects must complete their release management tasks by Feb 2 EOD (except Architecture Review) for all projects except SDC & DMAAP. SDC & DMAAP close exceptions by Feb 9
: TSC ratifies the results of the nominations as the 2021 Chair and Vice-Chair of the Requirements Subcommittee respectively: Alla.Goldner (Chair) and Timo Perala (Vice-Chair)- Ratification of the 2021 Requirements Subcommittee Election
- #AGREED the TSC moves the M2 approval decision to Monday, Jan 25
- #AGREED The TSC agreed to the termination of the Control-Loop Subcommittee. These activities will be merged as part of Requirements and Architecture Subcommittees
- #AGREED TSC approves the Honolulu release as passing the M1 Milestone with any open M1 Jira items to be completed by 5pm pacific time on Jan. 20, 2021
TSC 2021-01-11 (PTL Honolulu M1 Review)
- #AGREED the list of global requirements are now frozen for Honolulu with REQ-438 - COMPLETION OF JAVA LANGUAGE UPDATE (v8 → v11) IN PROGRESS and REQ-437 - COMPLETION OF PYTHON LANGUAGE UPDATE (v2.7 → v3.8) IN PROGRESS
- #AGREED - REQ-432Getting issue details... STATUS will remain a feature, developed at best effort. a new REQ-xx will be submitted as a POC to validate the implementation.Later on this new REQ-xx will be subject to GR approval (since this requirement can not be implemented for new code only and therefore approved best practice by default
- #AGREED The TSC approves - REQ-437Getting issue details... STATUS and - REQ-438Getting issue details... STATUS as Global Requirements beginning with the Honolulu release.
- #AGREED the TSC agrees to use the poll function built into groups.io for electronic voting