[portal-platform] 11-20-2019 portal weekly meeting

[portal-platform] 11-20-2019 portal weekly meeting


  @Leimeng Shi@Arundathi Patil (Deactivated) , Anusha Dasari, @Mamtha@Lorraine A. Welch@Sunder Tattavarada

Below usual suspects, please email if have any updates from you as I did not see you in meeting today,@Dominik Mizyn@Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated)

When: Occurs every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Where: https://zoom.us/j/895776501



PORTAL-778: Document current upgrade component strategyClosed 


PORTAL-780: SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM chartsClosed 

PORTAL-781: SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTPIn Progress 

  • Arundathi: can participate testing (junit test - sonar coverage reach 55+ by M4, which is Feb 20, 2020) PORTAL-416: Need to add junit testcase filesClosed

  • Anusha: HTTP to HTTPS tasks - Portal-781

  • Sireesh/Anusha - robert automation test PORTAL-782: make sure all Automated tests already written still workOpen PORTAL-783: Create new robot framework tests for new screensOpen

  • Lorraine - find out all Portal components to HTTPS (what about internal ones?) - answer is only external facing apps: portal-app and sdk

  • Leimeng - to check sdk version used in AAI, U-UI, MSB with PTLs?

  • Sunder - asked all team to be able to access Winriver env

  • Sunder - Can we switch to Java 11 for entire Portal and SDK? Otherwise Dominik cannot move further with two different versions of Java in workspace.

  • New version of sdk 3.0.0 will be released in Frankfurt (with major upgrades to Angular and Springboot).

    • will be available in Frankfurt - components can upgrade in later releases.

  • Dominik to propose the new docker Portal-BE to fit in the portal helm charts.

  • Frankfurt release draft requirements review - Requirements for Frankfurt - road map

Track the Frankfurt checklist tasks - 

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Highest and High Defects:  

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OJSI Tickets:

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All portal bugs

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Release Planning: Frankfurt