[portal-platform] 06-19-2019 portal weekly meeting
@Lorraine A. Welch, @Deven, @Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated), @Leimeng Shi, @Sunder Tattavarada
request Sunder to review the open gerrit reviews; Sunder's team is going to review the gerrit commits and if good, we will merge
Sireesh to update on his testcases; Sireesh is working on it
Sireesh will ask Saravanan about his Angular changes and get back to us; we need to find his code, ng-app - how to trigger this page
Older issues:
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-330 - Deven and Saravanan started the userstories. - Action item - Manoop review and push to next release - update: still in progress
PORTAL-507: Develop SDK’s “sample usage page” using polymer web componentClosed - Saravavanan to explore the new screens to identify best screen to upgrade polymer. - update: still in progress
PORTAL-516: Review the challenges in software stack upgradeClosed - Deven upgrading the springboot - starting with os, common (might not be needed) overlay projects to load the system.properties file. - update: still in progress
all springboot dependancies were found and code is getting complied
properties files (19) put in one folder: [portal/sdk.git] / ecomp-sdk / epsdk-app-os / src / main / resources /
hibernate update needed to be compatible with springboot 2.1.3 - might possibly use jpa
identify properties across app, where should they be put (should load at runtime) ; 2 ways to do it external configuration or property placeholder configuror
app-os needs properties - need to combine from different file of different project - this will go in the resources section of app-os
in spring.xml there will be a property placeholder configuror section
spring application json is the other way - looking at it
converting to springboot needs appl context has to be created from one class; discovering how to do this
annotations or xml (or both)
usually a java class to implement (starting point of springboot application ) application context - needs more info on this concept
will look at sample application to figure how configuration is stored
started a sample springboot app - Deven still working on this
PORTAL-508: Upgrade SDK’s home page using Angular+PolymerClosed - Saravanan was working on Angular and Polymer - update: still in progress
Last discussion was on to use Polymer or not - status??
Roles page -example is in Gitlab
Deven worked other projects this past week, will try and spend time this week on this - Deven not working this now
Robot scripts will be updated in Dublin - update: still in progress
@Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated) - adding new robot tests for Dublin release
top menu change for 5G use cases, see if they broke the current robot test for top menu - code change was made in [portal.git] / deliveries / Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql therefore it is not used; fix for El Alto
Highest and High Defects:
All portal bugs
Dublin Release (May 2019)
M1 Release PlanningJan 24, 2019
M2 Functionality FreezeMar 21, 2019
M3 API/Data Model Freeze Mar 14, 2019
M4 Code Freeze Apr 4, 2019
RC0 Checklist Apr 25, 2019
RC1 Checklist May 9, 2019
RC2 Checklist May 23, 2019
Release Delivery Jun 13, 2019