[portal-platform] 06-05-2019 portal weekly meeting

[portal-platform] 06-05-2019 portal weekly meeting


  Lorraine A. WelchSunder Tattavarada



  1. For Portal-579: Status Delivered
    After the meeting, a quick fix is agreed and Sunder Tattavarada is applying it in OOM yaml files (no docker changes needed). We will wait for Sunder to update, when his gerrit commit is ready.
    Delivered BUT This failed verification this morning https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/oom/+/89354/
  2. For Portal-596: AAI - Status In Progress - new permanent fix; AAF needs to make a change

James Forsyth Brian Freeman; Why don't we use org.onap.aai namespace, so we don't have to create a new one?

In the following file below in AAF


We can add a new role


And add the demo user to that role.

demo@people.osaaf.org|org.onap.aai.ui_view|2019-11-02 13:11:39.000+0000|org.onap.aai|ui_view

Portal uses: aaf_admin to manage the user role assignments so no changes needed there.

3. For Portal-597:Policy - Status Delivered
There is an issue with role names; for Dublin we can correct it via the oom_updates.sql file. The change is upcoming.
Delivered BUT This failed verification this morning https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/oom/+/89354/

Last Week:

  1. Wind River : pairwise (OOM-Daily)
    1. failing Policy, AAI 
    2. VID working with work-around
    3. SO, SDC http , CLI, DemoApp, work once we allow unsafe scripts in the browser
    4. MSB is working
  2. Deven is looking for information on spring.xml


  1. For Sunder - please ask for the confirmation on oom_updates sql changes; He is checking to see if we can update the tag to include the new Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql from Portal.
  2. For Sireesh - please ask if his angular upgrade testing is complete. - check with Manoop to see which pages were changed , all pages are working now.
  3. Wind River : pairwise failing Policy, AAI 
  4. VID working with work-around
  5. SO, SDC http , CLI, DemoApp, work once we allow unsafe scripts in the browser (also IP address for SO-monitoring in etc/hosts)
  6. MSB is working


  1. 2.5.0 docker images are released – any OOM script changes required? Sunder and I will change this - versions need to be chged only
  2. Leimeng Shi looking into the top menu items for 5G usecase. Once it is tested in internal VM, we push the changes into OOM scripts.

    • Lorraine will commit changes for Functional menu 5G use case links, at this time we only have landing page links until VID and Policy provide the actual 5G links
    • Needs to be put in OOM sql script ; it was put in App_Onboardig...sql, sdk Restricted Changes  regular dml sql
  3. Pairwise testing issues - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Portal+Pair+Wise+Testing+for+Dublin+ReleaseSireesha code checked it? , Sireesh looking into it.
    1. changes needed are communicated to VID, Policy, AAI and SO?  - did the change deploy? - Sireesha looking into it
    2. Associated defects opened on the respective apps? 
    3. https://jira.onap.org/browse/PORTAL-579 - changes committed?  - downgraded to medium assigned to El Alto
    4. send them email asking them if they can bring up their app in OOM Staging-daily - AAI (Jimmy Forsyth),
      ( Policy (Pamela Dragosh ), SO-Monitoring (Eoin Hanan) 
  4. Health check still failing 18 critical test, 2 passed, 16 failed – what is the reason? - https://jenkins.onap.org/view/External%20Labs/job/lab-windriver-oom-staging-daily/244/robot/ONAP%20CI/portalApp/  
    1. http://onapci.org/jenkins/ is where the new health check jobs are - we are good
  5. JJB jobs failing – any reason? - https://jenkins.onap.org/view/portal/  - Sunder and Manoop - sunder will check
  6. Dublin release notes changes into gerrit ready? – Lorraine - no 
    1. New feature Language - going to disable , not add it - Sunder double check
    2. 5G Use case functional menu
    3. Acumos onboarding
    4. SO-Monitoring - ask Manoop
  7. Security fixes patch review – is it ready to give OK to developer to submit the patch? – replied in the Jira – Manoop, Farhan, Sunder
  8. Angular changes - is Saravanan still working this - ask Manoop

  • We have updates for Raptor (SDK), changes are in Codecloud, they have to be put in gerrit - Anand and Sundar R. will commit for review, local instance is working

  • Leimeng Shi looking into the top menu items for 5G usecase. Once it is tested in internal VM, we push the changes into OOM scripts.

    • Lorraine will commit changes for Functional menu 5G use case links, at this time we only have landing page links until VID and Policy provide the actual 5G links
    • Needs to be put in OOM sql script 
  • PORTAL-330 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Deven and Saravanan started the userstories. - Action item - Manoop review and push to next release
    • PORTAL-507 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Saravavanan to explore the new screens to identify best screen to upgrade polymer.
    • PORTAL-516 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Deven upgrading the springboot - starting with os, common (might not be needed) overlay projects to load the system.properties file.
            • all springboot dependancies were found and code is getting complied
            • hibernate update needed to be compatible with springboot 2.1.3 - might possibly use jpa
            • identify properties across app, where should they be put (should load at runtime) ; 2 ways to do it external configuration or property placeholder configuror 
              • app-os needs properties - need to combine from different file of different project - this will go in the resources section of app-os
              • in spring.xml there will be a property placeholder configuror section 
              • spring application json is the other way - looking at it
            • converting to springboot needs appl context has to be created from one class; discovering how to do this
            • annotations or xml (or both)
            • usually a java class to implement (starting point of springboot application ) application context - needs more info on this concept
            • will look at sample application to figure how configuration is stored
            • started a sample springboot app - Deven still working on this
    • PORTAL-508 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Saravanan was working on Angular and Polymer
      • Last discussion was on to use Polymer or not - status??
      • Roles page -example is in Gitlab
      • Deven worked other projects this past week, will try and spend time this week on this - Deven not working this now
  • Robot scripts will be updated in Dublin 
    • Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated)  - adding new robot tests for Dublin release 
    • top menu change for 5G use cases, see if they broke the current robot test for top menu - Lorraine is commit sql script for this today, then it needs to be tested again
    •  new language feature tests show feature is not working; will send us email results - Tao Shen delivered a fix, needs to be merged

  • Highest and High Defects:  

  • All portal bugs

    key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Dublin Release (May 2019)

  • M1 Release Planning
  • M2 Functionality Freeze
  • M3 API/Data Model Freeze 
  • M4 Code Freeze 
  • RC0 Checklist 
  • RC1 Checklist 
  • RC2 Checklist 
  • Release Delivery