[portal-platform] 07-10-2019 portal weekly meeting

[portal-platform] 07-10-2019 portal weekly meeting


  @Sunder Tattavarada@Krzysztof Opasiak@Manoop Talasila @Dominik Mizyn 

When: Occurs every Wednesday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM effective 1/23/2019. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Where: https://zoom.us/j/895776501



El Alto plans:

  1. Action items:

    1. Design documentation on OJSI - 190 - @Sunder Tattavarada

    2. Saisree to provide update versions for few components - @Sunder Tattavarada/Saisree

    3. Create a Jira item to notify the breaking changes on portal due to portal/sdk changes. (submodule changes and merge jenkins jobs changes) - @Lorraine A. Welch

  2. Database DML and DDL scripts, including Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql and oom_updates.sql.

    1. Naming conventions currently 

    2. Are migration scripts necessary or just fresh installs? (from Dublin to El Alto release)

      1. MariaDB - https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/oom.git/docs/oom_user_guide.html#upgrade

      2. Cassandra - only fresh installs are necessary

    3. Proposed from last week: Move  Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql from Portal/Deliveries  to OOM directory ([oom.git] / kubernetes / portal / charts / portal-mariadb / resources / config / mariadb / )

    4. Proposed from last week: Sunder will disable the old  Apps_Users_Onboarding_Script.sql in the old image

  3. OJSI - 190  user/passwords in Portal?

    1. AAF supports passwords for users. ask Jonathan for user/password authentication

    2. does CADI have session cookie? fallback -  hash the passwords. 

    3. App id/password for system to system - their password needs to be hashed too

    4. AAF now stores password hashed ; supports basic AUTH (is not hashed, just encoded)

    5. Portal partners don't have to hash their own but Portal needs to hash them

    6. should be reasonable to plugin CADI - do they support cookie-based?

    7. Changes will be for  user to system and system to system

  • Highest and High Defects:  

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All portal bugs

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El Alto Release (Sep 23 2019) aug 9 dev sprint end - Release Planning#El-AltoRelease