[portal-platform] 08-14-2019 portal weekly meeting

[portal-platform] 08-14-2019 portal weekly meeting


 Lorraine A. Welch  Dominik Mizyn Leimeng Shi Lasse Kaihlavirta Sunder Tattavarada

When: Occurs every Wednesday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM effective 1/23/2019. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Where: https://zoom.us/j/895776501



Meeting time might need to change: poll for ideas - General consensus is earler is better

  • Leimeng morning (1 hour eariler)
  • Dominik morning - it's 5 pm now
  • Lasse - not planning to frequent meeting
  • Sunder morning
  • Lorraine 10 am

Lasse has questions about our robot testcases: CSIT - portal integration test typos - test cases commented out - just basic health check - no tests are running now 

Sunder - the robot scripts were moved to OOM repo, reason - we need AAF running

do we still need to run in CSIT? need to review how this is done

Check with Manoop - can the testcases in CSIT be removed or reinstated? - Lorraine

[testsuite.git] / robot / testsuites / portalApp.robot

Database changes - new image will be created - retest deployment - Lorraine/Sunder

Dominik - wanted to know which database scripts to use: for now use PortalDDLMySql_2_1_Common.sqlPortalDMLMySql_2_1_Common.sql or wait for Sunder's push of new scripts

              - He has more than 100 classes for new portal-BE, using latest MariaDB

              - He will create documentation

              - He will send email to discuss the back-end / front -end architecture to Manoop and Sunder

From last week - El Alto plans:

  1. Action items:
    1. Raptor changes - contribution into gerrit code - Leimeng Shi - waiting on Sunder to create the foundation FE folders.
    2. High priority to test and verify if the current portal is working and plan to release the El Alto early drop - Lorraine A. Welch 
    3. Dominik Mizyn  to add his comments/suggestions on  PORTAL-516 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Springboot upgrade review.
      1. Hibernate upgrade - Started on DB layer - got into issues on mocked tests - need to adapt to latest java. (few more weeks to finish this)
        • blockers - some tables do not seemed to be mapped in hibernate (Dominik will send details in email)
      2. Java and springboot upgrade (in next release - for El Alto)
        • blockers - do not know how to correctly configure Maven to work with two Java versions - https://vladmihalcea.com/maven-and-java-multi-version-modules/
        • hard to identify the services that use the backend objects as the names are not matching - for example: PersUserWidgetService, ENPersWidgetSel uses different objects.
      3. New folder proposal move from older folders "ecomp-portal-*" to new folder "portal-*".
      4. Propose themeleaf usage and its benefits - Dominik
      5. Dominik to provide the slide deck that is showed today which contain SQL API dependency proposed to be review by Sunder and team.
      6. Dominik to schedule as session to setup local workspace for unit testing before submitting the code changes.
    4. Analyze Java upgrade to latest version along with springboot upgrade - Need to create a user story.
    5. Followup with Jessica on JJB migration - Lorraine
    6. Design documentation on OJSI - 190 - Sunder Tattavarada
    7. Saisree to provide update versions for few componentsSunder Tattavarada/Saisree - Notified to Pawel
    8. PORTAL-668 - Create a Jira item to notify the breaking changes on portal due to portal/sdk changes. (submodule changes and merge jenkins jobs changes)Lorraine A. Welch
  2. Database DML and DDL scripts, including Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql and oom_updates.sql. (target for El Alto final release)
    1. Naming conventions currently 
    2. Are migration scripts necessary or just fresh installs? (from Dublin to El Alto release)
      1. MariaDB - https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/oom.git/docs/oom_user_guide.html#upgrade
      2. Cassandra - only fresh installs are necessary
    3. Proposed from last week: Move  Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql from Portal/Deliveries  to OOM directory ([oom.git] / kubernetes / portal / charts / portal-mariadb / resources / config / mariadb / )
    4. Proposed from last week: Sunder will disable the old  Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql in the old image
  3. OJSI - 190  user/passwords in Portal?
    1. AAF supports passwords for users. ask Jonathan for user/password authentication
    2. does CADI have session cookie? fallback -  hash the passwords. 
    3. App id/password for system to system - their password needs to be hashed too
    4. AAF now stores password hashed ; supports basic AUTH (is not hashed, just encoded)
    5. Portal partners don't have to hash their own but Portal needs to hash them
    6. should be reasonable to plugin CADI - do they support cookie-based?
    7. Changes will be for  user to system and system to system

  • Track the El Alto checklist tasks - 
    • key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  • Highest and High Defects:  

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

All portal bugs

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

El Alto Release (Sep 23 2019) aug 9 dev sprint end - Release Planning (legacy)#El-AltoRelease